def map_type(self, fn_arg, print_void, ret_arr_len, is_free, holds_ref):
ty_info = self.java_c_types(fn_arg, ret_arr_len)
- mapped_info = self.map_type_with_info(ty_info, print_void, ret_arr_len, is_free, holds_ref)
+ mapped_info = self.map_type_with_info(ty_info, print_void, ret_arr_len, is_free, holds_ref, False)
return mapped_info
- def map_type_with_info(self, ty_info, print_void, ret_arr_len, is_free, holds_ref):
+ def map_nullable_type(self, fn_arg, print_void, ret_arr_len, is_free, holds_ref):
+ ty_info = self.java_c_types(fn_arg, ret_arr_len)
+ mapped_info = self.map_type_with_info(ty_info, print_void, ret_arr_len, is_free, holds_ref, True)
+ return mapped_info
+ def map_type_with_info(self, ty_info, print_void, ret_arr_len, is_free, holds_ref, is_nullable):
+ mapped_info = self._do_map_type_with_info(ty_info, print_void, ret_arr_len, is_free, holds_ref, is_nullable)
+ if is_nullable:
+ mapped_info.nullable = True
+ return mapped_info
+ def _do_map_type_with_info(self, ty_info, print_void, ret_arr_len, is_free, holds_ref, is_nullable):
if ty_info.c_ty == "void":
if not print_void:
return ConvInfo(ty_info = ty_info, arg_name = ty_info.var_name,
# function itself, resulting in a segfault. Thus, we manually check and ensure we don't clone for
# ChannelMonitors inside of vecs.
ty_info.subty.requires_clone = False
- subty = self.map_type_with_info(ty_info.subty, False, None, is_free, holds_ref)
+ subty = self.map_type_with_info(ty_info.subty, False, None, is_free, holds_ref, False)
arg_conv = ty_info.rust_obj + " " + arr_name + "_constr;\n"
pf = ""
if ty_info.is_ptr:
if ty_info.is_ptr:
arg_conv += "\n\t" + arr_name + "_ptr = &" + arr_name + "_constr;\n}"
- ret_conv = (ty_info.rust_obj + " " + arr_name + "_var = ", "")
+ if is_nullable:
+ ret_conv = (ty_info.rust_obj + " *" + arr_name + "_var_ptr = ", "")
+ else:
+ ret_conv = (ty_info.rust_obj + " " + arr_name + "_var = ", "")
if subty.ret_conv is None:
ret_conv = ("DUMMY", "DUMMY")
- ret_conv = (ret_conv[0], ";\n" + ty_info.c_ty + " " + arr_name + "_arr = " + self.consts.create_native_arr_call(arr_name + "_var." + arr_len, ty_info) + ";\n")
+ ret_conv = (ret_conv[0], ";\n" + ty_info.c_ty + " " + arr_name + "_arr = NULL;\n")
+ indent = ""
+ if is_nullable:
+ ret_conv = (ret_conv[0], ret_conv[1] + "if (" + arr_name + " != NULL) {\n")
+ ret_conv = (ret_conv[0], ret_conv[1] + "\t" + ty_info.rust_obj + " " + arr_name + "_var = *" + arr_name + "_var_ptr;\n")
+ indent = "\t"
+ ret_conv = (ret_conv[0], ret_conv[1] + indent + arr_name + "_arr = " + self.consts.create_native_arr_call(arr_name + "_var." + arr_len, ty_info) + ";\n")
get_ptr_call = self.consts.get_native_arr_ptr_call(ty_info)
if get_ptr_call is not None:
- ret_conv = (ret_conv[0], ret_conv[1] + subty.c_ty + " *" + arr_name + "_arr_ptr = " + get_ptr_call[0] + arr_name + "_arr" + get_ptr_call[1] + ";\n")
- ret_conv = (ret_conv[0], ret_conv[1] + "for (size_t " + idxc + " = 0; " + idxc + " < " + arr_name + "_var." + arr_len + "; " + idxc + "++) {\n")
- ret_conv = (ret_conv[0], ret_conv[1] + "\t" + subty.ret_conv[0].replace("\n", "\n\t"))
- ret_conv = (ret_conv[0], ret_conv[1] + arr_name + "_var." + ty_info.arr_access + "[" + idxc + "]" + subty.ret_conv[1].replace("\n", "\n\t"))
+ ret_conv = (ret_conv[0], ret_conv[1] + indent + subty.c_ty + " *" + arr_name + "_arr_ptr = " + get_ptr_call[0] + arr_name + "_arr" + get_ptr_call[1] + ";\n")
+ ret_conv = (ret_conv[0], ret_conv[1] + indent + "for (size_t " + idxc + " = 0; " + idxc + " < " + arr_name + "_var." + arr_len + "; " + idxc + "++) {\n")
+ ret_conv = (ret_conv[0], ret_conv[1] + indent + "\t" + subty.ret_conv[0].replace("\n", "\n\t" + indent))
+ ret_conv = (ret_conv[0], ret_conv[1] + indent + arr_name + "_var." + ty_info.arr_access + "[" + idxc + "]" + subty.ret_conv[1].replace("\n", "\n\t" + indent) + "\n")
if get_ptr_call is not None:
- ret_conv = (ret_conv[0], ret_conv[1] + "\n\t" + arr_name + "_arr_ptr[" + idxc + "] = " + subty.ret_conv_name + ";\n}")
+ ret_conv = (ret_conv[0], ret_conv[1] + indent + "\t" + arr_name + "_arr_ptr[" + idxc + "] = " + subty.ret_conv_name + ";\n" + indent + "}\n")
- ret_conv = (ret_conv[0], ret_conv[1] + "\n\t" + self.consts.get_native_arr_entry_call(ty_info, arr_name + "_arr", idxc, subty.ret_conv_name) + ";\n}")
+ ret_conv = (ret_conv[0], ret_conv[1] + indent + "\t" + self.consts.get_native_arr_entry_call(ty_info, arr_name + "_arr", idxc, subty.ret_conv_name) + ";\n" + indent + "}\n")
cleanup = self.consts.release_native_arr_ptr_call(ty_info, arr_name + "_arr", arr_name + "_arr_ptr")
if cleanup is not None:
- ret_conv = (ret_conv[0], ret_conv[1] + "\n" + cleanup + ";")
- if not holds_ref:
- # XXX: The commented if's are a bit smarter freeing, but we need to be a nudge smarter still
- # Note that we don't drop the full vec here - we're passing ownership to java (or have cloned) or free'd by now!
- ret_conv = (ret_conv[0], ret_conv[1] + "\nFREE(" + arr_name + "_var." + ty_info.arr_access + ");")
- #if subty.rust_obj is not None and subty.rust_obj in self.opaque_structs:
- # ret_conv = (ret_conv[0], ret_conv[1] + "\nFREE(" + arr_name + "_var." + ty_info.arr_access + ");")
- #else:
- # ret_conv = (ret_conv[0], ret_conv[1] + "\n" + ty_info.rust_obj.replace("LDK", "") + "_free(" + arr_name + "_var);")
+ ret_conv = (ret_conv[0], ret_conv[1] + indent + cleanup + ";")
+ if not holds_ref and not is_nullable:
+ # XXX: The commented if's are a bit smarter freeing, but we need to be a nudge smarter still
+ # Note that we don't drop the full vec here - we're passing ownership to java (or have cloned) or free'd by now!
+ ret_conv = (ret_conv[0], ret_conv[1] + "\n" + indent + "FREE(" + arr_name + "_var." + ty_info.arr_access + ");")
+ #if subty.rust_obj is not None and subty.rust_obj in self.opaque_structs:
+ # ret_conv = (ret_conv[0], ret_conv[1] + "\nFREE(" + arr_name + "_var." + ty_info.arr_access + ");")
+ #else:
+ # ret_conv = (ret_conv[0], ret_conv[1] + "\n" + ty_info.rust_obj.replace("LDK", "") + "_free(" + arr_name + "_var);")
+ if is_nullable:
+ ret_conv = (ret_conv[0], ret_conv[1] + "\n}")
to_hu_conv = None
to_hu_conv_name = None
arg_conv = arg_conv, arg_conv_name = arg_conv_name, arg_conv_cleanup = arg_conv_cleanup,
ret_conv = ret_conv, ret_conv_name = arr_name + "_arr", to_hu_conv = to_hu_conv, to_hu_conv_name = to_hu_conv_name, from_hu_conv = from_hu_conv)
elif ty_info.java_ty == "String":
+ assert not is_nullable
if not is_free:
arg_conv = "LDKStr " + ty_info.var_name + "_conv = " + self.consts.str_ref_to_c_call(ty_info.var_name) + ";"
arg_conv_name = ty_info.var_name + "_conv"
arg_conv = None, arg_conv_name = "arg", arg_conv_cleanup = None,
ret_conv = None, ret_conv_name = None, to_hu_conv = "TODO 8", to_hu_conv_name = None, from_hu_conv = None)
elif ty_info.is_native_primitive:
+ assert not is_nullable
return ConvInfo(ty_info = ty_info, arg_name = ty_info.var_name,
arg_conv = None, arg_conv_name = ty_info.var_name, arg_conv_cleanup = None,
ret_conv = None, ret_conv_name = None, to_hu_conv = None, to_hu_conv_name = None, from_hu_conv = None)
"// Thus, after this call, " + ty_info.var_name + " is reset to null and is now a dummy object.\n" + ty_info.var_name + ".ptr = 0")
opaque_ret_conv_suf = ";\n"
+ opaque_ret_conv_suf += "uint64_t " + ty_info.var_name + "_ref = 0;\n"
+ indent = ""
+ if is_nullable:
+ opaque_ret_conv_suf += "if ((uint64_t)" + ty_info.var_name + "_var.inner > 4096) {\n"
+ indent = "\t"
if not holds_ref and ty_info.is_ptr and (ty_info.rust_obj.replace("LDK", "") + "_clone") in self.clone_fns: # is_ptr, not holds_ref implies passing a pointed-to value to java, which needs copied
- opaque_ret_conv_suf = opaque_ret_conv_suf + ty_info.var_name + "_var = " + ty_info.rust_obj.replace("LDK", "") + "_clone(" + ty_info.var_name + ");\n"
+ opaque_ret_conv_suf += indent + ty_info.var_name + "_var = " + ty_info.rust_obj.replace("LDK", "") + "_clone(" + ty_info.var_name + ");\n"
elif not holds_ref and ty_info.is_ptr:
- opaque_ret_conv_suf = opaque_ret_conv_suf + "// Warning: we may need a move here but no clone is available for " + ty_info.rust_obj + "\n"
+ opaque_ret_conv_suf += indent + "// Warning: we may need a move here but no clone is available for " + ty_info.rust_obj + "\n"
- opaque_ret_conv_suf = opaque_ret_conv_suf + "CHECK((((uint64_t)" + ty_info.var_name + "_var.inner) & 1) == 0); // We rely on a free low bit, malloc guarantees this.\n"
- opaque_ret_conv_suf = opaque_ret_conv_suf + "CHECK((((uint64_t)&" + ty_info.var_name + "_var) & 1) == 0); // We rely on a free low bit, pointer alignment guarantees this.\n"
+ opaque_ret_conv_suf += indent + "CHECK((((uint64_t)" + ty_info.var_name + "_var.inner) & 1) == 0); // We rely on a free low bit, malloc guarantees this.\n"
+ opaque_ret_conv_suf += indent + "CHECK((((uint64_t)&" + ty_info.var_name + "_var) & 1) == 0); // We rely on a free low bit, pointer alignment guarantees this.\n"
if holds_ref:
- opaque_ret_conv_suf = opaque_ret_conv_suf + "uint64_t " + ty_info.var_name + "_ref = (uint64_t)" + ty_info.var_name + "_var.inner & ~1;"
+ opaque_ret_conv_suf += indent + ty_info.var_name + "_ref = (uint64_t)" + ty_info.var_name + "_var.inner & ~1;"
- opaque_ret_conv_suf = opaque_ret_conv_suf + "uint64_t " + ty_info.var_name + "_ref = (uint64_t)" + ty_info.var_name + "_var.inner;\n"
- opaque_ret_conv_suf = opaque_ret_conv_suf + "if (" + ty_info.var_name + "_var.is_owned) {\n"
- opaque_ret_conv_suf = opaque_ret_conv_suf + "\t" + ty_info.var_name + "_ref |= 1;\n"
- opaque_ret_conv_suf = opaque_ret_conv_suf + "}"
+ opaque_ret_conv_suf += indent + ty_info.var_name + "_ref = (uint64_t)" + ty_info.var_name + "_var.inner;\n"
+ opaque_ret_conv_suf += indent + "if (" + ty_info.var_name + "_var.is_owned) {\n"
+ opaque_ret_conv_suf += indent + "\t" + ty_info.var_name + "_ref |= 1;\n"
+ opaque_ret_conv_suf += indent + "}"
+ if is_nullable:
+ opaque_ret_conv_suf += "\n}"
to_hu_conv_sfx = ""
if not ty_info.is_ptr or holds_ref:
to_hu_conv_name = ty_info.var_name + "_hu_conv",
from_hu_conv = from_hu_conv)
+ assert not is_nullable
if not ty_info.is_ptr:
if ty_info.rust_obj in self.unitary_enums:
(ret_pfx, ret_sfx) = self.consts.c_unitary_enum_to_native_call(ty_info)
expected_struct = "LDK" + struct_meth
struct_meth_name = method_name[len(struct_meth) + 1 if len(struct_meth) != 0 else 0:].strip("_")
- return_type_info = type_mapping_generator.map_type(method_return_type.strip() + " ret", True, ret_arr_len, False, force_holds_ref)
(params_nullable, ret_nullable) = doc_to_params_ret_nullable(doc_comment)
if ret_nullable:
- return_type_info.nullable = True
+ return_type_info = type_mapping_generator.map_nullable_type(method_return_type.strip() + " ret", True, ret_arr_len, False, force_holds_ref)
+ else:
+ return_type_info = type_mapping_generator.map_type(method_return_type.strip() + " ret", True, ret_arr_len, False, force_holds_ref)
argument_types = []
default_constructor_args = {}
args_known = True
for argument_index, argument in enumerate(method_arguments):
- argument_conversion_info = type_mapping_generator.map_type(argument, False, None, is_free, True)
- if argument_index == 0 and argument_conversion_info.java_hu_ty == struct_meth:
+ arg_ty = type_mapping_generator.java_c_types(argument, None)
+ argument_conversion_info = None
+ if argument_index == 0 and arg_ty.java_hu_ty == struct_meth:
+ argument_conversion_info = type_mapping_generator.map_type_with_info(arg_ty, False, None, is_free, True, False)
takes_self = True
if argument_conversion_info.ty_info.is_ptr:
takes_self_ptr = True
- elif argument_conversion_info.arg_name in params_nullable:
- argument_conversion_info.nullable = True
+ elif arg_ty.var_name in params_nullable:
+ argument_conversion_info = type_mapping_generator.map_type_with_info(arg_ty, False, None, is_free, True, True)
if argument_conversion_info.arg_conv is not None and "Warning" in argument_conversion_info.arg_conv:
arg_ty_info = java_c_types(argument, None)
print("WARNING: Remapping argument " + arg_ty_info.var_name + " of function " + method_name + " to a reference")
print(" It may or may not actually be a reference, but its the simplest mapping option")
print(" and also the only use of this code today.")
arg_ty_info.requires_clone = False
- argument_conversion_info = type_mapping_generator.map_type_with_info(arg_ty_info, False, None, is_free, True)
+ argument_conversion_info = type_mapping_generator.map_type_with_info(arg_ty_info, False, None, is_free, True, True)
+ assert argument_conversion_info.nullable
assert argument_conversion_info.arg_conv is not None and "Warning" not in argument_conversion_info.arg_conv
+ else:
+ argument_conversion_info = type_mapping_generator.map_type_with_info(arg_ty, False, None, is_free, True, False)
if argument_conversion_info.arg_conv is not None and "Warning" in argument_conversion_info.arg_conv:
if argument_conversion_info.rust_obj in constructor_fns:
enum_var_lines = union_enum_items["LDK" + variant_name]
for idx, (field, field_docs) in enumerate(enum_var_lines):
if idx != 0 and idx < len(enum_var_lines) - 2 and field.strip() != "":
- field_ty = type_mapping_generator.map_type(field.strip(' ;'), False, None, False, True)
+ field_ty = type_mapping_generator.java_c_types(field.strip(' ;'), None)
if field_docs is not None and doc_to_field_nullable(field_docs):
- field_ty.nullable = True
- fields.append((field_ty, field_docs))
+ field_conv = type_mapping_generator.map_type_with_info(field_ty, False, None, False, True, True)
+ else:
+ field_conv = type_mapping_generator.map_type_with_info(field_ty, False, None, False, True, False)
+ fields.append((field_conv, field_docs))
enum_variants.append(ComplexEnumVariantInfo(variant_name, fields, False))
elif camel_to_snake(variant_name) in inline_enum_variants:
# TODO: If we ever have a rust enum Variant(Option<Struct>) we need to pipe
ret_ty_info = type_mapping_generator.map_type("void", True, None, False, False)
field_fns.append(TraitMethInfo("cloned", False, ret_ty_info, [], fn_docs))
- ret_ty_info = type_mapping_generator.map_type( + " ret", True, None, False, False)
- is_const = is not None
(nullable_params, ret_nullable) = doc_to_params_ret_nullable(fn_docs)
if ret_nullable:
assert False # This isn't yet handled on the Java side
ret_ty_info.nullable = True
+ ret_ty_info = type_mapping_generator.map_nullable_type( + " ret", True, None, False, False)
+ else:
+ ret_ty_info = type_mapping_generator.map_type( + " ret", True, None, False, False)
+ is_const = is not None
arg_tys = []
for idx, arg in enumerate(',')):
if arg == "":
- arg_conv_info = type_mapping_generator.map_type(arg, True, None, False, False)
- if arg_conv_info.arg_name in nullable_params:
+ arg_ty_info = type_mapping_generator.java_c_types(arg, None)
+ if arg_ty_info.var_name in nullable_params:
# Types that are actually null instead of all-0s aren't yet handled on the Java side:
- assert arg_conv_info.rust_obj == "LDKPublicKey"
- arg_conv_info.nullable = True
+ arg_conv_info = type_mapping_generator.map_type_with_info(arg_ty_info, True, None, False, False, True)
+ else:
+ arg_conv_info = type_mapping_generator.map_type_with_info(arg_ty_info, True, None, False, False, False)
field_fns.append(TraitMethInfo(, is_const, ret_ty_info, arg_tys, fn_docs))