#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
-/// When we're claiming a(n MPP) payment, we want to store information about thay payment in the
+/// When we're claiming a(n MPP) payment, we want to store information about that payment in the
/// [`ChannelMonitor`] so that we can replay the claim without any information from the
/// [`ChannelManager`] at all. This struct stores that information with enough to replay claims
/// against all MPP parts as well as generate an [`Event::PaymentClaimed`].
let bounded_fee_estimator = LowerBoundedFeeEstimator::new(args.fee_estimator);
- for (_, monitor) in args.channel_monitors.iter() {
- for (payment_hash, (payment_preimage, _)) in monitor.get_stored_preimages() {
- if let Some(payment) = claimable_payments.remove(&payment_hash) {
- log_info!(args.logger, "Re-claiming HTLCs with payment hash {} as we've released the preimage to a ChannelMonitor!", &payment_hash);
- let mut claimable_amt_msat = 0;
- let mut receiver_node_id = Some(our_network_pubkey);
- let phantom_shared_secret = payment.htlcs[0].prev_hop.phantom_shared_secret;
- if phantom_shared_secret.is_some() {
- let phantom_pubkey = args.node_signer.get_node_id(Recipient::PhantomNode)
- .expect("Failed to get node_id for phantom node recipient");
- receiver_node_id = Some(phantom_pubkey)
- }
- for claimable_htlc in &payment.htlcs {
- claimable_amt_msat += claimable_htlc.value;
- // Add a holding-cell claim of the payment to the Channel, which should be
- // applied ~immediately on peer reconnection. Because it won't generate a
- // new commitment transaction we can just provide the payment preimage to
- // the corresponding ChannelMonitor and nothing else.
- //
- // We do so directly instead of via the normal ChannelMonitor update
- // procedure as the ChainMonitor hasn't yet been initialized, implying
- // we're not allowed to call it directly yet. Further, we do the update
- // without incrementing the ChannelMonitor update ID as there isn't any
- // reason to.
- // If we were to generate a new ChannelMonitor update ID here and then
- // crash before the user finishes block connect we'd end up force-closing
- // this channel as well. On the flip side, there's no harm in restarting
- // without the new monitor persisted - we'll end up right back here on
- // restart.
- let previous_channel_id = claimable_htlc.prev_hop.channel_id;
- if let Some(peer_node_id) = outpoint_to_peer.get(&claimable_htlc.prev_hop.outpoint) {
- let peer_state_mutex = per_peer_state.get(peer_node_id).unwrap();
- let mut peer_state_lock = peer_state_mutex.lock().unwrap();
- let peer_state = &mut *peer_state_lock;
- if let Some(ChannelPhase::Funded(channel)) = peer_state.channel_by_id.get_mut(&previous_channel_id) {
- let logger = WithChannelContext::from(&args.logger, &channel.context, Some(payment_hash));
- channel.claim_htlc_while_disconnected_dropping_mon_update(claimable_htlc.prev_hop.htlc_id, payment_preimage, &&logger);
- }
- }
- if let Some(previous_hop_monitor) = args.channel_monitors.get(&claimable_htlc.prev_hop.outpoint) {
- previous_hop_monitor.provide_payment_preimage(&payment_hash, &payment_preimage, &args.tx_broadcaster, &bounded_fee_estimator, &args.logger);
- }
- }
- let payment_id = payment.inbound_payment_id(&inbound_payment_id_secret.unwrap());
- pending_events_read.push_back((events::Event::PaymentClaimed {
- receiver_node_id,
- payment_hash,
- purpose: payment.purpose,
- amount_msat: claimable_amt_msat,
- htlcs: payment.htlcs.iter().map(events::ClaimedHTLC::from).collect(),
- sender_intended_total_msat: payment.htlcs.first().map(|htlc| htlc.total_msat),
- onion_fields: payment.onion_fields,
- payment_id: Some(payment_id),
- }, None));
- }
- }
- }
for (node_id, monitor_update_blocked_actions) in monitor_update_blocked_actions_per_peer.unwrap() {
if let Some(peer_state) = per_peer_state.get(&node_id) {
for (channel_id, actions) in monitor_update_blocked_actions.iter() {
default_configuration: args.default_config,
+ for (_, monitor) in args.channel_monitors.iter() {
+ for (payment_hash, (payment_preimage, _)) in monitor.get_stored_preimages() {
+ let per_peer_state = channel_manager.per_peer_state.read().unwrap();
+ let mut claimable_payments = channel_manager.claimable_payments.lock().unwrap();
+ let payment = claimable_payments.claimable_payments.remove(&payment_hash);
+ mem::drop(claimable_payments);
+ if let Some(payment) = payment {
+ log_info!(channel_manager.logger, "Re-claiming HTLCs with payment hash {} as we've released the preimage to a ChannelMonitor!", &payment_hash);
+ let mut claimable_amt_msat = 0;
+ let mut receiver_node_id = Some(our_network_pubkey);
+ let phantom_shared_secret = payment.htlcs[0].prev_hop.phantom_shared_secret;
+ if phantom_shared_secret.is_some() {
+ let phantom_pubkey = channel_manager.node_signer.get_node_id(Recipient::PhantomNode)
+ .expect("Failed to get node_id for phantom node recipient");
+ receiver_node_id = Some(phantom_pubkey)
+ }
+ for claimable_htlc in &payment.htlcs {
+ claimable_amt_msat += claimable_htlc.value;
+ // Add a holding-cell claim of the payment to the Channel, which should be
+ // applied ~immediately on peer reconnection. Because it won't generate a
+ // new commitment transaction we can just provide the payment preimage to
+ // the corresponding ChannelMonitor and nothing else.
+ //
+ // We do so directly instead of via the normal ChannelMonitor update
+ // procedure as the ChainMonitor hasn't yet been initialized, implying
+ // we're not allowed to call it directly yet. Further, we do the update
+ // without incrementing the ChannelMonitor update ID as there isn't any
+ // reason to.
+ // If we were to generate a new ChannelMonitor update ID here and then
+ // crash before the user finishes block connect we'd end up force-closing
+ // this channel as well. On the flip side, there's no harm in restarting
+ // without the new monitor persisted - we'll end up right back here on
+ // restart.
+ let previous_channel_id = claimable_htlc.prev_hop.channel_id;
+ let peer_node_id_opt = channel_manager.outpoint_to_peer.lock().unwrap()
+ .get(&claimable_htlc.prev_hop.outpoint).cloned();
+ if let Some(peer_node_id) = peer_node_id_opt {
+ let peer_state_mutex = per_peer_state.get(&peer_node_id).unwrap();
+ let mut peer_state_lock = peer_state_mutex.lock().unwrap();
+ let peer_state = &mut *peer_state_lock;
+ if let Some(ChannelPhase::Funded(channel)) = peer_state.channel_by_id.get_mut(&previous_channel_id) {
+ let logger = WithChannelContext::from(&channel_manager.logger, &channel.context, Some(payment_hash));
+ channel.claim_htlc_while_disconnected_dropping_mon_update(claimable_htlc.prev_hop.htlc_id, payment_preimage, &&logger);
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(previous_hop_monitor) = args.channel_monitors.get(&claimable_htlc.prev_hop.outpoint) {
+ previous_hop_monitor.provide_payment_preimage(&payment_hash, &payment_preimage, &channel_manager.tx_broadcaster, &channel_manager.fee_estimator, &channel_manager.logger);
+ }
+ }
+ let mut pending_events = channel_manager.pending_events.lock().unwrap();
+ let payment_id = payment.inbound_payment_id(&inbound_payment_id_secret.unwrap());
+ pending_events.push_back((events::Event::PaymentClaimed {
+ receiver_node_id,
+ payment_hash,
+ purpose: payment.purpose,
+ amount_msat: claimable_amt_msat,
+ htlcs: payment.htlcs.iter().map(events::ClaimedHTLC::from).collect(),
+ sender_intended_total_msat: payment.htlcs.first().map(|htlc| htlc.total_msat),
+ onion_fields: payment.onion_fields,
+ payment_id: Some(payment_id),
+ }, None));
+ }
+ }
+ }
for htlc_source in failed_htlcs.drain(..) {
let (source, payment_hash, counterparty_node_id, channel_id) = htlc_source;
let receiver = HTLCDestination::NextHopChannel { node_id: Some(counterparty_node_id), channel_id };