The block count at which the monitor will become prunable was
changed by an update while the PR was pending but not propagated
to the docs.
/// its outputs and balances (i.e. [`Self::get_claimable_balances`] returns an empty set).
/// This function returns true only if [`Self::get_claimable_balances`] has been empty for at least
- /// 2016 blocks as an additional protection against any bugs resulting in spuriously empty balance sets.
+ /// 4032 blocks as an additional protection against any bugs resulting in spuriously empty balance sets.
pub fn is_fully_resolved<L: Logger>(&self, logger: &L) -> bool {
let mut is_all_funds_claimed = self.get_claimable_balances().is_empty();
let current_height = self.current_best_block().height;