use bitcoin::secp256k1;
use crate::chain::chaininterface::compute_feerate_sat_per_1000_weight;
+use crate::events::bump_transaction::{ChannelDerivationParameters, HTLCDescriptor};
use crate::sign::{ChannelSigner, EntropySource, SignerProvider};
use crate::ln::msgs::DecodeError;
use crate::ln::PaymentPreimage;
pub(crate) fn get_fully_signed_htlc_tx(&mut self, outp: &::bitcoin::OutPoint, preimage: &Option<PaymentPreimage>) -> Option<Transaction> {
- let mut htlc_tx = None;
- let commitment_txid =;
- // Check if the HTLC spends from the current holder commitment
- if commitment_txid == outp.txid {
- self.sign_latest_holder_htlcs();
- if let &Some(ref htlc_sigs) = &self.holder_htlc_sigs {
- let &(ref htlc_idx, ref htlc_sig) = htlc_sigs[outp.vout as usize].as_ref().unwrap();
- let trusted_tx =;
- let counterparty_htlc_sig = self.holder_commitment.counterparty_htlc_sigs[*htlc_idx];
- htlc_tx = Some(trusted_tx
- .get_signed_htlc_tx(&self.channel_transaction_parameters.as_holder_broadcastable(), *htlc_idx, &counterparty_htlc_sig, htlc_sig, preimage));
- }
- }
- // If the HTLC doesn't spend the current holder commitment, check if it spends the previous one
- if htlc_tx.is_none() && self.prev_holder_commitment.is_some() {
- let commitment_txid = self.prev_holder_commitment.as_ref().unwrap().trust().txid();
- if commitment_txid == outp.txid {
- self.sign_prev_holder_htlcs();
- if let &Some(ref htlc_sigs) = &self.prev_holder_htlc_sigs {
- let &(ref htlc_idx, ref htlc_sig) = htlc_sigs[outp.vout as usize].as_ref().unwrap();
- let holder_commitment = self.prev_holder_commitment.as_ref().unwrap();
- let trusted_tx =;
- let counterparty_htlc_sig = holder_commitment.counterparty_htlc_sigs[*htlc_idx];
- htlc_tx = Some(trusted_tx
- .get_signed_htlc_tx(&self.channel_transaction_parameters.as_holder_broadcastable(), *htlc_idx, &counterparty_htlc_sig, htlc_sig, preimage));
- }
+ let get_signed_htlc_tx = |holder_commitment: &HolderCommitmentTransaction| {
+ let trusted_tx =;
+ if trusted_tx.txid() != outp.txid {
+ return None;
- }
- htlc_tx
+ let (htlc_idx, htlc) = trusted_tx.htlcs().iter().enumerate()
+ .find(|(_, htlc)| htlc.transaction_output_index.unwrap() == outp.vout)
+ .unwrap();
+ let counterparty_htlc_sig = holder_commitment.counterparty_htlc_sigs[htlc_idx];
+ let mut htlc_tx = trusted_tx.build_unsigned_htlc_tx(
+ &self.channel_transaction_parameters.as_holder_broadcastable(), htlc_idx, preimage,
+ );
+ let htlc_descriptor = HTLCDescriptor {
+ channel_derivation_parameters: ChannelDerivationParameters {
+ value_satoshis: self.channel_value_satoshis,
+ keys_id: self.channel_keys_id,
+ transaction_parameters: self.channel_transaction_parameters.clone(),
+ },
+ commitment_txid: trusted_tx.txid(),
+ per_commitment_number: trusted_tx.commitment_number(),
+ per_commitment_point: trusted_tx.per_commitment_point(),
+ feerate_per_kw: trusted_tx.feerate_per_kw(),
+ htlc: htlc.clone(),
+ preimage: preimage.clone(),
+ counterparty_sig: counterparty_htlc_sig.clone(),
+ };
+ let htlc_sig = self.signer.sign_holder_htlc_transaction(&htlc_tx, 0, &htlc_descriptor, &self.secp_ctx).unwrap();
+ htlc_tx.input[0].witness = trusted_tx.build_htlc_input_witness(
+ htlc_idx, &counterparty_htlc_sig, &htlc_sig, preimage,
+ );
+ Some(htlc_tx)
+ };
+ // Check if the HTLC spends from the current holder commitment first, or the previous.
+ get_signed_htlc_tx(&self.holder_commitment)
+ .or_else(|| self.prev_holder_commitment.as_ref().and_then(|prev_holder_commitment| get_signed_htlc_tx(prev_holder_commitment)))
pub(crate) fn generate_external_htlc_claim(
+ /// The per commitment point used by the broadcaster.
+ pub fn per_commitment_point(&self) -> PublicKey {
+ self.keys.per_commitment_point
+ }
/// The value to be sent to the broadcaster
pub fn to_broadcaster_value_sat(&self) -> u64 {
- /// Gets a signed HTLC transaction given a preimage (for !htlc.offered) and the holder HTLC transaction signature.
- pub(crate) fn get_signed_htlc_tx(&self, channel_parameters: &DirectedChannelTransactionParameters, htlc_index: usize, counterparty_signature: &Signature, signature: &Signature, preimage: &Option<PaymentPreimage>) -> Transaction {
- let inner = self.inner;
- let keys = &inner.keys;
- let txid = inner.built.txid;
- let this_htlc = &inner.htlcs[htlc_index];
+ /// Builds the second-level holder HTLC transaction for the HTLC with index `htlc_index`.
+ pub(crate) fn build_unsigned_htlc_tx(
+ &self, channel_parameters: &DirectedChannelTransactionParameters, htlc_index: usize,
+ preimage: &Option<PaymentPreimage>,
+ ) -> Transaction {
+ let keys = &self.inner.keys;
+ let this_htlc = &self.inner.htlcs[htlc_index];
// if we don't have preimage for an HTLC-Success, we can't generate an HTLC transaction.
if !this_htlc.offered && preimage.is_none() { unreachable!(); }
// Further, we should never be provided the preimage for an HTLC-Timeout transaction.
if this_htlc.offered && preimage.is_some() { unreachable!(); }
- let mut htlc_tx = build_htlc_transaction(&txid, inner.feerate_per_kw, channel_parameters.contest_delay(), &this_htlc, &self.channel_type_features, &keys.broadcaster_delayed_payment_key, &keys.revocation_key);
+ build_htlc_transaction(
+ &self.inner.built.txid, self.inner.feerate_per_kw, channel_parameters.contest_delay(), &this_htlc,
+ &self.channel_type_features, &keys.broadcaster_delayed_payment_key, &keys.revocation_key
+ )
+ }
- let htlc_redeemscript = get_htlc_redeemscript_with_explicit_keys(&this_htlc, &self.channel_type_features, &keys.broadcaster_htlc_key, &keys.countersignatory_htlc_key, &keys.revocation_key);
- htlc_tx.input[0].witness = chan_utils::build_htlc_input_witness(
- signature, counterparty_signature, preimage, &htlc_redeemscript, &self.channel_type_features,
+ /// Builds the witness required to spend the input for the HTLC with index `htlc_index` in a
+ /// second-level holder HTLC transaction.
+ pub(crate) fn build_htlc_input_witness(
+ &self, htlc_index: usize, counterparty_signature: &Signature, signature: &Signature,
+ preimage: &Option<PaymentPreimage>
+ ) -> Witness {
+ let keys = &self.inner.keys;
+ let htlc_redeemscript = get_htlc_redeemscript_with_explicit_keys(
+ &self.inner.htlcs[htlc_index], &self.channel_type_features, &keys.broadcaster_htlc_key,
+ &keys.countersignatory_htlc_key, &keys.revocation_key
- htlc_tx
+ chan_utils::build_htlc_input_witness(
+ signature, counterparty_signature, preimage, &htlc_redeemscript, &self.channel_type_features,
+ )
/// Returns the index of the revokeable output, i.e. the `to_local` output sending funds to
+#[cfg(not(feature = "_test_vectors"))]
+fn do_test_monitor_claims_with_random_signatures(anchors: bool, confirm_counterparty_commitment: bool) {
+ // Tests that our monitor claims will always use fresh random signatures (ensuring a unique
+ // wtxid) to prevent certain classes of transaction replacement at the bitcoin P2P layer.
+ let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(2);
+ let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(2, &chanmon_cfgs);
+ let mut user_config = test_default_channel_config();
+ if anchors {
+ user_config.channel_handshake_config.negotiate_anchors_zero_fee_htlc_tx = true;
+ user_config.manually_accept_inbound_channels = true;
+ }
+ let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(2, &node_cfgs, &[Some(user_config), Some(user_config)]);
+ let mut nodes = create_network(2, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
+ let coinbase_tx = Transaction {
+ version: 2,
+ lock_time: PackedLockTime::ZERO,
+ input: vec![TxIn { ..Default::default() }],
+ output: vec![
+ TxOut {
+ value: Amount::ONE_BTC.to_sat(),
+ script_pubkey: nodes[0].wallet_source.get_change_script().unwrap(),
+ },
+ ],
+ };
+ if anchors {
+ nodes[0].wallet_source.add_utxo(bitcoin::OutPoint { txid: coinbase_tx.txid(), vout: 0 }, coinbase_tx.output[0].value);
+ }
+ // Open a channel and route a payment. We'll let it timeout to claim it.
+ let (_, _, chan_id, funding_tx) = create_announced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 1, 1_000_000, 0);
+ route_payment(&nodes[0], &[&nodes[1]], 1_000_000);
+ let (closing_node, other_node) = if confirm_counterparty_commitment {
+ (&nodes[1], &nodes[0])
+ } else {
+ (&nodes[0], &nodes[1])
+ };
+ closing_node.node.force_close_broadcasting_latest_txn(&chan_id, &other_node.node.get_our_node_id()).unwrap();
+ // The commitment transaction comes first.
+ let commitment_tx = {
+ let mut txn = closing_node.tx_broadcaster.unique_txn_broadcast();
+ assert_eq!(txn.len(), 1);
+ check_spends!(txn[0], funding_tx);
+ txn.pop().unwrap()
+ };
+ mine_transaction(closing_node, &commitment_tx);
+ check_added_monitors!(closing_node, 1);
+ check_closed_broadcast!(closing_node, true);
+ check_closed_event!(closing_node, 1, ClosureReason::HolderForceClosed, [other_node.node.get_our_node_id()], 1_000_000);
+ mine_transaction(other_node, &commitment_tx);
+ check_added_monitors!(other_node, 1);
+ check_closed_broadcast!(other_node, true);
+ check_closed_event!(other_node, 1, ClosureReason::CommitmentTxConfirmed, [closing_node.node.get_our_node_id()], 1_000_000);
+ // If we update the best block to the new height before providing the confirmed transactions,
+ // we'll see another broadcast of the commitment transaction.
+ if anchors && !confirm_counterparty_commitment && nodes[0].connect_style.borrow().updates_best_block_first() {
+ let _ = nodes[0].tx_broadcaster.txn_broadcast();
+ }
+ // Then comes the HTLC timeout transaction.
+ if confirm_counterparty_commitment {
+ connect_blocks(&nodes[0], 5);
+ test_spendable_output(&nodes[0], &commitment_tx, false);
+ connect_blocks(&nodes[0], TEST_FINAL_CLTV - 5);
+ } else {
+ connect_blocks(&nodes[0], TEST_FINAL_CLTV);
+ }
+ if anchors && !confirm_counterparty_commitment {
+ handle_bump_htlc_event(&nodes[0], 1);
+ }
+ let htlc_timeout_tx = {
+ let mut txn = nodes[0].tx_broadcaster.txn_broadcast();
+ assert_eq!(txn.len(), 1);
+ let tx = if txn[0].input[0].previous_output.txid == commitment_tx.txid() {
+ txn[0].clone()
+ } else {
+ txn[1].clone()
+ };
+ check_spends!(tx, commitment_tx, coinbase_tx);
+ tx
+ };
+ // Check we rebroadcast it with a different wtxid.
+ nodes[0].chain_monitor.chain_monitor.rebroadcast_pending_claims();
+ if anchors && !confirm_counterparty_commitment {
+ handle_bump_htlc_event(&nodes[0], 1);
+ }
+ {
+ let mut txn = nodes[0].tx_broadcaster.txn_broadcast();
+ assert_eq!(txn.len(), 1);
+ assert_eq!(txn[0].txid(), htlc_timeout_tx.txid());
+ assert_ne!(txn[0].wtxid(), htlc_timeout_tx.wtxid());
+ }
+#[cfg(not(feature = "_test_vectors"))]
+fn test_monitor_claims_with_random_signatures() {
+ do_test_monitor_claims_with_random_signatures(false, false);
+ do_test_monitor_claims_with_random_signatures(false, true);
+ do_test_monitor_claims_with_random_signatures(true, false);
+ do_test_monitor_claims_with_random_signatures(true, true);