macro_rules! claim_htlcs {
($commitment_number: expr, $txid: expr) => {
let htlc_claim_reqs = self.get_counterparty_htlc_output_claim_reqs($commitment_number, $txid, None);
- self.onchain_tx_handler.update_claims_view(&Vec::new(), htlc_claim_reqs, self.best_block.height(), broadcaster, fee_estimator, logger);
+ self.onchain_tx_handler.update_claims_view(&Vec::new(), htlc_claim_reqs, self.best_block.height(), self.best_block.height(), broadcaster, fee_estimator, logger);
if let Some(txid) = self.current_counterparty_commitment_txid {
// holder commitment transactions.
if self.broadcasted_holder_revokable_script.is_some() {
let (claim_reqs, _) = self.get_broadcasted_holder_claims(&self.current_holder_commitment_tx, 0);
- self.onchain_tx_handler.update_claims_view(&Vec::new(), claim_reqs, self.best_block.height(), broadcaster, fee_estimator, logger);
+ self.onchain_tx_handler.update_claims_view(&Vec::new(), claim_reqs, self.best_block.height(), self.best_block.height(), broadcaster, fee_estimator, logger);
if let Some(ref tx) = self.prev_holder_signed_commitment_tx {
let (claim_reqs, _) = self.get_broadcasted_holder_claims(&tx, 0);
- self.onchain_tx_handler.update_claims_view(&Vec::new(), claim_reqs, self.best_block.height(), broadcaster, fee_estimator, logger);
+ self.onchain_tx_handler.update_claims_view(&Vec::new(), claim_reqs, self.best_block.height(), self.best_block.height(), broadcaster, fee_estimator, logger);
if height > self.best_block.height() {
self.best_block = BestBlock::new(block_hash, height);
- self.block_confirmed(height, vec![], vec![], vec![], broadcaster, fee_estimator, logger)
+ self.block_confirmed(height, vec![], vec![], vec![], &broadcaster, &fee_estimator, &logger)
} else if block_hash != self.best_block.block_hash() {
self.best_block = BestBlock::new(block_hash, height);
self.onchain_events_awaiting_threshold_conf.retain(|ref entry| entry.height <= height);
self.best_block = BestBlock::new(block_hash, height);
- self.block_confirmed(height, txn_matched, watch_outputs, claimable_outpoints, broadcaster, fee_estimator, logger)
+ self.block_confirmed(height, txn_matched, watch_outputs, claimable_outpoints, &broadcaster, &fee_estimator, &logger)
+ /// Update state for new block(s)/transaction(s) confirmed. Note that the caller must update
+ /// `self.best_block` before calling if a new best blockchain tip is available. More
+ /// concretely, `self.best_block` must never be at a lower height than `conf_height`, avoiding
+ /// complexity especially in `OnchainTx::update_claims_view`.
+ ///
+ /// `conf_height` should be set to the height at which any new transaction(s)/block(s) were
+ /// confirmed at, even if it is not the current best height.
fn block_confirmed<B: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref>(
&mut self,
- height: u32,
+ conf_height: u32,
txn_matched: Vec<&Transaction>,
mut watch_outputs: Vec<TransactionOutputs>,
mut claimable_outpoints: Vec<PackageTemplate>,
- broadcaster: B,
- fee_estimator: F,
- logger: L,
+ broadcaster: &B,
+ fee_estimator: &F,
+ logger: &L,
) -> Vec<TransactionOutputs>
B::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
F::Target: FeeEstimator,
L::Target: Logger,
- let should_broadcast = self.would_broadcast_at_height(height, &logger);
+ debug_assert!(self.best_block.height() >= conf_height);
+ let should_broadcast = self.would_broadcast_at_height(self.best_block.height(), logger);
if should_broadcast {
let funding_outp = HolderFundingOutput::build(self.funding_redeemscript.clone());
- let commitment_package = PackageTemplate::build_package(self.funding_info.0.txid.clone(), self.funding_info.0.index as u32, PackageSolvingData::HolderFundingOutput(funding_outp), height, false, height);
+ let commitment_package = PackageTemplate::build_package(self.funding_info.0.txid.clone(), self.funding_info.0.index as u32, PackageSolvingData::HolderFundingOutput(funding_outp), self.best_block.height(), false, self.best_block.height());
let commitment_tx = self.onchain_tx_handler.get_fully_signed_holder_tx(&self.funding_redeemscript);
self.holder_tx_signed = true;
- let (mut new_outpoints, _) = self.get_broadcasted_holder_claims(&self.current_holder_commitment_tx, height);
+ let (mut new_outpoints, _) = self.get_broadcasted_holder_claims(&self.current_holder_commitment_tx, self.best_block.height());
let new_outputs = self.get_broadcasted_holder_watch_outputs(&self.current_holder_commitment_tx, &commitment_tx);
if !new_outputs.is_empty() {
watch_outputs.push((self.current_holder_commitment_tx.txid.clone(), new_outputs));
let mut onchain_events_reaching_threshold_conf = Vec::new();
for entry in onchain_events_awaiting_threshold_conf {
- if entry.has_reached_confirmation_threshold(height) {
+ if entry.has_reached_confirmation_threshold(self.best_block.height()) {
} else {
- self.onchain_tx_handler.update_claims_view(&txn_matched, claimable_outpoints, height, &&*broadcaster, &&*fee_estimator, &&*logger);
+ self.onchain_tx_handler.update_claims_view(&txn_matched, claimable_outpoints, conf_height, self.best_block.height(), broadcaster, fee_estimator, logger);
// Determine new outputs to watch by comparing against previously known outputs to watch,
// updating the latter in the process.
/// (CSV or CLTV following cases). In case of high-fee spikes, claim tx may stuck in the mempool, so you need to bump its feerate quickly using Replace-By-Fee or Child-Pay-For-Parent.
/// Panics if there are signing errors, because signing operations in reaction to on-chain events
/// are not expected to fail, and if they do, we may lose funds.
- fn generate_claim_tx<F: Deref, L: Deref>(&mut self, height: u32, cached_request: &PackageTemplate, fee_estimator: &F, logger: &L) -> Option<(Option<u32>, u64, Transaction)>
+ fn generate_claim_tx<F: Deref, L: Deref>(&mut self, cur_height: u32, cached_request: &PackageTemplate, fee_estimator: &F, logger: &L) -> Option<(Option<u32>, u64, Transaction)>
where F::Target: FeeEstimator,
L::Target: Logger,
// Compute new height timer to decide when we need to regenerate a new bumped version of the claim tx (if we
// didn't receive confirmation of it before, or not enough reorg-safe depth on top of it).
- let new_timer = Some(cached_request.get_height_timer(height));
+ let new_timer = Some(cached_request.get_height_timer(cur_height));
if cached_request.is_malleable() {
let predicted_weight = cached_request.package_weight(&self.destination_script);
if let Some((output_value, new_feerate)) = cached_request.compute_package_output(predicted_weight, fee_estimator, logger) {
/// for this channel, provide new relevant on-chain transactions and/or new claim requests.
/// Formerly this was named `block_connected`, but it is now also used for claiming an HTLC output
/// if we receive a preimage after force-close.
- pub(crate) fn update_claims_view<B: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref>(&mut self, txn_matched: &[&Transaction], requests: Vec<PackageTemplate>, height: u32, broadcaster: &B, fee_estimator: &F, logger: &L)
+ /// `conf_height` represents the height at which the transactions in `txn_matched` were
+ /// confirmed. This does not need to equal the current blockchain tip height, which should be
+ /// provided via `cur_height`, however it must never be higher than `cur_height`.
+ pub(crate) fn update_claims_view<B: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref>(&mut self, txn_matched: &[&Transaction], requests: Vec<PackageTemplate>, conf_height: u32, cur_height: u32, broadcaster: &B, fee_estimator: &F, logger: &L)
where B::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
F::Target: FeeEstimator,
L::Target: Logger,
- log_debug!(logger, "Updating claims view at height {} with {} matched transactions and {} claim requests", height, txn_matched.len(), requests.len());
+ log_debug!(logger, "Updating claims view at height {} with {} matched transactions in block {} and {} claim requests", cur_height, txn_matched.len(), conf_height, requests.len());
let mut preprocessed_requests = Vec::with_capacity(requests.len());
let mut aggregated_request = None;
- if req.package_timelock() > height + 1 {
- log_info!(logger, "Delaying claim of package until its timelock at {} (current height {}), the following outpoints are spent:", req.package_timelock(), height);
+ if req.package_timelock() > cur_height + 1 {
+ log_info!(logger, "Delaying claim of package until its timelock at {} (current height {}), the following outpoints are spent:", req.package_timelock(), cur_height);
for outpoint in req.outpoints() {
log_info!(logger, " Outpoint {}", outpoint);
- log_trace!(logger, "Test if outpoint can be aggregated with expiration {} against {}", req.timelock(), height + CLTV_SHARED_CLAIM_BUFFER);
- if req.timelock() <= height + CLTV_SHARED_CLAIM_BUFFER || !req.aggregable() {
+ log_trace!(logger, "Test if outpoint can be aggregated with expiration {} against {}", req.timelock(), cur_height + CLTV_SHARED_CLAIM_BUFFER);
+ if req.timelock() <= cur_height + CLTV_SHARED_CLAIM_BUFFER || !req.aggregable() {
// Don't aggregate if outpoint package timelock is soon or marked as non-aggregable
} else if aggregated_request.is_none() {
- // Claim everything up to and including height + 1
- let remaining_locked_packages = self.locktimed_packages.split_off(&(height + 2));
+ // Claim everything up to and including cur_height + 1
+ let remaining_locked_packages = self.locktimed_packages.split_off(&(cur_height + 2));
for (pop_height, mut entry) in self.locktimed_packages.iter_mut() {
log_trace!(logger, "Restoring delayed claim of package(s) at their timelock at {}.", pop_height);
preprocessed_requests.append(&mut entry);
// Generate claim transactions and track them to bump if necessary at
// height timer expiration (i.e in how many blocks we're going to take action).
for mut req in preprocessed_requests {
- if let Some((new_timer, new_feerate, tx)) = self.generate_claim_tx(height, &req, &*fee_estimator, &*logger) {
+ if let Some((new_timer, new_feerate, tx)) = self.generate_claim_tx(cur_height, &req, &*fee_estimator, &*logger) {
let txid = tx.txid();
for k in req.outpoints() {
log_info!(logger, "Registering claiming request for {}:{}", k.txid, k.vout);
- self.claimable_outpoints.insert(k.clone(), (txid, height));
+ self.claimable_outpoints.insert(k.clone(), (txid, conf_height));
self.pending_claim_requests.insert(txid, req);
log_info!(logger, "Broadcasting onchain {}", log_tx!(tx));
() => {
let entry = OnchainEventEntry {
txid: tx.txid(),
- height,
+ height: conf_height,
event: OnchainEvent::Claim { claim_request: first_claim_txid_height.0.clone() }
if !self.onchain_events_awaiting_threshold_conf.contains(&entry) {
for package in claimed_outputs_material.drain(..) {
let entry = OnchainEventEntry {
txid: tx.txid(),
- height,
+ height: conf_height,
event: OnchainEvent::ContentiousOutpoint { package },
if !self.onchain_events_awaiting_threshold_conf.contains(&entry) {
let onchain_events_awaiting_threshold_conf =
for entry in onchain_events_awaiting_threshold_conf {
- if entry.has_reached_confirmation_threshold(height) {
+ if entry.has_reached_confirmation_threshold(cur_height) {
match entry.event {
OnchainEvent::Claim { claim_request } => {
// We may remove a whole set of claim outpoints here, as these one may have
// Check if any pending claim request must be rescheduled
for (first_claim_txid, ref request) in self.pending_claim_requests.iter() {
if let Some(h) = request.timer() {
- if height >= h {
+ if cur_height >= h {
bump_candidates.insert(*first_claim_txid, (*request).clone());
// Build, bump and rebroadcast tx accordingly
log_trace!(logger, "Bumping {} candidates", bump_candidates.len());
for (first_claim_txid, request) in bump_candidates.iter() {
- if let Some((new_timer, new_feerate, bump_tx)) = self.generate_claim_tx(height, &request, &*fee_estimator, &*logger) {
+ if let Some((new_timer, new_feerate, bump_tx)) = self.generate_claim_tx(cur_height, &request, &*fee_estimator, &*logger) {
log_info!(logger, "Broadcasting RBF-bumped onchain {}", log_tx!(bump_tx));
if let Some(request) = self.pending_claim_requests.get_mut(first_claim_txid) {
pub fn best_block_info(&self) -> (BlockHash, u32) {
self.blocks.lock().unwrap().last().map(|(a, b)| (a.block_hash(), *b)).unwrap()
+ pub fn get_block_header(&self, height: u32) -> BlockHeader {
+ self.blocks.lock().unwrap()[height as usize].0
+ }
impl<'a, 'b, 'c> Drop for Node<'a, 'b, 'c> {
//! claim outputs on-chain.
use chain;
-use chain::Listen;
-use chain::Watch;
+use chain::{Confirm, Listen, Watch};
use chain::channelmonitor;
use chain::channelmonitor::{ChannelMonitor, CLTV_CLAIM_BUFFER, LATENCY_GRACE_PERIOD_BLOCKS, ANTI_REORG_DELAY};
use chain::transaction::OutPoint;
} else { panic!(); }
assert_eq!(nodes[1].node.list_channels().len(), 0);
+fn do_test_tx_confirmed_skipping_blocks_immediate_broadcast(test_height_before_timelock: bool) {
+ // In the first version of the chain::Confirm interface, after a refactor was made to not
+ // broadcast CSV-locked transactions until their CSV lock is up, we wouldn't reliably broadcast
+ // transactions after a `transactions_confirmed` call. Specifically, if the chain, provided via
+ // `best_block_updated` is at height N, and a transaction output which we wish to spend at
+ // height N-1 (due to a CSV to height N-1) is provided at height N, we will not broadcast the
+ // spending transaction until height N+1 (or greater). This was due to the way
+ // `ChannelMonitor::transactions_confirmed` worked, only checking if we should broadcast a
+ // spending transaction at the height the input transaction was confirmed at, not whether we
+ // should broadcast a spending transaction at the current height.
+ // A second, similar, issue involved failing HTLCs backwards - because we only provided the
+ // height at which transactions were confirmed to `OnchainTx::update_claims_view`, it wasn't
+ // aware that the anti-reorg-delay had, in fact, already expired, waiting to fail-backwards
+ // until we learned about an additional block.
+ //
+ // As an additional check, if `test_height_before_timelock` is set, we instead test that we
+ // aren't broadcasting transactions too early (ie not broadcasting them at all).
+ let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(3);
+ let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(3, &chanmon_cfgs);
+ let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(3, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None]);
+ let mut nodes = create_network(3, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
+ *nodes[0].connect_style.borrow_mut() = ConnectStyle::BestBlockFirstSkippingBlocks;
+ create_announced_chan_between_nodes(&nodes, 0, 1, InitFeatures::known(), InitFeatures::known());
+ let (chan_announce, _, channel_id, _) = create_announced_chan_between_nodes(&nodes, 1, 2, InitFeatures::known(), InitFeatures::known());
+ let (_, payment_hash, _) = route_payment(&nodes[0], &[&nodes[1], &nodes[2]], 1_000_000);
+ nodes[1].node.peer_disconnected(&nodes[2].node.get_our_node_id(), false);
+ nodes[2].node.peer_disconnected(&nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), false);
+ nodes[1].node.force_close_channel(&channel_id).unwrap();
+ check_closed_broadcast!(nodes[1], true);
+ check_added_monitors!(nodes[1], 1);
+ let node_txn = nodes[1].tx_broadcaster.txn_broadcasted.lock().unwrap().split_off(0);
+ assert_eq!(node_txn.len(), 1);
+ let conf_height = nodes[1].best_block_info().1;
+ if !test_height_before_timelock {
+ connect_blocks(&nodes[1], 24 * 6);
+ }
+ nodes[1].chain_monitor.chain_monitor.transactions_confirmed(
+ &nodes[1].get_block_header(conf_height), &[(0, &node_txn[0])], conf_height);
+ if test_height_before_timelock {
+ // If we confirmed the close transaction, but timelocks have not yet expired, we should not
+ // generate any events or broadcast any transactions
+ assert!(nodes[1].tx_broadcaster.txn_broadcasted.lock().unwrap().is_empty());
+ assert!(nodes[1].chain_monitor.chain_monitor.get_and_clear_pending_events().is_empty());
+ } else {
+ // We should broadcast an HTLC transaction spending our funding transaction first
+ let spending_txn = nodes[1].tx_broadcaster.txn_broadcasted.lock().unwrap().split_off(0);
+ assert_eq!(spending_txn.len(), 2);
+ assert_eq!(spending_txn[0], node_txn[0]);
+ check_spends!(spending_txn[1], node_txn[0]);
+ // We should also generate a SpendableOutputs event with the to_self output (as its
+ // timelock is up).
+ let descriptor_spend_txn = check_spendable_outputs!(nodes[1], node_cfgs[1].keys_manager);
+ assert_eq!(descriptor_spend_txn.len(), 1);
+ // If we also discover that the HTLC-Timeout transaction was confirmed some time ago, we
+ // should immediately fail-backwards the HTLC to the previous hop, without waiting for an
+ // additional block built on top of the current chain.
+ nodes[1].chain_monitor.chain_monitor.transactions_confirmed(
+ &nodes[1].get_block_header(conf_height + 1), &[(0, &spending_txn[1])], conf_height + 1);
+ expect_pending_htlcs_forwardable!(nodes[1]);
+ check_added_monitors!(nodes[1], 1);
+ let updates = get_htlc_update_msgs!(nodes[1], nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id());
+ assert!(updates.update_add_htlcs.is_empty());
+ assert!(updates.update_fulfill_htlcs.is_empty());
+ assert_eq!(updates.update_fail_htlcs.len(), 1);
+ assert!(updates.update_fail_malformed_htlcs.is_empty());
+ assert!(updates.update_fee.is_none());
+ nodes[0].node.handle_update_fail_htlc(&nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), &updates.update_fail_htlcs[0]);
+ commitment_signed_dance!(nodes[0], nodes[1], updates.commitment_signed, true, true);
+ expect_payment_failed!(nodes[0], payment_hash, false);
+ expect_payment_failure_chan_update!(nodes[0], chan_announce.contents.short_channel_id, true);
+ }
+fn test_tx_confirmed_skipping_blocks_immediate_broadcast() {
+ do_test_tx_confirmed_skipping_blocks_immediate_broadcast(false);
+ do_test_tx_confirmed_skipping_blocks_immediate_broadcast(true);