use crate::ln::outbound_payment;
use crate::ln::outbound_payment::{OutboundPayments, PaymentAttempts, PendingOutboundPayment, SendAlongPathArgs};
use crate::ln::wire::Encode;
+use crate::offers::offer::{DerivedMetadata, OfferBuilder};
+use crate::offers::parse::Bolt12SemanticError;
+use crate::offers::refund::RefundBuilder;
use crate::sign::{EntropySource, KeysManager, NodeSigner, Recipient, SignerProvider, WriteableEcdsaChannelSigner};
use crate::util::config::{UserConfig, ChannelConfig, ChannelConfigUpdate};
use crate::util::wakers::{Future, Notifier};
+ /// Creates an [`OfferBuilder`] such that the [`Offer`] it builds is recognized by the
+ /// [`ChannelManager`] when handling [`InvoiceRequest`] messages for the offer. The offer will
+ /// not have an expiration unless otherwise set on the builder.
+ ///
+ /// [`Offer`]: crate::offers::offer::Offer
+ /// [`InvoiceRequest`]: crate::offers::invoice_request::InvoiceRequest
+ pub fn create_offer_builder(
+ &self, description: String
+ ) -> OfferBuilder<DerivedMetadata, secp256k1::All> {
+ let node_id = self.get_our_node_id();
+ let expanded_key = &self.inbound_payment_key;
+ let entropy = &*self.entropy_source;
+ let secp_ctx = &self.secp_ctx;
+ // TODO: Set blinded paths
+ OfferBuilder::deriving_signing_pubkey(description, node_id, expanded_key, entropy, secp_ctx)
+ .chain_hash(self.chain_hash)
+ }
+ /// Creates a [`RefundBuilder`] such that the [`Refund`] it builds is recognized by the
+ /// [`ChannelManager`] when handling [`Bolt12Invoice`] messages for the refund. The builder will
+ /// have the provided expiration set. Any changes to the expiration on the returned builder will
+ /// not be honored by [`ChannelManager`].
+ ///
+ /// The provided `payment_id` is used to ensure that only one invoice is paid for the refund.
+ ///
+ /// [`Refund`]: crate::offers::refund::Refund
+ /// [`Bolt12Invoice`]: crate::offers::invoice::Bolt12Invoice
+ pub fn create_refund_builder(
+ &self, description: String, amount_msats: u64, absolute_expiry: Duration,
+ payment_id: PaymentId, retry_strategy: Retry, max_total_routing_fee_msat: Option<u64>
+ ) -> Result<RefundBuilder<secp256k1::All>, Bolt12SemanticError> {
+ let node_id = self.get_our_node_id();
+ let expanded_key = &self.inbound_payment_key;
+ let entropy = &*self.entropy_source;
+ let secp_ctx = &self.secp_ctx;
+ // TODO: Set blinded paths
+ let builder = RefundBuilder::deriving_payer_id(
+ description, node_id, expanded_key, entropy, secp_ctx, amount_msats, payment_id
+ )?
+ .chain_hash(self.chain_hash)
+ .absolute_expiry(absolute_expiry);
+ self.pending_outbound_payments
+ .add_new_awaiting_invoice(
+ payment_id, absolute_expiry, retry_strategy, max_total_routing_fee_msat,
+ )
+ .map_err(|_| Bolt12SemanticError::DuplicatePaymentId)?;
+ Ok(builder)
+ }
/// Gets a payment secret and payment hash for use in an invoice given to a third party wishing
/// to pay us.
(payment, onion_session_privs)
- #[allow(unused)]
- fn add_new_awaiting_invoice(
+ pub(super) fn add_new_awaiting_invoice(
&self, payment_id: PaymentId, absolute_expiry: Duration, retry_strategy: Retry,
max_total_routing_fee_msat: Option<u64>
) -> Result<(), ()> {
//! published as a QR code to be scanned by a customer. The customer uses the offer to request an
//! invoice from the merchant to be paid.
+//! # Example
//! ```
//! extern crate bitcoin;
//! extern crate core;
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
+//! # Note
+//! If constructing an [`Offer`] for use with a [`ChannelManager`], use
+//! [`ChannelManager::create_offer_builder`] instead of [`OfferBuilder::new`].
+//! [`ChannelManager`]: crate::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager
+//! [`ChannelManager::create_offer_builder`]: crate::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager::create_offer_builder
use bitcoin::blockdata::constants::ChainHash;
use bitcoin::network::constants::Network;
/// while the offer is valid.
/// Use a different pubkey per offer to avoid correlating offers.
+ ///
+ /// # Note
+ ///
+ /// If constructing an [`Offer`] for use with a [`ChannelManager`], use
+ /// [`ChannelManager::create_offer_builder`] instead of [`OfferBuilder::new`].
+ ///
+ /// [`ChannelManager`]: crate::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager
+ /// [`ChannelManager::create_offer_builder`]: crate::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager::create_offer_builder
pub fn new(description: String, signing_pubkey: PublicKey) -> Self {
OfferBuilder {
offer: OfferContents {
/// See [`Offer::chains`] on how this relates to the payment currency.
/// Successive calls to this method will add another chain hash.
- pub fn chain(mut self, network: Network) -> Self {
+ pub fn chain(self, network: Network) -> Self {
+ self.chain_hash(ChainHash::using_genesis_block(network))
+ }
+ /// Adds the [`ChainHash`] to [`Offer::chains`]. If not called, the chain hash of
+ /// [`Network::Bitcoin`] is assumed to be the only one supported.
+ ///
+ /// See [`Offer::chains`] on how this relates to the payment currency.
+ ///
+ /// Successive calls to this method will add another chain hash.
+ pub(crate) fn chain_hash(mut self, chain: ChainHash) -> Self {
let chains = self.offer.chains.get_or_insert_with(Vec::new);
- let chain = ChainHash::using_genesis_block(network);
if !chains.contains(&chain) {
/// A payer id was expected but was missing.
+ /// The payment id for a refund or request is already in use.
+ DuplicatePaymentId,
/// Blinded paths were expected but were missing.
/// The blinded payinfo given does not match the number of blinded path hops.
//! [`InvoiceRequest`]: crate::offers::invoice_request::InvoiceRequest
//! [`Offer`]: crate::offers::offer::Offer
+//! # Example
//! ```
//! extern crate bitcoin;
//! extern crate core;
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
+//! # Note
+//! If constructing a [`Refund`] for use with a [`ChannelManager`], use
+//! [`ChannelManager::create_refund_builder`] instead of [`RefundBuilder::new`].
+//! [`ChannelManager`]: crate::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager
+//! [`ChannelManager::create_refund_builder`]: crate::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager::create_refund_builder
use bitcoin::blockdata::constants::ChainHash;
use bitcoin::network::constants::Network;
/// Additionally, sets the required [`Refund::description`], [`Refund::payer_metadata`], and
/// [`Refund::amount_msats`].
+ ///
+ /// # Note
+ ///
+ /// If constructing a [`Refund`] for use with a [`ChannelManager`], use
+ /// [`ChannelManager::create_refund_builder`] instead of [`RefundBuilder::new`].
+ ///
+ /// [`ChannelManager`]: crate::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager
+ /// [`ChannelManager::create_refund_builder`]: crate::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager::create_refund_builder
pub fn new(
description: String, metadata: Vec<u8>, payer_id: PublicKey, amount_msats: u64
) -> Result<Self, Bolt12SemanticError> {
/// called, [`Network::Bitcoin`] is assumed.
/// Successive calls to this method will override the previous setting.
- pub fn chain(mut self, network: Network) -> Self {
- self.refund.chain = Some(ChainHash::using_genesis_block(network));
+ pub fn chain(self, network: Network) -> Self {
+ self.chain_hash(ChainHash::using_genesis_block(network))
+ }
+ /// Sets the [`Refund::chain`] of the given [`ChainHash`] for paying an invoice. If not called,
+ /// [`Network::Bitcoin`] is assumed.
+ ///
+ /// Successive calls to this method will override the previous setting.
+ pub(crate) fn chain_hash(mut self, chain: ChainHash) -> Self {
+ self.refund.chain = Some(chain);