use chain::transaction::OutPoint;
use chain::keysinterface::{ChannelKeys, KeysInterface, SpendableOutputDescriptor};
+use chain::chaininterface;
use chain::chaininterface::{ChainListener, ChainWatchInterfaceUtil, BlockNotifier};
use ln::channelmanager::{ChannelManager,ChannelManagerReadArgs,HTLCForwardInfo,RAACommitmentOrder, PaymentPreimage, PaymentHash, PaymentSecret, PaymentSendFailure, BREAKDOWN_TIMEOUT};
use ln::channelmonitor::{ChannelMonitor, CLTV_CLAIM_BUFFER, LATENCY_GRACE_PERIOD_BLOCKS, ManyChannelMonitor, ANTI_REORG_DELAY};
+use ln::channelmonitor;
use ln::channel::{Channel, ChannelError};
use ln::{chan_utils, onion_utils};
use ln::router::{Route, RouteHop};
// ...but with the right secret we should be able to claim all the way back
claim_payment_along_route_with_secret(&nodes[0], &[&[&nodes[1], &nodes[3]], &[&nodes[2], &nodes[3]]], false, payment_preimage, Some(payment_secret), 200_000);
+fn test_update_err_monitor_lockdown() {
+ // Our monitor will lock update of local commitment transaction if a broadcastion condition
+ // has been fulfilled (either force-close from Channel or block height requiring a HTLC-
+ // timeout). Trying to update monitor after lockdown should return a ChannelMonitorUpdateErr.
+ //
+ // This scenario may happen in a watchtower setup, where watchtower process a block height
+ // triggering a timeout while a slow-block-processing ChannelManager receives a local signed
+ // commitment at same time.
+ let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(2);
+ let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(2, &chanmon_cfgs);
+ let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(2, &node_cfgs, &[None, None]);
+ let mut nodes = create_network(2, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
+ // Create some initial channel
+ let chan_1 = create_announced_chan_between_nodes(&nodes, 0, 1, InitFeatures::supported(), InitFeatures::supported());
+ let outpoint = OutPoint { txid: chan_1.3.txid(), index: 0 };
+ // Rebalance the network to generate htlc in the two directions
+ send_payment(&nodes[0], &vec!(&nodes[1])[..], 10_000_000, 10_000_000);
+ // Route a HTLC from node 0 to node 1 (but don't settle)
+ let preimage = route_payment(&nodes[0], &vec!(&nodes[1])[..], 9_000_000).0;
+ // Copy SimpleManyChannelMonitor to simulate a watchtower and update block height of node 0 until its ChannelMonitor timeout HTLC onchain
+ let logger = Arc::new(test_utils::TestLogger::with_id(format!("node {}", 0)));
+ let watchtower = {
+ let monitors = nodes[0].chan_monitor.simple_monitor.monitors.lock().unwrap();
+ let monitor = monitors.get(&outpoint).unwrap();
+ let mut w = test_utils::TestVecWriter(Vec::new());
+ monitor.write_for_disk(&mut w).unwrap();
+ let new_monitor = <(Sha256dHash, channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingChannelKeys>)>::read(
+ &mut ::std::io::Cursor::new(&w.0), Arc::new(test_utils::TestLogger::new())).unwrap().1;
+ assert!(new_monitor == *monitor);
+ let chain_monitor = Arc::new(chaininterface::ChainWatchInterfaceUtil::new(Network::Testnet, logger.clone() as Arc<Logger>));
+ let watchtower = test_utils::TestChannelMonitor::new(chain_monitor, &chanmon_cfgs[0].tx_broadcaster, logger.clone(), &chanmon_cfgs[0].fee_estimator);
+ assert!(watchtower.add_monitor(outpoint, new_monitor).is_ok());
+ watchtower
+ };
+ let header = BlockHeader { version: 0x20000000, prev_blockhash: Default::default(), merkle_root: Default::default(), time: 42, bits: 42, nonce: 42 };
+ watchtower.simple_monitor.block_connected(&header, 200, &vec![], &vec![]);
+ // Try to update ChannelMonitor
+ assert!(nodes[1].node.claim_funds(preimage, &None, 9_000_000));
+ check_added_monitors!(nodes[1], 1);
+ let updates = get_htlc_update_msgs!(nodes[1], nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id());
+ assert_eq!(updates.update_fulfill_htlcs.len(), 1);
+ nodes[0].node.handle_update_fulfill_htlc(&nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), &updates.update_fulfill_htlcs[0]);
+ if let Some(ref mut channel) = nodes[0].node.channel_state.lock().unwrap().by_id.get_mut(&chan_1.2) {
+ if let Ok((_, _, _, update)) = channel.commitment_signed(&updates.commitment_signed, &node_cfgs[0].fee_estimator) {
+ if let Err(_) = watchtower.simple_monitor.update_monitor(outpoint, update.clone()) {} else { assert!(false); }
+ if let Ok(_) = nodes[0].chan_monitor.update_monitor(outpoint, update) {} else { assert!(false); }
+ } else { assert!(false); }
+ } else { assert!(false); };
+ // Our local monitor is in-sync and hasn't processed yet timeout
+ check_added_monitors!(nodes[0], 1);
+ let events = nodes[0].node.get_and_clear_pending_events();
+ assert_eq!(events.len(), 1);