/// A semantically valid [`Bolt12Invoice`] that hasn't been signed.
+/// # Serialization
+/// This is serialized as a TLV stream, which includes TLV records from the originating message. As
+/// such, it may include unknown, odd TLV records.
pub struct UnsignedBolt12Invoice {
bytes: Vec<u8>,
contents: InvoiceContents,
- /// Signs the invoice using the given function.
+ /// Signs the [`TaggedHash`] of the invoice using the given function.
+ ///
+ /// Note: The hash computation may have included unknown, odd TLV records.
/// This is not exported to bindings users as functions aren't currently mapped.
pub fn sign<F, E>(mut self, sign: F) -> Result<Bolt12Invoice, SignError<E>>
+impl Writeable for UnsignedBolt12Invoice {
+ fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
+ WithoutLength(&self.bytes).write(writer)
+ }
impl Writeable for Bolt12Invoice {
fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
+impl TryFrom<Vec<u8>> for UnsignedBolt12Invoice {
+ type Error = Bolt12ParseError;
+ fn try_from(bytes: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
+ let invoice = ParsedMessage::<PartialInvoiceTlvStream>::try_from(bytes)?;
+ let ParsedMessage { bytes, tlv_stream } = invoice;
+ let (
+ payer_tlv_stream, offer_tlv_stream, invoice_request_tlv_stream, invoice_tlv_stream,
+ ) = tlv_stream;
+ let contents = InvoiceContents::try_from(
+ (payer_tlv_stream, offer_tlv_stream, invoice_request_tlv_stream, invoice_tlv_stream)
+ )?;
+ let tagged_hash = TaggedHash::new(SIGNATURE_TAG, &bytes);
+ Ok(UnsignedBolt12Invoice { bytes, contents, tagged_hash })
+ }
impl TryFrom<Vec<u8>> for Bolt12Invoice {
type Error = Bolt12ParseError;
+impl SeekReadable for PartialInvoiceTlvStream {
+ fn read<R: io::Read + io::Seek>(r: &mut R) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
+ let payer = SeekReadable::read(r)?;
+ let offer = SeekReadable::read(r)?;
+ let invoice_request = SeekReadable::read(r)?;
+ let invoice = SeekReadable::read(r)?;
+ Ok((payer, offer, invoice_request, invoice))
+ }
impl TryFrom<ParsedMessage<FullInvoiceTlvStream>> for Bolt12Invoice {
type Error = Bolt12ParseError;
mod tests {
- use super::{Bolt12Invoice, DEFAULT_RELATIVE_EXPIRY, FallbackAddress, FullInvoiceTlvStreamRef, InvoiceTlvStreamRef, SIGNATURE_TAG};
+ use super::{Bolt12Invoice, DEFAULT_RELATIVE_EXPIRY, FallbackAddress, FullInvoiceTlvStreamRef, InvoiceTlvStreamRef, SIGNATURE_TAG, UnsignedBolt12Invoice};
use bitcoin::blockdata::script::Script;
use bitcoin::hashes::Hash;
let payment_paths = payment_paths();
let payment_hash = payment_hash();
let now = now();
- let invoice = OfferBuilder::new("foo".into(), recipient_pubkey())
+ let unsigned_invoice = OfferBuilder::new("foo".into(), recipient_pubkey())
.request_invoice(vec![1; 32], payer_pubkey()).unwrap()
.respond_with_no_std(payment_paths.clone(), payment_hash, now).unwrap()
- .build().unwrap()
- .sign(recipient_sign).unwrap();
+ .build().unwrap();
+ let mut buffer = Vec::new();
+ unsigned_invoice.write(&mut buffer).unwrap();
+ match UnsignedBolt12Invoice::try_from(buffer) {
+ Err(e) => panic!("error parsing unsigned invoice: {:?}", e),
+ Ok(parsed) => {
+ assert_eq!(parsed.bytes, unsigned_invoice.bytes);
+ assert_eq!(parsed.tagged_hash, unsigned_invoice.tagged_hash);
+ },
+ }
+ let invoice = unsigned_invoice.sign(recipient_sign).unwrap();
let mut buffer = Vec::new();
invoice.write(&mut buffer).unwrap();
/// A semantically valid [`InvoiceRequest`] that hasn't been signed.
+/// # Serialization
+/// This is serialized as a TLV stream, which includes TLV records from the originating message. As
+/// such, it may include unknown, odd TLV records.
pub struct UnsignedInvoiceRequest {
bytes: Vec<u8>,
contents: InvoiceRequestContents,
Self { bytes, contents, tagged_hash }
- /// Signs the invoice request using the given function.
+ /// Signs the [`TaggedHash`] of the invoice request using the given function.
+ ///
+ /// Note: The hash computation may have included unknown, odd TLV records.
/// This is not exported to bindings users as functions are not yet mapped.
pub fn sign<F, E>(mut self, sign: F) -> Result<InvoiceRequest, SignError<E>>
+impl Writeable for UnsignedInvoiceRequest {
+ fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
+ WithoutLength(&self.bytes).write(writer)
+ }
impl Writeable for InvoiceRequest {
fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
+impl TryFrom<Vec<u8>> for UnsignedInvoiceRequest {
+ type Error = Bolt12ParseError;
+ fn try_from(bytes: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
+ let invoice_request = ParsedMessage::<PartialInvoiceRequestTlvStream>::try_from(bytes)?;
+ let ParsedMessage { bytes, tlv_stream } = invoice_request;
+ let (
+ payer_tlv_stream, offer_tlv_stream, invoice_request_tlv_stream,
+ ) = tlv_stream;
+ let contents = InvoiceRequestContents::try_from(
+ (payer_tlv_stream, offer_tlv_stream, invoice_request_tlv_stream)
+ )?;
+ let tagged_hash = TaggedHash::new(SIGNATURE_TAG, &bytes);
+ Ok(UnsignedInvoiceRequest { bytes, contents, tagged_hash })
+ }
impl TryFrom<Vec<u8>> for InvoiceRequest {
type Error = Bolt12ParseError;
mod tests {
- use super::{InvoiceRequest, InvoiceRequestTlvStreamRef, SIGNATURE_TAG};
+ use super::{InvoiceRequest, InvoiceRequestTlvStreamRef, SIGNATURE_TAG, UnsignedInvoiceRequest};
use bitcoin::blockdata::constants::ChainHash;
use bitcoin::network::constants::Network;
fn builds_invoice_request_with_defaults() {
- let invoice_request = OfferBuilder::new("foo".into(), recipient_pubkey())
+ let unsigned_invoice_request = OfferBuilder::new("foo".into(), recipient_pubkey())
.request_invoice(vec![1; 32], payer_pubkey()).unwrap()
- .build().unwrap()
- .sign(payer_sign).unwrap();
+ .build().unwrap();
+ let mut buffer = Vec::new();
+ unsigned_invoice_request.write(&mut buffer).unwrap();
+ match UnsignedInvoiceRequest::try_from(buffer) {
+ Err(e) => panic!("error parsing unsigned invoice request: {:?}", e),
+ Ok(parsed) => {
+ assert_eq!(parsed.bytes, unsigned_invoice_request.bytes);
+ assert_eq!(parsed.tagged_hash, unsigned_invoice_request.tagged_hash);
+ },
+ }
+ let invoice_request = unsigned_invoice_request.sign(payer_sign).unwrap();
let mut buffer = Vec::new();
invoice_request.write(&mut buffer).unwrap();