pub(super) enum ChannelPhase<SP: Deref> where SP::Target: SignerProvider {
- #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
- #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
ChannelPhase::Funded(chan) => &chan.context,
ChannelPhase::UnfundedOutboundV1(chan) => &chan.context,
ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV1(chan) => &chan.context,
- #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
ChannelPhase::UnfundedOutboundV2(chan) => &chan.context,
- #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV2(chan) => &chan.context,
ChannelPhase::Funded(ref mut chan) => &mut chan.context,
ChannelPhase::UnfundedOutboundV1(ref mut chan) => &mut chan.context,
ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV1(ref mut chan) => &mut chan.context,
- #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
ChannelPhase::UnfundedOutboundV2(ref mut chan) => &mut chan.context,
- #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV2(ref mut chan) => &mut chan.context,
/// This is used both for outbound and inbound channels and has lower bound
/// of `dust_limit_satoshis`.
-#[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
fn get_v2_channel_reserve_satoshis(channel_value_satoshis: u64, dust_limit_satoshis: u64) -> u64 {
// Fixed at 1% of channel value by spec.
let (q, _) = channel_value_satoshis.overflowing_div(100);
/// Context for dual-funded channels.
-#[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
pub(super) struct DualFundingChannelContext {
/// The amount in satoshis we will be contributing to the channel.
pub our_funding_satoshis: u64,
// Counterparty designates channel data owned by the another channel participant entity.
pub(super) struct Channel<SP: Deref> where SP::Target: SignerProvider {
pub context: ChannelContext<SP>,
- #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
pub dual_funding_channel_context: Option<DualFundingChannelContext>,
let mut channel = Channel {
context: self.context,
- #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
dual_funding_channel_context: None,
// `ChannelMonitor`.
let mut channel = Channel {
context: self.context,
- #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
dual_funding_channel_context: None,
let need_channel_ready = channel.check_get_channel_ready(0, logger).is_some();
// A not-yet-funded outbound (from holder) channel using V2 channel establishment.
-#[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
pub(super) struct OutboundV2Channel<SP: Deref> where SP::Target: SignerProvider {
pub context: ChannelContext<SP>,
pub unfunded_context: UnfundedChannelContext,
- #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
pub dual_funding_context: DualFundingChannelContext,
-#[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
impl<SP: Deref> OutboundV2Channel<SP> where SP::Target: SignerProvider {
pub fn new<ES: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref>(
fee_estimator: &LowerBoundedFeeEstimator<F>, entropy_source: &ES, signer_provider: &SP,
// A not-yet-funded inbound (from counterparty) channel using V2 channel establishment.
-#[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
pub(super) struct InboundV2Channel<SP: Deref> where SP::Target: SignerProvider {
pub context: ChannelContext<SP>,
pub unfunded_context: UnfundedChannelContext,
pub dual_funding_context: DualFundingChannelContext,
-#[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
impl<SP: Deref> InboundV2Channel<SP> where SP::Target: SignerProvider {
/// Creates a new dual-funded channel from a remote side's request for one.
/// Assumes chain_hash has already been checked and corresponds with what we expect!
blocked_monitor_updates: blocked_monitor_updates.unwrap(),
is_manual_broadcast: is_manual_broadcast.unwrap_or(false),
- #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
dual_funding_channel_context: None,
match phase {
ChannelPhase::Funded(_) | ChannelPhase::UnfundedOutboundV1(_) => true,
ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV1(_) => false,
- #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
ChannelPhase::UnfundedOutboundV2(_) => true,
- #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV2(_) => false,
ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV1(channel) => {
convert_chan_phase_err!($self, $peer_state, $err, channel, $channel_id, UNFUNDED_CHANNEL)
- #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
ChannelPhase::UnfundedOutboundV2(channel) => {
convert_chan_phase_err!($self, $peer_state, $err, channel, $channel_id, UNFUNDED_CHANNEL)
- #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV2(channel) => {
convert_chan_phase_err!($self, $peer_state, $err, channel, $channel_id, UNFUNDED_CHANNEL)
self.finish_close_channel(chan.context.force_shutdown(broadcast, closure_reason));
(self.get_channel_update_for_broadcast(&chan).ok(), chan.context.get_counterparty_node_id())
- ChannelPhase::UnfundedOutboundV1(_) | ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV1(_) => {
- self.finish_close_channel(chan_phase.context_mut().force_shutdown(false, closure_reason));
- // Unfunded channel has no update
- (None, chan_phase.context().get_counterparty_node_id())
- },
- // TODO(dual_funding): Combine this match arm with above once #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))] is removed.
- #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
+ ChannelPhase::UnfundedOutboundV1(_) | ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV1(_) |
ChannelPhase::UnfundedOutboundV2(_) | ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV2(_) => {
self.finish_close_channel(chan_phase.context_mut().force_shutdown(false, closure_reason));
// Unfunded channel has no update
ChannelPhase::UnfundedOutboundV1(chan) => {
process_unfunded_channel_tick!(peer_state, chan, pending_msg_events)
- #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV2(chan) => {
process_unfunded_channel_tick!(peer_state, chan, pending_msg_events)
- #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
ChannelPhase::UnfundedOutboundV2(chan) => {
process_unfunded_channel_tick!(peer_state, chan, pending_msg_events)
num_unfunded_channels += 1;
- // TODO(dual_funding): Combine this match arm with above once #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))] is removed.
- #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV2(chan) => {
// Only inbound V2 channels that are not 0conf and that we do not contribute to will be
// included in the unfunded count.
num_unfunded_channels += 1;
- ChannelPhase::UnfundedOutboundV1(_) => {
+ ChannelPhase::UnfundedOutboundV1(_) | ChannelPhase::UnfundedOutboundV2(_) => {
// Outbound channels don't contribute to the unfunded count in the DoS context.
- // TODO(dual_funding): Combine this match arm with above once #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))] is removed.
- #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
- ChannelPhase::UnfundedOutboundV2(_) => {
- // Outbound channels don't contribute to the unfunded count in the DoS context.
- continue;
- }
num_unfunded_channels + peer.inbound_channel_request_by_id.len()
peer_state_lock, peer_state, per_peer_state, chan);
- ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV1(_) | ChannelPhase::UnfundedOutboundV1(_) => {
- let context = phase.context_mut();
- let logger = WithChannelContext::from(&self.logger, context, None);
- log_error!(logger, "Immediately closing unfunded channel {} as peer asked to cooperatively shut it down (which is unnecessary)", &msg.channel_id);
- let mut chan = remove_channel_phase!(self, peer_state, chan_phase_entry);
- finish_shutdown = Some(chan.context_mut().force_shutdown(false, ClosureReason::CounterpartyCoopClosedUnfundedChannel));
- },
- // TODO(dual_funding): Combine this match arm with above.
- #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
+ ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV1(_) | ChannelPhase::UnfundedOutboundV1(_) |
ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV2(_) | ChannelPhase::UnfundedOutboundV2(_) => {
- let context = phase.context_mut();
log_error!(self.logger, "Immediately closing unfunded channel {} as peer asked to cooperatively shut it down (which is unnecessary)", &msg.channel_id);
let mut chan = remove_channel_phase!(self, peer_state, chan_phase_entry);
finish_shutdown = Some(chan.context_mut().force_shutdown(false, ClosureReason::CounterpartyCoopClosedUnfundedChannel));
- ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV1(_) => None,
+ ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV1(_) | ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV2(_) | ChannelPhase::UnfundedOutboundV2(_) => None,
peer_state.channel_by_id.retain(|_, phase| {
match phase {
// Retain unfunded channels.
- ChannelPhase::UnfundedOutboundV1(_) | ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV1(_) => true,
- // TODO(dual_funding): Combine this match arm with above.
- #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
+ ChannelPhase::UnfundedOutboundV1(_) | ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV1(_) |
ChannelPhase::UnfundedOutboundV2(_) | ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV2(_) => true,
ChannelPhase::Funded(channel) => {
let res = f(channel);
ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV1(chan) => {
&mut chan.context
- #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
ChannelPhase::UnfundedOutboundV2(chan) => {
&mut chan.context
- #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV2(chan) => {
&mut chan.context
- // TODO(dual_funding): Combine this match arm with above once #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))] is removed.
- #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
ChannelPhase::UnfundedOutboundV2(chan) => {
pending_msg_events.push(events::MessageSendEvent::SendOpenChannelV2 {
node_id: chan.context.get_counterparty_node_id(),
- ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV1(_) => {
+ ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV1(_) | ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV2(_) => {
// Since unfunded inbound channel maps are cleared upon disconnecting a peer,
// they are not persisted and won't be recovered after a crash.
// Therefore, they shouldn't exist at this point.
- // TODO(dual_funding): Combine this match arm with above once #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))] is removed.
- #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
- ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV2(channel) => {
- // Since unfunded inbound channel maps are cleared upon disconnecting a peer,
- // they are not persisted and won't be recovered after a crash.
- // Therefore, they shouldn't exist at this point.
- debug_assert!(false);
- },
- #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
Some(ChannelPhase::UnfundedOutboundV2(ref mut chan)) => {
if let Ok(msg) = chan.maybe_handle_error_without_close(self.chain_hash, &self.fee_estimator) {
peer_state.pending_msg_events.push(events::MessageSendEvent::SendOpenChannelV2 {
- None | Some(ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV1(_) | ChannelPhase::Funded(_)) => (),
- #[cfg(any(dual_funding, splicing))]
- Some(ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV2(_)) => (),
+ None | Some(ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV1(_) | ChannelPhase::UnfundedInboundV2(_) | ChannelPhase::Funded(_)) => (),