let mut aggregated_soonest = ::std::u32::MAX;
let mut spendable_outputs = Vec::new();
- // Try to aggregate outputs if they're 1) belong to same parent tx, 2) their
- // timelock expiration isn't imminent (<= CLTV_SHARED_CLAIM_BUFFER).
+ // Try to aggregate outputs if their timelock expiration isn't imminent (absolute_timelock
+ // <= CLTV_SHARED_CLAIM_BUFFER) and they don't require an immediate nLockTime (aggregable).
for req in claimable_outpoints {
// Don't claim a outpoint twice that would be bad for privacy and may uselessly lock a CPFP input for a while
if let Some(_) = self.claimable_outpoints.get(&req.outpoint) { log_trace!(self, "Bouncing off outpoint {}:{}, already registered its claiming request", req.outpoint.txid, req.outpoint.vout); } else {