($self: ident, $err: expr, $channel_state: expr, $entry: expr, $action_type: path, $resend_raa: expr, $resend_commitment: expr) => {
handle_monitor_err!($self, $err, $channel_state, $entry, $action_type, $resend_raa, $resend_commitment, Vec::new(), Vec::new())
- ($self: ident, $err: expr, $channel_state: expr, $entry: expr, $action_type: path, $resend_raa: expr, $resend_commitment: expr, $failed_forwards: expr, $failed_fails: expr) => {
+ ($self: ident, $err: expr, $short_to_id: expr, $chan: expr, $action_type: path, $resend_raa: expr, $resend_commitment: expr, $failed_forwards: expr, $failed_fails: expr, $chan_id: expr) => {
match $err {
ChannelMonitorUpdateErr::PermanentFailure => {
- log_error!($self.logger, "Closing channel {} due to monitor update PermanentFailure", log_bytes!($entry.key()[..]));
- let (channel_id, mut chan) = $entry.remove_entry();
- if let Some(short_id) = chan.get_short_channel_id() {
- $channel_state.short_to_id.remove(&short_id);
+ log_error!($self.logger, "Closing channel {} due to monitor update ChannelMonitorUpdateErr::PermanentFailure", log_bytes!($chan_id[..]));
+ if let Some(short_id) = $chan.get_short_channel_id() {
+ $short_to_id.remove(&short_id);
// TODO: $failed_fails is dropped here, which will cause other channels to hit the
// chain in a confused state! We need to move them into the ChannelMonitor which
// splitting hairs we'd prefer to claim payments that were to us, but we haven't
// given up the preimage yet, so might as well just wait until the payment is
// retried, avoiding the on-chain fees.
- let res: Result<(), _> = Err(MsgHandleErrInternal::from_finish_shutdown("ChannelMonitor storage failure".to_owned(), channel_id, chan.force_shutdown(true), $self.get_channel_update(&chan).ok()));
- res
+ let res: Result<(), _> = Err(MsgHandleErrInternal::from_finish_shutdown("ChannelMonitor storage failure".to_owned(), *$chan_id, $chan.force_shutdown(true), $self.get_channel_update(&$chan).ok()));
+ (res, true)
ChannelMonitorUpdateErr::TemporaryFailure => {
log_info!($self.logger, "Disabling channel {} due to monitor update TemporaryFailure. On restore will send {} and process {} forwards and {} fails",
- log_bytes!($entry.key()[..]),
+ log_bytes!($chan_id[..]),
if $resend_commitment && $resend_raa {
match $action_type {
RAACommitmentOrder::CommitmentFirst => { "commitment then RAA" },
if !$resend_raa {
debug_assert!($action_type == RAACommitmentOrder::CommitmentFirst || !$resend_commitment);
- $entry.get_mut().monitor_update_failed($resend_raa, $resend_commitment, $failed_forwards, $failed_fails);
- Err(MsgHandleErrInternal::from_chan_no_close(ChannelError::Ignore("Failed to update ChannelMonitor".to_owned()), *$entry.key()))
+ $chan.monitor_update_failed($resend_raa, $resend_commitment, $failed_forwards, $failed_fails);
+ (Err(MsgHandleErrInternal::from_chan_no_close(ChannelError::Ignore("Failed to update ChannelMonitor".to_owned()), *$chan_id)), false)
- }
+ };
+ ($self: ident, $err: expr, $channel_state: expr, $entry: expr, $action_type: path, $resend_raa: expr, $resend_commitment: expr, $failed_forwards: expr, $failed_fails: expr) => { {
+ let (res, drop) = handle_monitor_err!($self, $err, $channel_state.short_to_id, $entry.get_mut(), $action_type, $resend_raa, $resend_commitment, $failed_forwards, $failed_fails, $entry.key());
+ if drop {
+ $entry.remove_entry();
+ }
+ res
+ } };
macro_rules! return_monitor_err {
+ /// Check the holding cell in each channel and free any pending HTLCs in them if possible.
+ /// This should only apply to HTLCs which were added to the holding cell because we were
+ /// waiting on a monitor update to finish. In that case, we don't want to free the holding cell
+ /// directly in `channel_monitor_updated` as it may introduce deadlocks calling back into user
+ /// code to inform them of a channel monitor update.
+ fn check_free_holding_cells(&self) {
+ let mut failed_htlcs = Vec::new();
+ let mut handle_errors = Vec::new();
+ {
+ let mut channel_state_lock = self.channel_state.lock().unwrap();
+ let channel_state = &mut *channel_state_lock;
+ let by_id = &mut channel_state.by_id;
+ let short_to_id = &mut channel_state.short_to_id;
+ let pending_msg_events = &mut channel_state.pending_msg_events;
+ by_id.retain(|channel_id, chan| {
+ match chan.maybe_free_holding_cell_htlcs(&self.logger) {
+ Ok((None, ref htlcs)) if htlcs.is_empty() => true,
+ Ok((commitment_opt, holding_cell_failed_htlcs)) => {
+ failed_htlcs.push((holding_cell_failed_htlcs, *channel_id));
+ if let Some((commitment_update, monitor_update)) = commitment_opt {
+ if let Err(e) = self.chain_monitor.update_channel(chan.get_funding_txo().unwrap(), monitor_update) {
+ let (res, close_channel) = handle_monitor_err!(self, e, short_to_id, chan, RAACommitmentOrder::CommitmentFirst, false, true, Vec::new(), Vec::new(), channel_id);
+ handle_errors.push((chan.get_counterparty_node_id(), res));
+ if close_channel { return false; }
+ } else {
+ pending_msg_events.push(events::MessageSendEvent::UpdateHTLCs {
+ node_id: chan.get_counterparty_node_id(),
+ updates: commitment_update,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ true
+ },
+ Err(e) => {
+ let (close_channel, res) = convert_chan_err!(self, e, short_to_id, chan, channel_id);
+ handle_errors.push((chan.get_counterparty_node_id(), Err(res)));
+ !close_channel
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ for (failures, channel_id) in failed_htlcs.drain(..) {
+ self.fail_holding_cell_htlcs(failures, channel_id);
+ }
+ for (counterparty_node_id, err) in handle_errors.drain(..) {
+ let _ = handle_error!(self, err, counterparty_node_id);
+ }
+ }
/// Handle a list of channel failures during a block_connected or block_disconnected call,
/// pushing the channel monitor update (if any) to the background events queue and removing the
/// Channel object.
// ChannelMonitors when clearing other events.
+ self.check_free_holding_cells();
let mut ret = Vec::new();
let mut channel_state = self.channel_state.lock().unwrap();
mem::swap(&mut ret, &mut channel_state.pending_msg_events);