macro_rules! check_spends {
($tx: expr, $($spends_txn: expr),*) => {
- let get_output = |out_point: &bitcoin::blockdata::transaction::OutPoint| {
+ $tx.verify(|out_point| {
if out_point.txid == $spends_txn.txid() {
return $spends_txn.output.get(out_point.vout as usize).cloned()
- };
- let mut total_value_in = 0;
- for input in $tx.input.iter() {
- total_value_in += get_output(&input.previous_output).unwrap().value;
- }
- let mut total_value_out = 0;
- for output in $tx.output.iter() {
- total_value_out += output.value;
- }
- let min_fee = $tx.get_weight() as u64 / 4; // One sat per vbyte
- assert!(total_value_out + min_fee <= total_value_in); // Must not be equal as there must be a fee!
- $tx.verify(get_output).unwrap();
+ }).unwrap();