// You may not use this file except in accordance with one or both of these
// licenses.
-//! A module for paying Lightning invoices and sending spontaneous payments.
-//! Defines an [`InvoicePayer`] utility for sending payments, parameterized by [`Payer`] and
-//! [`Router`] traits. Implementations of [`Payer`] provide the payer's node id, channels, and means
-//! to send a payment over a [`Route`]. Implementations of [`Router`] find a [`Route`] between payer
-//! and payee using information provided by the payer and from the payee's [`Invoice`], when
-//! applicable.
-//! [`InvoicePayer`] uses its [`Router`] parameterization for optionally notifying scorers upon
-//! receiving the [`Event::PaymentPathFailed`] and [`Event::PaymentPathSuccessful`] events.
-//! It also does the same for payment probe failure and success events using [`Event::ProbeFailed`]
-//! and [`Event::ProbeSuccessful`].
-//! [`InvoicePayer`] is capable of retrying failed payments. It accomplishes this by implementing
-//! [`EventHandler`] which decorates a user-provided handler. It will intercept any
-//! [`Event::PaymentPathFailed`] events and retry the failed paths for a fixed number of total
-//! attempts or until retry is no longer possible. In such a situation, [`InvoicePayer`] will pass
-//! along the events to the user-provided handler.
-//! # Example
-//! ```
-//! # extern crate lightning;
-//! # extern crate lightning_invoice;
-//! # extern crate secp256k1;
-//! #
-//! # use lightning::io;
-//! # use lightning::ln::{PaymentHash, PaymentPreimage, PaymentSecret};
-//! # use lightning::ln::channelmanager::{ChannelDetails, PaymentId, PaymentSendFailure};
-//! # use lightning::ln::msgs::LightningError;
-//! # use lightning::routing::gossip::NodeId;
-//! # use lightning::routing::router::{InFlightHtlcs, Route, RouteHop, RouteParameters, Router};
-//! # use lightning::routing::scoring::{ChannelUsage, Score};
-//! # use lightning::util::events::{Event, EventHandler, EventsProvider};
-//! # use lightning::util::logger::{Logger, Record};
-//! # use lightning::util::ser::{Writeable, Writer};
-//! # use lightning_invoice::Invoice;
-//! # use lightning_invoice::payment::{InvoicePayer, Payer, Retry};
-//! # use secp256k1::PublicKey;
-//! # use std::cell::RefCell;
-//! # use std::ops::Deref;
-//! #
-//! # struct FakeEventProvider {}
-//! # impl EventsProvider for FakeEventProvider {
-//! # fn process_pending_events<H: Deref>(&self, handler: H) where H::Target: EventHandler {}
-//! # }
-//! #
-//! # struct FakePayer {}
-//! # impl Payer for FakePayer {
-//! # fn node_id(&self) -> PublicKey { unimplemented!() }
-//! # fn first_hops(&self) -> Vec<ChannelDetails> { unimplemented!() }
-//! # fn send_payment(
-//! # &self, route: &Route, payment_hash: PaymentHash, payment_secret: &Option<PaymentSecret>,
-//! # payment_id: PaymentId
-//! # ) -> Result<(), PaymentSendFailure> { unimplemented!() }
-//! # fn send_spontaneous_payment(
-//! # &self, route: &Route, payment_preimage: PaymentPreimage, payment_id: PaymentId,
-//! # ) -> Result<(), PaymentSendFailure> { unimplemented!() }
-//! # fn retry_payment(
-//! # &self, route: &Route, payment_id: PaymentId
-//! # ) -> Result<(), PaymentSendFailure> { unimplemented!() }
-//! # fn abandon_payment(&self, payment_id: PaymentId) { unimplemented!() }
-//! # fn inflight_htlcs(&self) -> InFlightHtlcs { unimplemented!() }
-//! # }
-//! #
-//! # struct FakeRouter {}
-//! # impl Router for FakeRouter {
-//! # fn find_route(
-//! # &self, payer: &PublicKey, params: &RouteParameters,
-//! # first_hops: Option<&[&ChannelDetails]>, _inflight_htlcs: &InFlightHtlcs
-//! # ) -> Result<Route, LightningError> { unimplemented!() }
-//! # fn notify_payment_path_failed(&self, path: &[&RouteHop], short_channel_id: u64) { unimplemented!() }
-//! # fn notify_payment_path_successful(&self, path: &[&RouteHop]) { unimplemented!() }
-//! # fn notify_payment_probe_successful(&self, path: &[&RouteHop]) { unimplemented!() }
-//! # fn notify_payment_probe_failed(&self, path: &[&RouteHop], short_channel_id: u64) { unimplemented!() }
-//! # }
-//! #
-//! # struct FakeScorer {}
-//! # impl Writeable for FakeScorer {
-//! # fn write<W: Writer>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), io::Error> { unimplemented!(); }
-//! # }
-//! # impl Score for FakeScorer {
-//! # fn channel_penalty_msat(
-//! # &self, _short_channel_id: u64, _source: &NodeId, _target: &NodeId, _usage: ChannelUsage
-//! # ) -> u64 { 0 }
-//! # fn payment_path_failed(&mut self, _path: &[&RouteHop], _short_channel_id: u64) {}
-//! # fn payment_path_successful(&mut self, _path: &[&RouteHop]) {}
-//! # fn probe_failed(&mut self, _path: &[&RouteHop], _short_channel_id: u64) {}
-//! # fn probe_successful(&mut self, _path: &[&RouteHop]) {}
-//! # }
-//! #
-//! # struct FakeLogger {}
-//! # impl Logger for FakeLogger {
-//! # fn log(&self, record: &Record) { unimplemented!() }
-//! # }
-//! #
-//! # fn main() {
-//! let event_handler = |event: Event| {
-//! match event {
-//! Event::PaymentPathFailed { .. } => println!("payment failed after retries"),
-//! Event::PaymentSent { .. } => println!("payment successful"),
-//! _ => {},
-//! }
-//! };
-//! # let payer = FakePayer {};
-//! # let router = FakeRouter {};
-//! # let scorer = RefCell::new(FakeScorer {});
-//! # let logger = FakeLogger {};
-//! let invoice_payer = InvoicePayer::new(&payer, &router, &logger, event_handler, Retry::Attempts(2));
-//! let invoice = "...";
-//! if let Ok(invoice) = invoice.parse::<Invoice>() {
-//! invoice_payer.pay_invoice(&invoice).unwrap();
-//! # let event_provider = FakeEventProvider {};
-//! loop {
-//! event_provider.process_pending_events(&invoice_payer);
-//! }
-//! }
-//! # }
-//! ```
-//! # Note
-//! The [`Route`] is computed before each payment attempt. Any updates affecting path finding such
-//! as updates to the network graph or changes to channel scores should be applied prior to
-//! retries, typically by way of composing [`EventHandler`]s accordingly.
+//! Convenient utilities for paying Lightning invoices and sending spontaneous payments.
use crate::Invoice;
use bitcoin_hashes::Hash;
-use bitcoin_hashes::sha256::Hash as Sha256;
-use crate::prelude::*;
-use lightning::ln::{PaymentHash, PaymentPreimage, PaymentSecret};
-use lightning::ln::channelmanager::{ChannelDetails, PaymentId, PaymentSendFailure};
-use lightning::ln::msgs::LightningError;
-use lightning::routing::router::{InFlightHtlcs, PaymentParameters, Route, RouteParameters, Router};
-use lightning::util::events::{Event, EventHandler};
+use lightning::chain;
+use lightning::chain::chaininterface::{BroadcasterInterface, FeeEstimator};
+use lightning::chain::keysinterface::{NodeSigner, SignerProvider, EntropySource};
+use lightning::ln::{PaymentHash, PaymentSecret};
+use lightning::ln::channelmanager::{ChannelManager, PaymentId, PaymentSendFailure, Retry};
+use lightning::routing::router::{PaymentParameters, RouteParameters, Router};
use lightning::util::logger::Logger;
-use crate::time_utils::Time;
-use crate::sync::Mutex;
-use secp256k1::PublicKey;
-use core::fmt;
-use core::fmt::{Debug, Display, Formatter};
-use core::future::Future;
+use core::fmt::Debug;
use core::ops::Deref;
use core::time::Duration;
-#[cfg(feature = "std")]
-use std::time::SystemTime;
-/// A utility for paying [`Invoice`]s and sending spontaneous payments.
+/// Pays the given [`Invoice`], retrying if needed based on [`Retry`].
-/// See [module-level documentation] for details.
+/// [`Invoice::payment_hash`] is used as the [`PaymentId`], which ensures idempotency as long
+/// as the payment is still pending. Once the payment completes or fails, you must ensure that
+/// a second payment with the same [`PaymentHash`] is never sent.
-/// [module-level documentation]: crate::payment
-pub type InvoicePayer<P, R, L, E> = InvoicePayerUsingTime::<P, R, L, E, ConfiguredTime>;
-#[cfg(not(feature = "no-std"))]
-type ConfiguredTime = std::time::Instant;
-#[cfg(feature = "no-std")]
-use crate::time_utils;
-#[cfg(feature = "no-std")]
-type ConfiguredTime = time_utils::Eternity;
-/// Sealed trait with a blanket implementation to allow both sync and async implementations of event
-/// handling to exist within the InvoicePayer.
-mod sealed {
- pub trait BaseEventHandler {}
- impl<T> BaseEventHandler for T {}
-/// (C-not exported) generally all users should use the [`InvoicePayer`] type alias.
-pub struct InvoicePayerUsingTime<
- P: Deref,
- R: Deref,
- L: Deref,
- E: sealed::BaseEventHandler,
- T: Time
-> where
- P::Target: Payer,
- R::Target: Router,
- L::Target: Logger,
+/// If you wish to use a different payment idempotency token, see [`pay_invoice_with_id`].
+pub fn pay_invoice<M: Deref, T: Deref, ES: Deref, NS: Deref, SP: Deref, F: Deref, R: Deref, L: Deref>(
+ invoice: &Invoice, retry_strategy: Retry,
+ channelmanager: &ChannelManager<M, T, ES, NS, SP, F, R, L>
+) -> Result<PaymentId, PaymentError>
+ M::Target: chain::Watch<<SP::Target as SignerProvider>::Signer>,
+ T::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
+ ES::Target: EntropySource,
+ NS::Target: NodeSigner,
+ SP::Target: SignerProvider,
+ F::Target: FeeEstimator,
+ R::Target: Router,
+ L::Target: Logger,
- payer: P,
- router: R,
- logger: L,
- event_handler: E,
- /// Caches the overall attempts at making a payment, which is updated prior to retrying.
- payment_cache: Mutex<HashMap<PaymentHash, PaymentAttempts<T>>>,
- retry: Retry,
-/// Storing minimal payment attempts information required for determining if a outbound payment can
-/// be retried.
-#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
-struct PaymentAttempts<T: Time> {
- /// This count will be incremented only after the result of the attempt is known. When it's 0,
- /// it means the result of the first attempt is now known yet.
- count: usize,
- /// This field is only used when retry is [`Retry::Timeout`] which is only build with feature std
- first_attempted_at: T
+ let payment_id = PaymentId(invoice.payment_hash().into_inner());
+ pay_invoice_with_id(invoice, payment_id, retry_strategy, channelmanager)
+ .map(|()| payment_id)
-impl<T: Time> PaymentAttempts<T> {
- fn new() -> Self {
- PaymentAttempts {
- count: 0,
- first_attempted_at: T::now()
- }
- }
+/// Pays the given [`Invoice`] with a custom idempotency key, retrying if needed based on [`Retry`].
+/// Note that idempotency is only guaranteed as long as the payment is still pending. Once the
+/// payment completes or fails, no idempotency guarantees are made.
+/// You should ensure that the [`Invoice::payment_hash`] is unique and the same [`PaymentHash`]
+/// has never been paid before.
+/// See [`pay_invoice`] for a variant which uses the [`PaymentHash`] for the idempotency token.
+pub fn pay_invoice_with_id<M: Deref, T: Deref, ES: Deref, NS: Deref, SP: Deref, F: Deref, R: Deref, L: Deref>(
+ invoice: &Invoice, payment_id: PaymentId, retry_strategy: Retry,
+ channelmanager: &ChannelManager<M, T, ES, NS, SP, F, R, L>
+) -> Result<(), PaymentError>
+ M::Target: chain::Watch<<SP::Target as SignerProvider>::Signer>,
+ T::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
+ ES::Target: EntropySource,
+ NS::Target: NodeSigner,
+ SP::Target: SignerProvider,
+ F::Target: FeeEstimator,
+ R::Target: Router,
+ L::Target: Logger,
+ let amt_msat = invoice.amount_milli_satoshis().ok_or(PaymentError::Invoice("amount missing"))?;
+ pay_invoice_using_amount(invoice, amt_msat, payment_id, retry_strategy, channelmanager)
-impl<T: Time> Display for PaymentAttempts<T> {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
- #[cfg(feature = "no-std")]
- return write!( f, "attempts: {}", self.count);
- #[cfg(not(feature = "no-std"))]
- return write!(
- f,
- "attempts: {}, duration: {}s",
- self.count,
- T::now().duration_since(self.first_attempted_at).as_secs()
- );
- }
+/// Pays the given zero-value [`Invoice`] using the given amount, retrying if needed based on
+/// [`Retry`].
+/// [`Invoice::payment_hash`] is used as the [`PaymentId`], which ensures idempotency as long
+/// as the payment is still pending. Once the payment completes or fails, you must ensure that
+/// a second payment with the same [`PaymentHash`] is never sent.
+/// If you wish to use a different payment idempotency token, see
+/// [`pay_zero_value_invoice_with_id`].
+pub fn pay_zero_value_invoice<M: Deref, T: Deref, ES: Deref, NS: Deref, SP: Deref, F: Deref, R: Deref, L: Deref>(
+ invoice: &Invoice, amount_msats: u64, retry_strategy: Retry,
+ channelmanager: &ChannelManager<M, T, ES, NS, SP, F, R, L>
+) -> Result<PaymentId, PaymentError>
+ M::Target: chain::Watch<<SP::Target as SignerProvider>::Signer>,
+ T::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
+ ES::Target: EntropySource,
+ NS::Target: NodeSigner,
+ SP::Target: SignerProvider,
+ F::Target: FeeEstimator,
+ R::Target: Router,
+ L::Target: Logger,
+ let payment_id = PaymentId(invoice.payment_hash().into_inner());
+ pay_zero_value_invoice_with_id(invoice, amount_msats, payment_id, retry_strategy,
+ channelmanager)
+ .map(|()| payment_id)
-/// A trait defining behavior of an [`Invoice`] payer.
-/// While the behavior of [`InvoicePayer`] provides idempotency of duplicate `send_*payment` calls
-/// with the same [`PaymentHash`], it is up to the `Payer` to provide idempotency across restarts.
+/// Pays the given zero-value [`Invoice`] using the given amount and custom idempotency key,
+/// , retrying if needed based on [`Retry`].
-/// [`ChannelManager`] provides idempotency for duplicate payments with the same [`PaymentId`].
+/// Note that idempotency is only guaranteed as long as the payment is still pending. Once the
+/// payment completes or fails, no idempotency guarantees are made.
-/// In order to trivially ensure idempotency for payments, the default `Payer` implementation
-/// reuses the [`PaymentHash`] bytes as the [`PaymentId`]. Custom implementations wishing to
-/// provide payment idempotency with a different idempotency key (i.e. [`PaymentId`]) should map
-/// the [`Invoice`] or spontaneous payment target pubkey to their own idempotency key.
+/// You should ensure that the [`Invoice::payment_hash`] is unique and the same [`PaymentHash`]
+/// has never been paid before.
-/// [`ChannelManager`]: lightning::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager
-pub trait Payer {
- /// Returns the payer's node id.
- fn node_id(&self) -> PublicKey;
- /// Returns the payer's channels.
- fn first_hops(&self) -> Vec<ChannelDetails>;
- /// Sends a payment over the Lightning Network using the given [`Route`].
- fn send_payment(
- &self, route: &Route, payment_hash: PaymentHash, payment_secret: &Option<PaymentSecret>,
- payment_id: PaymentId
- ) -> Result<(), PaymentSendFailure>;
- /// Sends a spontaneous payment over the Lightning Network using the given [`Route`].
- fn send_spontaneous_payment(
- &self, route: &Route, payment_preimage: PaymentPreimage, payment_id: PaymentId
- ) -> Result<(), PaymentSendFailure>;
- /// Retries a failed payment path for the [`PaymentId`] using the given [`Route`].
- fn retry_payment(&self, route: &Route, payment_id: PaymentId) -> Result<(), PaymentSendFailure>;
- /// Signals that no further retries for the given payment will occur.
- fn abandon_payment(&self, payment_id: PaymentId);
- /// Construct an [`InFlightHtlcs`] containing information about currently used up liquidity
- /// across payments.
- fn inflight_htlcs(&self) -> InFlightHtlcs;
+/// See [`pay_zero_value_invoice`] for a variant which uses the [`PaymentHash`] for the
+/// idempotency token.
+pub fn pay_zero_value_invoice_with_id<M: Deref, T: Deref, ES: Deref, NS: Deref, SP: Deref, F: Deref, R: Deref, L: Deref>(
+ invoice: &Invoice, amount_msats: u64, payment_id: PaymentId, retry_strategy: Retry,
+ channelmanager: &ChannelManager<M, T, ES, NS, SP, F, R, L>
+) -> Result<(), PaymentError>
+ M::Target: chain::Watch<<SP::Target as SignerProvider>::Signer>,
+ T::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
+ ES::Target: EntropySource,
+ NS::Target: NodeSigner,
+ SP::Target: SignerProvider,
+ F::Target: FeeEstimator,
+ R::Target: Router,
+ L::Target: Logger,
+ if invoice.amount_milli_satoshis().is_some() {
+ Err(PaymentError::Invoice("amount unexpected"))
+ } else {
+ pay_invoice_using_amount(invoice, amount_msats, payment_id, retry_strategy,
+ channelmanager)
+ }
-/// Strategies available to retry payment path failures for an [`Invoice`].
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
-pub enum Retry {
- /// Max number of attempts to retry payment.
- ///
- /// Note that this is the number of *path* failures, not full payment retries. For multi-path
- /// payments, if this is less than the total number of paths, we will never even retry all of the
- /// payment's paths.
- Attempts(usize),
- #[cfg(feature = "std")]
- /// Time elapsed before abandoning retries for a payment.
- Timeout(Duration),
+fn pay_invoice_using_amount<P: Deref>(
+ invoice: &Invoice, amount_msats: u64, payment_id: PaymentId, retry_strategy: Retry,
+ payer: P
+) -> Result<(), PaymentError> where P::Target: Payer {
+ let payment_hash = PaymentHash(invoice.payment_hash().clone().into_inner());
+ let payment_secret = Some(invoice.payment_secret().clone());
+ let mut payment_params = PaymentParameters::from_node_id(invoice.recover_payee_pub_key(),
+ invoice.min_final_cltv_expiry_delta() as u32)
+ .with_expiry_time(expiry_time_from_unix_epoch(&invoice).as_secs())
+ .with_route_hints(invoice.route_hints());
+ if let Some(features) = invoice.features() {
+ payment_params = payment_params.with_features(features.clone());
+ }
+ let route_params = RouteParameters {
+ payment_params,
+ final_value_msat: amount_msats,
+ final_cltv_expiry_delta: invoice.min_final_cltv_expiry_delta() as u32,
+ };
+ payer.send_payment(payment_hash, &payment_secret, payment_id, route_params, retry_strategy)
-impl Retry {
- fn is_retryable_now<T: Time>(&self, attempts: &PaymentAttempts<T>) -> bool {
- match (self, attempts) {
- (Retry::Attempts(max_retry_count), PaymentAttempts { count, .. }) => {
- max_retry_count >= &count
- },
- #[cfg(feature = "std")]
- (Retry::Timeout(max_duration), PaymentAttempts { first_attempted_at, .. } ) =>
- *max_duration >= T::now().duration_since(*first_attempted_at),
- }
- }
+fn expiry_time_from_unix_epoch(invoice: &Invoice) -> Duration {
+ invoice.signed_invoice.raw_invoice.data.timestamp.0 + invoice.expiry_time()
/// An error that may occur when making a payment.
pub enum PaymentError {
/// An error resulting from the provided [`Invoice`] or payment hash.
Invoice(&'static str),
- /// An error occurring when finding a route.
- Routing(LightningError),
/// An error occurring when sending a payment.
-impl<P: Deref, R: Deref, L: Deref, E: sealed::BaseEventHandler, T: Time>
- InvoicePayerUsingTime<P, R, L, E, T>
- P::Target: Payer,
- R::Target: Router,
- L::Target: Logger,
- /// Creates an invoice payer that retries failed payment paths.
- ///
- /// Will forward any [`Event::PaymentPathFailed`] events to the decorated `event_handler` once
- /// `retry` has been exceeded for a given [`Invoice`].
- pub fn new(
- payer: P, router: R, logger: L, event_handler: E, retry: Retry
- ) -> Self {
- Self {
- payer,
- router,
- logger,
- event_handler,
- payment_cache: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()),
- retry,
- }
- }
- /// Pays the given [`Invoice`], caching it for later use in case a retry is needed.
- ///
- /// [`Invoice::payment_hash`] is used as the [`PaymentId`], which ensures idempotency as long
- /// as the payment is still pending. Once the payment completes or fails, you must ensure that
- /// a second payment with the same [`PaymentHash`] is never sent.
- ///
- /// If you wish to use a different payment idempotency token, see
- /// [`Self::pay_invoice_with_id`].
- pub fn pay_invoice(&self, invoice: &Invoice) -> Result<PaymentId, PaymentError> {
- let payment_id = PaymentId(invoice.payment_hash().into_inner());
- self.pay_invoice_with_id(invoice, payment_id).map(|()| payment_id)
- }
- /// Pays the given [`Invoice`] with a custom idempotency key, caching the invoice for later use
- /// in case a retry is needed.
- ///
- /// Note that idempotency is only guaranteed as long as the payment is still pending. Once the
- /// payment completes or fails, no idempotency guarantees are made.
- ///
- /// You should ensure that the [`Invoice::payment_hash`] is unique and the same [`PaymentHash`]
- /// has never been paid before.
- ///
- /// See [`Self::pay_invoice`] for a variant which uses the [`PaymentHash`] for the idempotency
- /// token.
- pub fn pay_invoice_with_id(&self, invoice: &Invoice, payment_id: PaymentId) -> Result<(), PaymentError> {
- if invoice.amount_milli_satoshis().is_none() {
- Err(PaymentError::Invoice("amount missing"))
- } else {
- self.pay_invoice_using_amount(invoice, None, payment_id)
- }
- }
- /// Pays the given zero-value [`Invoice`] using the given amount, caching it for later use in
- /// case a retry is needed.
- ///
- /// [`Invoice::payment_hash`] is used as the [`PaymentId`], which ensures idempotency as long
- /// as the payment is still pending. Once the payment completes or fails, you must ensure that
- /// a second payment with the same [`PaymentHash`] is never sent.
- ///
- /// If you wish to use a different payment idempotency token, see
- /// [`Self::pay_zero_value_invoice_with_id`].
- pub fn pay_zero_value_invoice(
- &self, invoice: &Invoice, amount_msats: u64
- ) -> Result<PaymentId, PaymentError> {
- let payment_id = PaymentId(invoice.payment_hash().into_inner());
- self.pay_zero_value_invoice_with_id(invoice, amount_msats, payment_id).map(|()| payment_id)
- }
- /// Pays the given zero-value [`Invoice`] using the given amount and custom idempotency key,
- /// caching the invoice for later use in case a retry is needed.
- ///
- /// Note that idempotency is only guaranteed as long as the payment is still pending. Once the
- /// payment completes or fails, no idempotency guarantees are made.
- ///
- /// You should ensure that the [`Invoice::payment_hash`] is unique and the same [`PaymentHash`]
- /// has never been paid before.
- ///
- /// See [`Self::pay_zero_value_invoice`] for a variant which uses the [`PaymentHash`] for the
- /// idempotency token.
- pub fn pay_zero_value_invoice_with_id(
- &self, invoice: &Invoice, amount_msats: u64, payment_id: PaymentId
- ) -> Result<(), PaymentError> {
- if invoice.amount_milli_satoshis().is_some() {
- Err(PaymentError::Invoice("amount unexpected"))
- } else {
- self.pay_invoice_using_amount(invoice, Some(amount_msats), payment_id)
- }
- }
- fn pay_invoice_using_amount(
- &self, invoice: &Invoice, amount_msats: Option<u64>, payment_id: PaymentId
- ) -> Result<(), PaymentError> {
- debug_assert!(invoice.amount_milli_satoshis().is_some() ^ amount_msats.is_some());
- let payment_hash = PaymentHash(invoice.payment_hash().clone().into_inner());
- match self.payment_cache.lock().unwrap().entry(payment_hash) {
- hash_map::Entry::Occupied(_) => return Err(PaymentError::Invoice("payment pending")),
- hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => entry.insert(PaymentAttempts::new()),
- };
- let payment_secret = Some(invoice.payment_secret().clone());
- let mut payment_params = PaymentParameters::from_node_id(invoice.recover_payee_pub_key(),
- invoice.min_final_cltv_expiry_delta() as u32)
- .with_expiry_time(expiry_time_from_unix_epoch(&invoice).as_secs())
- .with_route_hints(invoice.route_hints());
- if let Some(features) = invoice.features() {
- payment_params = payment_params.with_features(features.clone());
- }
- let route_params = RouteParameters {
- payment_params,
- final_value_msat: invoice.amount_milli_satoshis().or(amount_msats).unwrap(),
- final_cltv_expiry_delta: invoice.min_final_cltv_expiry_delta() as u32,
- };
- let send_payment = |route: &Route| {
- self.payer.send_payment(route, payment_hash, &payment_secret, payment_id)
- };
- self.pay_internal(&route_params, payment_hash, send_payment)
- .map_err(|e| { self.payment_cache.lock().unwrap().remove(&payment_hash); e })
- }
- /// Pays `pubkey` an amount using the hash of the given preimage, caching it for later use in
- /// case a retry is needed.
- ///
- /// The hash of the [`PaymentPreimage`] is used as the [`PaymentId`], which ensures idempotency
- /// as long as the payment is still pending. Once the payment completes or fails, you must
- /// ensure that a second payment with the same [`PaymentPreimage`] is never sent.
- pub fn pay_pubkey(
- &self, pubkey: PublicKey, payment_preimage: PaymentPreimage, amount_msats: u64,
- final_cltv_expiry_delta: u32
- ) -> Result<PaymentId, PaymentError> {
- let payment_hash = PaymentHash(Sha256::hash(&payment_preimage.0).into_inner());
- let payment_id = PaymentId(payment_hash.0);
- self.do_pay_pubkey(pubkey, payment_preimage, payment_hash, payment_id, amount_msats,
- final_cltv_expiry_delta)
- .map(|()| payment_id)
- }
- /// Pays `pubkey` an amount using the hash of the given preimage and a custom idempotency key,
- /// caching the invoice for later use in case a retry is needed.
- ///
- /// Note that idempotency is only guaranteed as long as the payment is still pending. Once the
- /// payment completes or fails, no idempotency guarantees are made.
+/// A trait defining behavior of an [`Invoice`] payer.
+/// Useful for unit testing internal methods.
+trait Payer {
+ /// Sends a payment over the Lightning Network using the given [`Route`].
- /// You should ensure that the [`PaymentPreimage`] is unique and the corresponding
- /// [`PaymentHash`] has never been paid before.
- pub fn pay_pubkey_with_id(
- &self, pubkey: PublicKey, payment_preimage: PaymentPreimage, payment_id: PaymentId,
- amount_msats: u64, final_cltv_expiry_delta: u32
- ) -> Result<(), PaymentError> {
- let payment_hash = PaymentHash(Sha256::hash(&payment_preimage.0).into_inner());
- self.do_pay_pubkey(pubkey, payment_preimage, payment_hash, payment_id, amount_msats,
- final_cltv_expiry_delta)
- }
+ /// [`Route`]: lightning::routing::router::Route
+ fn send_payment(
+ &self, payment_hash: PaymentHash, payment_secret: &Option<PaymentSecret>,
+ payment_id: PaymentId, route_params: RouteParameters, retry_strategy: Retry
+ ) -> Result<(), PaymentError>;
- fn do_pay_pubkey(
- &self, pubkey: PublicKey, payment_preimage: PaymentPreimage, payment_hash: PaymentHash,
- payment_id: PaymentId, amount_msats: u64, final_cltv_expiry_delta: u32
+impl<M: Deref, T: Deref, ES: Deref, NS: Deref, SP: Deref, F: Deref, R: Deref, L: Deref> Payer for ChannelManager<M, T, ES, NS, SP, F, R, L>
+ M::Target: chain::Watch<<SP::Target as SignerProvider>::Signer>,
+ T::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
+ ES::Target: EntropySource,
+ NS::Target: NodeSigner,
+ SP::Target: SignerProvider,
+ F::Target: FeeEstimator,
+ R::Target: Router,
+ L::Target: Logger,
+ fn send_payment(
+ &self, payment_hash: PaymentHash, payment_secret: &Option<PaymentSecret>,
+ payment_id: PaymentId, route_params: RouteParameters, retry_strategy: Retry
) -> Result<(), PaymentError> {
- match self.payment_cache.lock().unwrap().entry(payment_hash) {
- hash_map::Entry::Occupied(_) => return Err(PaymentError::Invoice("payment pending")),
- hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => entry.insert(PaymentAttempts::new()),
- };
- let route_params = RouteParameters {
- payment_params: PaymentParameters::for_keysend(pubkey, final_cltv_expiry_delta),
- final_value_msat: amount_msats,
- final_cltv_expiry_delta,
- };
- let send_payment = |route: &Route| {
- self.payer.send_spontaneous_payment(route, payment_preimage, payment_id)
- };
- self.pay_internal(&route_params, payment_hash, send_payment)
- .map_err(|e| { self.payment_cache.lock().unwrap().remove(&payment_hash); e })
+ self.send_payment_with_retry(payment_hash, payment_secret, payment_id, route_params, retry_strategy)
+ .map_err(|e| PaymentError::Sending(e))
- fn pay_internal<F: FnOnce(&Route) -> Result<(), PaymentSendFailure> + Copy>(
- &self, params: &RouteParameters, payment_hash: PaymentHash, send_payment: F,
- ) -> Result<(), PaymentError> {
- #[cfg(feature = "std")] {
- if has_expired(params) {
- log_trace!(self.logger, "Invoice expired prior to send for payment {}", log_bytes!(payment_hash.0));
- return Err(PaymentError::Invoice("Invoice expired prior to send"));
- }
- }
- let payer = self.payer.node_id();
- let first_hops = self.payer.first_hops();
- let inflight_htlcs = self.payer.inflight_htlcs();
- let route = self.router.find_route(
- &payer, ¶ms, Some(&first_hops.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>()), &inflight_htlcs
- ).map_err(|e| PaymentError::Routing(e))?;
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ use crate::{InvoiceBuilder, Currency};
+ use bitcoin_hashes::sha256::Hash as Sha256;
+ use lightning::ln::PaymentPreimage;
+ use lightning::ln::functional_test_utils::*;
+ use secp256k1::{SecretKey, Secp256k1};
+ use std::collections::VecDeque;
+ use std::time::{SystemTime, Duration};
- match send_payment(&route) {
- Ok(()) => Ok(()),
- Err(e) => match e {
- PaymentSendFailure::ParameterError(_) => Err(e),
- PaymentSendFailure::PathParameterError(_) => Err(e),
- PaymentSendFailure::DuplicatePayment => Err(e),
- PaymentSendFailure::AllFailedResendSafe(_) => {
- let mut payment_cache = self.payment_cache.lock().unwrap();
- let payment_attempts = payment_cache.get_mut(&payment_hash).unwrap();
- payment_attempts.count += 1;
- if self.retry.is_retryable_now(payment_attempts) {
- core::mem::drop(payment_cache);
- Ok(self.pay_internal(params, payment_hash, send_payment)?)
- } else {
- Err(e)
- }
- },
- PaymentSendFailure::PartialFailure { failed_paths_retry, payment_id, .. } => {
- if let Some(retry_data) = failed_paths_retry {
- // Some paths were sent, even if we failed to send the full MPP value our
- // recipient may misbehave and claim the funds, at which point we have to
- // consider the payment sent, so return `Ok()` here, ignoring any retry
- // errors.
- let _ = self.retry_payment(payment_id, payment_hash, &retry_data);
- Ok(())
- } else {
- // This may happen if we send a payment and some paths fail, but
- // only due to a temporary monitor failure or the like, implying
- // they're really in-flight, but we haven't sent the initial
- // HTLC-Add messages yet.
- Ok(())
- }
- },
- },
- }.map_err(|e| PaymentError::Sending(e))
+ struct TestPayer {
+ expectations: core::cell::RefCell<VecDeque<Amount>>,
- fn retry_payment(
- &self, payment_id: PaymentId, payment_hash: PaymentHash, params: &RouteParameters
- ) -> Result<(), ()> {
- let attempts =
- *self.payment_cache.lock().unwrap().entry(payment_hash)
- .and_modify(|attempts| attempts.count += 1)
- .or_insert(PaymentAttempts {
- count: 1,
- first_attempted_at: T::now()
- });
- if !self.retry.is_retryable_now(&attempts) {
- log_trace!(self.logger, "Payment {} exceeded maximum attempts; not retrying ({})", log_bytes!(payment_hash.0), attempts);
- return Err(());
- }
- #[cfg(feature = "std")] {
- if has_expired(params) {
- log_trace!(self.logger, "Invoice expired for payment {}; not retrying ({:})", log_bytes!(payment_hash.0), attempts);
- return Err(());
+ impl TestPayer {
+ fn new() -> Self {
+ Self {
+ expectations: core::cell::RefCell::new(VecDeque::new()),
- let payer = self.payer.node_id();
- let first_hops = self.payer.first_hops();
- let inflight_htlcs = self.payer.inflight_htlcs();
- let route = self.router.find_route(
- &payer, ¶ms, Some(&first_hops.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>()), &inflight_htlcs
- );
- if route.is_err() {
- log_trace!(self.logger, "Failed to find a route for payment {}; not retrying ({:})", log_bytes!(payment_hash.0), attempts);
- return Err(());
+ fn expect_send(self, value_msat: Amount) -> Self {
+ self.expectations.borrow_mut().push_back(value_msat);
+ self
- match self.payer.retry_payment(&route.as_ref().unwrap(), payment_id) {
- Ok(()) => Ok(()),
- Err(PaymentSendFailure::ParameterError(_)) |
- Err(PaymentSendFailure::PathParameterError(_)) => {
- log_trace!(self.logger, "Failed to retry for payment {} due to bogus route/payment data, not retrying.", log_bytes!(payment_hash.0));
- Err(())
- },
- Err(PaymentSendFailure::AllFailedResendSafe(_)) => {
- self.retry_payment(payment_id, payment_hash, params)
- },
- Err(PaymentSendFailure::DuplicatePayment) => {
- log_error!(self.logger, "Got a DuplicatePayment error when attempting to retry a payment, this shouldn't happen.");
- Err(())
+ fn check_value_msats(&self, actual_value_msats: Amount) {
+ let expected_value_msats = self.expectations.borrow_mut().pop_front();
+ if let Some(expected_value_msats) = expected_value_msats {
+ assert_eq!(actual_value_msats, expected_value_msats);
+ } else {
+ panic!("Unexpected amount: {:?}", actual_value_msats);
- Err(PaymentSendFailure::PartialFailure { failed_paths_retry, .. }) => {
- if let Some(retry) = failed_paths_retry {
- // Always return Ok for the same reason as noted in pay_internal.
- let _ = self.retry_payment(payment_id, payment_hash, &retry);
- }
- Ok(())
- },
- /// Removes the payment cached by the given payment hash.
- ///
- /// Should be called once a payment has failed or succeeded if not using [`InvoicePayer`] as an
- /// [`EventHandler`]. Otherwise, calling this method is unnecessary.
- pub fn remove_cached_payment(&self, payment_hash: &PaymentHash) {
- self.payment_cache.lock().unwrap().remove(payment_hash);
- }
-fn expiry_time_from_unix_epoch(invoice: &Invoice) -> Duration {
- invoice.signed_invoice.raw_invoice.data.timestamp.0 + invoice.expiry_time()
-#[cfg(feature = "std")]
-fn has_expired(route_params: &RouteParameters) -> bool {
- if let Some(expiry_time) = route_params.payment_params.expiry_time {
- Invoice::is_expired_from_epoch(&SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH, Duration::from_secs(expiry_time))
- } else { false }
-impl<P: Deref, R: Deref, L: Deref, E: sealed::BaseEventHandler, T: Time>
- InvoicePayerUsingTime<P, R, L, E, T>
- P::Target: Payer,
- R::Target: Router,
- L::Target: Logger,
- /// Returns a bool indicating whether the processed event should be forwarded to a user-provided
- /// event handler.
- fn handle_event_internal(&self, event: &Event) -> bool {
- match event {
- Event::PaymentPathFailed {
- payment_id, payment_hash, payment_failed_permanently, path, short_channel_id, retry, ..
- } => {
- if let Some(short_channel_id) = short_channel_id {
- let path = path.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
- self.router.notify_payment_path_failed(&path, *short_channel_id)
- }
+ #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ struct Amount(u64); // msat
- if payment_id.is_none() {
- log_trace!(self.logger, "Payment {} has no id; not retrying", log_bytes!(payment_hash.0));
- } else if *payment_failed_permanently {
- log_trace!(self.logger, "Payment {} rejected by destination; not retrying", log_bytes!(payment_hash.0));
- self.payer.abandon_payment(payment_id.unwrap());
- } else if retry.is_none() {
- log_trace!(self.logger, "Payment {} missing retry params; not retrying", log_bytes!(payment_hash.0));
- self.payer.abandon_payment(payment_id.unwrap());
- } else if self.retry_payment(payment_id.unwrap(), *payment_hash, retry.as_ref().unwrap()).is_ok() {
- // We retried at least somewhat, don't provide the PaymentPathFailed event to the user.
- return false;
- } else {
- self.payer.abandon_payment(payment_id.unwrap());
- }
- },
- Event::PaymentFailed { payment_hash, .. } => {
- self.remove_cached_payment(&payment_hash);
- },
- Event::PaymentPathSuccessful { path, .. } => {
- let path = path.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
- self.router.notify_payment_path_successful(&path);
- },
- Event::PaymentSent { payment_hash, .. } => {
- let mut payment_cache = self.payment_cache.lock().unwrap();
- let attempts = payment_cache
- .remove(payment_hash)
- .map_or(1, |attempts| attempts.count + 1);
- log_trace!(self.logger, "Payment {} succeeded (attempts: {})", log_bytes!(payment_hash.0), attempts);
- },
- Event::ProbeSuccessful { payment_hash, path, .. } => {
- log_trace!(self.logger, "Probe payment {} of {}msat was successful", log_bytes!(payment_hash.0), path.last().unwrap().fee_msat);
- let path = path.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
- self.router.notify_payment_probe_successful(&path);
- },
- Event::ProbeFailed { payment_hash, path, short_channel_id, .. } => {
- if let Some(short_channel_id) = short_channel_id {
- log_trace!(self.logger, "Probe payment {} of {}msat failed at channel {}", log_bytes!(payment_hash.0), path.last().unwrap().fee_msat, *short_channel_id);
- let path = path.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
- self.router.notify_payment_probe_failed(&path, *short_channel_id);
- }
- },
- _ => {},
+ impl Payer for TestPayer {
+ fn send_payment(
+ &self, _payment_hash: PaymentHash, _payment_secret: &Option<PaymentSecret>,
+ _payment_id: PaymentId, route_params: RouteParameters, _retry_strategy: Retry
+ ) -> Result<(), PaymentError> {
+ self.check_value_msats(Amount(route_params.final_value_msat));
+ Ok(())
- // Delegate to the decorated event handler unless the payment is retried.
- true
-impl<P: Deref, R: Deref, L: Deref, E: EventHandler, T: Time>
- EventHandler for InvoicePayerUsingTime<P, R, L, E, T>
- P::Target: Payer,
- R::Target: Router,
- L::Target: Logger,
- fn handle_event(&self, event: Event) {
- let should_forward = self.handle_event_internal(&event);
- if should_forward {
- self.event_handler.handle_event(event)
- }
- }
+ impl Drop for TestPayer {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ if std::thread::panicking() {
+ return;
+ }
-impl<P: Deref, R: Deref, L: Deref, T: Time, F: Future, H: Fn(Event) -> F>
- InvoicePayerUsingTime<P, R, L, H, T>
- P::Target: Payer,
- R::Target: Router,
- L::Target: Logger,
- /// Intercepts events required by the [`InvoicePayer`] and forwards them to the underlying event
- /// handler, if necessary, to handle them asynchronously.
- pub async fn handle_event_async(&self, event: Event) {
- let should_forward = self.handle_event_internal(&event);
- if should_forward {
- (self.event_handler)(event).await;
+ if !self.expectations.borrow().is_empty() {
+ panic!("Unsatisfied payment expectations: {:?}", self.expectations.borrow());
+ }
-mod tests {
- use super::*;
- use crate::{InvoiceBuilder, Currency};
- use crate::utils::create_invoice_from_channelmanager_and_duration_since_epoch;
- use bitcoin_hashes::sha256::Hash as Sha256;
- use lightning::ln::PaymentPreimage;
- use lightning::ln::features::{ChannelFeatures, NodeFeatures};
- use lightning::ln::functional_test_utils::*;
- use lightning::ln::msgs::{ChannelMessageHandler, ErrorAction, LightningError};
- use lightning::routing::gossip::{EffectiveCapacity, NodeId};
- use lightning::routing::router::{InFlightHtlcs, PaymentParameters, Route, RouteHop, Router, ScorerAccountingForInFlightHtlcs};
- use lightning::routing::scoring::{ChannelUsage, LockableScore, Score};
- use lightning::util::test_utils::TestLogger;
- use lightning::util::errors::APIError;
- use lightning::util::events::{Event, EventsProvider, MessageSendEvent, MessageSendEventsProvider};
- use secp256k1::{SecretKey, PublicKey, Secp256k1};
- use std::cell::RefCell;
- use std::collections::VecDeque;
- use std::time::{SystemTime, Duration};
- use crate::time_utils::tests::SinceEpoch;
- fn invoice(payment_preimage: PaymentPreimage) -> Invoice {
- let payment_hash = Sha256::hash(&payment_preimage.0);
- let private_key = SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap();
- InvoiceBuilder::new(Currency::Bitcoin)
- .description("test".into())
- .payment_hash(payment_hash)
- .payment_secret(PaymentSecret([0; 32]))
- .duration_since_epoch(duration_since_epoch())
- .min_final_cltv_expiry_delta(144)
- .amount_milli_satoshis(128)
- .build_signed(|hash| {
- Secp256k1::new().sign_ecdsa_recoverable(hash, &private_key)
- })
- .unwrap()
- }
fn duration_since_epoch() -> Duration {
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
- let duration_since_epoch =
+ let duration_since_epoch =
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
- let duration_since_epoch = Duration::from_secs(1234567);
+ let duration_since_epoch = Duration::from_secs(1234567);
- fn zero_value_invoice(payment_preimage: PaymentPreimage) -> Invoice {
+ fn invoice(payment_preimage: PaymentPreimage) -> Invoice {
let payment_hash = Sha256::hash(&payment_preimage.0);
let private_key = SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap();
.payment_secret(PaymentSecret([0; 32]))
+ .amount_milli_satoshis(128)
.build_signed(|hash| {
Secp256k1::new().sign_ecdsa_recoverable(hash, &private_key)
- #[cfg(feature = "std")]
- fn expired_invoice(payment_preimage: PaymentPreimage) -> Invoice {
+ fn zero_value_invoice(payment_preimage: PaymentPreimage) -> Invoice {
let payment_hash = Sha256::hash(&payment_preimage.0);
let private_key = SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap();
- let duration = duration_since_epoch()
- .checked_sub(Duration::from_secs(DEFAULT_EXPIRY_TIME * 2))
- .unwrap();
.payment_secret(PaymentSecret([0; 32]))
- .duration_since_epoch(duration)
+ .duration_since_epoch(duration_since_epoch())
- .amount_milli_satoshis(128)
.build_signed(|hash| {
Secp256k1::new().sign_ecdsa_recoverable(hash, &private_key)
- .unwrap()
- }
- fn pubkey() -> PublicKey {
- PublicKey::from_slice(&hex::decode("02eec7245d6b7d2ccb30380bfbe2a3648cd7a942653f5aa340edcea1f283686619").unwrap()[..]).unwrap()
- }
- #[test]
- fn pays_invoice_on_first_attempt() {
- let event_handled = core::cell::RefCell::new(false);
- let event_handler = |_: Event| { *event_handled.borrow_mut() = true; };
- let payment_preimage = PaymentPreimage([1; 32]);
- let invoice = invoice(payment_preimage);
- let payment_hash = PaymentHash(invoice.payment_hash().clone().into_inner());
- let final_value_msat = invoice.amount_milli_satoshis().unwrap();
- let payer = TestPayer::new().expect_send(Amount::ForInvoice(final_value_msat));
- let router = TestRouter::new(TestScorer::new());
- let logger = TestLogger::new();
- let invoice_payer =
- InvoicePayer::new(&payer, &router, &logger, event_handler, Retry::Attempts(0));
- let payment_id = Some(invoice_payer.pay_invoice(&invoice).unwrap());
- assert_eq!(*payer.attempts.borrow(), 1);
- invoice_payer.handle_event(Event::PaymentSent {
- payment_id, payment_preimage, payment_hash, fee_paid_msat: None
- });
- assert_eq!(*event_handled.borrow(), true);
- assert_eq!(*payer.attempts.borrow(), 1);
- }
- #[test]
- fn pays_invoice_on_retry() {
- let event_handled = core::cell::RefCell::new(false);
- let event_handler = |_: Event| { *event_handled.borrow_mut() = true; };
- let payment_preimage = PaymentPreimage([1; 32]);
- let invoice = invoice(payment_preimage);
- let payment_hash = PaymentHash(invoice.payment_hash().clone().into_inner());
- let final_value_msat = invoice.amount_milli_satoshis().unwrap();
- let payer = TestPayer::new()
- .expect_send(Amount::ForInvoice(final_value_msat))
- .expect_send(Amount::OnRetry(final_value_msat / 2));
- let router = TestRouter::new(TestScorer::new());
- let logger = TestLogger::new();
- let invoice_payer =
- InvoicePayer::new(&payer, &router, &logger, event_handler, Retry::Attempts(2));
- let payment_id = Some(invoice_payer.pay_invoice(&invoice).unwrap());
- assert_eq!(*payer.attempts.borrow(), 1);
- let event = Event::PaymentPathFailed {
- payment_id,
- payment_hash,
- network_update: None,
- payment_failed_permanently: false,
- all_paths_failed: false,
- path: TestRouter::path_for_value(final_value_msat),
- short_channel_id: None,
- retry: Some(TestRouter::retry_for_invoice(&invoice)),
- };
- invoice_payer.handle_event(event);
- assert_eq!(*event_handled.borrow(), false);
- assert_eq!(*payer.attempts.borrow(), 2);
- invoice_payer.handle_event(Event::PaymentSent {
- payment_id, payment_preimage, payment_hash, fee_paid_msat: None
- });
- assert_eq!(*event_handled.borrow(), true);
- assert_eq!(*payer.attempts.borrow(), 2);
- }
- #[test]
- fn pays_invoice_on_partial_failure() {
- let event_handler = |_: Event| { panic!() };
- let payment_preimage = PaymentPreimage([1; 32]);
- let invoice = invoice(payment_preimage);
- let retry = TestRouter::retry_for_invoice(&invoice);
- let final_value_msat = invoice.amount_milli_satoshis().unwrap();
- let payer = TestPayer::new()
- .fails_with_partial_failure(retry.clone(), OnAttempt(1), None)
- .fails_with_partial_failure(retry, OnAttempt(2), None)
- .expect_send(Amount::ForInvoice(final_value_msat))
- .expect_send(Amount::OnRetry(final_value_msat / 2))
- .expect_send(Amount::OnRetry(final_value_msat / 2));
- let router = TestRouter::new(TestScorer::new());
- let logger = TestLogger::new();
- let invoice_payer =
- InvoicePayer::new(&payer, &router, &logger, event_handler, Retry::Attempts(2));
- assert!(invoice_payer.pay_invoice(&invoice).is_ok());
+ .unwrap()
- fn retries_payment_path_for_unknown_payment() {
- let event_handled = core::cell::RefCell::new(false);
- let event_handler = |_: Event| { *event_handled.borrow_mut() = true; };
- let payment_preimage = PaymentPreimage([1; 32]);
- let invoice = invoice(payment_preimage);
- let payment_hash = PaymentHash(invoice.payment_hash().clone().into_inner());
- let final_value_msat = invoice.amount_milli_satoshis().unwrap();
- let payer = TestPayer::new()
- .expect_send(Amount::OnRetry(final_value_msat / 2))
- .expect_send(Amount::OnRetry(final_value_msat / 2));
- let router = TestRouter::new(TestScorer::new());
- let logger = TestLogger::new();
- let invoice_payer =
- InvoicePayer::new(&payer, &router, &logger, event_handler, Retry::Attempts(2));
- let payment_id = Some(PaymentId([1; 32]));
- let event = Event::PaymentPathFailed {
- payment_id,
- payment_hash,
- network_update: None,
- payment_failed_permanently: false,
- all_paths_failed: false,
- path: TestRouter::path_for_value(final_value_msat),
- short_channel_id: None,
- retry: Some(TestRouter::retry_for_invoice(&invoice)),
- };
- invoice_payer.handle_event(event.clone());
- assert_eq!(*event_handled.borrow(), false);
- assert_eq!(*payer.attempts.borrow(), 1);
- invoice_payer.handle_event(event.clone());
- assert_eq!(*event_handled.borrow(), false);
- assert_eq!(*payer.attempts.borrow(), 2);
- invoice_payer.handle_event(Event::PaymentSent {
- payment_id, payment_preimage, payment_hash, fee_paid_msat: None
- });
- assert_eq!(*event_handled.borrow(), true);
- assert_eq!(*payer.attempts.borrow(), 2);
- }
- #[test]
- fn fails_paying_invoice_after_max_retry_counts() {
- let event_handled = core::cell::RefCell::new(false);
- let event_handler = |_: Event| { *event_handled.borrow_mut() = true; };
+ fn pays_invoice() {
+ let payment_id = PaymentId([42; 32]);
let payment_preimage = PaymentPreimage([1; 32]);
let invoice = invoice(payment_preimage);
let final_value_msat = invoice.amount_milli_satoshis().unwrap();
- let payer = TestPayer::new()
- .expect_send(Amount::ForInvoice(final_value_msat))
- .expect_send(Amount::OnRetry(final_value_msat / 2))
- .expect_send(Amount::OnRetry(final_value_msat / 2));
- let router = TestRouter::new(TestScorer::new());
- let logger = TestLogger::new();
- let invoice_payer =
- InvoicePayer::new(&payer, &router, &logger, event_handler, Retry::Attempts(2));
- let payment_id = Some(invoice_payer.pay_invoice(&invoice).unwrap());
- assert_eq!(*payer.attempts.borrow(), 1);
- let event = Event::PaymentPathFailed {
- payment_id,
- payment_hash: PaymentHash(invoice.payment_hash().clone().into_inner()),
- network_update: None,
- payment_failed_permanently: false,
- all_paths_failed: true,
- path: TestRouter::path_for_value(final_value_msat),
- short_channel_id: None,
- retry: Some(TestRouter::retry_for_invoice(&invoice)),
- };
- invoice_payer.handle_event(event);
- assert_eq!(*event_handled.borrow(), false);
- assert_eq!(*payer.attempts.borrow(), 2);
- let event = Event::PaymentPathFailed {
- payment_id,
- payment_hash: PaymentHash(invoice.payment_hash().clone().into_inner()),
- network_update: None,
- payment_failed_permanently: false,
- all_paths_failed: false,
- path: TestRouter::path_for_value(final_value_msat / 2),
- short_channel_id: None,
- retry: Some(RouteParameters {
- final_value_msat: final_value_msat / 2, ..TestRouter::retry_for_invoice(&invoice)
- }),
- };
- invoice_payer.handle_event(event.clone());
- assert_eq!(*event_handled.borrow(), false);
- assert_eq!(*payer.attempts.borrow(), 3);
- invoice_payer.handle_event(event.clone());
- assert_eq!(*event_handled.borrow(), true);
- assert_eq!(*payer.attempts.borrow(), 3);
+ let payer = TestPayer::new().expect_send(Amount(final_value_msat));
+ pay_invoice_using_amount(&invoice, final_value_msat, payment_id, Retry::Attempts(0), &payer).unwrap();
- #[cfg(feature = "std")]
- fn fails_paying_invoice_after_max_retry_timeout() {
- let event_handled = core::cell::RefCell::new(false);
- let event_handler = |_: Event| { *event_handled.borrow_mut() = true; };
+ fn pays_zero_value_invoice() {
+ let payment_id = PaymentId([42; 32]);
let payment_preimage = PaymentPreimage([1; 32]);
- let invoice = invoice(payment_preimage);
- let final_value_msat = invoice.amount_milli_satoshis().unwrap();
- let payer = TestPayer::new()
- .expect_send(Amount::ForInvoice(final_value_msat))
- .expect_send(Amount::OnRetry(final_value_msat / 2));
- let router = TestRouter::new(TestScorer::new());
- let logger = TestLogger::new();
- type InvoicePayerUsingSinceEpoch <P, R, L, E> = InvoicePayerUsingTime::<P, R, L, E, SinceEpoch>;
- let invoice_payer =
- InvoicePayerUsingSinceEpoch::new(&payer, &router, &logger, event_handler, Retry::Timeout(Duration::from_secs(120)));
- let payment_id = Some(invoice_payer.pay_invoice(&invoice).unwrap());
- assert_eq!(*payer.attempts.borrow(), 1);
- let event = Event::PaymentPathFailed {
- payment_id,
- payment_hash: PaymentHash(invoice.payment_hash().clone().into_inner()),
- network_update: None,
- payment_failed_permanently: false,
- all_paths_failed: true,
- path: TestRouter::path_for_value(final_value_msat),
- short_channel_id: None,
- retry: Some(TestRouter::retry_for_invoice(&invoice)),
- };
- invoice_payer.handle_event(event.clone());
- assert_eq!(*event_handled.borrow(), false);
- assert_eq!(*payer.attempts.borrow(), 2);
- SinceEpoch::advance(Duration::from_secs(121));
+ let invoice = zero_value_invoice(payment_preimage);
+ let amt_msat = 10_000;
- invoice_payer.handle_event(event.clone());
- assert_eq!(*event_handled.borrow(), true);
- assert_eq!(*payer.attempts.borrow(), 2);
+ let payer = TestPayer::new().expect_send(Amount(amt_msat));
+ pay_invoice_using_amount(&invoice, amt_msat, payment_id, Retry::Attempts(0), &payer).unwrap();
- fn fails_paying_invoice_with_missing_retry_params() {
- let event_handled = core::cell::RefCell::new(false);
- let event_handler = |_: Event| { *event_handled.borrow_mut() = true; };
+ fn fails_paying_zero_value_invoice_with_amount() {
+ let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(1);
+ let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(1, &chanmon_cfgs);
+ let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(1, &node_cfgs, &[None]);
+ let nodes = create_network(1, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
let payment_preimage = PaymentPreimage([1; 32]);
let invoice = invoice(payment_preimage);
- let final_value_msat = invoice.amount_milli_satoshis().unwrap();
- let payer = TestPayer::new().expect_send(Amount::ForInvoice(final_value_msat));
- let router = TestRouter::new(TestScorer::new());
- let logger = TestLogger::new();
- let invoice_payer =
- InvoicePayer::new(&payer, &router, &logger, event_handler, Retry::Attempts(2));
- let payment_id = Some(invoice_payer.pay_invoice(&invoice).unwrap());
- assert_eq!(*payer.attempts.borrow(), 1);
- let event = Event::PaymentPathFailed {
- payment_id,
- payment_hash: PaymentHash(invoice.payment_hash().clone().into_inner()),
- network_update: None,
- payment_failed_permanently: false,
- all_paths_failed: false,
- path: vec![],
- short_channel_id: None,
- retry: None,
- };
- invoice_payer.handle_event(event);
- assert_eq!(*event_handled.borrow(), true);
- assert_eq!(*payer.attempts.borrow(), 1);
- }
+ let amt_msat = 10_000;
- // Expiration is checked only in an std environment
- #[cfg(feature = "std")]
- #[test]
- fn fails_paying_invoice_after_expiration() {
- let event_handled = core::cell::RefCell::new(false);
- let event_handler = |_: Event| { *event_handled.borrow_mut() = true; };
- let payer = TestPayer::new();
- let router = TestRouter::new(TestScorer::new());
- let logger = TestLogger::new();
- let invoice_payer =
- InvoicePayer::new(&payer, &router, &logger, event_handler, Retry::Attempts(2));
- let payment_preimage = PaymentPreimage([1; 32]);
- let invoice = expired_invoice(payment_preimage);
- if let PaymentError::Invoice(msg) = invoice_payer.pay_invoice(&invoice).unwrap_err() {
- assert_eq!(msg, "Invoice expired prior to send");
- } else { panic!("Expected Invoice Error"); }
- }
- // Expiration is checked only in an std environment
- #[cfg(feature = "std")]
- #[test]
- fn fails_retrying_invoice_after_expiration() {
- let event_handled = core::cell::RefCell::new(false);
- let event_handler = |_: Event| { *event_handled.borrow_mut() = true; };
- let payment_preimage = PaymentPreimage([1; 32]);
- let invoice = invoice(payment_preimage);
- let final_value_msat = invoice.amount_milli_satoshis().unwrap();
- let payer = TestPayer::new().expect_send(Amount::ForInvoice(final_value_msat));
- let router = TestRouter::new(TestScorer::new());
- let logger = TestLogger::new();
- let invoice_payer =
- InvoicePayer::new(&payer, &router, &logger, event_handler, Retry::Attempts(2));
- let payment_id = Some(invoice_payer.pay_invoice(&invoice).unwrap());
- assert_eq!(*payer.attempts.borrow(), 1);
- let mut retry_data = TestRouter::retry_for_invoice(&invoice);
- retry_data.payment_params.expiry_time = Some(SystemTime::now()
- .checked_sub(Duration::from_secs(2)).unwrap()
- .duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap().as_secs());
- let event = Event::PaymentPathFailed {
- payment_id,
- payment_hash: PaymentHash(invoice.payment_hash().clone().into_inner()),
- network_update: None,
- payment_failed_permanently: false,
- all_paths_failed: false,
- path: vec![],
- short_channel_id: None,
- retry: Some(retry_data),
- };
- invoice_payer.handle_event(event);
- assert_eq!(*event_handled.borrow(), true);
- assert_eq!(*payer.attempts.borrow(), 1);
- }
- #[test]
- fn fails_paying_invoice_after_retry_error() {
- let event_handled = core::cell::RefCell::new(false);
- let event_handler = |_: Event| { *event_handled.borrow_mut() = true; };
- let payment_preimage = PaymentPreimage([1; 32]);
- let invoice = invoice(payment_preimage);
- let final_value_msat = invoice.amount_milli_satoshis().unwrap();
- let payer = TestPayer::new()
- .fails_on_attempt(2)
- .expect_send(Amount::ForInvoice(final_value_msat))
- .expect_send(Amount::OnRetry(final_value_msat / 2));
- let router = TestRouter::new(TestScorer::new());
- let logger = TestLogger::new();
- let invoice_payer =
- InvoicePayer::new(&payer, &router, &logger, event_handler, Retry::Attempts(2));
- let payment_id = Some(invoice_payer.pay_invoice(&invoice).unwrap());
- assert_eq!(*payer.attempts.borrow(), 1);
- let event = Event::PaymentPathFailed {
- payment_id,
- payment_hash: PaymentHash(invoice.payment_hash().clone().into_inner()),
- network_update: None,
- payment_failed_permanently: false,
- all_paths_failed: false,
- path: TestRouter::path_for_value(final_value_msat / 2),
- short_channel_id: None,
- retry: Some(TestRouter::retry_for_invoice(&invoice)),
- };
- invoice_payer.handle_event(event);
- assert_eq!(*event_handled.borrow(), true);
- assert_eq!(*payer.attempts.borrow(), 2);
- }
- #[test]
- fn fails_paying_invoice_after_rejected_by_payee() {
- let event_handled = core::cell::RefCell::new(false);
- let event_handler = |_: Event| { *event_handled.borrow_mut() = true; };
- let payment_preimage = PaymentPreimage([1; 32]);
- let invoice = invoice(payment_preimage);
- let final_value_msat = invoice.amount_milli_satoshis().unwrap();
- let payer = TestPayer::new().expect_send(Amount::ForInvoice(final_value_msat));
- let router = TestRouter::new(TestScorer::new());
- let logger = TestLogger::new();
- let invoice_payer =
- InvoicePayer::new(&payer, &router, &logger, event_handler, Retry::Attempts(2));
- let payment_id = Some(invoice_payer.pay_invoice(&invoice).unwrap());
- assert_eq!(*payer.attempts.borrow(), 1);
- let event = Event::PaymentPathFailed {
- payment_id,
- payment_hash: PaymentHash(invoice.payment_hash().clone().into_inner()),
- network_update: None,
- payment_failed_permanently: true,
- all_paths_failed: false,
- path: vec![],
- short_channel_id: None,
- retry: Some(TestRouter::retry_for_invoice(&invoice)),
- };
- invoice_payer.handle_event(event);
- assert_eq!(*event_handled.borrow(), true);
- assert_eq!(*payer.attempts.borrow(), 1);
- }
- #[test]
- fn fails_repaying_invoice_with_pending_payment() {
- let event_handled = core::cell::RefCell::new(false);
- let event_handler = |_: Event| { *event_handled.borrow_mut() = true; };
- let payment_preimage = PaymentPreimage([1; 32]);
- let invoice = invoice(payment_preimage);
- let final_value_msat = invoice.amount_milli_satoshis().unwrap();
- let payer = TestPayer::new()
- .expect_send(Amount::ForInvoice(final_value_msat))
- .expect_send(Amount::ForInvoice(final_value_msat));
- let router = TestRouter::new(TestScorer::new());
- let logger = TestLogger::new();
- let invoice_payer =
- InvoicePayer::new(&payer, &router, &logger, event_handler, Retry::Attempts(0));
- let payment_id = Some(invoice_payer.pay_invoice(&invoice).unwrap());
- // Cannot repay an invoice pending payment.
- match invoice_payer.pay_invoice(&invoice) {
- Err(PaymentError::Invoice("payment pending")) => {},
- Err(_) => panic!("unexpected error"),
- Ok(_) => panic!("expected invoice error"),
- }
- // Can repay an invoice once cleared from cache.
- let payment_hash = PaymentHash(invoice.payment_hash().clone().into_inner());
- invoice_payer.remove_cached_payment(&payment_hash);
- assert!(invoice_payer.pay_invoice(&invoice).is_ok());
- // Cannot retry paying an invoice if cleared from cache.
- invoice_payer.remove_cached_payment(&payment_hash);
- let event = Event::PaymentPathFailed {
- payment_id,
- payment_hash,
- network_update: None,
- payment_failed_permanently: false,
- all_paths_failed: false,
- path: vec![],
- short_channel_id: None,
- retry: Some(TestRouter::retry_for_invoice(&invoice)),
- };
- invoice_payer.handle_event(event);
- assert_eq!(*event_handled.borrow(), true);
- }
- #[test]
- fn fails_paying_invoice_with_routing_errors() {
- let payer = TestPayer::new();
- let router = FailingRouter {};
- let logger = TestLogger::new();
- let invoice_payer =
- InvoicePayer::new(&payer, &router, &logger, |_: Event| {}, Retry::Attempts(0));
- let payment_preimage = PaymentPreimage([1; 32]);
- let invoice = invoice(payment_preimage);
- match invoice_payer.pay_invoice(&invoice) {
- Err(PaymentError::Routing(_)) => {},
- Err(_) => panic!("unexpected error"),
- Ok(_) => panic!("expected routing error"),
- }
- }
- #[test]
- fn fails_paying_invoice_with_sending_errors() {
- let payment_preimage = PaymentPreimage([1; 32]);
- let invoice = invoice(payment_preimage);
- let final_value_msat = invoice.amount_milli_satoshis().unwrap();
- let payer = TestPayer::new()
- .fails_on_attempt(1)
- .expect_send(Amount::ForInvoice(final_value_msat));
- let router = TestRouter::new(TestScorer::new());
- let logger = TestLogger::new();
- let invoice_payer =
- InvoicePayer::new(&payer, &router, &logger, |_: Event| {}, Retry::Attempts(0));
- match invoice_payer.pay_invoice(&invoice) {
- Err(PaymentError::Sending(_)) => {},
- Err(_) => panic!("unexpected error"),
- Ok(_) => panic!("expected sending error"),
- }
- }
- #[test]
- fn pays_zero_value_invoice_using_amount() {
- let event_handled = core::cell::RefCell::new(false);
- let event_handler = |_: Event| { *event_handled.borrow_mut() = true; };
- let payment_preimage = PaymentPreimage([1; 32]);
- let invoice = zero_value_invoice(payment_preimage);
- let payment_hash = PaymentHash(invoice.payment_hash().clone().into_inner());
- let final_value_msat = 100;
- let payer = TestPayer::new().expect_send(Amount::ForInvoice(final_value_msat));
- let router = TestRouter::new(TestScorer::new());
- let logger = TestLogger::new();
- let invoice_payer =
- InvoicePayer::new(&payer, &router, &logger, event_handler, Retry::Attempts(0));
- let payment_id =
- Some(invoice_payer.pay_zero_value_invoice(&invoice, final_value_msat).unwrap());
- assert_eq!(*payer.attempts.borrow(), 1);
- invoice_payer.handle_event(Event::PaymentSent {
- payment_id, payment_preimage, payment_hash, fee_paid_msat: None
- });
- assert_eq!(*event_handled.borrow(), true);
- assert_eq!(*payer.attempts.borrow(), 1);
- }
- #[test]
- fn fails_paying_zero_value_invoice_with_amount() {
- let event_handled = core::cell::RefCell::new(false);
- let event_handler = |_: Event| { *event_handled.borrow_mut() = true; };
- let payer = TestPayer::new();
- let router = TestRouter::new(TestScorer::new());
- let logger = TestLogger::new();
- let invoice_payer =
- InvoicePayer::new(&payer, &router, &logger, event_handler, Retry::Attempts(0));
- let payment_preimage = PaymentPreimage([1; 32]);
- let invoice = invoice(payment_preimage);
- // Cannot repay an invoice pending payment.
- match invoice_payer.pay_zero_value_invoice(&invoice, 100) {
+ match pay_zero_value_invoice(&invoice, amt_msat, Retry::Attempts(0), &nodes[0].node) {
Err(PaymentError::Invoice("amount unexpected")) => {},
- Err(_) => panic!("unexpected error"),
- Ok(_) => panic!("expected invoice error"),
- }
- }
- #[test]
- fn pays_pubkey_with_amount() {
- let event_handled = core::cell::RefCell::new(false);
- let event_handler = |_: Event| { *event_handled.borrow_mut() = true; };
- let pubkey = pubkey();
- let payment_preimage = PaymentPreimage([1; 32]);
- let payment_hash = PaymentHash(Sha256::hash(&payment_preimage.0).into_inner());
- let final_value_msat = 100;
- let final_cltv_expiry_delta = 42;
- let payer = TestPayer::new()
- .expect_send(Amount::Spontaneous(final_value_msat))
- .expect_send(Amount::OnRetry(final_value_msat));
- let router = TestRouter::new(TestScorer::new());
- let logger = TestLogger::new();
- let invoice_payer =
- InvoicePayer::new(&payer, &router, &logger, event_handler, Retry::Attempts(2));
- let payment_id = Some(invoice_payer.pay_pubkey(
- pubkey, payment_preimage, final_value_msat, final_cltv_expiry_delta
- ).unwrap());
- assert_eq!(*payer.attempts.borrow(), 1);
- let retry = RouteParameters {
- payment_params: PaymentParameters::for_keysend(pubkey, final_cltv_expiry_delta),
- final_value_msat,
- final_cltv_expiry_delta,
- };
- let event = Event::PaymentPathFailed {
- payment_id,
- payment_hash,
- network_update: None,
- payment_failed_permanently: false,
- all_paths_failed: false,
- path: vec![],
- short_channel_id: None,
- retry: Some(retry),
- };
- invoice_payer.handle_event(event);
- assert_eq!(*event_handled.borrow(), false);
- assert_eq!(*payer.attempts.borrow(), 2);
- invoice_payer.handle_event(Event::PaymentSent {
- payment_id, payment_preimage, payment_hash, fee_paid_msat: None
- });
- assert_eq!(*event_handled.borrow(), true);
- assert_eq!(*payer.attempts.borrow(), 2);
- }
- #[test]
- fn scores_failed_channel() {
- let event_handled = core::cell::RefCell::new(false);
- let event_handler = |_: Event| { *event_handled.borrow_mut() = true; };
- let payment_preimage = PaymentPreimage([1; 32]);
- let invoice = invoice(payment_preimage);
- let payment_hash = PaymentHash(invoice.payment_hash().clone().into_inner());
- let final_value_msat = invoice.amount_milli_satoshis().unwrap();
- let path = TestRouter::path_for_value(final_value_msat);
- let short_channel_id = Some(path[0].short_channel_id);
- // Expect that scorer is given short_channel_id upon handling the event.
- let payer = TestPayer::new()
- .expect_send(Amount::ForInvoice(final_value_msat))
- .expect_send(Amount::OnRetry(final_value_msat / 2));
- let scorer = TestScorer::new().expect(TestResult::PaymentFailure {
- path: path.clone(), short_channel_id: path[0].short_channel_id,
- });
- let router = TestRouter::new(scorer);
- let logger = TestLogger::new();
- let invoice_payer =
- InvoicePayer::new(&payer, &router, &logger, event_handler, Retry::Attempts(2));
- let payment_id = Some(invoice_payer.pay_invoice(&invoice).unwrap());
- let event = Event::PaymentPathFailed {
- payment_id,
- payment_hash,
- network_update: None,
- payment_failed_permanently: false,
- all_paths_failed: false,
- path,
- short_channel_id,
- retry: Some(TestRouter::retry_for_invoice(&invoice)),
- };
- invoice_payer.handle_event(event);
- }
- #[test]
- fn scores_successful_channels() {
- let event_handled = core::cell::RefCell::new(false);
- let event_handler = |_: Event| { *event_handled.borrow_mut() = true; };
- let payment_preimage = PaymentPreimage([1; 32]);
- let invoice = invoice(payment_preimage);
- let payment_hash = Some(PaymentHash(invoice.payment_hash().clone().into_inner()));
- let final_value_msat = invoice.amount_milli_satoshis().unwrap();
- let route = TestRouter::route_for_value(final_value_msat);
- // Expect that scorer is given short_channel_id upon handling the event.
- let payer = TestPayer::new().expect_send(Amount::ForInvoice(final_value_msat));
- let scorer = TestScorer::new()
- .expect(TestResult::PaymentSuccess { path: route.paths[0].clone() })
- .expect(TestResult::PaymentSuccess { path: route.paths[1].clone() });
- let router = TestRouter::new(scorer);
- let logger = TestLogger::new();
- let invoice_payer =
- InvoicePayer::new(&payer, &router, &logger, event_handler, Retry::Attempts(2));
- let payment_id = invoice_payer.pay_invoice(&invoice).unwrap();
- let event = Event::PaymentPathSuccessful {
- payment_id, payment_hash, path: route.paths[0].clone()
- };
- invoice_payer.handle_event(event);
- let event = Event::PaymentPathSuccessful {
- payment_id, payment_hash, path: route.paths[1].clone()
- };
- invoice_payer.handle_event(event);
- }
- #[test]
- fn considers_inflight_htlcs_between_invoice_payments() {
- let event_handled = core::cell::RefCell::new(false);
- let event_handler = |_: Event| { *event_handled.borrow_mut() = true; };
- let payment_preimage = PaymentPreimage([1; 32]);
- let payment_invoice = invoice(payment_preimage);
- let final_value_msat = payment_invoice.amount_milli_satoshis().unwrap();
- let payer = TestPayer::new()
- .expect_send(Amount::ForInvoice(final_value_msat))
- .expect_send(Amount::ForInvoice(final_value_msat));
- let scorer = TestScorer::new()
- // 1st invoice, 1st path
- .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 64, inflight_htlc_msat: 0, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
- .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 84, inflight_htlc_msat: 0, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
- .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 94, inflight_htlc_msat: 0, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
- // 1st invoice, 2nd path
- .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 64, inflight_htlc_msat: 0, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
- .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 74, inflight_htlc_msat: 0, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
- // 2nd invoice, 1st path
- .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 64, inflight_htlc_msat: 64, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
- .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 84, inflight_htlc_msat: 84, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
- .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 94, inflight_htlc_msat: 94, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
- // 2nd invoice, 2nd path
- .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 64, inflight_htlc_msat: 64, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
- .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 74, inflight_htlc_msat: 74, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } );
- let router = TestRouter::new(scorer);
- let logger = TestLogger::new();
- let invoice_payer =
- InvoicePayer::new(&payer, &router, &logger, event_handler, Retry::Attempts(0));
- // Make first invoice payment.
- invoice_payer.pay_invoice(&payment_invoice).unwrap();
- // Let's pay a second invoice that will be using the same path. This should trigger the
- // assertions that expect `ChannelUsage` values of the first invoice payment that is still
- // in-flight.
- let payment_preimage_2 = PaymentPreimage([2; 32]);
- let payment_invoice_2 = invoice(payment_preimage_2);
- invoice_payer.pay_invoice(&payment_invoice_2).unwrap();
- }
- #[test]
- fn considers_inflight_htlcs_between_retries() {
- // First, let's just send a payment through, but only make sure one of the path completes
- let event_handled = core::cell::RefCell::new(false);
- let event_handler = |_: Event| { *event_handled.borrow_mut() = true; };
- let payment_preimage = PaymentPreimage([1; 32]);
- let payment_invoice = invoice(payment_preimage);
- let payment_hash = PaymentHash(payment_invoice.payment_hash().clone().into_inner());
- let final_value_msat = payment_invoice.amount_milli_satoshis().unwrap();
- let payer = TestPayer::new()
- .expect_send(Amount::ForInvoice(final_value_msat))
- .expect_send(Amount::OnRetry(final_value_msat / 2))
- .expect_send(Amount::OnRetry(final_value_msat / 4));
- let final_value_msat = payment_invoice.amount_milli_satoshis().unwrap();
- let scorer = TestScorer::new()
- // 1st invoice, 1st path
- .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 64, inflight_htlc_msat: 0, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
- .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 84, inflight_htlc_msat: 0, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
- .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 94, inflight_htlc_msat: 0, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
- // 1st invoice, 2nd path
- .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 64, inflight_htlc_msat: 0, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
- .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 74, inflight_htlc_msat: 0, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
- // Retry 1, 1st path
- .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 32, inflight_htlc_msat: 0, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
- .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 52, inflight_htlc_msat: 0, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
- .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 62, inflight_htlc_msat: 0, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
- // Retry 1, 2nd path
- .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 32, inflight_htlc_msat: 64, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
- .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 42, inflight_htlc_msat: 64 + 10, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
- // Retry 2, 1st path
- .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 16, inflight_htlc_msat: 0, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
- .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 36, inflight_htlc_msat: 0, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
- .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 46, inflight_htlc_msat: 0, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
- // Retry 2, 2nd path
- .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 16, inflight_htlc_msat: 64 + 32, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
- .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 26, inflight_htlc_msat: 74 + 32 + 10, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } );
- let router = TestRouter::new(scorer);
- let logger = TestLogger::new();
- let invoice_payer =
- InvoicePayer::new(&payer, &router, &logger, event_handler, Retry::Attempts(2));
- // Fail 1st path, leave 2nd path inflight
- let payment_id = Some(invoice_payer.pay_invoice(&payment_invoice).unwrap());
- invoice_payer.payer.fail_path(&TestRouter::path_for_value(final_value_msat));
- invoice_payer.handle_event(Event::PaymentPathFailed {
- payment_id,
- payment_hash,
- network_update: None,
- payment_failed_permanently: false,
- all_paths_failed: false,
- path: TestRouter::path_for_value(final_value_msat),
- short_channel_id: None,
- retry: Some(TestRouter::retry_for_invoice(&payment_invoice)),
- });
- // Fails again the 1st path of our retry
- invoice_payer.payer.fail_path(&TestRouter::path_for_value(final_value_msat / 2));
- invoice_payer.handle_event(Event::PaymentPathFailed {
- payment_id,
- payment_hash,
- network_update: None,
- payment_failed_permanently: false,
- all_paths_failed: false,
- path: TestRouter::path_for_value(final_value_msat / 2),
- short_channel_id: None,
- retry: Some(RouteParameters {
- final_value_msat: final_value_msat / 4,
- ..TestRouter::retry_for_invoice(&payment_invoice)
- }),
- });
- }
- struct TestRouter {
- scorer: RefCell<TestScorer>,
- }
- impl TestRouter {
- fn new(scorer: TestScorer) -> Self {
- TestRouter { scorer: RefCell::new(scorer) }
- }
- fn route_for_value(final_value_msat: u64) -> Route {
- Route {
- paths: vec![
- vec![
- RouteHop {
- pubkey: PublicKey::from_slice(&hex::decode("02eec7245d6b7d2ccb30380bfbe2a3648cd7a942653f5aa340edcea1f283686619").unwrap()[..]).unwrap(),
- channel_features: ChannelFeatures::empty(),
- node_features: NodeFeatures::empty(),
- short_channel_id: 0,
- fee_msat: 10,
- cltv_expiry_delta: 0
- },
- RouteHop {
- pubkey: PublicKey::from_slice(&hex::decode("0324653eac434488002cc06bbfb7f10fe18991e35f9fe4302dbea6d2353dc0ab1c").unwrap()[..]).unwrap(),
- channel_features: ChannelFeatures::empty(),
- node_features: NodeFeatures::empty(),
- short_channel_id: 1,
- fee_msat: 20,
- cltv_expiry_delta: 0
- },
- RouteHop {
- pubkey: PublicKey::from_slice(&hex::decode("027f31ebc5462c1fdce1b737ecff52d37d75dea43ce11c74d25aa297165faa2007").unwrap()[..]).unwrap(),
- channel_features: ChannelFeatures::empty(),
- node_features: NodeFeatures::empty(),
- short_channel_id: 2,
- fee_msat: final_value_msat / 2,
- cltv_expiry_delta: 0
- },
- ],
- vec![
- RouteHop {
- pubkey: PublicKey::from_slice(&hex::decode("029e03a901b85534ff1e92c43c74431f7ce72046060fcf7a95c37e148f78c77255").unwrap()[..]).unwrap(),
- channel_features: ChannelFeatures::empty(),
- node_features: NodeFeatures::empty(),
- short_channel_id: 3,
- fee_msat: 10,
- cltv_expiry_delta: 144
- },
- RouteHop {
- pubkey: PublicKey::from_slice(&hex::decode("027f31ebc5462c1fdce1b737ecff52d37d75dea43ce11c74d25aa297165faa2007").unwrap()[..]).unwrap(),
- channel_features: ChannelFeatures::empty(),
- node_features: NodeFeatures::empty(),
- short_channel_id: 4,
- fee_msat: final_value_msat / 2,
- cltv_expiry_delta: 144
- }
- ],
- ],
- payment_params: None,
- }
- }
- fn path_for_value(final_value_msat: u64) -> Vec<RouteHop> {
- TestRouter::route_for_value(final_value_msat).paths[0].clone()
- }
- fn retry_for_invoice(invoice: &Invoice) -> RouteParameters {
- let mut payment_params = PaymentParameters::from_node_id(
- invoice.recover_payee_pub_key(), invoice.min_final_cltv_expiry_delta() as u32)
- .with_expiry_time(expiry_time_from_unix_epoch(invoice).as_secs())
- .with_route_hints(invoice.route_hints());
- if let Some(features) = invoice.features() {
- payment_params = payment_params.with_features(features.clone());
- }
- let final_value_msat = invoice.amount_milli_satoshis().unwrap() / 2;
- RouteParameters {
- payment_params,
- final_value_msat,
- final_cltv_expiry_delta: invoice.min_final_cltv_expiry_delta() as u32,
- }
- }
- }
- impl Router for TestRouter {
- fn find_route(
- &self, payer: &PublicKey, route_params: &RouteParameters,
- _first_hops: Option<&[&ChannelDetails]>, inflight_htlcs: &InFlightHtlcs
- ) -> Result<Route, LightningError> {
- // Simulate calling the Scorer just as you would in find_route
- let route = Self::route_for_value(route_params.final_value_msat);
- let locked_scorer = self.scorer.lock();
- let scorer = ScorerAccountingForInFlightHtlcs::new(locked_scorer, inflight_htlcs);
- for path in route.paths {
- let mut aggregate_msat = 0u64;
- for (idx, hop) in path.iter().rev().enumerate() {
- aggregate_msat += hop.fee_msat;
- let usage = ChannelUsage {
- amount_msat: aggregate_msat,
- inflight_htlc_msat: 0,
- effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown,
- };
- // Since the path is reversed, the last element in our iteration is the first
- // hop.
- if idx == path.len() - 1 {
- scorer.channel_penalty_msat(hop.short_channel_id, &NodeId::from_pubkey(payer), &NodeId::from_pubkey(&hop.pubkey), usage);
- } else {
- scorer.channel_penalty_msat(hop.short_channel_id, &NodeId::from_pubkey(&path[idx + 1].pubkey), &NodeId::from_pubkey(&hop.pubkey), usage);
- }
- }
- }
- Ok(Route {
- payment_params: Some(route_params.payment_params.clone()), ..Self::route_for_value(route_params.final_value_msat)
- })
- }
- fn notify_payment_path_failed(&self, path: &[&RouteHop], short_channel_id: u64) {
- self.scorer.lock().payment_path_failed(path, short_channel_id);
+ _ => panic!()
- fn notify_payment_path_successful(&self, path: &[&RouteHop]) {
- self.scorer.lock().payment_path_successful(path);
- }
- fn notify_payment_probe_successful(&self, path: &[&RouteHop]) {
- self.scorer.lock().probe_successful(path);
- }
- fn notify_payment_probe_failed(&self, path: &[&RouteHop], short_channel_id: u64) {
- self.scorer.lock().probe_failed(path, short_channel_id);
- }
- }
- struct FailingRouter;
- impl Router for FailingRouter {
- fn find_route(
- &self, _payer: &PublicKey, _params: &RouteParameters, _first_hops: Option<&[&ChannelDetails]>,
- _inflight_htlcs: &InFlightHtlcs,
- ) -> Result<Route, LightningError> {
- Err(LightningError { err: String::new(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError })
- }
- fn notify_payment_path_failed(&self, _path: &[&RouteHop], _short_channel_id: u64) {}
- fn notify_payment_path_successful(&self, _path: &[&RouteHop]) {}
- fn notify_payment_probe_successful(&self, _path: &[&RouteHop]) {}
- fn notify_payment_probe_failed(&self, _path: &[&RouteHop], _short_channel_id: u64) {}
- }
- struct TestScorer {
- event_expectations: Option<VecDeque<TestResult>>,
- scorer_expectations: RefCell<Option<VecDeque<ChannelUsage>>>,
- }
- #[derive(Debug)]
- enum TestResult {
- PaymentFailure { path: Vec<RouteHop>, short_channel_id: u64 },
- PaymentSuccess { path: Vec<RouteHop> },
- }
- impl TestScorer {
- fn new() -> Self {
- Self {
- event_expectations: None,
- scorer_expectations: RefCell::new(None),
- }
- }
- fn expect(mut self, expectation: TestResult) -> Self {
- self.event_expectations.get_or_insert_with(|| VecDeque::new()).push_back(expectation);
- self
- }
- fn expect_usage(self, expectation: ChannelUsage) -> Self {
- self.scorer_expectations.borrow_mut().get_or_insert_with(|| VecDeque::new()).push_back(expectation);
- self
- }
- }
- #[cfg(c_bindings)]
- impl lightning::util::ser::Writeable for TestScorer {
- fn write<W: lightning::util::ser::Writer>(&self, _: &mut W) -> Result<(), lightning::io::Error> { unreachable!(); }
- }
- impl Score for TestScorer {
- fn channel_penalty_msat(
- &self, _short_channel_id: u64, _source: &NodeId, _target: &NodeId, usage: ChannelUsage
- ) -> u64 {
- if let Some(scorer_expectations) = self.scorer_expectations.borrow_mut().as_mut() {
- match scorer_expectations.pop_front() {
- Some(expectation) => {
- assert_eq!(expectation.amount_msat, usage.amount_msat);
- assert_eq!(expectation.inflight_htlc_msat, usage.inflight_htlc_msat);
- },
- None => {},
- }
- }
- 0
- }
- fn payment_path_failed(&mut self, actual_path: &[&RouteHop], actual_short_channel_id: u64) {
- if let Some(expectations) = &mut self.event_expectations {
- match expectations.pop_front() {
- Some(TestResult::PaymentFailure { path, short_channel_id }) => {
- assert_eq!(actual_path, &path.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>()[..]);
- assert_eq!(actual_short_channel_id, short_channel_id);
- },
- Some(TestResult::PaymentSuccess { path }) => {
- panic!("Unexpected successful payment path: {:?}", path)
- },
- None => panic!("Unexpected notify_payment_path_failed call: {:?}", actual_path),
- }
- }
- }
- fn payment_path_successful(&mut self, actual_path: &[&RouteHop]) {
- if let Some(expectations) = &mut self.event_expectations {
- match expectations.pop_front() {
- Some(TestResult::PaymentFailure { path, .. }) => {
- panic!("Unexpected payment path failure: {:?}", path)
- },
- Some(TestResult::PaymentSuccess { path }) => {
- assert_eq!(actual_path, &path.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>()[..]);
- },
- None => panic!("Unexpected notify_payment_path_successful call: {:?}", actual_path),
- }
- }
- }
- fn probe_failed(&mut self, actual_path: &[&RouteHop], _: u64) {
- if let Some(expectations) = &mut self.event_expectations {
- match expectations.pop_front() {
- Some(TestResult::PaymentFailure { path, .. }) => {
- panic!("Unexpected failed payment path: {:?}", path)
- },
- Some(TestResult::PaymentSuccess { path }) => {
- panic!("Unexpected successful payment path: {:?}", path)
- },
- None => panic!("Unexpected notify_payment_path_failed call: {:?}", actual_path),
- }
- }
- }
- fn probe_successful(&mut self, actual_path: &[&RouteHop]) {
- if let Some(expectations) = &mut self.event_expectations {
- match expectations.pop_front() {
- Some(TestResult::PaymentFailure { path, .. }) => {
- panic!("Unexpected payment path failure: {:?}", path)
- },
- Some(TestResult::PaymentSuccess { path }) => {
- panic!("Unexpected successful payment path: {:?}", path)
- },
- None => panic!("Unexpected notify_payment_path_successful call: {:?}", actual_path),
- }
- }
- }
- }
- impl Drop for TestScorer {
- fn drop(&mut self) {
- if std::thread::panicking() {
- return;
- }
- if let Some(event_expectations) = &self.event_expectations {
- if !event_expectations.is_empty() {
- panic!("Unsatisfied event expectations: {:?}", event_expectations);
- }
- }
- if let Some(scorer_expectations) = self.scorer_expectations.borrow().as_ref() {
- if !scorer_expectations.is_empty() {
- panic!("Unsatisfied scorer expectations: {:?}", scorer_expectations)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- struct TestPayer {
- expectations: core::cell::RefCell<VecDeque<Amount>>,
- attempts: core::cell::RefCell<usize>,
- failing_on_attempt: core::cell::RefCell<HashMap<usize, PaymentSendFailure>>,
- inflight_htlcs_paths: core::cell::RefCell<Vec<Vec<RouteHop>>>,
- }
- #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
- enum Amount {
- ForInvoice(u64),
- Spontaneous(u64),
- OnRetry(u64),
- }
- struct OnAttempt(usize);
- impl TestPayer {
- fn new() -> Self {
- Self {
- expectations: core::cell::RefCell::new(VecDeque::new()),
- attempts: core::cell::RefCell::new(0),
- failing_on_attempt: core::cell::RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
- inflight_htlcs_paths: core::cell::RefCell::new(Vec::new()),
- }
- }
- fn expect_send(self, value_msat: Amount) -> Self {
- self.expectations.borrow_mut().push_back(value_msat);
- self
- }
- fn fails_on_attempt(self, attempt: usize) -> Self {
- let failure = PaymentSendFailure::ParameterError(APIError::MonitorUpdateInProgress);
- self.fails_with(failure, OnAttempt(attempt))
- }
- fn fails_with_partial_failure(self, retry: RouteParameters, attempt: OnAttempt, results: Option<Vec<Result<(), APIError>>>) -> Self {
- self.fails_with(PaymentSendFailure::PartialFailure {
- results: results.unwrap_or(vec![]),
- failed_paths_retry: Some(retry),
- payment_id: PaymentId([1; 32]),
- }, attempt)
- }
- fn fails_with(self, failure: PaymentSendFailure, attempt: OnAttempt) -> Self {
- self.failing_on_attempt.borrow_mut().insert(attempt.0, failure);
- self
- }
- fn check_attempts(&self) -> Result<(), PaymentSendFailure> {
- let mut attempts = self.attempts.borrow_mut();
- *attempts += 1;
- match self.failing_on_attempt.borrow_mut().remove(&*attempts) {
- Some(failure) => Err(failure),
- None => Ok(())
- }
- }
- fn check_value_msats(&self, actual_value_msats: Amount) {
- let expected_value_msats = self.expectations.borrow_mut().pop_front();
- if let Some(expected_value_msats) = expected_value_msats {
- assert_eq!(actual_value_msats, expected_value_msats);
- } else {
- panic!("Unexpected amount: {:?}", actual_value_msats);
- }
- }
- fn track_inflight_htlcs(&self, route: &Route) {
- for path in &route.paths {
- self.inflight_htlcs_paths.borrow_mut().push(path.clone());
- }
- }
- fn fail_path(&self, path: &Vec<RouteHop>) {
- let path_idx = self.inflight_htlcs_paths.borrow().iter().position(|p| p == path);
- if let Some(idx) = path_idx {
- self.inflight_htlcs_paths.borrow_mut().swap_remove(idx);
- }
- }
- }
- impl Drop for TestPayer {
- fn drop(&mut self) {
- if std::thread::panicking() {
- return;
- }
- if !self.expectations.borrow().is_empty() {
- panic!("Unsatisfied payment expectations: {:?}", self.expectations.borrow());
- }
- }
- }
- impl Payer for TestPayer {
- fn node_id(&self) -> PublicKey {
- let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
- PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap())
- }
- fn first_hops(&self) -> Vec<ChannelDetails> {
- Vec::new()
- }
- fn send_payment(
- &self, route: &Route, _payment_hash: PaymentHash,
- _payment_secret: &Option<PaymentSecret>, _payment_id: PaymentId,
- ) -> Result<(), PaymentSendFailure> {
- self.check_value_msats(Amount::ForInvoice(route.get_total_amount()));
- self.track_inflight_htlcs(route);
- self.check_attempts()
- }
- fn send_spontaneous_payment(
- &self, route: &Route, _payment_preimage: PaymentPreimage, _payment_id: PaymentId,
- ) -> Result<(), PaymentSendFailure> {
- self.check_value_msats(Amount::Spontaneous(route.get_total_amount()));
- self.check_attempts()
- }
- fn retry_payment(
- &self, route: &Route, _payment_id: PaymentId
- ) -> Result<(), PaymentSendFailure> {
- self.check_value_msats(Amount::OnRetry(route.get_total_amount()));
- self.track_inflight_htlcs(route);
- self.check_attempts()
- }
- fn abandon_payment(&self, _payment_id: PaymentId) { }
- fn inflight_htlcs(&self) -> InFlightHtlcs {
- let mut inflight_htlcs = InFlightHtlcs::new();
- for path in self.inflight_htlcs_paths.clone().into_inner() {
- inflight_htlcs.process_path(&path, self.node_id());
- }
- inflight_htlcs
- }
- }
- // *** Full Featured Functional Tests with a Real ChannelManager ***
- struct ManualRouter(RefCell<VecDeque<Result<Route, LightningError>>>);
- impl Router for ManualRouter {
- fn find_route(
- &self, _payer: &PublicKey, _params: &RouteParameters, _first_hops: Option<&[&ChannelDetails]>,
- _inflight_htlcs: &InFlightHtlcs
- ) -> Result<Route, LightningError> {
- self.0.borrow_mut().pop_front().unwrap()
- }
- fn notify_payment_path_failed(&self, _path: &[&RouteHop], _short_channel_id: u64) {}
- fn notify_payment_path_successful(&self, _path: &[&RouteHop]) {}
- fn notify_payment_probe_successful(&self, _path: &[&RouteHop]) {}
- fn notify_payment_probe_failed(&self, _path: &[&RouteHop], _short_channel_id: u64) {}
- }
- impl ManualRouter {
- fn expect_find_route(&self, result: Result<Route, LightningError>) {
- self.0.borrow_mut().push_back(result);
- }
- }
- impl Drop for ManualRouter {
- fn drop(&mut self) {
- if std::thread::panicking() {
- return;
- }
- assert!(self.0.borrow_mut().is_empty());
- }
- }
- #[test]
- fn retry_multi_path_single_failed_payment() {
- // Tests that we can/will retry after a single path of an MPP payment failed immediately
- let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(2);
- let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(2, &chanmon_cfgs);
- let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(2, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None]);
- let nodes = create_network(2, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
- create_announced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 1, 1_000_000, 0);
- create_announced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 1, 1_000_000, 0);
- let chans = nodes[0].node.list_usable_channels();
- let mut route = Route {
- paths: vec![
- vec![RouteHop {
- pubkey: nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(),
- node_features: nodes[1].node.node_features(),
- short_channel_id: chans[0].short_channel_id.unwrap(),
- channel_features: nodes[1].node.channel_features(),
- fee_msat: 10_000,
- cltv_expiry_delta: 100,
- }],
- vec![RouteHop {
- pubkey: nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(),
- node_features: nodes[1].node.node_features(),
- short_channel_id: chans[1].short_channel_id.unwrap(),
- channel_features: nodes[1].node.channel_features(),
- fee_msat: 100_000_001, // Our default max-HTLC-value is 10% of the channel value, which this is one more than
- cltv_expiry_delta: 100,
- }],
- ],
- payment_params: Some(PaymentParameters::from_node_id(nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), 100)),
- };
- let router = ManualRouter(RefCell::new(VecDeque::new()));
- router.expect_find_route(Ok(route.clone()));
- // On retry, split the payment across both channels.
- route.paths[0][0].fee_msat = 50_000_001;
- route.paths[1][0].fee_msat = 50_000_000;
- router.expect_find_route(Ok(route.clone()));
- let event_handler = |_: Event| { panic!(); };
- let invoice_payer = InvoicePayer::new(nodes[0].node, &router, nodes[0].logger, event_handler, Retry::Attempts(1));
- assert!(invoice_payer.pay_invoice(&create_invoice_from_channelmanager_and_duration_since_epoch(
- &nodes[1].node, nodes[1].keys_manager, nodes[1].logger, Currency::Bitcoin,
- Some(100_010_000), "Invoice".to_string(), duration_since_epoch(), 3600, None).unwrap())
- .is_ok());
- let htlc_msgs = nodes[0].node.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
- assert_eq!(htlc_msgs.len(), 2);
- check_added_monitors!(nodes[0], 2);
- }
- #[test]
- fn immediate_retry_on_failure() {
- // Tests that we can/will retry immediately after a failure
- let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(2);
- let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(2, &chanmon_cfgs);
- let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(2, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None]);
- let nodes = create_network(2, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
- create_announced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 1, 1_000_000, 0);
- create_announced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 1, 1_000_000, 0);
- let chans = nodes[0].node.list_usable_channels();
- let mut route = Route {
- paths: vec![
- vec![RouteHop {
- pubkey: nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(),
- node_features: nodes[1].node.node_features(),
- short_channel_id: chans[0].short_channel_id.unwrap(),
- channel_features: nodes[1].node.channel_features(),
- fee_msat: 100_000_001, // Our default max-HTLC-value is 10% of the channel value, which this is one more than
- cltv_expiry_delta: 100,
- }],
- ],
- payment_params: Some(PaymentParameters::from_node_id(nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), 100)),
- };
- let router = ManualRouter(RefCell::new(VecDeque::new()));
- router.expect_find_route(Ok(route.clone()));
- // On retry, split the payment across both channels.
- route.paths.push(route.paths[0].clone());
- route.paths[0][0].short_channel_id = chans[1].short_channel_id.unwrap();
- route.paths[0][0].fee_msat = 50_000_000;
- route.paths[1][0].fee_msat = 50_000_001;
- router.expect_find_route(Ok(route.clone()));
- let event_handler = |_: Event| { panic!(); };
- let invoice_payer = InvoicePayer::new(nodes[0].node, &router, nodes[0].logger, event_handler, Retry::Attempts(1));
- assert!(invoice_payer.pay_invoice(&create_invoice_from_channelmanager_and_duration_since_epoch(
- &nodes[1].node, nodes[1].keys_manager, nodes[1].logger, Currency::Bitcoin,
- Some(100_010_000), "Invoice".to_string(), duration_since_epoch(), 3600, None).unwrap())
- .is_ok());
- let htlc_msgs = nodes[0].node.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
- assert_eq!(htlc_msgs.len(), 2);
- check_added_monitors!(nodes[0], 2);
- }
- #[test]
- fn no_extra_retries_on_back_to_back_fail() {
- // In a previous release, we had a race where we may exceed the payment retry count if we
- // get two failures in a row with the second having `all_paths_failed` set.
- // Generally, when we give up trying to retry a payment, we don't know for sure what the
- // current state of the ChannelManager event queue is. Specifically, we cannot be sure that
- // there are not multiple additional `PaymentPathFailed` or even `PaymentSent` events
- // pending which we will see later. Thus, when we previously removed the retry tracking map
- // entry after a `all_paths_failed` `PaymentPathFailed` event, we may have dropped the
- // retry entry even though more events for the same payment were still pending. This led to
- // us retrying a payment again even though we'd already given up on it.
- //
- // We now have a separate event - `PaymentFailed` which indicates no HTLCs remain and which
- // is used to remove the payment retry counter entries instead. This tests for the specific
- // excess-retry case while also testing `PaymentFailed` generation.
- let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(3);
- let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(3, &chanmon_cfgs);
- let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(3, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None]);
- let nodes = create_network(3, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
- let chan_1_scid = create_announced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 1, 10_000_000, 0).0.contents.short_channel_id;
- let chan_2_scid = create_announced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 1, 2, 10_000_000, 0).0.contents.short_channel_id;
- let mut route = Route {
- paths: vec![
- vec![RouteHop {
- pubkey: nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(),
- node_features: nodes[1].node.node_features(),
- short_channel_id: chan_1_scid,
- channel_features: nodes[1].node.channel_features(),
- fee_msat: 0,
- cltv_expiry_delta: 100,
- }, RouteHop {
- pubkey: nodes[2].node.get_our_node_id(),
- node_features: nodes[2].node.node_features(),
- short_channel_id: chan_2_scid,
- channel_features: nodes[2].node.channel_features(),
- fee_msat: 100_000_000,
- cltv_expiry_delta: 100,
- }],
- vec![RouteHop {
- pubkey: nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(),
- node_features: nodes[1].node.node_features(),
- short_channel_id: chan_1_scid,
- channel_features: nodes[2].node.channel_features(),
- fee_msat: 0,
- cltv_expiry_delta: 100,
- }, RouteHop {
- pubkey: nodes[2].node.get_our_node_id(),
- node_features: nodes[2].node.node_features(),
- short_channel_id: chan_2_scid,
- channel_features: nodes[2].node.channel_features(),
- fee_msat: 100_000_000,
- cltv_expiry_delta: 100,
- }]
- ],
- payment_params: Some(PaymentParameters::from_node_id(nodes[2].node.get_our_node_id(), 100)),
- };
- let router = ManualRouter(RefCell::new(VecDeque::new()));
- router.expect_find_route(Ok(route.clone()));
- // On retry, we'll only be asked for one path
- route.paths.remove(1);
- router.expect_find_route(Ok(route.clone()));
- let expected_events: RefCell<VecDeque<&dyn Fn(Event)>> = RefCell::new(VecDeque::new());
- let event_handler = |event: Event| {
- let event_checker = expected_events.borrow_mut().pop_front().unwrap();
- event_checker(event);
- };
- let invoice_payer = InvoicePayer::new(nodes[0].node, &router, nodes[0].logger, event_handler, Retry::Attempts(1));
- assert!(invoice_payer.pay_invoice(&create_invoice_from_channelmanager_and_duration_since_epoch(
- &nodes[1].node, nodes[1].keys_manager, nodes[1].logger, Currency::Bitcoin,
- Some(100_010_000), "Invoice".to_string(), duration_since_epoch(), 3600, None).unwrap())
- .is_ok());
- let htlc_updates = SendEvent::from_node(&nodes[0]);
- check_added_monitors!(nodes[0], 1);
- assert_eq!(htlc_updates.msgs.len(), 1);
- nodes[1].node.handle_update_add_htlc(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &htlc_updates.msgs[0]);
- nodes[1].node.handle_commitment_signed(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &htlc_updates.commitment_msg);
- check_added_monitors!(nodes[1], 1);
- let (bs_first_raa, bs_first_cs) = get_revoke_commit_msgs!(nodes[1], nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id());
- nodes[0].node.handle_revoke_and_ack(&nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), &bs_first_raa);
- check_added_monitors!(nodes[0], 1);
- let second_htlc_updates = SendEvent::from_node(&nodes[0]);
- nodes[0].node.handle_commitment_signed(&nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), &bs_first_cs);
- check_added_monitors!(nodes[0], 1);
- let as_first_raa = get_event_msg!(nodes[0], MessageSendEvent::SendRevokeAndACK, nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id());
- nodes[1].node.handle_update_add_htlc(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &second_htlc_updates.msgs[0]);
- nodes[1].node.handle_commitment_signed(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &second_htlc_updates.commitment_msg);
- check_added_monitors!(nodes[1], 1);
- let bs_second_raa = get_event_msg!(nodes[1], MessageSendEvent::SendRevokeAndACK, nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id());
- nodes[1].node.handle_revoke_and_ack(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &as_first_raa);
- check_added_monitors!(nodes[1], 1);
- let bs_fail_update = get_htlc_update_msgs!(nodes[1], nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id());
- nodes[0].node.handle_revoke_and_ack(&nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), &bs_second_raa);
- check_added_monitors!(nodes[0], 1);
- nodes[0].node.handle_update_fail_htlc(&nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), &bs_fail_update.update_fail_htlcs[0]);
- nodes[0].node.handle_commitment_signed(&nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), &bs_fail_update.commitment_signed);
- check_added_monitors!(nodes[0], 1);
- let (as_second_raa, as_third_cs) = get_revoke_commit_msgs!(nodes[0], nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id());
- nodes[1].node.handle_revoke_and_ack(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &as_second_raa);
- check_added_monitors!(nodes[1], 1);
- let bs_second_fail_update = get_htlc_update_msgs!(nodes[1], nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id());
- nodes[1].node.handle_commitment_signed(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &as_third_cs);
- check_added_monitors!(nodes[1], 1);
- let bs_third_raa = get_event_msg!(nodes[1], MessageSendEvent::SendRevokeAndACK, nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id());
- nodes[0].node.handle_update_fail_htlc(&nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), &bs_second_fail_update.update_fail_htlcs[0]);
- nodes[0].node.handle_commitment_signed(&nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), &bs_second_fail_update.commitment_signed);
- check_added_monitors!(nodes[0], 1);
- nodes[0].node.handle_revoke_and_ack(&nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), &bs_third_raa);
- check_added_monitors!(nodes[0], 1);
- let (as_third_raa, as_fourth_cs) = get_revoke_commit_msgs!(nodes[0], nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id());
- nodes[1].node.handle_revoke_and_ack(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &as_third_raa);
- check_added_monitors!(nodes[1], 1);
- nodes[1].node.handle_commitment_signed(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &as_fourth_cs);
- check_added_monitors!(nodes[1], 1);
- let bs_fourth_raa = get_event_msg!(nodes[1], MessageSendEvent::SendRevokeAndACK, nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id());
- nodes[0].node.handle_revoke_and_ack(&nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), &bs_fourth_raa);
- check_added_monitors!(nodes[0], 1);
- // At this point A has sent two HTLCs which both failed due to lack of fee. It now has two
- // pending `PaymentPathFailed` events, one with `all_paths_failed` unset, and the second
- // with it set. The first event will use up the only retry we are allowed, with the second
- // `PaymentPathFailed` being passed up to the user (us, in this case). Previously, we'd
- // treated this as "HTLC complete" and dropped the retry counter, causing us to retry again
- // if the final HTLC failed.
- expected_events.borrow_mut().push_back(&|ev: Event| {
- if let Event::PaymentPathFailed { payment_failed_permanently, all_paths_failed, .. } = ev {
- assert!(!payment_failed_permanently);
- assert!(all_paths_failed);
- } else { panic!("Unexpected event"); }
- });
- nodes[0].node.process_pending_events(&invoice_payer);
- assert!(expected_events.borrow().is_empty());
- let retry_htlc_updates = SendEvent::from_node(&nodes[0]);
- check_added_monitors!(nodes[0], 1);
- nodes[1].node.handle_update_add_htlc(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &retry_htlc_updates.msgs[0]);
- commitment_signed_dance!(nodes[1], nodes[0], &retry_htlc_updates.commitment_msg, false, true);
- let bs_fail_update = get_htlc_update_msgs!(nodes[1], nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id());
- nodes[0].node.handle_update_fail_htlc(&nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), &bs_fail_update.update_fail_htlcs[0]);
- commitment_signed_dance!(nodes[0], nodes[1], &bs_fail_update.commitment_signed, false, true);
- expected_events.borrow_mut().push_back(&|ev: Event| {
- if let Event::PaymentPathFailed { payment_failed_permanently, all_paths_failed, .. } = ev {
- assert!(!payment_failed_permanently);
- assert!(all_paths_failed);
- } else { panic!("Unexpected event"); }
- });
- expected_events.borrow_mut().push_back(&|ev: Event| {
- if let Event::PaymentFailed { .. } = ev {
- } else { panic!("Unexpected event"); }
- });
- nodes[0].node.process_pending_events(&invoice_payer);
- assert!(expected_events.borrow().is_empty());