+/// (C-not exported) as the bindings concretize everything and have constructors for us
+impl<P: Deref<Target = P2PGossipSync<G, A, L>>, G: Deref<Target = NetworkGraph<L>>, A: Deref, L: Deref>
+ GossipSync<P, &RapidGossipSync<G, L>, G, A, L>
+ A::Target: chain::Access,
+ L::Target: Logger,
+ /// Initializes a new [`GossipSync::P2P`] variant.
+ pub fn p2p(gossip_sync: P) -> Self {
+ GossipSync::P2P(gossip_sync)
+ }
+/// (C-not exported) as the bindings concretize everything and have constructors for us
+impl<'a, R: Deref<Target = RapidGossipSync<G, L>>, G: Deref<Target = NetworkGraph<L>>, L: Deref>
+ GossipSync<
+ &P2PGossipSync<G, &'a (dyn chain::Access + Send + Sync), L>,
+ R,
+ G,
+ &'a (dyn chain::Access + Send + Sync),
+ L,
+ >
+ L::Target: Logger,
+ /// Initializes a new [`GossipSync::Rapid`] variant.
+ pub fn rapid(gossip_sync: R) -> Self {
+ GossipSync::Rapid(gossip_sync)
+ }
+/// (C-not exported) as the bindings concretize everything and have constructors for us
+impl<'a, L: Deref>
+ GossipSync<
+ &P2PGossipSync<&'a NetworkGraph<L>, &'a (dyn chain::Access + Send + Sync), L>,
+ &RapidGossipSync<&'a NetworkGraph<L>, L>,
+ &'a NetworkGraph<L>,
+ &'a (dyn chain::Access + Send + Sync),
+ L,
+ >
+ L::Target: Logger,
+ /// Initializes a new [`GossipSync::None`] variant.
+ pub fn none() -> Self {
+ GossipSync::None
+ }
/// Decorates an [`EventHandler`] with common functionality provided by standard [`EventHandler`]s.
struct DecoratingEventHandler<