java_c_types_none_allowed = False # C structs created by cbindgen are declared in dependency order
with open(sys.argv[1]) as in_h, open(sys.argv[2], "w") as out_java:
- def map_fn(line, re_match, ret_arr_len, c_call_string):
- out_java.write("\t// " + line)
- out_java.write("\tpublic static native ")
- write_c(consts.c_fn_ty_pfx)
- is_free ="_free")
- struct_meth ="_")[0]
+ # Map a top-level function
+ def map_fn(line, re_match, ret_arr_len, c_call_string):
- ret_info = type_mapping_generator.map_type(, True, ret_arr_len, False, False)
- write_c(ret_info.c_ty)
- out_java.write(ret_info.java_ty)
+ method_return_type =
+ method_name =
+ method_comma_separated_arguments =
+ method_arguments = method_comma_separated_arguments.split(',')
- if ret_info.ret_conv is not None:
- ret_conv_pfx, ret_conv_sfx = ret_info.ret_conv
+ is_free = method_name.endswith("_free")
+ struct_meth = method_name.split("_")[0]
- out_java.write(" " + + "(")
- write_c(" " + consts.c_fn_name_pfx +'_', '_1') + "(" + consts.c_fn_args_pfx)
+ return_type_info = type_mapping_generator.map_type(method_return_type, True, ret_arr_len, False, False)
- arg_names = []
+ argument_types = []
default_constructor_args = {}
takes_self = False
args_known = True
- for idx, arg in enumerate(',')):
- if idx != 0:
- out_java.write(", ")
- if arg != "void":
- write_c(", ")
- arg_conv_info = type_mapping_generator.map_type(arg, False, None, is_free, True)
- if arg_conv_info.c_ty != "void":
- write_c(arg_conv_info.c_ty + " " + arg_conv_info.arg_name)
- out_java.write(arg_conv_info.java_ty + " " + arg_conv_info.arg_name)
- if idx == 0 and arg_conv_info.java_hu_ty == struct_meth:
+ for argument_index, argument in enumerate(method_arguments):
+ argument_conversion_info = type_mapping_generator.map_type(argument, False, None, is_free, True)
+ if argument_index == 0 and argument_conversion_info.java_hu_ty == struct_meth:
takes_self = True
- if arg_conv_info.arg_conv is not None and "Warning" in arg_conv_info.arg_conv:
- if arg_conv_info.rust_obj in constructor_fns:
+ if argument_conversion_info.arg_conv is not None and "Warning" in argument_conversion_info.arg_conv:
+ if argument_conversion_info.rust_obj in constructor_fns:
assert not is_free
- for explode_arg in constructor_fns[arg_conv_info.rust_obj].split(','):
+ for explode_arg in constructor_fns[argument_conversion_info.rust_obj].split(','):
explode_arg_conv = type_mapping_generator.map_type(explode_arg, False, None, False, True)
if explode_arg_conv.c_ty == "void":
# We actually want to handle this case, but for now its only used in NetGraphMsgHandler::new()
# which ends up resulting in a redundant constructor - both without arguments for the NetworkGraph.
args_known = False
- if not arg_conv_info.arg_name in default_constructor_args:
- default_constructor_args[arg_conv_info.arg_name] = []
- default_constructor_args[arg_conv_info.arg_name].append(explode_arg_conv)
- arg_names.append(arg_conv_info)
+ if not argument_conversion_info.arg_name in default_constructor_args:
+ default_constructor_args[argument_conversion_info.arg_name] = []
+ default_constructor_args[argument_conversion_info.arg_name].append(explode_arg_conv)
+ argument_types.append(argument_conversion_info)
- out_java_struct = None
- if ("LDK" + struct_meth in opaque_structs or "LDK" + struct_meth in trait_structs) and not is_free:
- out_java_struct = open(f"{sys.argv[3]}/structs/{struct_meth}{consts.file_ext}", "a")
- if not args_known:
- out_java_struct.write("\t// Skipped " + + "\n")
- out_java_struct.close()
- out_java_struct = None
- else:
- meth_n =[len(struct_meth) + 1:]
- if not takes_self:
- out_java_struct.write("\tpublic static " + ret_info.java_hu_ty + " constructor_" + meth_n + "(")
- else:
- out_java_struct.write("\tpublic " + ret_info.java_hu_ty + " " + meth_n + "(")
- for idx, arg in enumerate(arg_names):
- if idx != 0:
- if not takes_self or idx > 1:
- out_java_struct.write(", ")
- elif takes_self:
- continue
- if arg.java_ty != "void":
- if arg.arg_name in default_constructor_args:
- for explode_idx, explode_arg in enumerate(default_constructor_args[arg.arg_name]):
- if explode_idx != 0:
- out_java_struct.write(", ")
- out_java_struct.write(explode_arg.java_hu_ty + " " + arg.arg_name + "_" + explode_arg.arg_name)
- else:
- out_java_struct.write(arg.java_hu_ty + " " + arg.arg_name)
+ has_out_java_struct = ("LDK" + struct_meth in opaque_structs or "LDK" + struct_meth in trait_structs) and not is_free
+ out_java.write("\t// " + line)
- out_java.write(");\n")
- write_c(") {\n")
- if out_java_struct is not None:
- out_java_struct.write(") {\n")
+ (out_java_delta, out_c_delta, out_java_struct_delta) = consts.map_function(argument_types, c_call_string, is_free, method_name, return_type_info, struct_meth, default_constructor_args, takes_self, args_known, has_out_java_struct, type_mapping_generator)
- for info in arg_names:
- if info.arg_conv is not None:
- write_c("\t" + info.arg_conv.replace('\n', "\n\t") + "\n")
+ out_java.write(out_java_delta)
+ write_c(out_c_delta)
+ if has_out_java_struct:
+ out_java_struct = open(f"{sys.argv[3]}/structs/{struct_meth}{consts.file_ext}", "a")
+ out_java_struct.write(out_java_struct_delta)
- if ret_info.ret_conv is not None:
- write_c("\t" + ret_conv_pfx.replace('\n', '\n\t'))
- elif ret_info.c_ty != "void":
- write_c("\t" + ret_info.c_ty + " ret_val = ")
- else:
- write_c("\t")
- if c_call_string is None:
- write_c( + "(")
- else:
- write_c(c_call_string)
- for idx, info in enumerate(arg_names):
- if info.arg_conv_name is not None:
- if idx != 0:
- write_c(", ")
- elif c_call_string is not None:
- continue
- write_c(info.arg_conv_name)
- write_c(")")
- if ret_info.ret_conv is not None:
- write_c(ret_conv_sfx.replace('\n', '\n\t'))
- else:
- write_c(";")
- for info in arg_names:
- if info.arg_conv_cleanup is not None:
- write_c("\n\t" + info.arg_conv_cleanup.replace("\n", "\n\t"))
- if ret_info.ret_conv is not None:
- write_c("\n\treturn " + ret_info.ret_conv_name + ";")
- elif ret_info.c_ty != "void":
- write_c("\n\treturn ret_val;")
- write_c("\n}\n\n")
- if out_java_struct is not None:
- out_java_struct.write("\t\t")
- if ret_info.java_ty != "void":
- out_java_struct.write(ret_info.java_ty + " ret = ")
- out_java_struct.write("bindings." + + "(")
- for idx, info in enumerate(arg_names):
- if idx != 0:
- out_java_struct.write(", ")
- if idx == 0 and takes_self:
- out_java_struct.write("this.ptr")
- elif info.arg_name in default_constructor_args:
- out_java_struct.write("bindings." + info.java_hu_ty + "_new(")
- for explode_idx, explode_arg in enumerate(default_constructor_args[info.arg_name]):
- if explode_idx != 0:
- out_java_struct.write(", ")
- expl_arg_name = info.arg_name + "_" + explode_arg.arg_name
- if explode_arg.from_hu_conv is not None:
- out_java_struct.write(explode_arg.from_hu_conv[0].replace(explode_arg.arg_name, expl_arg_name))
- else:
- out_java_struct.write(expl_arg_name)
- out_java_struct.write(")")
- elif info.from_hu_conv is not None:
- out_java_struct.write(info.from_hu_conv[0])
- else:
- out_java_struct.write(info.arg_name)
- out_java_struct.write(");\n")
- if ret_info.to_hu_conv is not None:
- if not takes_self:
- out_java_struct.write("\t\t" + ret_info.to_hu_conv.replace("\n", "\n\t\t").replace("this", ret_info.to_hu_conv_name) + "\n")
- else:
- out_java_struct.write("\t\t" + ret_info.to_hu_conv.replace("\n", "\n\t\t") + "\n")
- for idx, info in enumerate(arg_names):
- if idx == 0 and takes_self:
- pass
- elif info.arg_name in default_constructor_args:
- for explode_arg in default_constructor_args[info.arg_name]:
- expl_arg_name = info.arg_name + "_" + explode_arg.arg_name
- if explode_arg.from_hu_conv is not None and ret_info.to_hu_conv_name:
- out_java_struct.write("\t\t" + explode_arg.from_hu_conv[1].replace(explode_arg.arg_name, expl_arg_name).replace("this", ret_info.to_hu_conv_name) + ";\n")
- elif info.from_hu_conv is not None and info.from_hu_conv[1] != "":
- if not takes_self and ret_info.to_hu_conv_name is not None:
- out_java_struct.write("\t\t" + info.from_hu_conv[1].replace("this", ret_info.to_hu_conv_name) + ";\n")
- else:
- out_java_struct.write("\t\t" + info.from_hu_conv[1] + ";\n")
- if ret_info.to_hu_conv_name is not None:
- out_java_struct.write("\t\treturn " + ret_info.to_hu_conv_name + ";\n")
- elif ret_info.java_ty != "void" and ret_info.rust_obj != "LDK" + struct_meth:
- out_java_struct.write("\t\treturn ret;\n")
- out_java_struct.write("\t}\n\n")
- out_java_struct.close()
def map_unitary_enum(struct_name, field_lines):
with open(f"{sys.argv[3]}/enums/{struct_name}{consts.file_ext}", "w") as out_java_enum:
assert(line == "\n")
- out_java.write("}\n")
+ out_java.write(consts.bindings_footer)
for struct_name in opaque_structs:
with open(f"{sys.argv[3]}/structs/{struct_name.replace('LDK', '')}{consts.file_ext}", "a") as out_java_struct:
for struct_name in trait_structs:
with open(f"{sys.argv[3]}/structs/{struct_name.replace('LDK', '')}{consts.file_ext}", "a") as out_java_struct:
with open(sys.argv[4], "w") as out_c:
+ self.bindings_footer = "}\n"
self.common_base = """package org.ldk.structs;
import java.util.LinkedList;
class CommonBase {
out_opaque_struct_human += ("\t\tif (ptr != 0) { bindings." + struct_name.replace("LDK","") + "_free(ptr); }\n")
out_opaque_struct_human += ("\t}\n\n")
return out_opaque_struct_human
+ def map_function(self, argument_types, c_call_string, is_free, method_name, return_type_info, struct_meth, default_constructor_args, takes_self, args_known, has_out_java_struct: bool, type_mapping_generator):
+ out_java = ""
+ out_c = ""
+ out_java_struct = None
+ out_java += ("\tpublic static native ")
+ out_c += (self.c_fn_ty_pfx)
+ out_c += (return_type_info.c_ty)
+ out_java += (return_type_info.java_ty)
+ if return_type_info.ret_conv is not None:
+ ret_conv_pfx, ret_conv_sfx = return_type_info.ret_conv
+ out_java += (" " + method_name + "(")
+ out_c += (" " + self.c_fn_name_pfx + method_name.replace('_', '_1') + "(" + self.c_fn_args_pfx)
+ for idx, arg_conv_info in enumerate(argument_types):
+ if idx != 0:
+ out_java += (", ")
+ if arg_conv_info.c_ty != "void":
+ out_c += (", ")
+ if arg_conv_info.c_ty != "void":
+ out_c += (arg_conv_info.c_ty + " " + arg_conv_info.arg_name)
+ out_java += (arg_conv_info.java_ty + " " + arg_conv_info.arg_name)
+ if has_out_java_struct:
+ out_java_struct = ""
+ if not args_known:
+ out_java_struct += ("\t// Skipped " + method_name + "\n")
+ has_out_java_struct = False
+ else:
+ meth_n = method_name[len(struct_meth) + 1:]
+ if not takes_self:
+ out_java_struct += (
+ "\tpublic static " + return_type_info.java_hu_ty + " constructor_" + meth_n + "(")
+ else:
+ out_java_struct += ("\tpublic " + return_type_info.java_hu_ty + " " + meth_n + "(")
+ for idx, arg in enumerate(argument_types):
+ if idx != 0:
+ if not takes_self or idx > 1:
+ out_java_struct += (", ")
+ elif takes_self:
+ continue
+ if arg.java_ty != "void":
+ if arg.arg_name in default_constructor_args:
+ for explode_idx, explode_arg in enumerate(default_constructor_args[arg.arg_name]):
+ if explode_idx != 0:
+ out_java_struct += (", ")
+ out_java_struct += (
+ explode_arg.java_hu_ty + " " + arg.arg_name + "_" + explode_arg.arg_name)
+ else:
+ out_java_struct += (arg.java_hu_ty + " " + arg.arg_name)
+ out_java += (");\n")
+ out_c += (") {\n")
+ if out_java_struct is not None:
+ out_java_struct += (") {\n")
+ for info in argument_types:
+ if info.arg_conv is not None:
+ out_c += ("\t" + info.arg_conv.replace('\n', "\n\t") + "\n")
+ if return_type_info.ret_conv is not None:
+ out_c += ("\t" + ret_conv_pfx.replace('\n', '\n\t'))
+ elif return_type_info.c_ty != "void":
+ out_c += ("\t" + return_type_info.c_ty + " ret_val = ")
+ else:
+ out_c += ("\t")
+ if c_call_string is None:
+ out_c += (method_name + "(")
+ else:
+ out_c += (c_call_string)
+ for idx, info in enumerate(argument_types):
+ if info.arg_conv_name is not None:
+ if idx != 0:
+ out_c += (", ")
+ elif c_call_string is not None:
+ continue
+ out_c += (info.arg_conv_name)
+ out_c += (")")
+ if return_type_info.ret_conv is not None:
+ out_c += (ret_conv_sfx.replace('\n', '\n\t'))
+ else:
+ out_c += (";")
+ for info in argument_types:
+ if info.arg_conv_cleanup is not None:
+ out_c += ("\n\t" + info.arg_conv_cleanup.replace("\n", "\n\t"))
+ if return_type_info.ret_conv is not None:
+ out_c += ("\n\treturn " + return_type_info.ret_conv_name + ";")
+ elif return_type_info.c_ty != "void":
+ out_c += ("\n\treturn ret_val;")
+ out_c += ("\n}\n\n")
+ if has_out_java_struct:
+ out_java_struct += ("\t\t")
+ if return_type_info.java_ty != "void":
+ out_java_struct += (return_type_info.java_ty + " ret = ")
+ out_java_struct += ("bindings." + method_name + "(")
+ for idx, info in enumerate(argument_types):
+ if idx != 0:
+ out_java_struct += (", ")
+ if idx == 0 and takes_self:
+ out_java_struct += ("this.ptr")
+ elif info.arg_name in default_constructor_args:
+ out_java_struct += ("bindings." + info.java_hu_ty + "_new(")
+ for explode_idx, explode_arg in enumerate(default_constructor_args[info.arg_name]):
+ if explode_idx != 0:
+ out_java_struct += (", ")
+ expl_arg_name = info.arg_name + "_" + explode_arg.arg_name
+ if explode_arg.from_hu_conv is not None:
+ out_java_struct += (
+ explode_arg.from_hu_conv[0].replace(explode_arg.arg_name, expl_arg_name))
+ else:
+ out_java_struct += (expl_arg_name)
+ out_java_struct += (")")
+ elif info.from_hu_conv is not None:
+ out_java_struct += (info.from_hu_conv[0])
+ else:
+ out_java_struct += (info.arg_name)
+ out_java_struct += (");\n")
+ if return_type_info.to_hu_conv is not None:
+ if not takes_self:
+ out_java_struct += ("\t\t" + return_type_info.to_hu_conv.replace("\n", "\n\t\t").replace("this",
+ return_type_info.to_hu_conv_name) + "\n")
+ else:
+ out_java_struct += ("\t\t" + return_type_info.to_hu_conv.replace("\n", "\n\t\t") + "\n")
+ for idx, info in enumerate(argument_types):
+ if idx == 0 and takes_self:
+ pass
+ elif info.arg_name in default_constructor_args:
+ for explode_arg in default_constructor_args[info.arg_name]:
+ expl_arg_name = info.arg_name + "_" + explode_arg.arg_name
+ if explode_arg.from_hu_conv is not None and return_type_info.to_hu_conv_name:
+ out_java_struct += ("\t\t" + explode_arg.from_hu_conv[1].replace(explode_arg.arg_name,
+ expl_arg_name).replace(
+ "this", return_type_info.to_hu_conv_name) + ";\n")
+ elif info.from_hu_conv is not None and info.from_hu_conv[1] != "":
+ if not takes_self and return_type_info.to_hu_conv_name is not None:
+ out_java_struct += (
+ "\t\t" + info.from_hu_conv[1].replace("this", return_type_info.to_hu_conv_name) + ";\n")
+ else:
+ out_java_struct += ("\t\t" + info.from_hu_conv[1] + ";\n")
+ if return_type_info.to_hu_conv_name is not None:
+ out_java_struct += ("\t\treturn " + return_type_info.to_hu_conv_name + ";\n")
+ elif return_type_info.java_ty != "void" and return_type_info.rust_obj != "LDK" + struct_meth:
+ out_java_struct += ("\t\treturn ret;\n")
+ out_java_struct += ("\t}\n\n")
+ return (out_java, out_c, out_java_struct)
--- /dev/null
+typedef struct LDKPublicKey {
+ uint8_t compressed_form[33];
+} LDKPublicKey;
+typedef struct LDKMessageSendEvent_LDKSendAcceptChannel_Body {
+ struct LDKPublicKey node_id;
+} LDKMessageSendEvent_LDKSendAcceptChannel_Body;
+typedef struct LDKChannelKeys {
+ void *this_arg;
+ /**
+ * Gets the per-commitment point for a specific commitment number
+ *
+ * Note that the commitment number starts at (1 << 48) - 1 and counts backwards.
+ */
+ struct LDKPublicKey (*get_per_commitment_point)(const void *this_arg, uint64_t idx);
+ void (*free)(void *this_arg);
+} LDKChannelKeys;
+void ChannelDetails_set_remote_network_id(struct LDKPublicKey remote_public_key);
uint64_t = ['number'],
+ self.wasm_decoding_map = dict(
+ int8_tArray = 'decodeArray'
+ )
+ self.wasm_encoding_map = dict(
+ int8_tArray = 'encodeArray',
+ )
self.to_hu_conv_templates = dict(
ptr = 'const {var_name}_hu_conv: {human_type} = new {human_type}(null, {var_name});',
default = 'const {var_name}_hu_conv: {human_type} = new {human_type}(null, {var_name});',
+ self.bindings_footer = ""
self.common_base = """
export default class CommonBase {
ptr: number;
def wasm_import_header(self, target):
if target == Target.NODEJS:
return """
-const path = require('path').join(__dirname, 'bindings.wasm');
-const bytes = require('fs').readFileSync(path);
-let imports = {};
-// add all exports to dictionary and move down?
-// use `module.exports`?
-// imports['./bindings.js'] = require('./bindings.js');
-const wasmModule = new WebAssembly.Module(bytes);
-const wasmInstance = new WebAssembly.Instance(wasmModule, imports);
-// module.exports = wasmInstance.exports;
+import * as fs from 'fs';
+const source = fs.readFileSync('./ldk.wasm');
+const memory = new WebAssembly.Memory({initial: 256});
+const wasmModule = new WebAssembly.Module(source);
+const imports: any = {};
+imports.env = {};
+imports.env.memoryBase = 0;
+imports.env.memory = memory;
+imports.env.tableBase = 0;
+imports.env.table = new WebAssembly.Table({initial: 4, element: 'anyfunc'});
+imports.env["abort"] = function () {
+ console.error("ABORT");
+const wasmInstance = await WebAssembly.instantiate(wasmModule, imports)
const wasm = wasmInstance.exports;
+const nextMultipleOfFour = (value: number) => {
+ return Math.ceil(value / 4) * 4;
+const encodeArray = (inputArray) => {
+ // TODO: (matt) is this correct, or should it go back to length * 4?
+ // const cArrayPointer = wasm.wasm_malloc(inputArray.length * 4);
+ const cArrayPointer = wasm.wasm_malloc(nextMultipleOfFour(inputArray.length));
+ const arrayMemoryView = new Uint32Array(memory.buffer, cArrayPointer, inputArray.length);
+ arrayMemoryView.set(inputArray);
+ return cArrayPointer;
+const decodeArray = (arrayPointer, free = true) => {
+ const arraySizeViewer = new Uint32Array(
+ memory.buffer, // value
+ arrayPointer, // offset
+ 1 // one int
+ );
+ const arraySize = arraySizeViewer[0];
+ const actualArrayViewer = new Uint32Array(
+ memory.buffer, // value
+ arrayPointer, // offset
+ arraySize + 1
+ );
+ const actualArray = actualArrayViewer.slice(1, arraySize + 1);
+ if (free) {
+ // wasm.free_array(arrayPointer);
+ wasm.wasm_free(arrayPointer); // TODO: check if passing *void still captures remaining values
+ }
+ return actualArray;
+const encodeString = (string) => {
+ // make malloc count divisible by 4
+ const memoryNeed = nextMultipleOfFour(string.length + 1);
+ const stringPointer = wasm.wasm_malloc(memoryNeed);
+ const stringMemoryView = new Uint8Array(
+ memory.buffer, // value
+ stringPointer, // offset
+ string.length + 1 // length
+ );
+ for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
+ stringMemoryView[i] = string.charCodeAt(i);
+ }
+ stringMemoryView[string.length] = 0;
+ return stringPointer;
+const decodeString = (stringPointer, free = true) => {
+ const memoryView = new Uint8Array(memory.buffer, stringPointer);
+ let cursor = 0;
+ let result = '';
+ while (memoryView[cursor] !== 0) {
+ result += String.fromCharCode(memoryView[cursor]);
+ cursor++;
+ }
+ if (free) {
+ wasm.wasm_free(stringPointer);
+ }
+ return result;
return ''
return out_opaque_struct_human
+ def map_function(self, argument_types, c_call_string, is_free, method_name, return_type_info, struct_meth, default_constructor_args, takes_self, args_known, has_out_java_struct: bool, type_mapping_generator):
+ out_java = ""
+ out_c = ""
+ out_java_struct = None
+ out_java += ("\tpublic static native ")
+ out_c += (self.c_fn_ty_pfx)
+ out_c += (return_type_info.c_ty)
+ out_java += (return_type_info.java_ty)
+ if return_type_info.ret_conv is not None:
+ ret_conv_pfx, ret_conv_sfx = return_type_info.ret_conv
+ out_java += (" " + method_name + "(")
+ out_c += (" " + self.c_fn_name_pfx + method_name.replace('_', '_1') + "(" + self.c_fn_args_pfx)
+ method_argument_string = ""
+ native_call_argument_string = ""
+ for idx, arg_conv_info in enumerate(argument_types):
+ if idx != 0:
+ method_argument_string += (", ")
+ native_call_argument_string += ', '
+ if arg_conv_info.c_ty != "void":
+ out_c += (", ")
+ if arg_conv_info.c_ty != "void":
+ out_c += (arg_conv_info.c_ty + " " + arg_conv_info.arg_name)
+ needs_encoding = arg_conv_info.c_ty in self.wasm_encoding_map
+ native_argument = arg_conv_info.arg_name
+ if needs_encoding:
+ converter = self.wasm_encoding_map[arg_conv_info.c_ty]
+ native_argument = f"{converter}({arg_conv_info.arg_name})"
+ method_argument_string += f"{arg_conv_info.arg_name}: {arg_conv_info.java_ty}"
+ native_call_argument_string += native_argument
+ needs_decoding = return_type_info.c_ty in self.wasm_decoding_map
+ return_value = 'nativeResponseValue'
+ if needs_decoding:
+ converter = self.wasm_decoding_map[return_type_info.c_ty]
+ return_value = f"{converter}(nativeResponseValue)"
+ out_java = f"""\texport function {method_name}({method_argument_string}): {return_type_info.java_ty} {{
+ const nativeResponseValue = wasm.{method_name}({native_call_argument_string});
+ return {return_value};
+ \n\t}}
+ \n"""
+ if has_out_java_struct:
+ out_java_struct = ""
+ if not args_known:
+ out_java_struct += ("\t// Skipped " + method_name + "\n")
+ has_out_java_struct = False
+ else:
+ meth_n = method_name[len(struct_meth) + 1:]
+ if not takes_self:
+ out_java_struct += (
+ "\tpublic static " + return_type_info.java_hu_ty + " constructor_" + meth_n + "(")
+ else:
+ out_java_struct += ("\tpublic " + return_type_info.java_hu_ty + " " + meth_n + "(")
+ for idx, arg in enumerate(argument_types):
+ if idx != 0:
+ if not takes_self or idx > 1:
+ out_java_struct += (", ")
+ elif takes_self:
+ continue
+ if arg.java_ty != "void":
+ if arg.arg_name in default_constructor_args:
+ for explode_idx, explode_arg in enumerate(default_constructor_args[arg.arg_name]):
+ if explode_idx != 0:
+ out_java_struct += (", ")
+ out_java_struct += (
+ explode_arg.java_hu_ty + " " + arg.arg_name + "_" + explode_arg.arg_name)
+ else:
+ out_java_struct += (arg.java_hu_ty + " " + arg.arg_name)
+ out_c += (") {\n")
+ if out_java_struct is not None:
+ out_java_struct += (") {\n")
+ for info in argument_types:
+ if info.arg_conv is not None:
+ out_c += ("\t" + info.arg_conv.replace('\n', "\n\t") + "\n")
+ if return_type_info.ret_conv is not None:
+ out_c += ("\t" + ret_conv_pfx.replace('\n', '\n\t'))
+ elif return_type_info.c_ty != "void":
+ out_c += ("\t" + return_type_info.c_ty + " ret_val = ")
+ else:
+ out_c += ("\t")
+ if c_call_string is None:
+ out_c += (method_name + "(")
+ else:
+ out_c += (c_call_string)
+ for idx, info in enumerate(argument_types):
+ if info.arg_conv_name is not None:
+ if idx != 0:
+ out_c += (", ")
+ elif c_call_string is not None:
+ continue
+ out_c += (info.arg_conv_name)
+ out_c += (")")
+ if return_type_info.ret_conv is not None:
+ out_c += (ret_conv_sfx.replace('\n', '\n\t'))
+ else:
+ out_c += (";")
+ for info in argument_types:
+ if info.arg_conv_cleanup is not None:
+ out_c += ("\n\t" + info.arg_conv_cleanup.replace("\n", "\n\t"))
+ if return_type_info.ret_conv is not None:
+ out_c += ("\n\treturn " + return_type_info.ret_conv_name + ";")
+ elif return_type_info.c_ty != "void":
+ out_c += ("\n\treturn ret_val;")
+ out_c += ("\n}\n\n")
+ if has_out_java_struct:
+ out_java_struct += ("\t\t")
+ if return_type_info.java_ty != "void":
+ out_java_struct += (return_type_info.java_ty + " ret = ")
+ out_java_struct += ("bindings." + method_name + "(")
+ for idx, info in enumerate(argument_types):
+ if idx != 0:
+ out_java_struct += (", ")
+ if idx == 0 and takes_self:
+ out_java_struct += ("this.ptr")
+ elif info.arg_name in default_constructor_args:
+ out_java_struct += ("bindings." + info.java_hu_ty + "_new(")
+ for explode_idx, explode_arg in enumerate(default_constructor_args[info.arg_name]):
+ if explode_idx != 0:
+ out_java_struct += (", ")
+ expl_arg_name = info.arg_name + "_" + explode_arg.arg_name
+ if explode_arg.from_hu_conv is not None:
+ out_java_struct += (
+ explode_arg.from_hu_conv[0].replace(explode_arg.arg_name, expl_arg_name))
+ else:
+ out_java_struct += (expl_arg_name)
+ out_java_struct += (")")
+ elif info.from_hu_conv is not None:
+ out_java_struct += (info.from_hu_conv[0])
+ else:
+ out_java_struct += (info.arg_name)
+ out_java_struct += (");\n")
+ if return_type_info.to_hu_conv is not None:
+ if not takes_self:
+ out_java_struct += ("\t\t" + return_type_info.to_hu_conv.replace("\n", "\n\t\t").replace("this",
+ return_type_info.to_hu_conv_name) + "\n")
+ else:
+ out_java_struct += ("\t\t" + return_type_info.to_hu_conv.replace("\n", "\n\t\t") + "\n")
+ for idx, info in enumerate(argument_types):
+ if idx == 0 and takes_self:
+ pass
+ elif info.arg_name in default_constructor_args:
+ for explode_arg in default_constructor_args[info.arg_name]:
+ expl_arg_name = info.arg_name + "_" + explode_arg.arg_name
+ if explode_arg.from_hu_conv is not None and return_type_info.to_hu_conv_name:
+ out_java_struct += ("\t\t" + explode_arg.from_hu_conv[1].replace(explode_arg.arg_name,
+ expl_arg_name).replace(
+ "this", return_type_info.to_hu_conv_name) + ";\n")
+ elif info.from_hu_conv is not None and info.from_hu_conv[1] != "":
+ if not takes_self and return_type_info.to_hu_conv_name is not None:
+ out_java_struct += (
+ "\t\t" + info.from_hu_conv[1].replace("this", return_type_info.to_hu_conv_name) + ";\n")
+ else:
+ out_java_struct += ("\t\t" + info.from_hu_conv[1] + ";\n")
+ if return_type_info.to_hu_conv_name is not None:
+ out_java_struct += ("\t\treturn " + return_type_info.to_hu_conv_name + ";\n")
+ elif return_type_info.java_ty != "void" and return_type_info.rust_obj != "LDK" + struct_meth:
+ out_java_struct += ("\t\treturn ret;\n")
+ out_java_struct += ("\t}\n\n")
+ return (out_java, out_c, out_java_struct)