Replace config max counterpary `dust_limit_satoshis` by a constant.
Current Bitcoin Core's policy will reject a p2wsh as a dust if it's
under 330 satoshis. A typical p2wsh output is 43 bytes big to which
Core's `GetDustThreshold()` sums up a minimal spend of 67 bytes (even
if a p2wsh witnessScript might be smaller). `dustRelayFee` is set
to 3000 sat/kb, thus 110 * 3000 / 1000 = 330. As all time-sensitive
outputs are p2wsh, a value of 330 sat is the lower bound desired
to ensure good propagation of transactions. We give a bit margin to
our counterparty and pick up 660 satoshis as an accepted
`dust_limit_satoshis` upper bound.
As this reasoning is tricky and error-prone we hardcode it instead of
letting the user picking up a non-sense value.
Further, this lower bound of 330 sats is also hardcoded as another constant
(MIN_DUST_LIMIT_SATOSHIS) instead of being dynamically computed on
feerate (derive_holder_dust_limit_satoshis`). Reducing risks of
non-propagating transactions in casee of failing fee festimation.