logger: Arc<Logger>,
+macro_rules! subtract_high_prio_fee {
+ ($self: ident, $fee_estimator: expr, $value: expr, $predicted_weight: expr, $spent_txid: expr) => {
+ {
+ let mut fee = $fee_estimator.get_est_sat_per_1000_weight(ConfirmationTarget::HighPriority) * $predicted_weight / 1000;
+ if $value <= fee {
+ fee = $fee_estimator.get_est_sat_per_1000_weight(ConfirmationTarget::Normal) * $predicted_weight / 1000;
+ if $value <= fee {
+ fee = $fee_estimator.get_est_sat_per_1000_weight(ConfirmationTarget::Background) * $predicted_weight / 1000;
+ if $value <= fee {
+ log_error!($self, "Failed to generate an on-chain punishment tx spending {} as even low priority fee ({} sat) was more than the entire claim balance ({} sat)",
+ $spent_txid, fee, $value);
+ false
+ } else {
+ log_warn!($self, "Used low priority fee for on-chain punishment tx spending {} as high priority fee was more than the entire claim balance ({} sat)",
+ $spent_txid, $value);
+ $value -= fee;
+ true
+ }
+ } else {
+ log_warn!($self, "Used medium priority fee for on-chain punishment tx spending {} as high priority fee was more than the entire claim balance ({} sat)",
+ $spent_txid, $value);
+ $value -= fee;
+ true
+ }
+ } else {
+ $value -= fee;
+ true
+ }
+ }
+ }
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "fuzztarget"))]
/// Used only in testing and fuzztarget to check serialization roundtrips don't change the
/// underlying object
let predicted_weight = single_htlc_tx.get_weight() + Self::get_witnesses_weight(&[if htlc.offered { InputDescriptors::RevokedOfferedHTLC } else { InputDescriptors::RevokedReceivedHTLC }]);
- single_htlc_tx.output[0].value -= fee_estimator.get_est_sat_per_1000_weight(ConfirmationTarget::HighPriority) * predicted_weight / 1000;
- let sighash_parts = bip143::SighashComponents::new(&single_htlc_tx);
- sign_input!(sighash_parts, single_htlc_tx.input[0], Some(idx), htlc.amount_msat / 1000);
- assert!(predicted_weight >= single_htlc_tx.get_weight());
- txn_to_broadcast.push(single_htlc_tx);
+ if subtract_high_prio_fee!(self, fee_estimator, single_htlc_tx.output[0].value, predicted_weight, tx.txid()) {
+ let sighash_parts = bip143::SighashComponents::new(&single_htlc_tx);
+ sign_input!(sighash_parts, single_htlc_tx.input[0], Some(idx), htlc.amount_msat / 1000);
+ assert!(predicted_weight >= single_htlc_tx.get_weight());
+ txn_to_broadcast.push(single_htlc_tx);
+ }
output: outputs,
let predicted_weight = spend_tx.get_weight() + Self::get_witnesses_weight(&input_descriptors[..]);
- spend_tx.output[0].value -= fee_estimator.get_est_sat_per_1000_weight(ConfirmationTarget::HighPriority) * predicted_weight / 1000;
+ if !subtract_high_prio_fee!(self, fee_estimator, spend_tx.output[0].value, predicted_weight, tx.txid()) {
+ return (txn_to_broadcast, (commitment_txid, watch_outputs), spendable_outputs, htlc_updated);
+ }
let mut values_drain = values.drain(..);
let sighash_parts = bip143::SighashComponents::new(&spend_tx);
let predicted_weight = single_htlc_tx.get_weight() + Self::get_witnesses_weight(&[if htlc.offered { InputDescriptors::OfferedHTLC } else { InputDescriptors::ReceivedHTLC }]);
- single_htlc_tx.output[0].value -= fee_estimator.get_est_sat_per_1000_weight(ConfirmationTarget::HighPriority) * predicted_weight / 1000;
- let sighash_parts = bip143::SighashComponents::new(&single_htlc_tx);
- sign_input!(sighash_parts, single_htlc_tx.input[0], htlc.amount_msat / 1000, payment_preimage.0.to_vec());
- assert!(predicted_weight >= single_htlc_tx.get_weight());
- spendable_outputs.push(SpendableOutputDescriptor::StaticOutput {
- outpoint: BitcoinOutPoint { txid: single_htlc_tx.txid(), vout: 0 },
- output: single_htlc_tx.output[0].clone(),
- });
- txn_to_broadcast.push(single_htlc_tx);
+ if subtract_high_prio_fee!(self, fee_estimator, single_htlc_tx.output[0].value, predicted_weight, tx.txid()) {
+ let sighash_parts = bip143::SighashComponents::new(&single_htlc_tx);
+ sign_input!(sighash_parts, single_htlc_tx.input[0], htlc.amount_msat / 1000, payment_preimage.0.to_vec());
+ assert!(predicted_weight >= single_htlc_tx.get_weight());
+ spendable_outputs.push(SpendableOutputDescriptor::StaticOutput {
+ outpoint: BitcoinOutPoint { txid: single_htlc_tx.txid(), vout: 0 },
+ output: single_htlc_tx.output[0].clone(),
+ });
+ txn_to_broadcast.push(single_htlc_tx);
+ }
if !htlc.offered {
output: outputs,
let predicted_weight = spend_tx.get_weight() + Self::get_witnesses_weight(&input_descriptors[..]);
- spend_tx.output[0].value -= fee_estimator.get_est_sat_per_1000_weight(ConfirmationTarget::HighPriority) * predicted_weight / 1000;
+ if !subtract_high_prio_fee!(self, fee_estimator, spend_tx.output[0].value, predicted_weight, tx.txid()) {
+ return (txn_to_broadcast, (commitment_txid, watch_outputs), spendable_outputs, htlc_updated);
+ }
let mut values_drain = values.drain(..);
let sighash_parts = bip143::SighashComponents::new(&spend_tx);
output: outputs,
let predicted_weight = spend_tx.get_weight() + Self::get_witnesses_weight(&[InputDescriptors::RevokedOutput]);
- spend_tx.output[0].value -= fee_estimator.get_est_sat_per_1000_weight(ConfirmationTarget::HighPriority) * predicted_weight / 1000;
+ if !subtract_high_prio_fee!(self, fee_estimator, spend_tx.output[0].value, predicted_weight, tx.txid()) {
+ return (None, None);
+ }
let sighash_parts = bip143::SighashComponents::new(&spend_tx);