arg_conv = opaque_arg_conv, arg_conv_name = "&" + ty_info.var_name + "_conv", arg_conv_cleanup = None,
ret_conv = (ty_info.rust_obj + " " + ty_info.var_name + "_var = *", opaque_ret_conv_suf),
ret_conv_name = ty_info.var_name + "_ref",
- to_hu_conv = ty_info.java_hu_ty + " " + ty_info.var_name + "_hu_conv = new " + ty_info.java_hu_ty + "(null, " + ty_info.var_name + ");",
+ # to_hu_conv = ty_info.java_hu_ty + " " + ty_info.var_name + "_hu_conv = new " + ty_info.java_hu_ty + "(null, " + ty_info.var_name + ");",
+ to_hu_conv = consts.to_hu_conv_templates['ptr'].replace('{human_type}', ty_info.java_hu_ty).replace('{var_name}', ty_info.var_name),
to_hu_conv_name = ty_info.var_name + "_hu_conv",
from_hu_conv = (ty_info.var_name + " == null ? 0 : " + ty_info.var_name + ".ptr & ~1", "this.ptrs_to.add(" + ty_info.var_name + ")"))
arg_conv = opaque_arg_conv, arg_conv_name = ty_info.var_name + "_conv", arg_conv_cleanup = None,
ret_conv = (ty_info.rust_obj + " " + ty_info.var_name + "_var = ", opaque_ret_conv_suf),
ret_conv_name = ty_info.var_name + "_ref",
- to_hu_conv = ty_info.java_hu_ty + " " + ty_info.var_name + "_hu_conv = new " + ty_info.java_hu_ty + "(null, " + ty_info.var_name + ");",
+ # to_hu_conv = ty_info.java_hu_ty + " " + ty_info.var_name + "_hu_conv = new " + ty_info.java_hu_ty + "(null, " + ty_info.var_name + ");",
+ to_hu_conv = consts.to_hu_conv_templates['default'].replace('{human_type}', ty_info.java_hu_ty).replace('{var_name}', ty_info.var_name),
to_hu_conv_name = ty_info.var_name + "_hu_conv",
from_hu_conv = (ty_info.var_name + " == null ? 0 : " + ty_info.var_name + ".ptr & ~1", "this.ptrs_to.add(" + ty_info.var_name + ")"))
long = ['number'],
+ self.to_hu_conv_templates = dict(
+ ptr = 'const {var_name}_hu_conv: {human_type} = new {human_type}(null, {var_name});',
+ default = 'const {var_name}_hu_conv: {human_type} = new {human_type}(null, {var_name});',
+ )
self.common_base = """
export default class CommonBase {
ptr: number;
out_interface_implementation_overrides = out_interface_implementation_overrides + "\t\t\t\treturn ret;\n"
out_interface_implementation_overrides += f"{interface_method_override_inset}}},\n\n{interface_method_override_inset}"
+ trait_constructor_arguments = ""
+ for var in field_var_conversions:
+ if isinstance(var, ConvInfo):
+ trait_constructor_arguments += ", " + var.arg_name
+ else:
+ trait_constructor_arguments += ", " + var[1] + ".new_impl(" + var[1] + "_impl).bindings_instance"
out_java_trait = f"""
- impl_holder.held = new {struct_name.replace("LDK", "")} (null, structImplementation);
+ impl_holder.held = new {struct_name.replace("LDK", "")} (null, structImplementation{trait_constructor_arguments});
- java_trait_constr = ") {\n\t\tfinal " + struct_name + "Holder impl_holder = new " + struct_name + "Holder();\n"
- java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + "\t\timpl_holder.held = new " + struct_name.replace("LDK", "") + "(new bindings." + struct_name + "() {\n"
out_java = out_java + "\tpublic interface " + struct_name + " {\n"
java_meths = []
for fn_line in field_function_lines:
java_meth_descr = "("
if fn_line.fn_name != "free" and fn_line.fn_name != "clone":
out_java = out_java + "\t\t " + fn_line.ret_ty_info.java_ty + " " + fn_line.fn_name + "("
- java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + "\t\t\t@Override public " + fn_line.ret_ty_info.java_ty + " " + fn_line.fn_name + "("
for idx, arg_conv_info in enumerate(fn_line.args_ty):
if idx >= 1:
out_java = out_java + ", "
- java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + ", "
# out_java_trait = out_java_trait + ", "
out_java = out_java + arg_conv_info.java_ty + " " + arg_conv_info.arg_name
# out_java_trait = out_java_trait + arg_conv_info.java_hu_ty + " " + arg_conv_info.arg_name
- java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + arg_conv_info.java_ty + " " + arg_conv_info.arg_name
- java_meth_descr = java_meth_descr + arg_conv_info.java_fn_ty_arg
- java_meth_descr = java_meth_descr + ")" + fn_line.ret_ty_info.java_fn_ty_arg
- java_meths.append((fn_line.fn_name, java_meth_descr))
out_java = out_java + ");\n"
# out_java_trait = out_java_trait + ");\n"
- java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + ") {\n"
- for arg_info in fn_line.args_ty:
- if arg_info.to_hu_conv is not None:
- java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + "\t\t\t\t" + arg_info.to_hu_conv.replace("\n", "\n\t\t\t\t") + "\n"
- if fn_line.ret_ty_info.java_ty != "void":
- java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + "\t\t\t\t" + fn_line.ret_ty_info.java_hu_ty + " ret = arg." + fn_line.fn_name + "("
- else:
- java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + "\t\t\t\targ." + fn_line.fn_name + "("
- for idx, arg_info in enumerate(fn_line.args_ty):
- if idx != 0:
- java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + ", "
- if arg_info.to_hu_conv_name is not None:
- java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + arg_info.to_hu_conv_name
- else:
- java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + arg_info.arg_name
- java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + ");\n"
- if fn_line.ret_ty_info.java_ty != "void":
- if fn_line.ret_ty_info.from_hu_conv is not None:
- java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + "\t\t\t\t" + fn_line.ret_ty_info.java_ty + " result = " + fn_line.ret_ty_info.from_hu_conv[0] + ";\n"
- if fn_line.ret_ty_info.from_hu_conv[1] != "":
- java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + "\t\t\t\t" + fn_line.ret_ty_info.from_hu_conv[1].replace("this", "impl_holder.held") + ";\n"
- #if fn_line.ret_ty_info.rust_obj in result_types:
- # XXX: We need to handle this in conversion logic so that its cross-language!
- # Avoid double-free by breaking the result - we should learn to clone these and then we can be safe instead
- # java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + "\t\t\t\tret.ptr = 0;\n"
- java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + "\t\t\t\treturn result;\n"
- else:
- java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + "\t\t\t\treturn ret;\n"
- java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + "\t\t\t}\n"
- java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + "\t\t}"
- for var in field_var_conversions:
- if isinstance(var, ConvInfo):
- java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + ", " + var.arg_name
- else:
- java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + ", " + var[1] + ".new_impl(" + var[1] + "_impl).bindings_instance"
- out_java_trait += java_trait_constr + ");\n\t\treturn impl_holder.held;\n\t}\n"
out_java = out_java + "\t}\n"