use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::process;
-use proc_macro2::{TokenTree, TokenStream, Span};
+use proc_macro2::Span;
mod types;
mod blocks;
// *** Manually-expanded conversions ***
// *************************************
-/// Because we don't expand macros, any code that we need to generated based on their contents has
-/// to be completely manual. In this case its all just serialization, so its not too hard.
-fn convert_macro<W: std::io::Write>(w: &mut W, macro_path: &syn::Path, stream: &TokenStream, types: &TypeResolver) {
- assert_eq!(macro_path.segments.len(), 1);
- match &format!("{}", macro_path.segments.iter().next().unwrap().ident) as &str {
- "impl_writeable" | "impl_writeable_len_match" => {
- let struct_for = if let TokenTree::Ident(i) = stream.clone().into_iter().next().unwrap() { i } else { unimplemented!(); };
- if let Some(s) = types.maybe_resolve_ident(&struct_for) {
- if !types.crate_types.opaques.get(&s).is_some() { return; }
- writeln!(w, "#[no_mangle]").unwrap();
- writeln!(w, "/// Serialize the {} into a byte array which can be read by {}_read", struct_for, struct_for).unwrap();
- writeln!(w, "pub extern \"C\" fn {}_write(obj: &{}) -> crate::c_types::derived::CVec_u8Z {{", struct_for, struct_for).unwrap();
- writeln!(w, "\tcrate::c_types::serialize_obj(unsafe {{ &(*(*obj).inner) }})").unwrap();
- writeln!(w, "}}").unwrap();
- writeln!(w, "#[no_mangle]").unwrap();
- writeln!(w, "pub(crate) extern \"C\" fn {}_write_void(obj: *const c_void) -> crate::c_types::derived::CVec_u8Z {{", struct_for).unwrap();
- writeln!(w, "\tcrate::c_types::serialize_obj(unsafe {{ &*(obj as *const native{}) }})", struct_for).unwrap();
- writeln!(w, "}}").unwrap();
- writeln!(w, "#[no_mangle]").unwrap();
- writeln!(w, "/// Read a {} from a byte array, created by {}_write", struct_for, struct_for).unwrap();
- writeln!(w, "pub extern \"C\" fn {}_read(ser: crate::c_types::u8slice) -> {} {{", struct_for, struct_for).unwrap();
- writeln!(w, "\tif let Ok(res) = crate::c_types::deserialize_obj(ser) {{").unwrap();
- writeln!(w, "\t\t{} {{ inner: Box::into_raw(Box::new(res)), is_owned: true }}", struct_for).unwrap();
- writeln!(w, "\t}} else {{").unwrap();
- writeln!(w, "\t\t{} {{ inner: std::ptr::null_mut(), is_owned: true }}", struct_for).unwrap();
- writeln!(w, "\t}}\n}}").unwrap();
- }
- },
- _ => {},
- }
/// Convert "impl trait_path for for_ty { .. }" for manually-mapped types (ie (de)serialization)
fn maybe_convert_trait_impl<W: std::io::Write>(w: &mut W, trait_path: &syn::Path, for_ty: &syn::Type, types: &mut TypeResolver, generics: &GenericTypes) {
if let Some(t) = types.maybe_resolve_path(&trait_path, Some(generics)) {
/// Write out the impl block for a defined trait struct which has a supertrait
-fn do_write_impl_trait<W: std::io::Write>(w: &mut W, trait_path: &str, trait_name: &syn::Ident, for_obj: &str) {
+fn do_write_impl_trait<W: std::io::Write>(w: &mut W, trait_path: &str, _trait_name: &syn::Ident, for_obj: &str) {
+eprintln!("{}", trait_path);
match trait_path {
- "util::events::MessageSendEventsProvider" => {
- writeln!(w, "impl lightning::{} for {} {{", trait_path, for_obj).unwrap();
- writeln!(w, "\tfn get_and_clear_pending_msg_events(&self) -> Vec<lightning::util::events::MessageSendEvent> {{").unwrap();
- writeln!(w, "\t\t<crate::{} as lightning::{}>::get_and_clear_pending_msg_events(&self.{})", trait_path, trait_path, trait_name).unwrap();
- writeln!(w, "\t}}\n}}").unwrap();
- },
"util::ser::Writeable" => {
writeln!(w, "impl lightning::{} for {} {{", trait_path, for_obj).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\tfn write<W: lightning::util::ser::Writer>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), ::std::io::Error> {{").unwrap();
writeln_fn(&mut out, &f, &mut type_resolver);
- syn::Item::Macro(m) => {
- if m.ident.is_none() { // If its not a macro definition
- convert_macro(&mut out, &m.mac.path, &m.mac.tokens, &type_resolver);
- }
- },
+ syn::Item::Macro(_) => {},
syn::Item::Verbatim(_) => {},
syn::Item::ExternCrate(_) => {},
_ => unimplemented!(),