# Finally, sanity-check the generated C and C++ bindings with demo apps:
# Naively run the C demo app:
-gcc $LOCAL_CFLAGS -Wall -g -pthread demo.c target/debug/libldk.a -ldl
+gcc $LOCAL_CFLAGS -Wall -g -pthread demo.c target/debug/libldk.a -ldl -lm
# And run the C++ demo app
# Finally, run the C++ demo app with our native networking library
# in valgrind to test memory model correctness and lack of leaks.
gcc $LOCAL_CFLAGS -fPIC -std=c99 -Wall -g -pthread -I../ldk-net ../ldk-net/ldk_net.c -c -o ldk_net.o
-g++ $LOCAL_CFLAGS -std=c++11 -Wall -g -pthread -DREAL_NET -I../ldk-net ldk_net.o demo.cpp target/debug/libldk.a -ldl
+g++ $LOCAL_CFLAGS -std=c++11 -Wall -g -pthread -DREAL_NET -I../ldk-net ldk_net.o demo.cpp target/debug/libldk.a -ldl -lm
if [ -x "`which valgrind`" ]; then
valgrind --error-exitcode=4 --memcheck:leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all ./a.out