" and blinding point ".fmt(f)?;
+ CandidateRouteHop::FirstHop { .. } => {
+ "first hop with SCID ".fmt(f)?;
+ self.0.short_channel_id().unwrap().fmt(f)
+ },
+ CandidateRouteHop::PrivateHop { .. } => {
+ "route hint with SCID ".fmt(f)?;
+ self.0.short_channel_id().unwrap().fmt(f)
+ },
_ => {
"SCID ".fmt(f)?;
log_trace!(logger, "Building path from {} to payer {} for value {} msat.",
LoggedPayeePubkey(payment_params.payee.node_id()), our_node_pubkey, final_value_msat);
+ // Remember how many candidates we ignored to allow for some logging afterwards.
+ let mut num_ignored_value_contribution = 0;
+ let mut num_ignored_path_length_limit = 0;
+ let mut num_ignored_cltv_delta_limit = 0;
+ let mut num_ignored_previously_failed = 0;
macro_rules! add_entry {
// Adds entry which goes from $src_node_id to $dest_node_id over the $candidate hop.
// $next_hops_fee_msat represents the fees paid for using all the channels *after* this one,
let payment_failed_on_this_channel = scid_opt.map_or(false,
|scid| payment_params.previously_failed_channels.contains(&scid));
+ let should_log_candidate = match $candidate {
+ CandidateRouteHop::FirstHop { .. } => true,
+ CandidateRouteHop::PrivateHop { .. } => true,
+ CandidateRouteHop::Blinded { .. } => true,
+ _ => false,
+ };
// If HTLC minimum is larger than the amount we're going to transfer, we shouldn't
// bother considering this channel. If retrying with recommended_value_msat may
// allow us to hit the HTLC minimum limit, set htlc_minimum_limit so that we go
// around again with a higher amount.
- if !contributes_sufficient_value || exceeds_max_path_length ||
- exceeds_cltv_delta_limit || payment_failed_on_this_channel {
- // Path isn't useful, ignore it and move on.
+ if !contributes_sufficient_value {
+ if should_log_candidate {
+ log_trace!(logger, "Ignoring {} due to insufficient value contribution.", LoggedCandidateHop(&$candidate));
+ }
+ num_ignored_value_contribution += 1;
+ } else if exceeds_max_path_length {
+ if should_log_candidate {
+ log_trace!(logger, "Ignoring {} due to exceeding maximum path length limit.", LoggedCandidateHop(&$candidate));
+ }
+ num_ignored_path_length_limit += 1;
+ } else if exceeds_cltv_delta_limit {
+ if should_log_candidate {
+ log_trace!(logger, "Ignoring {} due to exceeding CLTV delta limit.", LoggedCandidateHop(&$candidate));
+ }
+ num_ignored_cltv_delta_limit += 1;
+ } else if payment_failed_on_this_channel {
+ if should_log_candidate {
+ log_trace!(logger, "Ignoring {} due to a failed previous payment attempt.", LoggedCandidateHop(&$candidate));
+ }
+ num_ignored_previously_failed += 1;
} else if may_overpay_to_meet_path_minimum_msat {
hit_minimum_limit = true;
} else if over_path_minimum_msat {
+ let num_ignored_total = num_ignored_value_contribution + num_ignored_path_length_limit +
+ num_ignored_cltv_delta_limit + num_ignored_previously_failed;
+ if num_ignored_total > 0 {
+ log_trace!(logger, "Ignored {} candidate hops due to insufficient value contribution, {} due to path length limit, {} due to CLTV delta limit, {} due to previous payment failure. Total: {} ignored candidates.", num_ignored_value_contribution, num_ignored_path_length_limit, num_ignored_cltv_delta_limit, num_ignored_previously_failed, num_ignored_total);
+ }
// Step (5).
if payment_paths.len() == 0 {
return Err(LightningError{err: "Failed to find a path to the given destination".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError});