//! Creating blinded routes and related utilities live here.
-use bitcoin::secp256k1::{self, PublicKey, Secp256k1, SecretKey};
+use bitcoin::hashes::{Hash, HashEngine};
+use bitcoin::hashes::sha256::Hash as Sha256;
+use bitcoin::secp256k1::{self, PublicKey, Scalar, Secp256k1, SecretKey};
-use crate::chain::keysinterface::KeysInterface;
+use crate::chain::keysinterface::{KeysInterface, Recipient};
+use super::packet::ControlTlvs;
use super::utils;
use crate::ln::msgs::DecodeError;
-use crate::util::chacha20poly1305rfc::ChaChaPolyWriteAdapter;
-use crate::util::ser::{Readable, VecWriter, Writeable, Writer};
+use crate::ln::onion_utils;
+use crate::util::chacha20poly1305rfc::{ChaChaPolyReadAdapter, ChaChaPolyWriteAdapter};
+use crate::util::ser::{FixedLengthReader, LengthReadableArgs, Readable, VecWriter, Writeable, Writer};
-use crate::io;
+use core::mem;
+use core::ops::Deref;
+use crate::io::{self, Cursor};
use crate::prelude::*;
/// Onion messages can be sent and received to blinded routes, which serve to hide the identity of
blinded_hops: blinded_hops(secp_ctx, node_pks, &blinding_secret).map_err(|_| ())?,
+ // Advance the blinded route by one hop, so make the second hop into the new introduction node.
+ pub(super) fn advance_by_one<K: Deref, T: secp256k1::Signing + secp256k1::Verification>
+ (&mut self, keys_manager: &K, secp_ctx: &Secp256k1<T>) -> Result<(), ()>
+ where K::Target: KeysInterface
+ {
+ let control_tlvs_ss = keys_manager.ecdh(Recipient::Node, &self.blinding_point, None)?;
+ let rho = onion_utils::gen_rho_from_shared_secret(&control_tlvs_ss.secret_bytes());
+ let encrypted_control_tlvs = self.blinded_hops.remove(0).encrypted_payload;
+ let mut s = Cursor::new(&encrypted_control_tlvs);
+ let mut reader = FixedLengthReader::new(&mut s, encrypted_control_tlvs.len() as u64);
+ match ChaChaPolyReadAdapter::read(&mut reader, rho) {
+ Ok(ChaChaPolyReadAdapter { readable: ControlTlvs::Forward(ForwardTlvs {
+ mut next_node_id, next_blinding_override,
+ })}) => {
+ let mut new_blinding_point = match next_blinding_override {
+ Some(blinding_point) => blinding_point,
+ None => {
+ let blinding_factor = {
+ let mut sha = Sha256::engine();
+ sha.input(&self.blinding_point.serialize()[..]);
+ sha.input(control_tlvs_ss.as_ref());
+ Sha256::from_engine(sha).into_inner()
+ };
+ self.blinding_point.mul_tweak(secp_ctx, &Scalar::from_be_bytes(blinding_factor).unwrap())
+ .map_err(|_| ())?
+ }
+ };
+ mem::swap(&mut self.blinding_point, &mut new_blinding_point);
+ mem::swap(&mut self.introduction_node_id, &mut next_node_id);
+ Ok(())
+ },
+ _ => Err(())
+ }
+ }
/// Construct blinded hops for the given `unblinded_path`.
assert_eq!(err, SendError::TooBigPacket);
+fn we_are_intro_node() {
+ // If we are sending straight to a blinded route and we are the introduction node, we need to
+ // advance the blinded route by 1 hop so the second hop is the new introduction node.
+ let nodes = create_nodes(3);
+ let test_msg = TestCustomMessage {};
+ let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
+ let blinded_route = BlindedRoute::new(&[nodes[0].get_node_pk(), nodes[1].get_node_pk(), nodes[2].get_node_pk()], &*nodes[2].keys_manager, &secp_ctx).unwrap();
+ nodes[0].messenger.send_onion_message(&[], Destination::BlindedRoute(blinded_route), OnionMessageContents::Custom(test_msg.clone()), None).unwrap();
+ pass_along_path(&nodes, None);
fn invalid_blinded_route_error() {
// Make sure we error as expected if a provided blinded route has 0 or 1 hops.
/// Our next-hop peer's buffer was full or our total outbound buffer was full.
+ /// Failed to retrieve our node id from the provided [`KeysInterface`].
+ ///
+ /// [`KeysInterface`]: crate::chain::keysinterface::KeysInterface
+ GetNodeIdFailed,
+ /// We attempted to send to a blinded route where we are the introduction node, and failed to
+ /// advance the blinded route to make the second hop the new introduction node. Either
+ /// [`KeysInterface::ecdh`] failed, we failed to tweak the current blinding point to get the
+ /// new blinding point, or we were attempting to send to ourselves.
+ BlindedRouteAdvanceFailed,
/// Handler for custom onion messages. If you are using [`SimpleArcOnionMessenger`],
/// Send an onion message with contents `message` to `destination`, routing it through `intermediate_nodes`.
/// See [`OnionMessenger`] for example usage.
- pub fn send_onion_message<T: CustomOnionMessageContents>(&self, intermediate_nodes: &[PublicKey], destination: Destination, message: OnionMessageContents<T>, reply_path: Option<BlindedRoute>) -> Result<(), SendError> {
+ pub fn send_onion_message<T: CustomOnionMessageContents>(&self, intermediate_nodes: &[PublicKey], mut destination: Destination, message: OnionMessageContents<T>, reply_path: Option<BlindedRoute>) -> Result<(), SendError> {
if let Destination::BlindedRoute(BlindedRoute { ref blinded_hops, .. }) = destination {
if blinded_hops.len() < 2 {
return Err(SendError::TooFewBlindedHops);
let OnionMessageContents::Custom(ref msg) = message;
if msg.tlv_type() < 64 { return Err(SendError::InvalidMessage) }
+ // If we are sending straight to a blinded route and we are the introduction node, we need to
+ // advance the blinded route by 1 hop so the second hop is the new introduction node.
+ if intermediate_nodes.len() == 0 {
+ if let Destination::BlindedRoute(ref mut blinded_route) = destination {
+ let our_node_id = self.keys_manager.get_node_id(Recipient::Node)
+ .map_err(|()| SendError::GetNodeIdFailed)?;
+ if blinded_route.introduction_node_id == our_node_id {
+ blinded_route.advance_by_one(&self.keys_manager, &self.secp_ctx)
+ .map_err(|()| SendError::BlindedRouteAdvanceFailed)?;
+ }
+ }
+ }
let blinding_secret_bytes = self.keys_manager.get_secure_random_bytes();
let blinding_secret = SecretKey::from_slice(&blinding_secret_bytes[..]).expect("RNG is busted");
let (introduction_node_id, blinding_point) = if intermediate_nodes.len() != 0 {