fn empty_val_check_suffix_from_path(&self, full_path: &str) -> Option<&str> {
match full_path {
- "lightning::ln::PaymentSecret" => Some(".data == [0; 32]"),
"secp256k1::PublicKey"|"bitcoin::secp256k1::PublicKey" => Some(".is_null()"),
"bitcoin::secp256k1::ecdsa::Signature" => Some(".is_null()"),
_ => None
// clear for users. Thus, we default to false but override for a few
// types which had mappings defined when we were avoiding the `Option_`s.
match &resolved as &str {
- "lightning::ln::PaymentSecret" => true,
- "lightning::ln::PaymentHash" => true,
- "lightning::ln::PaymentPreimage" => true,
- "lightning::ln::channelmanager::PaymentId" => true,
- "bitcoin::hash_types::BlockHash"|"bitcoin::BlockHash" => true,
"secp256k1::PublicKey"|"bitcoin::secp256k1::PublicKey" => true,
_ => false,
- fn is_real_type_array(&self, resolved_type: &str) -> Option<syn::Type> {
- if let Some(real_ty) = self.c_type_from_path(&resolved_type, true, false) {
- if real_ty.ends_with("]") && real_ty.starts_with("*const [u8; ") {
- let mut split = real_ty.split("; ");
- split.next().unwrap();
- let tail_str = split.next().unwrap();
- assert!(split.next().is_none());
- let len = usize::from_str_radix(&tail_str[..tail_str.len() - 1], 10).unwrap();
- Some(parse_quote!([u8; #len]))
- } else { None }
- } else { None }
- }
/// Prints a suffix to determine if a variable is empty (ie was set by write_empty_rust_val).
/// See EmptyValExpectedTy for information on return types.
fn write_empty_rust_val_check_suffix<W: std::io::Write>(&self, generics: Option<&GenericTypes>, w: &mut W, t: &syn::Type) -> EmptyValExpectedTy {
syn::Type::Path(p) => {
let resolved = self.resolve_path(&p.path, generics);
- if let Some(arr_ty) = self.is_real_type_array(&resolved) {
- return self.write_empty_rust_val_check_suffix(generics, w, &arr_ty);
- }
if self.crate_types.opaques.get(&resolved).is_some() {
write!(w, ".inner.is_null()").unwrap();
if self.c_type_has_inner_from_path(&subtype) {
if !self.write_c_path_intern(w, &$p_arg.path, generics, is_ref, is_mut, ptr_for_ref, false, true) { return false; }
} else {
- if let Some(arr_ty) = self.is_real_type_array(&subtype) {
- if !self.write_c_type_intern(w, &arr_ty, generics, false, true, false, false, true) { return false; }
- } else {
- // Option<T> needs to be converted to a *mut T, ie mut ptr-for-ref
- if !self.write_c_path_intern(w, &$p_arg.path, generics, true, true, true, false, true) { return false; }
- }
+ // Option<T> needs to be converted to a *mut T, ie mut ptr-for-ref
+ if !self.write_c_path_intern(w, &$p_arg.path, generics, true, true, true, false, true) { return false; }
} else {
write!(w, "{}", $p_arg.path.segments.last().unwrap().ident).unwrap();