Because scoring is an incredibly performance-sensitive operation,
doing liquidity information decay (and especially fetching the
current time!) during scoring isn't really a great idea. Now that
we decay liquidity information in the background, we don't have any
reason to decay during scoring, and we ultimately remove it
entirely here.
fn decayed_offset_msat(&self, offset_msat: u64) -> u64 {
- let half_life = self.decay_params.liquidity_offset_half_life.as_secs();
- if half_life != 0 {
- // Decay the offset by the appropriate number of half lives. If half of the next half
- // life has passed, approximate an additional three-quarter life to help smooth out the
- // decay.
- let elapsed_time =*self.last_updated).as_secs();
- let half_decays = elapsed_time / (half_life / 2);
- let decays = half_decays / 2;
- let decayed_offset_msat = offset_msat.checked_shr(decays as u32).unwrap_or(0);
- if half_decays % 2 == 0 {
- decayed_offset_msat
- } else {
- // 11_585 / 16_384 ~= core::f64::consts::FRAC_1_SQRT_2
- // 16_384 == 2^14
- (decayed_offset_msat as u128 * 11_585 / 16_384) as u64
- }
- } else {
- 0
- }
+ offset_msat