+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ use crate::io::Cursor;
+ use crate::ln::chan_utils::ChannelTransactionParameters;
+ use crate::util::ser::Readable;
+ use crate::util::test_utils::{TestBroadcaster, TestLogger};
+ use crate::sign::KeysManager;
+ use bitcoin::hashes::Hash;
+ use bitcoin::hex::FromHex;
+ use bitcoin::{Network, ScriptBuf, Transaction, Txid};
+ struct TestCoinSelectionSource {
+ // (commitment + anchor value, commitment + input weight, target feerate, result)
+ expected_selects: Mutex<Vec<(u64, u64, u32, CoinSelection)>>,
+ }
+ impl CoinSelectionSource for TestCoinSelectionSource {
+ fn select_confirmed_utxos(
+ &self,
+ _claim_id: ClaimId,
+ must_spend: Vec<Input>,
+ _must_pay_to: &[TxOut],
+ target_feerate_sat_per_1000_weight: u32
+ ) -> Result<CoinSelection, ()> {
+ let mut expected_selects = self.expected_selects.lock().unwrap();
+ let (weight, value, feerate, res) = expected_selects.remove(0);
+ assert_eq!(must_spend.len(), 1);
+ assert_eq!(must_spend[0].satisfaction_weight, weight);
+ assert_eq!(must_spend[0].previous_utxo.value.to_sat(), value);
+ assert_eq!(target_feerate_sat_per_1000_weight, feerate);
+ Ok(res)
+ }
+ fn sign_psbt(&self, psbt: Psbt) -> Result<Transaction, ()> {
+ let mut tx = psbt.unsigned_tx;
+ for input in tx.input.iter_mut() {
+ if input.previous_output.txid != Txid::from_byte_array([44; 32]) {
+ // Channel output, add a realistic size witness to make the assertions happy
+ input.witness = Witness::from_slice(&[vec![42; 162]]);
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(tx)
+ }
+ }
+ impl Drop for TestCoinSelectionSource {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ assert!(self.expected_selects.lock().unwrap().is_empty());
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_op_return_under_funds() {
+ // Test what happens if we have to select coins but the anchor output value itself suffices
+ // to pay the required fee.
+ //
+ // This tests a case that occurred on mainnet (with the below transaction) where the target
+ // feerate (of 868 sat/kW) was met by the anchor output's 330 sats alone. This caused the
+ // use of an OP_RETURN which created a transaction which, at the time, was less than 64
+ // bytes long (the current code generates a 65 byte transaction instead to meet
+ // standardness rule). It also tests the handling of selection failure where we selected
+ // coins which were insufficient once the OP_RETURN output was added, causing us to need to
+ // select coins again with additional weight.
+ // Tx 18032ad172a5f28fa6e16392d6cc57ea47895781434ce15d03766cc47a955fb9
+ let commitment_tx_bytes = Vec::<u8>::from_hex("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").unwrap();
+ let commitment_tx: Transaction = Readable::read(&mut Cursor::new(&commitment_tx_bytes)).unwrap();
+ let total_commitment_weight = commitment_tx.weight().to_wu() + ANCHOR_INPUT_WITNESS_WEIGHT + EMPTY_SCRIPT_SIG_WEIGHT;
+ let commitment_and_anchor_fee = 930 + 330;
+ let op_return_weight = TxOut {
+ value: Amount::ZERO,
+ script_pubkey: ScriptBuf::new_op_return(&[0; 3]),
+ }.weight().to_wu();
+ let broadcaster = TestBroadcaster::new(Network::Testnet);
+ let source = TestCoinSelectionSource {
+ expected_selects: Mutex::new(vec![
+ (total_commitment_weight, commitment_and_anchor_fee, 868, CoinSelection { confirmed_utxos: Vec::new(), change_output: None }),
+ (total_commitment_weight + op_return_weight, commitment_and_anchor_fee, 868, CoinSelection {
+ confirmed_utxos: vec![Utxo {
+ outpoint: OutPoint { txid: Txid::from_byte_array([44; 32]), vout: 0 },
+ output: TxOut { value: Amount::from_sat(200), script_pubkey: ScriptBuf::new() },
+ satisfaction_weight: 5, // Just the script_sig and witness lengths
+ }],
+ change_output: None,
+ })
+ ]),
+ };
+ let signer = KeysManager::new(&[42; 32], 42, 42);
+ let logger = TestLogger::new();
+ let handler = BumpTransactionEventHandler::new(&broadcaster, &source, &signer, &logger);
+ handler.handle_event(&BumpTransactionEvent::ChannelClose {
+ channel_id: ChannelId([42; 32]),
+ counterparty_node_id: PublicKey::from_slice(&[2; 33]).unwrap(),
+ claim_id: ClaimId([42; 32]),
+ package_target_feerate_sat_per_1000_weight: 868,
+ commitment_tx_fee_satoshis: 930,
+ commitment_tx,
+ anchor_descriptor: AnchorDescriptor {
+ channel_derivation_parameters: ChannelDerivationParameters {
+ value_satoshis: 42_000_000,
+ keys_id: [42; 32],
+ transaction_parameters: ChannelTransactionParameters::test_dummy(),
+ },
+ outpoint: OutPoint { txid: Txid::from_byte_array([42; 32]), vout: 0 },
+ },
+ pending_htlcs: Vec::new(),
+ });
+ }
holder_is_broadcaster: false
+ #[cfg(test)]
+ pub fn test_dummy() -> Self {
+ let dummy_keys = ChannelPublicKeys {
+ funding_pubkey: PublicKey::from_slice(&[2; 33]).unwrap(),
+ revocation_basepoint: PublicKey::from_slice(&[2; 33]).unwrap().into(),
+ payment_point: PublicKey::from_slice(&[2; 33]).unwrap(),
+ delayed_payment_basepoint: PublicKey::from_slice(&[2; 33]).unwrap().into(),
+ htlc_basepoint: PublicKey::from_slice(&[2; 33]).unwrap().into(),
+ };
+ Self {
+ holder_pubkeys: dummy_keys.clone(),
+ holder_selected_contest_delay: 42,
+ is_outbound_from_holder: true,
+ counterparty_parameters: Some(CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters {
+ pubkeys: dummy_keys,
+ selected_contest_delay: 42,
+ }),
+ funding_outpoint: Some(chain::transaction::OutPoint {
+ txid: Txid::from_byte_array([42; 32]), index: 0
+ }),
+ channel_type_features: ChannelTypeFeatures::empty(),
+ }
+ }
impl_writeable_tlv_based!(CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters, {