+// `$decode_custom_tlv` is a closure that may be optionally provided to handle custom message types.
+// If it is provided, it will be called with the custom type and the `FixedLengthReader` containing
+// the message contents. It should return `Ok(true)` if the custom message is successfully parsed,
+// `Ok(false)` if the message type is unknown, and `Err(DecodeError)` if parsing fails.
macro_rules! decode_tlv_stream {
- ($stream: expr, {$(($type: expr, $field: ident, $fieldty: tt)),* $(,)*}) => { {
+ ($stream: expr, {$(($type: expr, $field: ident, $fieldty: tt)),* $(,)*}
+ $(, $decode_custom_tlv: expr)?) => { {
use ln::msgs::DecodeError;
let mut last_seen_type: Option<u64> = None;
let mut stream_ref = $stream;
return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue);
- x if x % 2 == 0 => {
- return Err(DecodeError::UnknownRequiredFeature);
- },
- _ => {},
+ t => {
+ $(
+ if $decode_custom_tlv(t, &mut s)? {
+ // If a custom TLV was successfully read (i.e. decode_custom_tlv returns true),
+ // continue to the next TLV read.
+ s.eat_remaining()?;
+ continue 'tlv_read;
+ }
+ )?
+ if t % 2 == 0 {
+ return Err(DecodeError::UnknownRequiredFeature);
+ }
+ }