The `height` argument passed to `OnchainTxHandler::block_disconnected`
represents the height being disconnected, and not the current height.
Due to the incorrect assumption, we'd generate a claim with a locktime
in the future.
Ultimately, we shouldn't be generating claims within
`block_disconnected`. Rather, we should retry the claim at a later block
height, since the bitcoin blockchain does not ever roll back without
connecting a new block. Addressing this is left for future work.
for ((_package_id, _), ref mut request) in bump_candidates.iter_mut() {
+ // `height` is the height being disconnected, so our `current_height` is 1 lower.
+ let current_height = height - 1;
if let Some((new_timer, new_feerate, bump_claim)) = self.generate_claim(
- height, &request, true /* force_feerate_bump */, fee_estimator, &&*logger
+ current_height, &request, true /* force_feerate_bump */, fee_estimator, &&*logger
) {