pub struct GossipVerifier<S: FutureSpawner,
Blocks: Deref + Send + Sync + 'static + Clone,
L: Deref + Send + Sync + 'static,
- APM: Deref + Send + Sync + 'static + Clone,
> where
Blocks::Target: UtxoSource,
L::Target: Logger,
- APM::Target: APeerManager,
source: Blocks,
- peer_manager: APM,
+ peer_manager_wake: Arc<dyn Fn() + Send + Sync>,
gossiper: Arc<P2PGossipSync<Arc<NetworkGraph<L>>, Self, L>>,
spawn: S,
block_cache: Arc<Mutex<VecDeque<(u32, Block)>>>,
impl<S: FutureSpawner,
Blocks: Deref + Send + Sync + Clone,
L: Deref + Send + Sync,
- APM: Deref + Send + Sync + Clone,
-> GossipVerifier<S, Blocks, L, APM> where
+> GossipVerifier<S, Blocks, L> where
Blocks::Target: UtxoSource,
L::Target: Logger,
- APM::Target: APeerManager,
/// Constructs a new [`GossipVerifier`].
/// This is expected to be given to a [`P2PGossipSync`] (initially constructed with `None` for
/// the UTXO lookup) via [`P2PGossipSync::add_utxo_lookup`].
- pub fn new(source: Blocks, spawn: S, gossiper: Arc<P2PGossipSync<Arc<NetworkGraph<L>>, Self, L>>, peer_manager: APM) -> Self {
+ pub fn new<APM: Deref + Send + Sync + Clone + 'static>(
+ source: Blocks, spawn: S, gossiper: Arc<P2PGossipSync<Arc<NetworkGraph<L>>, Self, L>>, peer_manager: APM
+ ) -> Self where APM::Target: APeerManager {
+ let peer_manager_wake = Arc::new(move || peer_manager.as_ref().process_events());
Self {
- source, spawn, gossiper, peer_manager,
+ source, spawn, gossiper, peer_manager_wake,
block_cache: Arc::new(Mutex::new(VecDeque::with_capacity(BLOCK_CACHE_SIZE))),
impl<S: FutureSpawner,
Blocks: Deref + Send + Sync + Clone,
L: Deref + Send + Sync,
- APM: Deref + Send + Sync + Clone,
-> Deref for GossipVerifier<S, Blocks, L, APM> where
+> Deref for GossipVerifier<S, Blocks, L> where
Blocks::Target: UtxoSource,
L::Target: Logger,
- APM::Target: APeerManager,
type Target = Self;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self { self }
impl<S: FutureSpawner,
Blocks: Deref + Send + Sync + Clone,
L: Deref + Send + Sync,
- APM: Deref + Send + Sync + Clone,
-> UtxoLookup for GossipVerifier<S, Blocks, L, APM> where
+> UtxoLookup for GossipVerifier<S, Blocks, L> where
Blocks::Target: UtxoSource,
L::Target: Logger,
- APM::Target: APeerManager,
fn get_utxo(&self, _chain_hash: &ChainHash, short_channel_id: u64) -> UtxoResult {
let res = UtxoFuture::new();
let source = self.source.clone();
let gossiper = Arc::clone(&self.gossiper);
let block_cache = Arc::clone(&self.block_cache);
- let pm = self.peer_manager.clone();
+ let pmw = Arc::clone(&self.peer_manager_wake);
self.spawn.spawn(async move {
let res = Self::retrieve_utxo(source, block_cache, short_channel_id).await;
fut.resolve(gossiper.network_graph(), &*gossiper, res);
- pm.as_ref().process_events();
+ (pmw)();