void __attribute__((destructor)) check_leaks() {
size_t alloc_count = 0;
size_t alloc_size = 0;
+ fprintf(stderr, "The following LDK-allocated blocks still remain.\\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "Note that this is only accurate if System.gc(); System.runFinalization()\\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "was called prior to exit after all LDK objects were out of scope.\\n");
for (allocation* a = allocation_ll; a != NULL; a = a->next) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s %p (%lu bytes) remains:\\n", a->struct_name, a->ptr, a->alloc_len);
backtrace_symbols_fd(a->bt, a->bt_len, STDERR_FILENO);
alloc_size += a->alloc_len;
fprintf(stderr, "%lu allocations remained for %lu bytes.\\n", alloc_count, alloc_size);
- DO_ASSERT(allocation_ll == NULL);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Note that this is only accurate if System.gc(); System.runFinalization()\\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "was called prior to exit after all LDK objects were out of scope.\\n");
self.c_file_pfx = self.c_file_pfx + """