pub(super) routing: PendingHTLCRouting,
pub(super) incoming_shared_secret: [u8; 32],
payment_hash: PaymentHash,
+ /// Amount received
pub(super) incoming_amt_msat: Option<u64>, // Added in 0.0.113
+ /// Sender intended amount to forward or receive (actual amount received
+ /// may overshoot this in either case)
pub(super) outgoing_amt_msat: u64,
pub(super) outgoing_cltv_value: u32,
cltv_expiry: u32,
/// The amount (in msats) of this MPP part
value: u64,
+ /// The amount (in msats) that the sender intended to be sent in this MPP
+ /// part (used for validating total MPP amount)
+ sender_intended_value: u64,
onion_payload: OnionPayload,
timer_ticks: u8,
/// The total value received for a payment (sum of all MPP parts if the payment is a MPP).
incoming_shared_secret: shared_secret,
incoming_amt_msat: Some(amt_msat),
- outgoing_amt_msat: amt_msat,
+ outgoing_amt_msat: hop_data.amt_to_forward,
outgoing_cltv_value: hop_data.outgoing_cltv_value,
HTLCForwardInfo::AddHTLC(PendingAddHTLCInfo {
prev_short_channel_id, prev_htlc_id, prev_funding_outpoint, prev_user_channel_id,
forward_info: PendingHTLCInfo {
- routing, incoming_shared_secret, payment_hash, outgoing_amt_msat, ..
+ routing, incoming_shared_secret, payment_hash, incoming_amt_msat, outgoing_amt_msat, ..
}) => {
let (cltv_expiry, onion_payload, payment_data, phantom_shared_secret) = match routing {
incoming_packet_shared_secret: incoming_shared_secret,
- value: outgoing_amt_msat,
+ // We differentiate the received value from the sender intended value
+ // if possible so that we don't prematurely mark MPP payments complete
+ // if routing nodes overpay
+ value: incoming_amt_msat.unwrap_or(outgoing_amt_msat),
+ sender_intended_value: outgoing_amt_msat,
timer_ticks: 0,
total_value_received: None,
total_msat: if let Some(data) = &payment_data { data.total_msat } else { outgoing_amt_msat },
- let mut total_value = claimable_htlc.value;
+ let mut total_value = claimable_htlc.sender_intended_value;
for htlc in htlcs.iter() {
- total_value += htlc.value;
+ total_value += htlc.sender_intended_value;
match &htlc.onion_payload {
OnionPayload::Invoice { .. } => {
if htlc.total_msat != $payment_data.total_msat {
_ => unreachable!(),
+ // The condition determining whether an MPP is complete must
+ // match exactly the condition used in `timer_tick_occurred`
if total_value >= msgs::MAX_VALUE_MSAT {
fail_htlc!(claimable_htlc, payment_hash);
- } else if total_value - claimable_htlc.value >= $payment_data.total_msat {
+ } else if total_value - claimable_htlc.sender_intended_value >= $payment_data.total_msat {
log_trace!(self.logger, "Failing HTLC with payment_hash {} as payment is already claimable",
fail_htlc!(claimable_htlc, payment_hash);
new_events.push(events::Event::PaymentClaimable {
receiver_node_id: Some(receiver_node_id),
- amount_msat: outgoing_amt_msat,
+ amount_msat,
via_channel_id: Some(prev_channel_id),
via_user_channel_id: Some(prev_user_channel_id),
if let OnionPayload::Invoice { .. } = htlcs[0].onion_payload {
// Check if we've received all the parts we need for an MPP (the value of the parts adds to total_msat).
// In this case we're not going to handle any timeouts of the parts here.
- if htlcs[0].total_msat <= htlcs.iter().fold(0, |total, htlc| total + htlc.value) {
+ // This condition determining whether the MPP is complete here must match
+ // exactly the condition used in `process_pending_htlc_forwards`.
+ if htlcs[0].total_msat <= htlcs.iter().fold(0, |total, htlc| total + htlc.sender_intended_value) {
return true;
} else if htlcs.into_iter().any(|htlc| {
htlc.timer_ticks += 1;
(0, self.prev_hop, required),
(1, self.total_msat, required),
(2, self.value, required),
+ (3, self.sender_intended_value, required),
(4, payment_data, option),
(5, self.total_value_received, option),
(6, self.cltv_expiry, required),
fn read<R: Read>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
let mut prev_hop = crate::util::ser::RequiredWrapper(None);
let mut value = 0;
+ let mut sender_intended_value = None;
let mut payment_data: Option<msgs::FinalOnionHopData> = None;
let mut cltv_expiry = 0;
let mut total_value_received = None;
(0, prev_hop, required),
(1, total_msat, option),
(2, value, required),
+ (3, sender_intended_value, option),
(4, payment_data, option),
(5, total_value_received, option),
(6, cltv_expiry, required),
prev_hop: prev_hop.0.unwrap(),
timer_ticks: 0,
+ sender_intended_value: sender_intended_value.unwrap_or(value),
total_msat: total_msat.unwrap(),
+fn test_onion_value_mpp_set_calculation() {
+ // Test that we use the onion value `amt_to_forward` when
+ // calculating whether we've reached the `total_msat` of an MPP
+ // by having a routing node forward more than `amt_to_forward`
+ // and checking that the receiving node doesn't generate
+ // a PaymentClaimable event too early
+ let node_count = 4;
+ let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(node_count);
+ let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(node_count, &chanmon_cfgs);
+ let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(node_count, &node_cfgs, &vec![None; node_count]);
+ let mut nodes = create_network(node_count, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
+ let chan_1_id = create_announced_chan_between_nodes(&nodes, 0, 1).0.contents.short_channel_id;
+ let chan_2_id = create_announced_chan_between_nodes(&nodes, 0, 2).0.contents.short_channel_id;
+ let chan_3_id = create_announced_chan_between_nodes(&nodes, 1, 3).0.contents.short_channel_id;
+ let chan_4_id = create_announced_chan_between_nodes(&nodes, 2, 3).0.contents.short_channel_id;
+ let total_msat = 100_000;
+ let expected_paths: &[&[&Node]] = &[&[&nodes[1], &nodes[3]], &[&nodes[2], &nodes[3]]];
+ let (mut route, our_payment_hash, our_payment_preimage, our_payment_secret) = get_route_and_payment_hash!(&nodes[0], nodes[3], total_msat);
+ let sample_path = route.paths.pop().unwrap();
+ let mut path_1 = sample_path.clone();
+ path_1[0].pubkey = nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id();
+ path_1[0].short_channel_id = chan_1_id;
+ path_1[1].pubkey = nodes[3].node.get_our_node_id();
+ path_1[1].short_channel_id = chan_3_id;
+ path_1[1].fee_msat = 100_000;
+ route.paths.push(path_1);
+ let mut path_2 = sample_path.clone();
+ path_2[0].pubkey = nodes[2].node.get_our_node_id();
+ path_2[0].short_channel_id = chan_2_id;
+ path_2[1].pubkey = nodes[3].node.get_our_node_id();
+ path_2[1].short_channel_id = chan_4_id;
+ path_2[1].fee_msat = 1_000;
+ route.paths.push(path_2);
+ // Send payment
+ let payment_id = PaymentId(nodes[0].keys_manager.backing.get_secure_random_bytes());
+ let onion_session_privs = nodes[0].node.test_add_new_pending_payment(our_payment_hash, Some(our_payment_secret), payment_id, &route).unwrap();
+ nodes[0].node.test_send_payment_internal(&route, our_payment_hash, &Some(our_payment_secret), None, payment_id, Some(total_msat), onion_session_privs).unwrap();
+ check_added_monitors!(nodes[0], expected_paths.len());
+ let mut events = nodes[0].node.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
+ assert_eq!(events.len(), expected_paths.len());
+ // First path
+ let ev = remove_first_msg_event_to_node(&expected_paths[0][0].node.get_our_node_id(), &mut events);
+ let mut payment_event = SendEvent::from_event(ev);
+ let mut prev_node = &nodes[0];
+ for (idx, &node) in expected_paths[0].iter().enumerate() {
+ assert_eq!(node.node.get_our_node_id(), payment_event.node_id);
+ if idx == 0 { // routing node
+ let session_priv = [3; 32];
+ let height = nodes[0].best_block_info().1;
+ let session_priv = SecretKey::from_slice(&session_priv).unwrap();
+ let mut onion_keys = onion_utils::construct_onion_keys(&Secp256k1::new(), &route.paths[0], &session_priv).unwrap();
+ let (mut onion_payloads, _, _) = onion_utils::build_onion_payloads(&route.paths[0], 100_000, &Some(our_payment_secret), height + 1, &None).unwrap();
+ // Edit amt_to_forward to simulate the sender having set
+ // the final amount and the routing node taking less fee
+ onion_payloads[1].amt_to_forward = 99_000;
+ let new_onion_packet = onion_utils::construct_onion_packet(onion_payloads, onion_keys, [0; 32], &our_payment_hash);
+ payment_event.msgs[0].onion_routing_packet = new_onion_packet;
+ }
+ node.node.handle_update_add_htlc(&prev_node.node.get_our_node_id(), &payment_event.msgs[0]);
+ check_added_monitors!(node, 0);
+ commitment_signed_dance!(node, prev_node, payment_event.commitment_msg, false);
+ expect_pending_htlcs_forwardable!(node);
+ if idx == 0 {
+ let mut events_2 = node.node.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
+ assert_eq!(events_2.len(), 1);
+ check_added_monitors!(node, 1);
+ payment_event = SendEvent::from_event(events_2.remove(0));
+ assert_eq!(payment_event.msgs.len(), 1);
+ } else {
+ let events_2 = node.node.get_and_clear_pending_events();
+ assert!(events_2.is_empty());
+ }
+ prev_node = node;
+ }
+ // Second path
+ let ev = remove_first_msg_event_to_node(&expected_paths[1][0].node.get_our_node_id(), &mut events);
+ pass_along_path(&nodes[0], expected_paths[1], 101_000, our_payment_hash.clone(), Some(our_payment_secret), ev, true, None);
+ claim_payment_along_route(&nodes[0], expected_paths, false, our_payment_preimage);
fn do_test_overshoot_mpp(msat_amounts: &[u64], total_msat: u64) {
let routing_node_count = msat_amounts.len();