use lightning_block_sync::http::HttpEndpoint;
use tokio_postgres::Config;
-pub(crate) const SCHEMA_VERSION: i32 = 8;
+pub(crate) const SCHEMA_VERSION: i32 = 9;
pub(crate) const SNAPSHOT_CALCULATION_INTERVAL: u32 = 3600 * 24; // every 24 hours, in seconds
/// If the last update in either direction was more than six days ago, we send a reminder
/// That reminder may be either in the form of a channel announcement, or in the form of empty
pub(crate) fn db_index_creation_query() -> &'static str {
- CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS channel_updates_seen ON channel_updates(seen, short_channel_id, direction) INCLUDE (id, blob_signed);
- CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS channel_updates_scid_seen ON channel_updates(short_channel_id, seen) INCLUDE (blob_signed);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS channel_updates_seen_scid ON channel_updates(seen, short_channel_id);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS channel_updates_scid_dir_seen ON channel_updates(short_channel_id ASC, direction ASC, seen DESC) INCLUDE (id, blob_signed);
+ CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS channel_updates_scid_dir_seen_asc ON channel_updates(short_channel_id, direction, seen);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS channel_updates_key ON channel_updates (short_channel_id, direction, timestamp);
tx.execute("UPDATE config SET db_schema = 8 WHERE id = 1", &[]).await.unwrap();
+ if schema >= 1 && schema <= 8 {
+ let tx = client.transaction().await.unwrap();
+ tx.execute("DROP INDEX channel_updates_seen", &[]).await.unwrap();
+ tx.execute("DROP INDEX channel_updates_scid_seen", &[]).await.unwrap();
+ tx.execute("UPDATE config SET db_schema = 9 WHERE id = 1", &[]).await.unwrap();
+ tx.commit().await.unwrap();
+ }
if schema <= 1 || schema > SCHEMA_VERSION {
panic!("Unknown schema in db: {}, we support up to {}", schema, SCHEMA_VERSION);
SELECT DISTINCT ON (short_channel_id, direction) id, direction, blob_signed
FROM channel_updates
WHERE seen < $1 AND short_channel_id IN (
- SELECT short_channel_id
+ SELECT DISTINCT ON (short_channel_id) short_channel_id
FROM channel_updates
WHERE seen >= $1
- GROUP BY short_channel_id
ORDER BY short_channel_id ASC, direction ASC, seen DESC
", &[&last_sync_timestamp_object]).await.unwrap();