+/// Compares a broadcasted commitment transaction's HTLCs with those in the latest state,
+/// failing any HTLCs which didn't make it into the broadcasted commitment transaction back
+/// after ANTI_REORG_DELAY blocks.
+macro_rules! fail_unbroadcast_htlcs {
+ ($self: expr, $commitment_tx_type: expr, $commitment_tx_conf_height: expr, $confirmed_htlcs_list: expr, $logger: expr) => { {
+ macro_rules! check_htlc_fails {
+ ($txid: expr, $commitment_tx: expr) => {
+ if let Some(ref latest_outpoints) = $self.counterparty_claimable_outpoints.get($txid) {
+ for &(ref htlc, ref source_option) in latest_outpoints.iter() {
+ if let &Some(ref source) = source_option {
+ // Check if the HTLC is present in the commitment transaction that was
+ // broadcast, but not if it was below the dust limit, which we should
+ // fail backwards immediately as there is no way for us to learn the
+ // payment_preimage.
+ // Note that if the dust limit were allowed to change between
+ // commitment transactions we'd want to be check whether *any*
+ // broadcastable commitment transaction has the HTLC in it, but it
+ // cannot currently change after channel initialization, so we don't
+ // need to here.
+ let confirmed_htlcs_iter: &mut Iterator<Item = (&HTLCOutputInCommitment, Option<&HTLCSource>)> = &mut $confirmed_htlcs_list;
+ let mut matched_htlc = false;
+ for (ref broadcast_htlc, ref broadcast_source) in confirmed_htlcs_iter {
+ if broadcast_htlc.transaction_output_index.is_some() && Some(&**source) == *broadcast_source {
+ matched_htlc = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if matched_htlc { continue; }
+ $self.onchain_events_awaiting_threshold_conf.retain(|ref entry| {
+ if entry.height != $commitment_tx_conf_height { return true; }
+ match entry.event {
+ OnchainEvent::HTLCUpdate { source: ref update_source, .. } => {
+ *update_source != **source
+ },
+ _ => true,
+ }
+ });
+ let entry = OnchainEventEntry {
+ txid: *$txid,
+ height: $commitment_tx_conf_height,
+ event: OnchainEvent::HTLCUpdate {
+ source: (**source).clone(),
+ payment_hash: htlc.payment_hash.clone(),
+ onchain_value_satoshis: Some(htlc.amount_msat / 1000),
+ },
+ };
+ log_trace!($logger, "Failing HTLC with payment_hash {} from {} counterparty commitment tx due to broadcast of {} commitment transaction, waiting for confirmation (at height {})",
+ log_bytes!(htlc.payment_hash.0), $commitment_tx, $commitment_tx_type, entry.confirmation_threshold());
+ $self.onchain_events_awaiting_threshold_conf.push(entry);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(ref txid) = $self.current_counterparty_commitment_txid {
+ check_htlc_fails!(txid, "current");
+ }
+ if let Some(ref txid) = $self.prev_counterparty_commitment_txid {
+ check_htlc_fails!(txid, "previous");
+ }
+ } }
impl<Signer: Sign> ChannelMonitorImpl<Signer> {
/// Inserts a revocation secret into this channel monitor. Prunes old preimages if neither
/// needed by holder commitment transactions HTCLs nor by counterparty ones. Unless we haven't already seen
self.counterparty_commitment_txn_on_chain.insert(commitment_txid, commitment_number);
- macro_rules! check_htlc_fails {
- ($txid: expr, $commitment_tx: expr) => {
- if let Some(ref outpoints) = self.counterparty_claimable_outpoints.get($txid) {
- for &(ref htlc, ref source_option) in outpoints.iter() {
- if let &Some(ref source) = source_option {
- self.onchain_events_awaiting_threshold_conf.retain(|ref entry| {
- if entry.height != height { return true; }
- match entry.event {
- OnchainEvent::HTLCUpdate { source: ref update_source, .. } => {
- *update_source != **source
- },
- _ => true,
- }
- });
- let entry = OnchainEventEntry {
- txid: *$txid,
- height,
- event: OnchainEvent::HTLCUpdate {
- source: (**source).clone(),
- payment_hash: htlc.payment_hash.clone(),
- onchain_value_satoshis: Some(htlc.amount_msat / 1000),
- },
- };
- log_info!(logger, "Failing HTLC with payment_hash {} from {} counterparty commitment tx due to broadcast of revoked counterparty commitment transaction, waiting for confirmation (at height {})", log_bytes!(htlc.payment_hash.0), $commitment_tx, entry.confirmation_threshold());
- self.onchain_events_awaiting_threshold_conf.push(entry);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if let Some(ref txid) = self.current_counterparty_commitment_txid {
- check_htlc_fails!(txid, "current");
- }
- if let Some(ref txid) = self.prev_counterparty_commitment_txid {
- check_htlc_fails!(txid, "counterparty");
- }
- // No need to check holder commitment txn, symmetric HTLCSource must be present as per-htlc data on counterparty commitment tx
+ fail_unbroadcast_htlcs!(self, "revoked counterparty", height, [].iter().map(|a| *a), logger);
} else if let Some(per_commitment_data) = per_commitment_option {
// While this isn't useful yet, there is a potential race where if a counterparty
self.counterparty_commitment_txn_on_chain.insert(commitment_txid, commitment_number);
log_info!(logger, "Got broadcast of non-revoked counterparty commitment transaction {}", commitment_txid);
- macro_rules! check_htlc_fails {
- ($txid: expr, $commitment_tx: expr, $id: tt) => {
- if let Some(ref latest_outpoints) = self.counterparty_claimable_outpoints.get($txid) {
- $id: for &(ref htlc, ref source_option) in latest_outpoints.iter() {
- if let &Some(ref source) = source_option {
- // Check if the HTLC is present in the commitment transaction that was
- // broadcast, but not if it was below the dust limit, which we should
- // fail backwards immediately as there is no way for us to learn the
- // payment_preimage.
- // Note that if the dust limit were allowed to change between
- // commitment transactions we'd want to be check whether *any*
- // broadcastable commitment transaction has the HTLC in it, but it
- // cannot currently change after channel initialization, so we don't
- // need to here.
- for &(ref broadcast_htlc, ref broadcast_source) in per_commitment_data.iter() {
- if broadcast_htlc.transaction_output_index.is_some() && Some(source) == broadcast_source.as_ref() {
- continue $id;
- }
- }
- log_trace!(logger, "Failing HTLC with payment_hash {} from {} counterparty commitment tx due to broadcast of counterparty commitment transaction", log_bytes!(htlc.payment_hash.0), $commitment_tx);
- self.onchain_events_awaiting_threshold_conf.retain(|ref entry| {
- if entry.height != height { return true; }
- match entry.event {
- OnchainEvent::HTLCUpdate { source: ref update_source, .. } => {
- *update_source != **source
- },
- _ => true,
- }
- });
- self.onchain_events_awaiting_threshold_conf.push(OnchainEventEntry {
- txid: *$txid,
- height,
- event: OnchainEvent::HTLCUpdate {
- source: (**source).clone(),
- payment_hash: htlc.payment_hash.clone(),
- onchain_value_satoshis: Some(htlc.amount_msat / 1000),
- },
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if let Some(ref txid) = self.current_counterparty_commitment_txid {
- check_htlc_fails!(txid, "current", 'current_loop);
- }
- if let Some(ref txid) = self.prev_counterparty_commitment_txid {
- check_htlc_fails!(txid, "previous", 'prev_loop);
- }
+ fail_unbroadcast_htlcs!(self, "counterparty", height, per_commitment_data.iter().map(|(a, b)| (a, b.as_ref().map(|b| b.as_ref()))), logger);
let htlc_claim_reqs = self.get_counterparty_htlc_output_claim_reqs(commitment_number, commitment_txid, Some(tx));
for req in htlc_claim_reqs {