Make it harder to forget to call CM::process_background_events
Prior to any actions which may generate a `ChannelMonitorUpdate`,
and in general after startup,
`ChannelManager::process_background_events` must be called. This is
mostly accomplished by doing so on taking the
`total_consistency_lock` via the `PersistenceNotifierGuard`. In
order to skip this call in block connection logic, the
`PersistenceNotifierGuard::optionally_notify` constructor did not
call the `process_background_events` method.
However, this is very easy to misuse - `optionally_notify` does not
convey to the reader that they need to call
`process_background_events` at all.
Here we fix this by adding a separate
`optionally_notify_skipping_background_events` method, making the
requirements much clearer to callers.