for fn_line in field_function_lines:
java_method_descriptor = ""
if fn_line.fn_name != "free" and fn_line.fn_name != "cloned":
+ out_java_interface += "\t/**" +"\n", "\n\t * ") + "\n\t */\n"
out_java_interface += "\t" + fn_line.fn_name + "("
out_interface_implementation_overrides += f"\t\t\t{fn_line.fn_name} ("
out_interface_implementation_overrides += "\t\t\t\treturn ret;\n"
out_interface_implementation_overrides += f"\t\t\t}},\n"
+ formatted_trait_docs = trait_doc_comment.replace("\n", "\n * ")
out_typescript_human = f"""
+/** An implementation of {struct_name.replace("LDK","")} */
export interface {struct_name.replace("LDK", "")}Interface {{
held: {struct_name.replace("LDK", "")};
+ * {formatted_trait_docs}
+ */
export class {struct_name.replace("LDK","")} extends CommonBase {{
/* @internal */
public bindings_instance?: bindings.{struct_name};
this.bindings_instance = null;
- static new_impl(arg: {struct_name.replace("LDK", "")}Interface{impl_constructor_arguments}): {struct_name.replace("LDK", "")} {{
+ /** Creates a new instance of {struct_name.replace("LDK","")} from a given implementation */
+ public static new_impl(arg: {struct_name.replace("LDK", "")}Interface{impl_constructor_arguments}): {struct_name.replace("LDK", "")} {{
const impl_holder: {struct_name}Holder = new {struct_name}Holder();
let structImplementation = {{
{out_interface_implementation_overrides} }} as bindings.{struct_name};
impl_holder.held.bindings_instance = structImplementation;
{pointer_to_adder} return impl_holder.held;
self.obj_defined([struct_name.replace("LDK", ""), struct_name.replace("LDK", "") + "Interface"], "structs")
out_java_enum += (self.hu_struct_file_prefix)
- java_hu_class = ""
+ java_hu_class = "/**\n * " + enum_doc_comment.replace("\n", "\n * ") + "\n */\n"
java_hu_class += "export class " + java_hu_type + " extends CommonBase {\n"
java_hu_class += "\tprotected constructor(_dummy: object, ptr: number) { super(ptr, bindings." + bindings_type + "_free); }\n"
java_hu_class += "\t/* @internal */\n"
out_java += "\tprotected constructor() {}\n"
var_idx = 0
for var in variant_list:
- java_hu_subclasses = java_hu_subclasses + "export class " + java_hu_type + "_" + var.var_name + " extends " + java_hu_type + " {\n"
+ java_hu_subclasses += "/** A " + java_hu_type + " of type " + var.var_name + " */\n"
+ java_hu_subclasses += "export class " + java_hu_type + "_" + var.var_name + " extends " + java_hu_type + " {\n"
java_hu_class += f"\t\t\tcase {var_idx}: "
java_hu_class += "return new " + java_hu_type + "_" + var.var_name + "(ptr);\n"
out_c += f"\t\tcase {struct_name}_{var.var_name}: return {var_idx};\n"
hu_conv_body = ""
for idx, (field_ty, field_docs) in enumerate(var.fields):
- java_hu_subclasses = java_hu_subclasses + "\tpublic " + field_ty.arg_name + f": {field_ty.java_hu_ty};\n"
+ if field_docs is not None:
+ java_hu_subclasses += "\t/**\n\t * " + field_docs.replace("\n", "\n\t * ") + "\n\t */\n"
+ java_hu_subclasses += "\tpublic " + field_ty.arg_name + f": {field_ty.java_hu_ty};\n"
if field_ty.to_hu_conv is not None:
hu_conv_body += f"\t\tconst {field_ty.arg_name}: {field_ty.java_ty} = bindings.{struct_name}_{var.var_name}_get_{field_ty.arg_name}(ptr);\n"
hu_conv_body += f"\t\t" + field_ty.to_hu_conv.replace("\n", "\n\t\t\t") + "\n"
out_opaque_struct_human = f"{self.hu_struct_file_prefix}"
if struct_name.startswith("LDKLocked"):
out_opaque_struct_human += "/** XXX: DO NOT USE THIS - it remains locked until the GC runs (if that ever happens */"
+ formatted_doc_comment = struct_doc_comment.replace("\n", "\n * ")
out_opaque_struct_human += f"""
+ * {formatted_doc_comment}
+ */
export class {hu_name} extends CommonBase {implementations}{{
/* @internal */
public constructor(_dummy: object, ptr: number) {{
out_java = self.fn_call_body(method_name, return_type_info.c_ty, return_type_info.java_ty, method_argument_string, native_call_argument_string)
out_java_struct = ""
+ if doc_comment is not None:
+ out_java_struct = "\t/**\n\t * " + doc_comment.replace("\n", "\n\t * ") + "\n\t */\n"
if not args_known:
out_java_struct += ("\t// Skipped " + method_name + "\n")