amount: u64,
RemoteHTLC {
- witness_script: Script,
+ per_commitment_point: PublicKey,
key: SecretKey,
preimage: Option<PaymentPreimage>,
amount: u64,
- &InputMaterial::RemoteHTLC { ref witness_script, ref key, ref preimage, ref amount, ref locktime } => {
+ &InputMaterial::RemoteHTLC { ref per_commitment_point, ref key, ref preimage, ref amount, ref locktime } => {
writer.write_all(&[1; 1])?;
- witness_script.write(writer)?;
+ per_commitment_point.write(writer)?;
1 => {
- let witness_script = Readable::read(reader)?;
+ let per_commitment_point = Readable::read(reader)?;
let key = Readable::read(reader)?;
let preimage = Readable::read(reader)?;
let amount = Readable::read(reader)?;
let locktime = Readable::read(reader)?;
InputMaterial::RemoteHTLC {
- witness_script,
+ per_commitment_point,
if revocation_points.0 == commitment_number + 1 { Some(point) } else { None }
} else { None };
if let Some(revocation_point) = revocation_point_option {
- let revocation_pubkey = ignore_error!(chan_utils::derive_public_revocation_key(&self.secp_ctx, revocation_point, &self.keys.pubkeys().revocation_basepoint));
- let b_htlc_key = ignore_error!(chan_utils::derive_public_key(&self.secp_ctx, revocation_point, &self.keys.pubkeys().htlc_basepoint));
let htlc_privkey = ignore_error!(chan_utils::derive_private_key(&self.secp_ctx, revocation_point, &self.keys.htlc_base_key()));
- let a_htlc_key = ignore_error!(chan_utils::derive_public_key(&self.secp_ctx, revocation_point, &self.their_htlc_base_key));
+ self.remote_payment_script = {
+ // Note that the Network here is ignored as we immediately drop the address for the
+ // script_pubkey version
+ let payment_hash160 = WPubkeyHash::hash(&PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &self.keys.payment_key()).serialize());
+ Builder::new().push_opcode(opcodes::all::OP_PUSHBYTES_0).push_slice(&payment_hash160[..]).into_script()
+ };
// Then, try to find htlc outputs
for (_, &(ref htlc, _)) in per_commitment_data.iter().enumerate() {
if let Some(transaction_output_index) = htlc.transaction_output_index {
- let expected_script = chan_utils::get_htlc_redeemscript_with_explicit_keys(&htlc, &a_htlc_key, &b_htlc_key, &revocation_pubkey);
if transaction_output_index as usize >= tx.output.len() ||
- tx.output[transaction_output_index as usize].value != htlc.amount_msat / 1000 ||
- tx.output[transaction_output_index as usize].script_pubkey != expected_script.to_v0_p2wsh() {
+ tx.output[transaction_output_index as usize].value != htlc.amount_msat / 1000 {
return (claimable_outpoints, (commitment_txid, watch_outputs)); // Corrupted per_commitment_data, fuck this user
let preimage = if htlc.offered { if let Some(p) = self.payment_preimages.get(&htlc.payment_hash) { Some(*p) } else { None } } else { None };
let aggregable = if !htlc.offered { false } else { true };
if preimage.is_some() || !htlc.offered {
- let witness_data = InputMaterial::RemoteHTLC { witness_script: expected_script, key: htlc_privkey, preimage, amount: htlc.amount_msat / 1000, locktime: htlc.cltv_expiry };
+ let witness_data = InputMaterial::RemoteHTLC { per_commitment_point: *revocation_point, key: htlc_privkey, preimage, amount: htlc.amount_msat / 1000, locktime: htlc.cltv_expiry };
claimable_outpoints.push(ClaimRequest { absolute_timelock: htlc.cltv_expiry, aggregable, outpoint: BitcoinOutPoint { txid: commitment_txid, vout: transaction_output_index }, witness_data });
log_trace!(logger, "Going to broadcast Penalty Transaction {} claiming revoked {} output {} from {} with new feerate {}...", bumped_tx.txid(), if *input_descriptor == InputDescriptors::RevokedOutput { "to_local" } else if *input_descriptor == InputDescriptors::RevokedOfferedHTLC { "offered" } else if *input_descriptor == InputDescriptors::RevokedReceivedHTLC { "received" } else { "" }, outp.vout, outp.txid, new_feerate);
- &InputMaterial::RemoteHTLC { ref witness_script, ref key, ref preimage, ref amount, ref locktime } => {
- if !preimage.is_some() { bumped_tx.lock_time = *locktime }; // Right now we don't aggregate time-locked transaction, if we do we should set lock_time before to avoid breaking hash computation
- let sighash_parts = bip143::SighashComponents::new(&bumped_tx);
- let sighash = hash_to_message!(&sighash_parts.sighash_all(&bumped_tx.input[i], &witness_script, *amount)[..]);
- let sig = self.secp_ctx.sign(&sighash, &key);
- bumped_tx.input[i].witness.push(sig.serialize_der().to_vec());
- bumped_tx.input[i].witness[0].push(SigHashType::All as u8);
- if let &Some(preimage) = preimage {
- bumped_tx.input[i].witness.push(preimage.clone().0.to_vec());
- } else {
- bumped_tx.input[i].witness.push(vec![]);
+ &InputMaterial::RemoteHTLC { ref per_commitment_point, ref key, ref preimage, ref amount, ref locktime } => {
+ if let Ok(chan_keys) = TxCreationKeys::new(&self.secp_ctx, &per_commitment_point, &self.remote_tx_cache.remote_delayed_payment_base_key, &self.remote_tx_cache.remote_htlc_base_key, &self.key_storage.pubkeys().revocation_basepoint, &self.key_storage.pubkeys().htlc_basepoint) {
+ let mut this_htlc = None;
+ if let Some(htlcs) = self.remote_tx_cache.per_htlc.get(&outp.txid) {
+ for htlc in htlcs {
+ if htlc.transaction_output_index.unwrap() == outp.vout {
+ this_htlc = Some(htlc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if this_htlc.is_none() { return None; }
+ let witness_script = chan_utils::get_htlc_redeemscript_with_explicit_keys(&this_htlc.unwrap(), &chan_keys.a_htlc_key, &chan_keys.b_htlc_key, &chan_keys.revocation_key);
+ if !preimage.is_some() { bumped_tx.lock_time = *locktime }; // Right now we don't aggregate time-locked transaction, if we do we should set lock_time before to avoid breaking hash computation
+ let sighash_parts = bip143::SighashComponents::new(&bumped_tx);
+ let sighash = hash_to_message!(&sighash_parts.sighash_all(&bumped_tx.input[i], &witness_script, *amount)[..]);
+ let sig = self.secp_ctx.sign(&sighash, &key);
+ bumped_tx.input[i].witness.push(sig.serialize_der().to_vec());
+ bumped_tx.input[i].witness[0].push(SigHashType::All as u8);
+ if let &Some(preimage) = preimage {
+ bumped_tx.input[i].witness.push(preimage.clone().0.to_vec());
+ } else {
+ // Due to BIP146 (MINIMALIF) this must be a zero-length element to relay.
+ bumped_tx.input[i].witness.push(vec![]);
+ }
+ bumped_tx.input[i].witness.push(witness_script.clone().into_bytes());
+ log_trace!(logger, "Going to broadcast Claim Transaction {} claiming remote {} htlc output {} from {} with new feerate {}...", bumped_tx.txid(), if preimage.is_some() { "offered" } else { "received" }, outp.vout, outp.txid, new_feerate);
- bumped_tx.input[i].witness.push(witness_script.clone().into_bytes());
- log_trace!(logger, "Going to broadcast Claim Transaction {} claiming remote {} htlc output {} from {} with new feerate {}...", bumped_tx.txid(), if preimage.is_some() { "offered" } else { "received" }, outp.vout, outp.txid, new_feerate);
_ => unreachable!()