I saw this where a bitcoind was hung connecting a block, and while
we were waiting the peer refused the channel via an error message.
When bitcoind eventually returned, we paniced as the channel was
now gone.
let final_tx: Transaction =
// Give the funding transaction back to LDK for opening the channel.
- channel_manager.funding_transaction_generated(&temporary_channel_id, final_tx).unwrap();
+ if channel_manager
+ .funding_transaction_generated(&temporary_channel_id, final_tx)
+ .is_err()
+ {
+ println!(
+ "\nERROR: Channel went away before we could fund it. The peer disconnected or refused the channel.");
+ print!("> ");
+ io::stdout().flush().unwrap();
+ }
Event::PaymentReceived { payment_hash, payment_preimage, payment_secret, amt, .. } => {
let mut payments = inbound_payments.lock().unwrap();