.push_int(to_self_delay as i64)
- .push_opcode(opcodes::OP_CSV)
+ .push_opcode(opcodes::all::OP_CSV)
.push_int(htlc.cltv_expiry as i64)
- .push_opcode(opcodes::OP_CLTV)
+ .push_opcode(opcodes::all::OP_CLTV)
($self: ident, $fee_estimator: expr, $value: expr, $predicted_weight: expr, $spent_txid: expr, $used_feerate: expr) => {
$used_feerate = $fee_estimator.get_est_sat_per_1000_weight(ConfirmationTarget::HighPriority);
- let mut fee = $used_feerate * $predicted_weight / 1000;
+ let mut fee = $used_feerate * ($predicted_weight as u64) / 1000;
if $value <= fee {
$used_feerate = $fee_estimator.get_est_sat_per_1000_weight(ConfirmationTarget::Normal);
- fee = $used_feerate * $predicted_weight / 1000;
+ fee = $used_feerate * ($predicted_weight as u64) / 1000;
if $value <= fee {
$used_feerate = $fee_estimator.get_est_sat_per_1000_weight(ConfirmationTarget::Background);
- fee = $used_feerate * $predicted_weight / 1000;
+ fee = $used_feerate * ($predicted_weight as u64) / 1000;
if $value <= fee {
log_error!($self, "Failed to generate an on-chain punishment tx spending {} as even low priority fee ({} sat) was more than the entire claim balance ({} sat)",
$spent_txid, fee, $value);
- fn get_witnesses_weight(inputs: &[InputDescriptors]) -> u64 {
+ fn get_witnesses_weight(inputs: &[InputDescriptors]) -> usize {
let mut tx_weight = 2; // count segwit flags
for inp in inputs {
// We use expected weight (and not actual) as signatures and time lock delays may vary
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
let privkey = SecretKey::from_slice(&hex::decode("0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101").unwrap()[..]).unwrap();
let pubkey = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &privkey);
- let mut sum_actual_sigs: u64 = 0;
+ let mut sum_actual_sigs = 0;
macro_rules! sign_input {
($sighash_parts: expr, $input: expr, $idx: expr, $amount: expr, $input_type: expr, $sum_actual_sigs: expr) => {
let sig = secp_ctx.sign(&sighash, &privkey);
$input.witness[0].push(SigHashType::All as u8);
- sum_actual_sigs += $input.witness[0].len() as u64;
+ sum_actual_sigs += $input.witness[0].len();
if *$input_type == InputDescriptors::RevokedOutput {
} else if *$input_type == InputDescriptors::RevokedOfferedHTLC || *$input_type == InputDescriptors::RevokedReceivedHTLC {
for (idx, inp) in claim_tx.input.iter_mut().zip(inputs_des.iter()).enumerate() {
sign_input!(sighash_parts, inp.0, idx as u32, 0, inp.1, sum_actual_sigs);
- assert_eq!(base_weight + ChannelMonitor::get_witnesses_weight(&inputs_des[..]), claim_tx.get_weight() + /* max_length_sig */ (73 * inputs_des.len() as u64 - sum_actual_sigs));
+ assert_eq!(base_weight + ChannelMonitor::get_witnesses_weight(&inputs_des[..]), claim_tx.get_weight() + /* max_length_sig */ (73 * inputs_des.len() - sum_actual_sigs));
// Claim tx with 1 offered HTLCs, 3 received HTLCs
for (idx, inp) in claim_tx.input.iter_mut().zip(inputs_des.iter()).enumerate() {
sign_input!(sighash_parts, inp.0, idx as u32, 0, inp.1, sum_actual_sigs);
- assert_eq!(base_weight + ChannelMonitor::get_witnesses_weight(&inputs_des[..]), claim_tx.get_weight() + /* max_length_sig */ (73 * inputs_des.len() as u64 - sum_actual_sigs));
+ assert_eq!(base_weight + ChannelMonitor::get_witnesses_weight(&inputs_des[..]), claim_tx.get_weight() + /* max_length_sig */ (73 * inputs_des.len() - sum_actual_sigs));
// Justice tx with 1 revoked HTLC-Success tx output
for (idx, inp) in claim_tx.input.iter_mut().zip(inputs_des.iter()).enumerate() {
sign_input!(sighash_parts, inp.0, idx as u32, 0, inp.1, sum_actual_sigs);
- assert_eq!(base_weight + ChannelMonitor::get_witnesses_weight(&inputs_des[..]), claim_tx.get_weight() + /* max_length_isg */ (73 * inputs_des.len() as u64 - sum_actual_sigs));
+ assert_eq!(base_weight + ChannelMonitor::get_witnesses_weight(&inputs_des[..]), claim_tx.get_weight() + /* max_length_isg */ (73 * inputs_des.len() - sum_actual_sigs));
// Further testing is done in the ChannelManager integration tests.
use rand::{thread_rng,Rng};
use std::cell::RefCell;
-use std::collections::HashMap;
-use std::default::Default;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::mem;
macro_rules! check_spends {
($tx: expr, $spends_tx: expr) => {
- let mut funding_tx_map = HashMap::new();
- let spends_tx = $spends_tx;
- funding_tx_map.insert(spends_tx.txid(), spends_tx);
- $tx.verify(&funding_tx_map).unwrap();
+ $tx.verify(|out_point| {
+ if out_point.txid == $spends_tx.txid() {
+ $spends_tx.output.get(out_point.vout as usize).cloned()
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }).unwrap();
assert_eq!(node_txn[1].input.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(node_txn[2].input.len(), 1);
- let mut revoked_tx_map = HashMap::new();
- revoked_tx_map.insert(revoked_local_txn[0].txid(), revoked_local_txn[0].clone());
- node_txn[0].verify(&revoked_tx_map).unwrap();
- node_txn[1].verify(&revoked_tx_map).unwrap();
- node_txn[2].verify(&revoked_tx_map).unwrap();
+ fn get_txout(out_point: &BitcoinOutPoint, tx: &Transaction) -> Option<TxOut> {
+ if out_point.txid == tx.txid() {
+ tx.output.get(out_point.vout as usize).cloned()
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ node_txn[0].verify(|out|get_txout(out, &revoked_local_txn[0])).unwrap();
+ node_txn[1].verify(|out|get_txout(out, &revoked_local_txn[0])).unwrap();
+ node_txn[2].verify(|out|get_txout(out, &revoked_local_txn[0])).unwrap();
let mut witness_lens = BTreeSet::new();