+mod tests {
+ use crate::blinded_path::{BlindedHop, BlindedPath, IntroductionNode};
+ use crate::ln::features::{Bolt12InvoiceFeatures, OfferFeatures};
+ use crate::ln::inbound_payment::ExpandedKey;
+ use crate::offers::invoice::InvoiceTlvStreamRef;
+ use crate::offers::merkle;
+ use crate::offers::merkle::{SignatureTlvStreamRef, TaggedHash};
+ use crate::offers::offer::{Offer, OfferBuilder, OfferTlvStreamRef, Quantity};
+ use crate::offers::parse::Bolt12SemanticError;
+ use crate::offers::static_invoice::{
+ StaticInvoice, StaticInvoiceBuilder, DEFAULT_RELATIVE_EXPIRY, SIGNATURE_TAG,
+ };
+ use crate::offers::test_utils::*;
+ use crate::sign::KeyMaterial;
+ use crate::util::ser::{Iterable, Writeable};
+ use bitcoin::blockdata::constants::ChainHash;
+ use bitcoin::secp256k1::Secp256k1;
+ use bitcoin::Network;
+ use core::time::Duration;
+ type FullInvoiceTlvStreamRef<'a> =
+ (OfferTlvStreamRef<'a>, InvoiceTlvStreamRef<'a>, SignatureTlvStreamRef<'a>);
+ impl StaticInvoice {
+ fn as_tlv_stream(&self) -> FullInvoiceTlvStreamRef {
+ let (offer_tlv_stream, invoice_tlv_stream) = self.contents.as_tlv_stream();
+ (
+ offer_tlv_stream,
+ invoice_tlv_stream,
+ SignatureTlvStreamRef { signature: Some(&self.signature) },
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ fn blinded_path() -> BlindedPath {
+ BlindedPath {
+ introduction_node: IntroductionNode::NodeId(pubkey(40)),
+ blinding_point: pubkey(41),
+ blinded_hops: vec![
+ BlindedHop { blinded_node_id: pubkey(42), encrypted_payload: vec![0; 43] },
+ BlindedHop { blinded_node_id: pubkey(43), encrypted_payload: vec![0; 44] },
+ ],
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn builds_invoice_for_offer_with_defaults() {
+ let node_id = recipient_pubkey();
+ let payment_paths = payment_paths();
+ let now = now();
+ let expanded_key = ExpandedKey::new(&KeyMaterial([42; 32]));
+ let entropy = FixedEntropy {};
+ let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
+ let offer =
+ OfferBuilder::deriving_signing_pubkey(node_id, &expanded_key, &entropy, &secp_ctx)
+ .path(blinded_path())
+ .build()
+ .unwrap();
+ let invoice = StaticInvoiceBuilder::for_offer_using_derived_keys(
+ &offer,
+ payment_paths.clone(),
+ vec![blinded_path()],
+ now,
+ &expanded_key,
+ &secp_ctx,
+ )
+ .unwrap()
+ .build_and_sign(&secp_ctx)
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut buffer = Vec::new();
+ invoice.write(&mut buffer).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(invoice.bytes, buffer.as_slice());
+ assert!(invoice.metadata().is_some());
+ assert_eq!(invoice.amount(), None);
+ assert_eq!(invoice.description(), None);
+ assert_eq!(invoice.offer_features(), &OfferFeatures::empty());
+ assert_eq!(invoice.absolute_expiry(), None);
+ assert_eq!(invoice.offer_message_paths(), &[blinded_path()]);
+ assert_eq!(invoice.message_paths(), &[blinded_path()]);
+ assert_eq!(invoice.issuer(), None);
+ assert_eq!(invoice.supported_quantity(), Quantity::One);
+ assert_ne!(invoice.signing_pubkey(), recipient_pubkey());
+ assert_eq!(invoice.chain(), ChainHash::using_genesis_block(Network::Bitcoin));
+ assert_eq!(invoice.payment_paths(), payment_paths.as_slice());
+ assert_eq!(invoice.created_at(), now);
+ assert_eq!(invoice.relative_expiry(), DEFAULT_RELATIVE_EXPIRY);
+ #[cfg(feature = "std")]
+ assert!(!invoice.is_expired());
+ assert!(invoice.fallbacks().is_empty());
+ assert_eq!(invoice.invoice_features(), &Bolt12InvoiceFeatures::empty());
+ let offer_signing_pubkey = offer.signing_pubkey().unwrap();
+ let message = TaggedHash::from_valid_tlv_stream_bytes(SIGNATURE_TAG, &invoice.bytes);
+ assert!(
+ merkle::verify_signature(&invoice.signature, &message, offer_signing_pubkey).is_ok()
+ );
+ let paths = vec![blinded_path()];
+ let metadata = vec![42; 16];
+ assert_eq!(
+ invoice.as_tlv_stream(),
+ (
+ OfferTlvStreamRef {
+ chains: None,
+ metadata: Some(&metadata),
+ currency: None,
+ amount: None,
+ description: None,
+ features: None,
+ absolute_expiry: None,
+ paths: Some(&paths),
+ issuer: None,
+ quantity_max: None,
+ node_id: Some(&offer_signing_pubkey),
+ },
+ InvoiceTlvStreamRef {
+ paths: Some(Iterable(payment_paths.iter().map(|(_, path)| path))),
+ blindedpay: Some(Iterable(payment_paths.iter().map(|(payinfo, _)| payinfo))),
+ created_at: Some(now.as_secs()),
+ relative_expiry: None,
+ payment_hash: None,
+ amount: None,
+ fallbacks: None,
+ features: None,
+ node_id: Some(&offer_signing_pubkey),
+ message_paths: Some(&paths),
+ },
+ SignatureTlvStreamRef { signature: Some(&invoice.signature()) },
+ )
+ );
+ if let Err(e) = StaticInvoice::try_from(buffer) {
+ panic!("error parsing invoice: {:?}", e);
+ }
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "std")]
+ #[test]
+ fn builds_invoice_from_offer_with_expiration() {
+ let node_id = recipient_pubkey();
+ let now = now();
+ let expanded_key = ExpandedKey::new(&KeyMaterial([42; 32]));
+ let entropy = FixedEntropy {};
+ let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
+ let future_expiry = Duration::from_secs(u64::max_value());
+ let past_expiry = Duration::from_secs(0);
+ let valid_offer =
+ OfferBuilder::deriving_signing_pubkey(node_id, &expanded_key, &entropy, &secp_ctx)
+ .path(blinded_path())
+ .absolute_expiry(future_expiry)
+ .build()
+ .unwrap();
+ let invoice = StaticInvoiceBuilder::for_offer_using_derived_keys(
+ &valid_offer,
+ payment_paths(),
+ vec![blinded_path()],
+ now,
+ &expanded_key,
+ &secp_ctx,
+ )
+ .unwrap()
+ .build_and_sign(&secp_ctx)
+ .unwrap();
+ assert!(!invoice.is_expired());
+ assert_eq!(invoice.absolute_expiry(), Some(future_expiry));
+ let expired_offer =
+ OfferBuilder::deriving_signing_pubkey(node_id, &expanded_key, &entropy, &secp_ctx)
+ .path(blinded_path())
+ .absolute_expiry(past_expiry)
+ .build()
+ .unwrap();
+ if let Err(e) = StaticInvoiceBuilder::for_offer_using_derived_keys(
+ &expired_offer,
+ payment_paths(),
+ vec![blinded_path()],
+ now,
+ &expanded_key,
+ &secp_ctx,
+ )
+ .unwrap()
+ .build_and_sign(&secp_ctx)
+ {
+ assert_eq!(e, Bolt12SemanticError::AlreadyExpired);
+ } else {
+ panic!("expected error")
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn fails_build_with_missing_paths() {
+ let node_id = recipient_pubkey();
+ let now = now();
+ let expanded_key = ExpandedKey::new(&KeyMaterial([42; 32]));
+ let entropy = FixedEntropy {};
+ let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
+ let valid_offer =
+ OfferBuilder::deriving_signing_pubkey(node_id, &expanded_key, &entropy, &secp_ctx)
+ .path(blinded_path())
+ .build()
+ .unwrap();
+ // Error if payment paths are missing.
+ if let Err(e) = StaticInvoiceBuilder::for_offer_using_derived_keys(
+ &valid_offer,
+ Vec::new(),
+ vec![blinded_path()],
+ now,
+ &expanded_key,
+ &secp_ctx,
+ ) {
+ assert_eq!(e, Bolt12SemanticError::MissingPaths);
+ } else {
+ panic!("expected error")
+ }
+ // Error if message paths are missing.
+ if let Err(e) = StaticInvoiceBuilder::for_offer_using_derived_keys(
+ &valid_offer,
+ payment_paths(),
+ Vec::new(),
+ now,
+ &expanded_key,
+ &secp_ctx,
+ ) {
+ assert_eq!(e, Bolt12SemanticError::MissingPaths);
+ } else {
+ panic!("expected error")
+ }
+ // Error if offer paths are missing.
+ let mut offer_without_paths = valid_offer.clone();
+ let mut offer_tlv_stream = offer_without_paths.as_tlv_stream();
+ offer_tlv_stream.paths.take();
+ let mut buffer = Vec::new();
+ offer_tlv_stream.write(&mut buffer).unwrap();
+ offer_without_paths = Offer::try_from(buffer).unwrap();
+ if let Err(e) = StaticInvoiceBuilder::for_offer_using_derived_keys(
+ &offer_without_paths,
+ payment_paths(),
+ vec![blinded_path()],
+ now,
+ &expanded_key,
+ &secp_ctx,
+ ) {
+ assert_eq!(e, Bolt12SemanticError::MissingPaths);
+ } else {
+ panic!("expected error")
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn fails_build_offer_signing_pubkey() {
+ let node_id = recipient_pubkey();
+ let now = now();
+ let expanded_key = ExpandedKey::new(&KeyMaterial([42; 32]));
+ let entropy = FixedEntropy {};
+ let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
+ let valid_offer =
+ OfferBuilder::deriving_signing_pubkey(node_id, &expanded_key, &entropy, &secp_ctx)
+ .path(blinded_path())
+ .build()
+ .unwrap();
+ // Error if offer signing pubkey is missing.
+ let mut offer_missing_signing_pubkey = valid_offer.clone();
+ let mut offer_tlv_stream = offer_missing_signing_pubkey.as_tlv_stream();
+ offer_tlv_stream.node_id.take();
+ let mut buffer = Vec::new();
+ offer_tlv_stream.write(&mut buffer).unwrap();
+ offer_missing_signing_pubkey = Offer::try_from(buffer).unwrap();
+ if let Err(e) = StaticInvoiceBuilder::for_offer_using_derived_keys(
+ &offer_missing_signing_pubkey,
+ payment_paths(),
+ vec![blinded_path()],
+ now,
+ &expanded_key,
+ &secp_ctx,
+ ) {
+ assert_eq!(e, Bolt12SemanticError::MissingSigningPubkey);
+ } else {
+ panic!("expected error")
+ }
+ // Error if the offer's metadata cannot be verified.
+ let offer = OfferBuilder::new(recipient_pubkey())
+ .path(blinded_path())
+ .metadata(vec![42; 32])
+ .unwrap()
+ .build()
+ .unwrap();
+ if let Err(e) = StaticInvoiceBuilder::for_offer_using_derived_keys(
+ &offer,
+ payment_paths(),
+ vec![blinded_path()],
+ now,
+ &expanded_key,
+ &secp_ctx,
+ ) {
+ assert_eq!(e, Bolt12SemanticError::InvalidMetadata);
+ } else {
+ panic!("expected error")
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn fails_building_with_extra_offer_chains() {
+ let node_id = recipient_pubkey();
+ let now = now();
+ let expanded_key = ExpandedKey::new(&KeyMaterial([42; 32]));
+ let entropy = FixedEntropy {};
+ let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
+ let offer_with_extra_chain =
+ OfferBuilder::deriving_signing_pubkey(node_id, &expanded_key, &entropy, &secp_ctx)
+ .path(blinded_path())
+ .chain(Network::Bitcoin)
+ .chain(Network::Testnet)
+ .build()
+ .unwrap();
+ if let Err(e) = StaticInvoiceBuilder::for_offer_using_derived_keys(
+ &offer_with_extra_chain,
+ payment_paths(),
+ vec![blinded_path()],
+ now,
+ &expanded_key,
+ &secp_ctx,
+ ) {
+ assert_eq!(e, Bolt12SemanticError::UnexpectedChain);
+ } else {
+ panic!("expected error")
+ }
+ }