/// Handles the generation of a funding transaction, optionally (for tests) with a function
/// which checks the correctness of the funding transaction given the associated channel.
- fn funding_transaction_generated_intern<FundingOutput: FnMut(&OutboundV1Channel<SP>, &Transaction) -> Result<OutPoint, APIError>>(
+ fn funding_transaction_generated_intern<FundingOutput: FnMut(&OutboundV1Channel<SP>, &Transaction) -> Result<OutPoint, &'static str>>(
&self, temporary_channel_id: &ChannelId, counterparty_node_id: &PublicKey, funding_transaction: Transaction, is_batch_funding: bool,
mut find_funding_output: FundingOutput,
) -> Result<(), APIError> {
let funding_txo;
let (mut chan, msg_opt) = match peer_state.channel_by_id.remove(temporary_channel_id) {
Some(ChannelPhase::UnfundedOutboundV1(mut chan)) => {
- funding_txo = find_funding_output(&chan, &funding_transaction)?;
+ macro_rules! close_chan { ($err: expr, $api_err: expr, $chan: expr) => { {
+ let counterparty;
+ let err = if let ChannelError::Close(msg) = $err {
+ let channel_id = $chan.context.channel_id();
+ counterparty = chan.context.get_counterparty_node_id();
+ let reason = ClosureReason::ProcessingError { err: msg.clone() };
+ let shutdown_res = $chan.context.force_shutdown(false, reason);
+ MsgHandleErrInternal::from_finish_shutdown(msg, channel_id, shutdown_res, None)
+ } else { unreachable!(); };
+ mem::drop(peer_state_lock);
+ mem::drop(per_peer_state);
+ let _: Result<(), _> = handle_error!(self, Err(err), counterparty);
+ Err($api_err)
+ } } }
+ match find_funding_output(&chan, &funding_transaction) {
+ Ok(found_funding_txo) => funding_txo = found_funding_txo,
+ Err(err) => {
+ let chan_err = ChannelError::Close(err.to_owned());
+ let api_err = APIError::APIMisuseError { err: err.to_owned() };
+ return close_chan!(chan_err, api_err, chan);
+ },
+ }
let logger = WithChannelContext::from(&self.logger, &chan.context);
- let funding_res = chan.get_funding_created(funding_transaction, funding_txo, is_batch_funding, &&logger)
- .map_err(|(mut chan, e)| if let ChannelError::Close(msg) = e {
- let channel_id = chan.context.channel_id();
- let reason = ClosureReason::ProcessingError { err: msg.clone() };
- let shutdown_res = chan.context.force_shutdown(false, reason);
- (chan, MsgHandleErrInternal::from_finish_shutdown(msg, channel_id, shutdown_res, None))
- } else { unreachable!(); });
+ let funding_res = chan.get_funding_created(funding_transaction, funding_txo, is_batch_funding, &&logger);
match funding_res {
Ok(funding_msg) => (chan, funding_msg),
- Err((chan, err)) => {
- mem::drop(peer_state_lock);
- mem::drop(per_peer_state);
- let _: Result<(), _> = handle_error!(self, Err(err), chan.context.get_counterparty_node_id());
- return Err(APIError::ChannelUnavailable {
- err: "Signer refused to sign the initial commitment transaction".to_owned()
- });
- },
+ Err((mut chan, chan_err)) => {
+ let api_err = APIError::ChannelUnavailable { err: "Signer refused to sign the initial commitment transaction".to_owned() };
+ return close_chan!(chan_err, api_err, chan);
+ }
Some(phase) => {
for (idx, outp) in tx.output.iter().enumerate() {
if outp.script_pubkey == expected_spk && outp.value == chan.context.get_value_satoshis() {
if output_index.is_some() {
- return Err(APIError::APIMisuseError {
- err: "Multiple outputs matched the expected script and value".to_owned()
- });
+ return Err("Multiple outputs matched the expected script and value");
output_index = Some(idx as u16);
if output_index.is_none() {
- return Err(APIError::APIMisuseError {
- err: "No output matched the script_pubkey and value in the FundingGenerationReady event".to_owned()
- });
+ return Err("No output matched the script_pubkey and value in the FundingGenerationReady event");
let outpoint = OutPoint { txid: tx.txid(), index: output_index.unwrap() };
if let Some(funding_batch_state) = funding_batch_state.as_mut() {
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(4, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None, None]);
let nodes = create_network(4, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
- exchange_open_accept_chan(&nodes[0], &nodes[1], 1_000_000, 0);
- exchange_open_accept_chan(&nodes[0], &nodes[2], 1_000_000, 0);
+ let temp_chan_id_a = exchange_open_accept_chan(&nodes[0], &nodes[1], 1_000_000, 0);
+ let temp_chan_id_b = exchange_open_accept_chan(&nodes[0], &nodes[2], 1_000_000, 0);
let events = nodes[0].node.get_and_clear_pending_events();
assert_eq!(events.len(), 2);
} else { panic!(); }
- // We should probably end up with an error for both channels, but currently we don't generate
- // an error for the failing channel itself.
let err = "Error in transaction funding: Misuse error: No output matched the script_pubkey and value in the FundingGenerationReady event".to_string();
- let close = [ExpectedCloseEvent::from_id_reason(ChannelId::v1_from_funding_txid(tx.txid().as_ref(), 0), true, ClosureReason::ProcessingError { err })];
+ let temp_err = "No output matched the script_pubkey and value in the FundingGenerationReady event".to_string();
+ let post_funding_chan_id_a = ChannelId::v1_from_funding_txid(tx.txid().as_ref(), 0);
+ let close = [
+ ExpectedCloseEvent::from_id_reason(post_funding_chan_id_a, true, ClosureReason::ProcessingError { err: err.clone() }),
+ ExpectedCloseEvent::from_id_reason(temp_chan_id_b, false, ClosureReason::ProcessingError { err: temp_err }),
+ ];
nodes[0].node.batch_funding_transaction_generated(&chans, tx).unwrap_err();
- get_event_msg!(nodes[0], MessageSendEvent::SendFundingCreated, nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id());
+ let msgs = nodes[0].node.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
+ assert_eq!(msgs.len(), 2);
+ // We currently spuriously send `FundingCreated` for the first channel and then immediately
+ // fail both channels, which isn't ideal but should be fine.
+ assert!(msgs.iter().any(|msg| {
+ if let MessageSendEvent::HandleError { action: msgs::ErrorAction::SendErrorMessage {
+ msg: msgs::ErrorMessage { channel_id, .. }, ..
+ }, .. } = msg {
+ assert_eq!(*channel_id, temp_chan_id_b);
+ true
+ } else { false }
+ }));
+ assert!(msgs.iter().any(|msg| {
+ if let MessageSendEvent::SendFundingCreated { msg: msgs::FundingCreated { temporary_channel_id, .. }, .. } = msg {
+ assert_eq!(*temporary_channel_id, temp_chan_id_a);
+ true
+ } else { false }
+ }));
check_closed_events(&nodes[0], &close);
assert_eq!(nodes[0].node.list_channels().len(), 0);