use util::ser::{Writeable, Readable, Writer};
use util::logger::Logger;
use util::events::{MessageSendEvent, MessageSendEventsProvider};
+use util::scid_utils::{block_from_scid, scid_from_parts};
use std::{cmp, fmt};
use std::sync::{RwLock, RwLockReadGuard};
full_syncs_requested: AtomicUsize,
pending_events: Mutex<Vec<MessageSendEvent>>,
logger: L,
+ /// Maximum number of short_channel_ids that will be encoded in one gossip reply message.
+ /// Default is 8000 which ensures a reply fits within the 65k payload limit and is
+ /// consistent with other implementations.
+ max_reply_scids: usize,
impl<C: Deref, L: Deref> NetGraphMsgHandler<C, L> where C::Target: chain::Access, L::Target: Logger {
pending_events: Mutex::new(vec![]),
+ max_reply_scids: 8000,
pending_events: Mutex::new(vec![]),
+ max_reply_scids: 8000,
- fn handle_query_channel_range(&self, _their_node_id: &PublicKey, _msg: QueryChannelRange) -> Result<(), LightningError> {
- // TODO
- Err(LightningError {
- err: String::from("Not implemented"),
- action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError,
- })
+ /// Processes a query from a peer by finding channels whose funding UTXOs
+ /// are in the specified block range. Due to message size limits, large range
+ /// queries may result in several reply messages. This implementation enqueues
+ /// all reply messages into pending events.
+ fn handle_query_channel_range(&self, their_node_id: &PublicKey, msg: QueryChannelRange) -> Result<(), LightningError> {
+ log_debug!(self.logger, "Handling query_channel_range peer={}, first_blocknum={}, number_of_blocks={}", log_pubkey!(their_node_id), msg.first_blocknum, msg.number_of_blocks);
+ let network_graph =;
+ let start_scid = scid_from_parts(msg.first_blocknum, 0, 0);
+ // We receive valid queries with end_blocknum that would overflow SCID conversion.
+ // Manually cap the ending block to avoid this overflow.
+ let exclusive_end_scid = scid_from_parts(cmp::min(msg.end_blocknum(), 0xffffff), 0, 0);
+ // Per spec, we must reply to a query. Send an empty message when things are invalid.
+ if msg.chain_hash != network_graph.genesis_hash || start_scid.is_err() || exclusive_end_scid.is_err() {
+ let mut pending_events = self.pending_events.lock().unwrap();
+ pending_events.push(MessageSendEvent::SendReplyChannelRange {
+ node_id: their_node_id.clone(),
+ msg: ReplyChannelRange {
+ chain_hash: msg.chain_hash.clone(),
+ first_blocknum: msg.first_blocknum,
+ number_of_blocks: msg.number_of_blocks,
+ sync_complete: true,
+ short_channel_ids: vec![],
+ }
+ });
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ // Creates channel batches. We are not checking if the channel is routable
+ // (has at least one update). A peer may still want to know the channel
+ // exists even if its not yet routable.
+ let mut batches: Vec<Vec<u64>> = vec![Vec::with_capacity(self.max_reply_scids)];
+ for (_, ref chan) in network_graph.get_channels().range(start_scid.unwrap()..exclusive_end_scid.unwrap()) {
+ if let Some(chan_announcement) = &chan.announcement_message {
+ // Construct a new batch if last one is full
+ if batches.last().unwrap().len() == batches.last().unwrap().capacity() {
+ batches.push(Vec::with_capacity(self.max_reply_scids));
+ }
+ let batch = batches.last_mut().unwrap();
+ batch.push(chan_announcement.contents.short_channel_id);
+ }
+ }
+ drop(network_graph);
+ let mut pending_events = self.pending_events.lock().unwrap();
+ let mut batch_index = 0;
+ let batch_count = batches.len();
+ for batch in batches.into_iter() {
+ // Per spec, the initial first_blocknum needs to be <= the query's first_blocknum.
+ // Use the query's values since we don't use pre-processed reply ranges.
+ let first_blocknum = if batch_index == 0 {
+ msg.first_blocknum
+ }
+ // Subsequent replies must be >= the last sent first_blocknum. Use the first block
+ // in the new batch.
+ else {
+ block_from_scid(batch.first().unwrap())
+ };
+ // Per spec, the last end_block needs to be >= the query's end_block. Last
+ // reply calculates difference between the query's end_blocknum and the start of the reply.
+ // Overflow safe since end_blocknum=msg.first_block_num+msg.number_of_blocks and first_blocknum
+ // will be either msg.first_blocknum or a higher block height.
+ let number_of_blocks = if batch_index == batch_count-1 {
+ msg.end_blocknum() - first_blocknum
+ }
+ // Prior replies should use the number of blocks that fit into the reply. Overflow
+ // safe since first_blocknum is always <= last SCID's block.
+ else {
+ block_from_scid(batch.last().unwrap()) - first_blocknum + 1
+ };
+ // Only true for the last message in a sequence
+ let sync_complete = batch_index == batch_count - 1;
+ pending_events.push(MessageSendEvent::SendReplyChannelRange {
+ node_id: their_node_id.clone(),
+ msg: ReplyChannelRange {
+ chain_hash: msg.chain_hash.clone(),
+ first_blocknum,
+ number_of_blocks,
+ sync_complete,
+ short_channel_ids: batch,
+ }
+ });
+ batch_index += 1;
+ }
+ Ok(())
fn handle_query_short_channel_ids(&self, _their_node_id: &PublicKey, _msg: QueryShortChannelIds) -> Result<(), LightningError> {
fn handling_query_channel_range() {
- let (secp_ctx, net_graph_msg_handler) = create_net_graph_msg_handler();
- let node_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap();
- let node_id = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_privkey);
+ let (secp_ctx, mut net_graph_msg_handler) = create_net_graph_msg_handler();
let chain_hash = genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash();
+ let node_1_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap();
+ let node_2_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap();
+ let node_1_btckey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[40; 32]).unwrap();
+ let node_2_btckey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[39; 32]).unwrap();
+ let node_id_1 = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_1_privkey);
+ let node_id_2 = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_2_privkey);
+ let bitcoin_key_1 = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_1_btckey);
+ let bitcoin_key_2 = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_2_btckey);
+ let scids: Vec<u64> = vec![
+ 0x000000_000000_0000, // 0x0x0
+ 0x000001_000000_0000, // 1x0x0
+ 0x000002_000000_0000, // 2x0x0
+ 0x000002_000001_0000, // 2x1x0
+ 0x000100_000000_0000, // 256x0x0
+ 0x000101_000000_0000, // 257x0x0
+ 0xfffffe_ffffff_ffff, // max
+ 0xffffff_ffffff_ffff, // never
+ ];
+ for scid in scids {
+ let unsigned_announcement = UnsignedChannelAnnouncement {
+ features: ChannelFeatures::known(),
+ chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
+ short_channel_id: scid,
+ node_id_1,
+ node_id_2,
+ bitcoin_key_1,
+ bitcoin_key_2,
+ excess_data: Vec::new(),
+ };
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.handle_query_channel_range(&node_id, QueryChannelRange {
- chain_hash,
- first_blocknum: 0,
- number_of_blocks: 0xffff_ffff,
- });
- assert!(result.is_err());
+ let msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_announcement.encode()[..])[..]);
+ let valid_announcement = ChannelAnnouncement {
+ node_signature_1: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_privkey),
+ node_signature_2: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_2_privkey),
+ bitcoin_signature_1: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_btckey),
+ bitcoin_signature_2: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_2_btckey),
+ contents: unsigned_announcement.clone(),
+ };
+ match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
+ Ok(_) => (),
+ _ => panic!()
+ };
+ }
+ // Empty reply when number_of_blocks=0
+ test_handling_query_channel_range(
+ &net_graph_msg_handler,
+ &node_id_2,
+ QueryChannelRange {
+ chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
+ first_blocknum: 0,
+ number_of_blocks: 0,
+ },
+ vec![ReplyChannelRange {
+ chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
+ first_blocknum: 0,
+ number_of_blocks: 0,
+ sync_complete: true,
+ short_channel_ids: vec![]
+ }]
+ );
+ // Empty when wrong chain
+ test_handling_query_channel_range(
+ &net_graph_msg_handler,
+ &node_id_2,
+ QueryChannelRange {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Bitcoin).header.block_hash(),
+ first_blocknum: 0,
+ number_of_blocks: 0xffff_ffff,
+ },
+ vec![ReplyChannelRange {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Bitcoin).header.block_hash(),
+ first_blocknum: 0,
+ number_of_blocks: 0xffff_ffff,
+ sync_complete: true,
+ short_channel_ids: vec![],
+ }]
+ );
+ // Empty reply when first_blocknum > 0xffffff
+ test_handling_query_channel_range(
+ &net_graph_msg_handler,
+ &node_id_2,
+ QueryChannelRange {
+ chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
+ first_blocknum: 0x01000000,
+ number_of_blocks: 0xffffffff,
+ },
+ vec![ReplyChannelRange {
+ chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
+ first_blocknum: 0x01000000,
+ number_of_blocks: 0xffffffff,
+ sync_complete: true,
+ short_channel_ids: vec![]
+ }]
+ );
+ // Empty reply when max valid SCID block num.
+ // Unlike prior test this is a valid but no results are found
+ test_handling_query_channel_range(
+ &net_graph_msg_handler,
+ &node_id_2,
+ QueryChannelRange {
+ chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
+ first_blocknum: 0xffffff,
+ number_of_blocks: 1,
+ },
+ vec![
+ ReplyChannelRange {
+ chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
+ first_blocknum: 0xffffff,
+ number_of_blocks: 1,
+ sync_complete: true,
+ short_channel_ids: vec![]
+ },
+ ]
+ );
+ // No results in valid query range
+ test_handling_query_channel_range(
+ &net_graph_msg_handler,
+ &node_id_2,
+ QueryChannelRange {
+ chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
+ first_blocknum: 0x00100000,
+ number_of_blocks: 1000,
+ },
+ vec![
+ ReplyChannelRange {
+ chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
+ first_blocknum: 0x00100000,
+ number_of_blocks: 1000,
+ sync_complete: true,
+ short_channel_ids: vec![],
+ }
+ ]
+ );
+ // Single reply - all blocks
+ test_handling_query_channel_range(
+ &net_graph_msg_handler,
+ &node_id_2,
+ QueryChannelRange {
+ chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
+ first_blocknum: 0,
+ number_of_blocks: 0xffffffff,
+ },
+ vec![
+ ReplyChannelRange {
+ chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
+ first_blocknum: 0,
+ number_of_blocks: 0xffffffff,
+ sync_complete: true,
+ short_channel_ids: vec![
+ 0x000000_000000_0000, // 0x0x0
+ 0x000001_000000_0000, // 1x0x0
+ 0x000002_000000_0000, // 2x0x0
+ 0x000002_000001_0000, // 2x1x0
+ 0x000100_000000_0000, // 256x0x0
+ 0x000101_000000_0000, // 257x0x0
+ 0xfffffe_ffffff_ffff, // max
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ );
+ // Single reply - overflow of first_blocknum + number_of_blocks
+ test_handling_query_channel_range(
+ &net_graph_msg_handler,
+ &node_id_2,
+ QueryChannelRange {
+ chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
+ first_blocknum: 1,
+ number_of_blocks: 0xffffffff,
+ },
+ vec![
+ ReplyChannelRange {
+ chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
+ first_blocknum: 1,
+ number_of_blocks: 0xfffffffe,
+ sync_complete: true,
+ short_channel_ids: vec![
+ 0x000001_000000_0000, // 1x0x0
+ 0x000002_000000_0000, // 2x0x0
+ 0x000002_000001_0000, // 2x1x0
+ 0x000100_000000_0000, // 256x0x0
+ 0x000101_000000_0000, // 257x0x0
+ 0xfffffe_ffffff_ffff, // max
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ );
+ // Single reply - query larger than found results
+ test_handling_query_channel_range(
+ &net_graph_msg_handler,
+ &node_id_2,
+ QueryChannelRange {
+ chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
+ first_blocknum: 100,
+ number_of_blocks: 1000,
+ },
+ vec![
+ ReplyChannelRange {
+ chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
+ first_blocknum: 100,
+ number_of_blocks: 1000,
+ sync_complete: true,
+ short_channel_ids: vec![
+ 0x000100_000000_0000, // 256x0x0
+ 0x000101_000000_0000, // 257x0x0
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ );
+ // Tests below here will chunk replies
+ net_graph_msg_handler.max_reply_scids = 1;
+ // Multipart - new block per messages
+ test_handling_query_channel_range(
+ &net_graph_msg_handler,
+ &node_id_2,
+ QueryChannelRange {
+ chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
+ first_blocknum: 0,
+ number_of_blocks: 2,
+ },
+ vec![
+ ReplyChannelRange {
+ chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
+ first_blocknum: 0,
+ number_of_blocks: 1,
+ sync_complete: false,
+ short_channel_ids: vec![
+ 0x000000_000000_0000, // 0x0x0
+ ]
+ },
+ ReplyChannelRange {
+ chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
+ first_blocknum: 1,
+ number_of_blocks: 1,
+ sync_complete: true,
+ short_channel_ids: vec![
+ 0x000001_000000_0000, // 1x0x0
+ ]
+ },
+ ]
+ );
+ // Multiplart - resumption of same block
+ test_handling_query_channel_range(
+ &net_graph_msg_handler,
+ &node_id_2,
+ QueryChannelRange {
+ chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
+ first_blocknum: 2,
+ number_of_blocks: 1,
+ },
+ vec![
+ ReplyChannelRange {
+ chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
+ first_blocknum: 2,
+ number_of_blocks: 1,
+ sync_complete: false,
+ short_channel_ids: vec![
+ 0x000002_000000_0000, // 2x0x0
+ ]
+ },
+ ReplyChannelRange {
+ chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
+ first_blocknum: 2,
+ number_of_blocks: 1,
+ sync_complete: true,
+ short_channel_ids: vec![
+ 0x000002_000001_0000, // 2x1x0
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ );
+ // Multipart - query larger than found results, similar to single reply
+ test_handling_query_channel_range(
+ &net_graph_msg_handler,
+ &node_id_2,
+ QueryChannelRange {
+ chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
+ first_blocknum: 100,
+ number_of_blocks: 1000,
+ },
+ vec![
+ ReplyChannelRange {
+ chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
+ first_blocknum: 100, // <= query first_blocknum
+ number_of_blocks: 157,
+ sync_complete: false,
+ short_channel_ids: vec![
+ 0x000100_000000_0000, // 256x0x0
+ ]
+ },
+ ReplyChannelRange {
+ chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
+ first_blocknum: 257,
+ number_of_blocks: 843, // >= query first_blocknum+number_of_blocks
+ sync_complete: true,
+ short_channel_ids: vec![
+ 0x000101_000000_0000, // 257x0x0
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ );
+ }
+ fn test_handling_query_channel_range(
+ net_graph_msg_handler: &NetGraphMsgHandler<Arc<test_utils::TestChainSource>, Arc<test_utils::TestLogger>>,
+ test_node_id: &PublicKey,
+ msg: QueryChannelRange,
+ expected_replies: Vec<ReplyChannelRange>
+ ) {
+ let result = net_graph_msg_handler.handle_query_channel_range(test_node_id, msg);
+ assert!(result.is_ok());
+ let events = net_graph_msg_handler.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
+ assert_eq!(events.len(), expected_replies.len());
+ for i in {
+ let expected_reply = &expected_replies[i];
+ match &events[i] {
+ MessageSendEvent::SendReplyChannelRange { node_id, msg } => {
+ assert_eq!(node_id, test_node_id);
+ assert_eq!(msg.chain_hash, expected_reply.chain_hash);
+ assert_eq!(msg.first_blocknum, expected_reply.first_blocknum);
+ assert_eq!(msg.number_of_blocks, expected_reply.number_of_blocks);
+ assert_eq!(msg.sync_complete, expected_reply.sync_complete);
+ assert_eq!(msg.short_channel_ids, expected_reply.short_channel_ids);
+ },
+ _ => panic!("expected MessageSendEvent::SendReplyChannelRange"),
+ }
+ }