writeln!(w, "\t/// An opaque pointer which is passed to your function implementations as an argument.").unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\t/// This has no meaning in the LDK, and can be NULL or any other value.").unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\tpub this_arg: *mut c_void,").unwrap();
- let mut generated_fields = Vec::new(); // Every field's (name, Option<clone_fn>) except this_arg, used in Clone generation
+ // We store every field's (name, Option<clone_fn>, docs) except this_arg, used in Clone generation
+ // docs is only set if its a function which should be callable on the object itself in C++
+ let mut generated_fields = Vec::new();
for item in t.items.iter() {
match item {
&syn::TraitItem::Method(ref m) => {
// happen) as well as provide an Option<>al function pointer which is
// called when the trait method is called which allows updating on the fly.
write!(w, "\tpub {}: ", m.sig.ident).unwrap();
- generated_fields.push((format!("{}", m.sig.ident), None));
+ generated_fields.push((format!("{}", m.sig.ident), None, None));
types.write_c_type(w, &*r.elem, Some(&meth_gen_types), false);
writeln!(w, ",").unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\t/// Fill in the {} field as a reference to it will be given to Rust after this returns", m.sig.ident).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\t/// Note that this takes a pointer to this object, not the this_ptr like other methods do").unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\t/// This function pointer may be NULL if {} is filled in when this object is created and never needs updating.", m.sig.ident).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\tpub set_{}: Option<extern \"C\" fn(&{})>,", m.sig.ident, trait_name).unwrap();
- generated_fields.push((format!("set_{}", m.sig.ident), None));
+ generated_fields.push((format!("set_{}", m.sig.ident), None, None));
// Note that cbindgen will now generate
// typedef struct Thing {..., set_thing: (const struct Thing*), ...} Thing;
// which does not compile since Thing is not defined before it is used.
writeln!(w, "\t#[must_use]").unwrap();
+ let mut cpp_docs = Vec::new();
+ writeln_docs(&mut cpp_docs, &m.attrs, "\t * ");
+ let docs_string = "\t/**\n".to_owned() + &String::from_utf8(cpp_docs).unwrap().replace("///", "") + "\t */\n";
write!(w, "\tpub {}: extern \"C\" fn (", m.sig.ident).unwrap();
- generated_fields.push((format!("{}", m.sig.ident), None));
+ generated_fields.push((format!("{}", m.sig.ident), None, Some(docs_string)));
write_method_params(w, &m.sig, "c_void", types, Some(&meth_gen_types), true, false);
writeln!(w, ",").unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\t/// The new {} is provided, and should be mutated as needed to perform a", trait_name).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\t/// deep copy of the object pointed to by this_arg or avoid any double-freeing.").unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\tpub cloned: Option<extern \"C\" fn (new_{}: &mut {})>,", trait_name, trait_name).unwrap();
- generated_fields.push(("cloned".to_owned(), None));
+ generated_fields.push(("cloned".to_owned(), None, None));
("std::cmp::Eq", _)|("core::cmp::Eq", _) => {
- writeln!(w, "\t/// Checks if two objects are equal given this object's this_arg pointer and another object.").unwrap();
+ let eq_docs = "Checks if two objects are equal given this object's this_arg pointer and another object.";
+ writeln!(w, "\t/// {}", eq_docs).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\tpub eq: extern \"C\" fn (this_arg: *const c_void, other_arg: &{}) -> bool,", trait_name).unwrap();
- generated_fields.push(("eq".to_owned(), None));
+ generated_fields.push(("eq".to_owned(), None, Some(format!("\t/** {} */\n", eq_docs))));
("std::hash::Hash", _)|("core::hash::Hash", _) => {
- writeln!(w, "\t/// Calculate a succinct non-cryptographic hash for an object given its this_arg pointer.").unwrap();
- writeln!(w, "\t/// This is used, for example, for inclusion of this object in a hash map.").unwrap();
+ let hash_docs_a = "Calculate a succinct non-cryptographic hash for an object given its this_arg pointer.";
+ let hash_docs_b = "This is used, for example, for inclusion of this object in a hash map.";
+ writeln!(w, "\t/// {}", hash_docs_a).unwrap();
+ writeln!(w, "\t/// {}", hash_docs_b).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\tpub hash: extern \"C\" fn (this_arg: *const c_void) -> u64,").unwrap();
- generated_fields.push(("hash".to_owned(), None));
+ generated_fields.push(("hash".to_owned(), None,
+ Some(format!("\t/**\n\t * {}\n\t * {}\n\t */\n", hash_docs_a, hash_docs_b))));
("Send", _) => {}, ("Sync", _) => {},
(s, i) => {
+ // TODO: Both of the below should expose supertrait methods in C++, but doing so is
+ // nontrivial.
generated_fields.push(if types.crate_types.traits.get(s).is_none() {
let (docs, name, ret) = convert_trait_impl_field(s);
writeln!(w, "\t/// {}", docs).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\tpub {}: extern \"C\" fn (this_arg: *const c_void) -> {},", name, ret).unwrap();
- (name, None) // Assume clonable
+ (name, None, None) // Assume clonable
} else {
// For in-crate supertraits, just store a C-mapped copy of the supertrait as a member.
writeln!(w, "\t/// Implementation of {} for this object.", i).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\tpub {}: crate::{},", i, s).unwrap();
(format!("{}", i), if !is_clonable {
Some(format!("crate::{}_clone_fields", s))
- } else { None })
+ } else { None }, None)
) );
writeln!(w, "\t/// Frees any resources associated with this object given its this_arg pointer.").unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\t/// Does not need to free the outer struct containing function pointers and may be NULL is no resources need to be freed.").unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\tpub free: Option<extern \"C\" fn(this_arg: *mut c_void)>,").unwrap();
- generated_fields.push(("free".to_owned(), None));
+ generated_fields.push(("free".to_owned(), None, None));
writeln!(w, "}}").unwrap();
macro_rules! impl_trait_for_c {
writeln!(w, "pub(crate) extern \"C\" fn {}_clone_fields(orig: &{}) -> {} {{", trait_name, trait_name, trait_name).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\t{} {{", trait_name).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\t\tthis_arg: orig.this_arg,").unwrap();
- for (field, clone_fn) in generated_fields.iter() {
+ for (field, clone_fn, _) in generated_fields.iter() {
if let Some(f) = clone_fn {
// If the field isn't clonable, blindly assume its a trait and hope for the best.
writeln!(w, "\t\t{}: {}(&orig.{}),", field, f, field).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\t\t\tf(self.this_arg);").unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\t\t}}\n\t}}\n}}").unwrap();
- write_cpp_wrapper(cpp_headers, &trait_name, true);
+ write_cpp_wrapper(cpp_headers, &trait_name, true, Some(generated_fields.drain(..)
+ .filter_map(|(name, _, docs)| if let Some(docs) = docs { Some((name, docs)) } else { None }).collect()));
/// Write out a simple "opaque" type (eg structs) which contain a pointer to the native Rust type
writeln!(w, "\t\tret").unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\t}}\n}}").unwrap();
- write_cpp_wrapper(cpp_headers, &format!("{}", ident), true);
+ write_cpp_wrapper(cpp_headers, &format!("{}", ident), true, None);
/// Writes out all the relevant mappings for a Rust struct, deferring to writeln_opaque to generate
writeln!(w, "pub extern \"C\" fn {}_clone(orig: &{}) -> {} {{", e.ident, e.ident, e.ident).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\torig.clone()").unwrap();
writeln!(w, "}}").unwrap();
- write_cpp_wrapper(cpp_headers, &format!("{}", e.ident), needs_free);
+ write_cpp_wrapper(cpp_headers, &format!("{}", e.ident), needs_free, None);
fn writeln_fn<'a, 'b, W: std::io::Write>(w: &mut W, f: &'a syn::ItemFn, types: &mut TypeResolver<'b, 'a>) {
// For container templates which we created while walking the crate, make sure we add C++
// mapped types so that C++ users can utilize the auto-destructors available.
for (ty, has_destructor) in libtypes.templates_defined.borrow().iter() {
- write_cpp_wrapper(&mut cpp_header_file, ty, *has_destructor);
+ write_cpp_wrapper(&mut cpp_header_file, ty, *has_destructor, None);
writeln!(cpp_header_file, "}}").unwrap();
sed -i 's/#include <stdlib.h>/#include "ldk_rust_types.h"/g' include/lightning.h
+# Build C++ class methods which call trait methods
+set +x # Echoing every command is very verbose here
+export IFS=''
+echo '#include <string.h>' > include/lightningpp_new.hpp
+echo 'namespace LDK {' >> include/lightningpp_new.hpp
+echo '// Forward declarations' >> include/lightningpp_new.hpp
+cat include/lightningpp.hpp | sed -n 's/class \(.*\) {/class \1;/p' >> include/lightningpp_new.hpp
+echo '' >> include/lightningpp_new.hpp
+while read LINE; do
+ case "$LINE" in
+ "#include <string.h>")
+ # We already printed this above.
+ ;;
+ "namespace LDK {")
+ # We already printed this above.
+ ;;
+ "}")
+ # We'll print this at the end
+ ;;
+ "XXX"*)
+ STRUCT_NAME="$(echo "$LINE" | awk '{ print $2 }')"
+ METHOD_NAME="$(echo "$LINE" | awk '{ print $3 }')"
+ STRUCT_CONTENTS="$(cat include/lightning.h | sed -n -e "/struct LDK$STRUCT_NAME/{:s" -e "/\} LDK$STRUCT_NAME;/!{N" -e "b s" -e "}" -e p -e "}")"
+ METHOD="$(echo "$STRUCT_CONTENTS" | grep "(\*$METHOD_NAME)")"
+ if [ "$METHOD" = "" ]; then
+ echo "Unable to find method declaration for $LINE"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ RETVAL="$(echo "$METHOD" | sed 's/[ ]*\([A-Za-z0-9 _]*\)(\*\(.*\)).*/\1/' | sed 's/^struct LDK/LDK::/g' | tr -d ' ')"
+ [ "$RETVAL" = "LDK::SecretKey" ] && RETVAL="LDKSecretKey"
+ [ "$RETVAL" = "LDK::PublicKey" ] && RETVAL="LDKPublicKey"
+ [ "$RETVAL" = "LDK::ThirtyTwoBytes" ] && RETVAL="LDKThirtyTwoBytes"
+ PARAMS="$(echo "$METHOD" | sed 's/.*(\*.*)(\(const \)*void \*this_arg\(, \)*\(.*\));/\3/')"
+ echo -e "\tinline $RETVAL $METHOD_NAME($PARAMS);" >> include/lightningpp_new.hpp
+ DECLS="$DECLS"$'\n'$'\t'
+ [ "$RETVAL" != "void" ] && DECLS="$DECLS$RETVAL ret = "
+ DECLS="$DECLS(self.$METHOD_NAME)(self.this_arg"
+ IFS=','; for PARAM in $PARAMS; do
+ DECLS="$DECLS$(echo $PARAM | sed 's/.* (*\**\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)\()[\[0-9\]*]\)*/\1/')"
+ done
+ IFS=''
+ [ "$RETVAL" != "void" ] && DECLS="$DECLS"$'\n'$'\t'"return ret;"
+ DECLS="$DECLS"$'\n'"}"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "$LINE" >> include/lightningpp_new.hpp
+ esac
+done < include/lightningpp.hpp
+echo "$DECLS" >> include/lightningpp_new.hpp
+echo "}" >> include/lightningpp_new.hpp
+export IFS="$OLD_IFS"
+set -x
+mv include/lightningpp_new.hpp include/lightningpp.hpp
# Finally, sanity-check the generated C and C++ bindings with demo apps:
# Naively run the C demo app:
gcc $LOCAL_CFLAGS -Wall -g -pthread demo.c target/debug/libldk.a -ldl