+use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::env;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
+use std::io::Cursor;
use bitcoin::secp256k1::PublicKey;
+use lightning::ln::msgs::ChannelAnnouncement;
+use lightning::util::ser::Readable;
use lightning_block_sync::http::HttpEndpoint;
use tokio_postgres::Config;
use crate::hex_utils;
-pub(crate) const SCHEMA_VERSION: i32 = 2;
+use futures::stream::{FuturesUnordered, StreamExt};
+pub(crate) const SCHEMA_VERSION: i32 = 5;
pub(crate) const SNAPSHOT_CALCULATION_INTERVAL: u32 = 3600 * 24; // every 24 hours, in seconds
pub(crate) const DOWNLOAD_NEW_GOSSIP: bool = true;
pub(crate) fn db_announcement_table_creation_query() -> &'static str {
"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS channel_announcements (
- short_channel_id character varying(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
+ short_channel_id bigint NOT NULL UNIQUE,
block_height integer,
announcement_signed BYTEA,
seen timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW()
pub(crate) fn db_channel_update_table_creation_query() -> &'static str {
+ // We'll run out of room in composite index at block 8,388,608 or in the year 2286
"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS channel_updates (
- composite_index character varying(255) UNIQUE,
- short_channel_id character varying(255),
+ composite_index character(29) UNIQUE,
+ short_channel_id bigint NOT NULL,
timestamp bigint,
channel_flags integer,
- direction integer,
+ direction boolean NOT NULL,
disable boolean,
cltv_expiry_delta integer,
htlc_minimum_msat bigint,
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS channels_seen ON channel_announcements(seen);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS channel_updates_scid ON channel_updates(short_channel_id);
- CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS channel_updates_direction ON channel_updates(direction);
+ CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS channel_updates_direction ON channel_updates (short_channel_id, direction);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS channel_updates_seen ON channel_updates(seen);
tx.execute("UPDATE config SET db_schema = 2 WHERE id = 1", &[]).await.unwrap();
+ if schema == 1 || schema == 2 {
+ let tx = client.transaction().await.unwrap();
+ tx.execute("ALTER TABLE channel_updates DROP COLUMN short_channel_id", &[]).await.unwrap();
+ tx.execute("ALTER TABLE channel_updates ADD COLUMN short_channel_id bigint DEFAULT null", &[]).await.unwrap();
+ tx.execute("ALTER TABLE channel_updates DROP COLUMN direction", &[]).await.unwrap();
+ tx.execute("ALTER TABLE channel_updates ADD COLUMN direction boolean DEFAULT null", &[]).await.unwrap();
+ loop {
+ let rows = tx.query("SELECT id, composite_index FROM channel_updates WHERE short_channel_id IS NULL LIMIT 50000", &[]).await.unwrap();
+ if rows.is_empty() { break; }
+ let mut updates = FuturesUnordered::new();
+ for row in rows {
+ let id: i32 = row.get("id");
+ let index: String = row.get("composite_index");
+ let tx_ref = &tx;
+ updates.push(async move {
+ let mut index_iter = index.split(":");
+ let scid_hex = index_iter.next().unwrap();
+ index_iter.next().unwrap();
+ let direction_str = index_iter.next().unwrap();
+ assert!(direction_str == "1" || direction_str == "0");
+ let direction = direction_str == "1";
+ let scid_be_bytes = hex_utils::to_vec(scid_hex).unwrap();
+ let scid = i64::from_be_bytes(scid_be_bytes.try_into().unwrap());
+ assert!(scid > 0); // Will roll over in some 150 years or so
+ tx_ref.execute("UPDATE channel_updates SET short_channel_id = $1, direction = $2 WHERE id = $3", &[&scid, &direction, &id]).await.unwrap();
+ });
+ }
+ while let Some(_) = updates.next().await { }
+ }
+ tx.execute("CREATE INDEX channel_updates_scid ON channel_updates(short_channel_id)", &[]).await.unwrap();
+ tx.execute("CREATE INDEX channel_updates_direction ON channel_updates (short_channel_id, direction)", &[]).await.unwrap();
+ tx.execute("ALTER TABLE channel_updates ALTER short_channel_id DROP DEFAULT", &[]).await.unwrap();
+ tx.execute("ALTER TABLE channel_updates ALTER short_channel_id SET NOT NULL", &[]).await.unwrap();
+ tx.execute("ALTER TABLE channel_updates ALTER direction DROP DEFAULT", &[]).await.unwrap();
+ tx.execute("ALTER TABLE channel_updates ALTER direction SET NOT NULL", &[]).await.unwrap();
+ tx.execute("UPDATE config SET db_schema = 3 WHERE id = 1", &[]).await.unwrap();
+ tx.commit().await.unwrap();
+ }
+ if schema >= 1 && schema <= 3 {
+ let tx = client.transaction().await.unwrap();
+ tx.execute("ALTER TABLE channel_announcements DROP COLUMN short_channel_id", &[]).await.unwrap();
+ tx.execute("ALTER TABLE channel_announcements ADD COLUMN short_channel_id bigint DEFAULT null", &[]).await.unwrap();
+ loop {
+ let rows = tx.query("SELECT id, announcement_signed FROM channel_announcements WHERE short_channel_id IS NULL LIMIT 10000", &[]).await.unwrap();
+ if rows.is_empty() { break; }
+ let mut updates = FuturesUnordered::new();
+ for row in rows {
+ let id: i32 = row.get("id");
+ let announcement: Vec<u8> = row.get("announcement_signed");
+ let tx_ref = &tx;
+ updates.push(async move {
+ let scid = ChannelAnnouncement::read(&mut Cursor::new(announcement)).unwrap().contents.short_channel_id as i64;
+ assert!(scid > 0); // Will roll over in some 150 years or so
+ tx_ref.execute("UPDATE channel_announcements SET short_channel_id = $1 WHERE id = $2", &[&scid, &id]).await.unwrap();
+ });
+ }
+ while let Some(_) = updates.next().await { }
+ }
+ tx.execute("ALTER TABLE channel_announcements ADD CONSTRAINT channel_announcements_short_channel_id_key UNIQUE (short_channel_id)", &[]).await.unwrap();
+ tx.execute("ALTER TABLE channel_announcements ALTER short_channel_id DROP DEFAULT", &[]).await.unwrap();
+ tx.execute("ALTER TABLE channel_announcements ALTER short_channel_id SET NOT NULL", &[]).await.unwrap();
+ tx.execute("UPDATE config SET db_schema = 4 WHERE id = 1", &[]).await.unwrap();
+ tx.commit().await.unwrap();
+ }
+ if schema >= 1 && schema <= 4 {
+ let tx = client.transaction().await.unwrap();
+ tx.execute("ALTER TABLE channel_updates ALTER composite_index SET DATA TYPE character(29)", &[]).await.unwrap();
+ tx.execute("UPDATE config SET db_schema = 5 WHERE id = 1", &[]).await.unwrap();
+ tx.commit().await.unwrap();
+ }
if schema <= 1 || schema > SCHEMA_VERSION {
panic!("Unknown schema in db: {}, we support up to {}", schema, SCHEMA_VERSION);
use tokio_postgres::{Client, Connection, NoTls, Socket};
use tokio_postgres::tls::NoTlsStream;
-use crate::{config, hex_utils, TestLogger};
+use crate::{config, TestLogger};
use crate::serialization::MutatedProperties;
/// The delta set needs to be a BTreeMap so the keys are sorted.
let channel_iterator = read_only_graph.channels().into_iter();
.filter(|c| c.1.announcement_message.is_some())
- .map(|c| hex_utils::hex_str(&c.1.announcement_message.as_ref().unwrap().contents.short_channel_id.to_be_bytes()))
- .collect::<Vec<String>>()
+ .map(|c| c.1.announcement_message.as_ref().unwrap().contents.short_channel_id as i64)
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>()
println!("Obtaining corresponding database entries");
- let direction: i32 = current_reference.get("direction");
+ let direction: bool = current_reference.get("direction");
let blob: Vec<u8> = current_reference.get("blob_signed");
let mut readable = Cursor::new(blob);
let unsigned_channel_update = ChannelUpdate::read(&mut readable).unwrap().contents;
let scid = unsigned_channel_update.short_channel_id;
let current_channel_delta = delta_set.entry(scid).or_insert(ChannelDelta::default());
- let mut update_delta = if direction == 0 {
+ let mut update_delta = if !direction {
- } else if direction == 1 {
- (*current_channel_delta).updates.1.get_or_insert(DirectedUpdateDelta::default())
} else {
- panic!("Channel direction must be binary!")
+ (*current_channel_delta).updates.1.get_or_insert(DirectedUpdateDelta::default())
update_delta.last_update_before_seen = Some(unsigned_channel_update);
intermediate_update_count += 1;
- let direction: i32 = intermediate_update.get("direction");
+ let direction: bool = intermediate_update.get("direction");
let current_seen_timestamp_object: SystemTime = intermediate_update.get("seen");
let current_seen_timestamp: u32 = current_seen_timestamp_object.duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap().as_secs() as u32;
let blob: Vec<u8> = intermediate_update.get("blob_signed");
// get the write configuration for this particular channel's directional details
let current_channel_delta = delta_set.entry(scid).or_insert(ChannelDelta::default());
- let update_delta = if direction == 0 {
+ let update_delta = if !direction {
- } else if direction == 1 {
- (*current_channel_delta).updates.1.get_or_insert(DirectedUpdateDelta::default())
} else {
- panic!("Channel direction must be binary!")
+ (*current_channel_delta).updates.1.get_or_insert(DirectedUpdateDelta::default())
// handle the latest deltas
- if direction == 0 && !previously_seen_directions.0 {
+ if !direction && !previously_seen_directions.0 {
previously_seen_directions.0 = true;
update_delta.latest_update_after_seen = Some(UpdateDelta {
seen: current_seen_timestamp,
update: unsigned_channel_update.clone(),
- } else if direction == 1 && !previously_seen_directions.1 {
+ } else if direction && !previously_seen_directions.1 {
previously_seen_directions.1 = true;
update_delta.latest_update_after_seen = Some(UpdateDelta {
seen: current_seen_timestamp,