c_ty = consts.ptr_c_ty
java_ty = consts.ptr_native_ty
- java_hu_ty = ma.group(1).strip().replace("LDKCResult", "Result").replace("LDK", "")
+ java_hu_ty = ma.group(1).strip().replace("LDKCOption", "Option").replace("LDKCResult", "Result").replace("LDK", "")
fn_ty_arg = "J"
fn_arg = ma.group(2).strip()
rust_obj = ma.group(1).strip()
method_arguments = method_comma_separated_arguments.split(',')
is_free = method_name.endswith("_free")
- struct_meth = method_name.split("_")[0]
+ if method_name.startswith("COption"):
+ struct_meth = method_name.rsplit("Z", 1)[0][1:] + "Z"
+ else:
+ struct_meth = method_name.split("_")[0]
return_type_info = type_mapping_generator.map_type(method_return_type, True, ret_arr_len, False, False)
out_java_struct = None
- if ("LDK" + struct_meth in opaque_structs or "LDK" + struct_meth in trait_structs) and not is_free:
+ if ("LDK" + struct_meth in opaque_structs or "LDK" + struct_meth in trait_structs
+ or "LDK" + struct_meth in complex_enums or "LDKC" + struct_meth in complex_enums) and not is_free:
out_java_struct = open(f"{sys.argv[3]}/structs/{struct_meth}{consts.file_ext}", "a")
elif method_name.startswith("C2Tuple_") and method_name.endswith("_read"):
struct_meth = method_name.rsplit("_", 1)[0]
def map_complex_enum(struct_name, union_enum_items, enum_doc_comment):
- java_hu_type = struct_name.replace("LDK", "")
+ java_hu_type = struct_name.replace("LDK", "").replace("COption", "Option")
enum_variants = []
for struct_name in trait_structs:
with open(f"{sys.argv[3]}/structs/{struct_name.replace('LDK', '')}{consts.file_ext}", "a") as out_java_struct:
+ for struct_name in complex_enums:
+ with open(f"{sys.argv[3]}/structs/{struct_name.replace('LDK', '').replace('COption', 'Option')}{consts.file_ext}", "a") as out_java_struct:
+ out_java_struct.write("}\n")
with open(sys.argv[4], "w") as out_c:
return base_conv
def map_complex_enum(self, struct_name, variant_list, camel_to_snake, enum_doc_comment):
- java_hu_type = struct_name.replace("LDK", "")
+ java_hu_type = struct_name.replace("LDK", "").replace("COption", "Option")
out_java_enum = ""
out_java = ""
out_c = ""
out_java_enum += ("\t@Override @SuppressWarnings(\"deprecation\")\n")
out_java_enum += ("\tprotected void finalize() throws Throwable {\n")
out_java_enum += ("\t\tsuper.finalize();\n")
- out_java_enum += ("\t\tif (ptr != 0) { bindings." + java_hu_type + "_free(ptr); }\n")
+ out_java_enum += ("\t\tif (ptr != 0) { bindings." + struct_name.replace("LDK", "") + "_free(ptr); }\n")
out_java_enum += ("\t}\n")
out_java_enum += ("\tstatic " + java_hu_type + " constr_from_ptr(long ptr) {\n")
out_java_enum += ("\t\tbindings." + struct_name + " raw_val = bindings." + struct_name + "_ref_from_ptr(ptr);\n")
out_c += ("\t\t}\n")
out_c += ("\t\tdefault: abort();\n")
out_c += ("\t}\n}\n")
- out_java_enum += ("}\n")
return (out_java, out_java_enum, out_c)
def map_opaque_struct(self, struct_name, struct_doc_comment):
if not args_known:
out_java_struct += ("\t// Skipped " + method_name + "\n")
- meth_n = method_name[len(struct_meth) + 1:]
+ meth_n = method_name[len(struct_meth) + 1:].strip("_")
if doc_comment is not None:
out_java_struct += "\t/**\n\t * " + doc_comment.replace("\n", "\n\t * ") + "\n\t */\n"
if not takes_self: