pub struct InvoiceBuilder<'a, S: SigningPubkeyStrategy> {
invreq_bytes: &'a Vec<u8>,
invoice: InvoiceContents,
- keys: Option<KeyPair>,
- signing_pubkey_strategy: core::marker::PhantomData<S>,
+ signing_pubkey_strategy: S,
/// Indicates how [`Bolt12Invoice::signing_pubkey`] was set.
/// [`Bolt12Invoice::signing_pubkey`] was derived.
/// This is not exported to bindings users as builder patterns don't map outside of move semantics.
-pub struct DerivedSigningPubkey {}
+pub struct DerivedSigningPubkey(KeyPair);
impl SigningPubkeyStrategy for ExplicitSigningPubkey {}
impl SigningPubkeyStrategy for DerivedSigningPubkey {}
- Self::new(&invoice_request.bytes, contents, None)
+ Self::new(&invoice_request.bytes, contents, ExplicitSigningPubkey {})
pub(super) fn for_refund(
- Self::new(&refund.bytes, contents, None)
+ Self::new(&refund.bytes, contents, ExplicitSigningPubkey {})
- Self::new(&invoice_request.bytes, contents, Some(keys))
+ Self::new(&invoice_request.bytes, contents, DerivedSigningPubkey(keys))
pub(super) fn for_refund_using_keys(
- Self::new(&refund.bytes, contents, Some(keys))
+ Self::new(&refund.bytes, contents, DerivedSigningPubkey(keys))
fn new(
- invreq_bytes: &'a Vec<u8>, contents: InvoiceContents, keys: Option<KeyPair>
+ invreq_bytes: &'a Vec<u8>, contents: InvoiceContents, signing_pubkey_strategy: S
) -> Result<Self, Bolt12SemanticError> {
if contents.fields().payment_paths.is_empty() {
return Err(Bolt12SemanticError::MissingPaths);
- Ok(Self {
- invreq_bytes,
- invoice: contents,
- keys,
- signing_pubkey_strategy: core::marker::PhantomData,
- })
+ Ok(Self { invreq_bytes, invoice: contents, signing_pubkey_strategy })
/// Sets the [`Bolt12Invoice::relative_expiry`] as seconds since [`Bolt12Invoice::created_at`].
- let InvoiceBuilder { invreq_bytes, invoice, keys, .. } = self;
+ let InvoiceBuilder {
+ invreq_bytes, invoice, signing_pubkey_strategy: DerivedSigningPubkey(keys)
+ } = self;
let unsigned_invoice = UnsignedBolt12Invoice::new(invreq_bytes, invoice);
- let keys = keys.unwrap();
let invoice = unsigned_invoice
.sign::<_, Infallible>(
|message| Ok(secp_ctx.sign_schnorr_no_aux_rand(message.as_ref().as_digest(), &keys))