+ // If the channel type is something other than only-static-remote-key, then we need to have
+ // older clients fail to deserialize this channel at all. If the type is
+ // only-static-remote-key, we simply consider it "default" and don't write the channel type
+ // out at all.
+ let chan_type = if self.channel_type != ChannelTypeFeatures::only_static_remote_key() {
+ Some(&self.channel_type) } else { None };
write_tlv_fields!(writer, {
(0, self.announcement_sigs, option),
// minimum_depth and counterparty_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis used to have a
// and new versions map the default values to None and allow the TLV entries here to
// override that.
(1, self.minimum_depth, option),
+ (2, chan_type, option),
(3, self.counterparty_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis, option),
(5, self.config, required),
(7, self.shutdown_scriptpubkey, option),
(9, self.target_closing_feerate_sats_per_kw, option),
(11, self.monitor_pending_finalized_fulfills, vec_type),
- (13, self.channel_type, required),
read_tlv_fields!(reader, {
(0, announcement_sigs, option),
(1, minimum_depth, option),
+ (2, channel_type, option),
(3, counterparty_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis, option),
(5, config, option), // Note that if none is provided we will *not* overwrite the existing one.
(7, shutdown_scriptpubkey, option),
(9, target_closing_feerate_sats_per_kw, option),
(11, monitor_pending_finalized_fulfills, vec_type),
- (13, channel_type, option),
let chan_features = channel_type.as_ref().unwrap();