We don't actually intend these to be public as they're just for
docs but the bindings don't currently parse `#[doc(hidden)]` as
"no-export" so we add manual no-export tags as well.
// Primarily needed in doctests because of https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/67295
/// A dynamic [`SignerProvider`] temporarily needed for doc tests.
+/// This is not exported to bindings users as it is not intended for public consumption.
#[deprecated(note = "Remove once taproot cfg is removed")]
dyn SignerProvider<EcdsaSigner = InMemorySigner, TaprootSigner = InMemorySigner>;
/// A dynamic [`SignerProvider`] temporarily needed for doc tests.
+/// This is not exported to bindings users as it is not intended for public consumption.
#[deprecated(note = "Remove once taproot cfg is removed")]