use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::sync::Arc;
-use std::thread;
+use std::{fs, thread};
use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
use bitcoin::{BlockHash, Network};
use bitcoin::secp256k1::ecdsa::Signature;
use lightning_rapid_gossip_sync::RapidGossipSync;
use crate::{config, serialize_delta};
use crate::persistence::GossipPersister;
+use crate::snapshot::Snapshotter;
use crate::types::{GossipMessage, tests::TestLogger};
const CLIENT_BACKDATE_INTERVAL: u32 = 3600 * 24 * 7; // client backdates RGS by a week
+struct CacheSanitizer {}
+impl CacheSanitizer {
+ /// The CacheSanitizer instantiation requires that there be a schema sanitizer
+ fn new(_: &SchemaSanitizer) -> Self {
+ Self {}
+ }
+ fn cache_path(&self) -> String {
+ format!("./res/{}/", db_test_schema())
+ }
+impl Drop for CacheSanitizer {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ let cache_path = self.cache_path();
+ fs::remove_dir_all(cache_path).unwrap();
+ }
async fn clean_test_db() {
let client = crate::connect_to_db().await;
+async fn test_full_snapshot_persistence() {
+ let schema_sanitizer = SchemaSanitizer::new();
+ let logger = Arc::new(TestLogger::new());
+ let network_graph = NetworkGraph::new(Network::Bitcoin, logger.clone());
+ let network_graph_arc = Arc::new(network_graph);
+ let snapshotter = Snapshotter::new(network_graph_arc.clone(), logger.clone());
+ let cache_sanitizer = CacheSanitizer::new(&schema_sanitizer);
+ let short_channel_id = 1;
+ let timestamp = current_time();
+ println!("timestamp: {}", timestamp);
+ { // seed the db
+ let (mut persister, receiver) = GossipPersister::new(network_graph_arc.clone(), logger.clone());
+ let announcement = generate_announcement(short_channel_id);
+ network_graph_arc.update_channel_from_announcement_no_lookup(&announcement).unwrap();
+ receiver.send(GossipMessage::ChannelAnnouncement(announcement, None)).await.unwrap();
+ { // direction true
+ let update = generate_update(short_channel_id, true, timestamp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10);
+ network_graph_arc.update_channel_unsigned(&update.contents).unwrap();
+ receiver.send(GossipMessage::ChannelUpdate(update, None)).await.unwrap();
+ }
+ { // direction false
+ let update = generate_update(short_channel_id, false, timestamp - 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 38);
+ network_graph_arc.update_channel_unsigned(&update.contents).unwrap();
+ receiver.send(GossipMessage::ChannelUpdate(update, None)).await.unwrap();
+ }
+ drop(receiver);
+ persister.persist_gossip().await;
+ }
+ let cache_path = cache_sanitizer.cache_path();
+ let symlink_path = format!("{}/symlinks/0.bin", cache_path);
+ // generate snapshots
+ {
+ snapshotter.generate_snapshots(20, 5, &[5, u64::MAX], &cache_path, Some(10)).await;
+ let symlinked_data = fs::read(&symlink_path).unwrap();
+ let client_graph = NetworkGraph::new(Network::Bitcoin, logger.clone());
+ let client_graph_arc = Arc::new(client_graph);
+ let rgs = RapidGossipSync::new(client_graph_arc.clone(), logger.clone());
+ let update_result = rgs.update_network_graph(&symlinked_data).unwrap();
+ // the update result must be a multiple of our snapshot granularity
+ assert_eq!(update_result % config::snapshot_generation_interval(), 0);
+ let readonly_graph = client_graph_arc.read_only();
+ let channels = readonly_graph.channels();
+ let client_channel_count = channels.len();
+ assert_eq!(client_channel_count, 1);
+ let first_channel = channels.get(&short_channel_id).unwrap();
+ assert!(&first_channel.announcement_message.is_none());
+ // ensure the update in one direction shows the latest fee
+ assert_eq!(first_channel.one_to_two.as_ref().unwrap().fees.proportional_millionths, 38);
+ assert_eq!(first_channel.two_to_one.as_ref().unwrap().fees.proportional_millionths, 10);
+ }
+ { // update the db
+ let (mut persister, receiver) = GossipPersister::new(network_graph_arc.clone(), logger.clone());
+ { // second update
+ let update = generate_update(short_channel_id, false, timestamp + 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 39);
+ network_graph_arc.update_channel_unsigned(&update.contents).unwrap();
+ receiver.send(GossipMessage::ChannelUpdate(update, None)).await.unwrap();
+ }
+ drop(receiver);
+ persister.persist_gossip().await;
+ }
+ // regenerate snapshots
+ {
+ snapshotter.generate_snapshots(20, 5, &[5, u64::MAX], &cache_path, Some(10)).await;
+ let symlinked_data = fs::read(&symlink_path).unwrap();
+ let client_graph = NetworkGraph::new(Network::Bitcoin, logger.clone());
+ let client_graph_arc = Arc::new(client_graph);
+ let rgs = RapidGossipSync::new(client_graph_arc.clone(), logger.clone());
+ let update_result = rgs.update_network_graph(&symlinked_data).unwrap();
+ // the update result must be a multiple of our snapshot granularity
+ assert_eq!(update_result % config::snapshot_generation_interval(), 0);
+ let readonly_graph = client_graph_arc.read_only();
+ let channels = readonly_graph.channels();
+ let client_channel_count = channels.len();
+ assert_eq!(client_channel_count, 1);
+ let first_channel = channels.get(&short_channel_id).unwrap();
+ assert!(&first_channel.announcement_message.is_none());
+ // ensure the update in one direction shows the latest fee
+ assert_eq!(first_channel.one_to_two.as_ref().unwrap().fees.proportional_millionths, 39);
+ assert_eq!(first_channel.two_to_one.as_ref().unwrap().fees.proportional_millionths, 10);
+ }
+ // clean up afterwards
+ clean_test_db().await;