pub(crate) struct Snapshotter<L: Deref + Clone> where L::Target: Logger {
network_graph: Arc<NetworkGraph<L>>,
- logger: L
+ logger: L,
impl<L: Deref + Clone> Snapshotter<L> where L::Target: Logger {
log_info!(self.logger, "Initiating snapshotting service");
let snapshot_interval = config::snapshot_generation_interval() as u64;
- let snapshot_sync_factors = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 21, u64::MAX];
+ let mut snapshot_scopes = vec![];
+ { // double the coefficient until it reaches the maximum (limited) snapshot scope
+ let mut current_scope = snapshot_interval;
+ loop {
+ snapshot_scopes.push(current_scope);
+ if current_scope >= config::MAX_SNAPSHOT_SCOPE as u64 {
+ snapshot_scopes.push(u64::MAX);
+ break;
+ }
+ // double the current factor
+ current_scope <<= 1;
+ }
+ }
let pending_snapshot_directory = format!("{}/snapshots_pending", cache_path());
let pending_symlink_directory = format!("{}/symlinks_pending", cache_path());
// channel updates
// purge and recreate the pending directories
- if fs::metadata(&pending_snapshot_directory).is_ok(){
+ if fs::metadata(&pending_snapshot_directory).is_ok() {
fs::remove_dir_all(&pending_snapshot_directory).expect("Failed to remove pending snapshot directory.");
- if fs::metadata(&pending_symlink_directory).is_ok(){
+ if fs::metadata(&pending_symlink_directory).is_ok() {
fs::remove_dir_all(&pending_symlink_directory).expect("Failed to remove pending symlink directory.");
fs::create_dir_all(&pending_snapshot_directory).expect("Failed to create pending snapshot directory");
fs::create_dir_all(&pending_symlink_directory).expect("Failed to create pending symlink directory");
let mut snapshot_sync_timestamps: Vec<(u64, u64)> = Vec::new();
- for factor in &snapshot_sync_factors {
- // basically timestamp - day_seconds * factor
- let timestamp = reference_timestamp.saturating_sub(snapshot_interval.saturating_mul(factor.clone()));
- snapshot_sync_timestamps.push((factor.clone(), timestamp));
+ for current_scope in &snapshot_scopes {
+ let timestamp = reference_timestamp.saturating_sub(current_scope.clone());
+ snapshot_sync_timestamps.push((current_scope.clone(), timestamp));
- let mut snapshot_filenames_by_day_range: HashMap<u64, String> = HashMap::with_capacity(10);
+ let mut snapshot_filenames_by_scope: HashMap<u64, String> = HashMap::with_capacity(10);
- for (day_range, current_last_sync_timestamp) in &snapshot_sync_timestamps {
+ for (current_scope, current_last_sync_timestamp) in &snapshot_sync_timestamps {
let network_graph_clone = self.network_graph.clone();
- log_info!(self.logger, "Calculating {}-day snapshot", day_range);
+ log_info!(self.logger, "Calculating {}-second snapshot", current_scope);
// calculate the snapshot
let snapshot = super::serialize_delta(network_graph_clone, current_last_sync_timestamp.clone() as u32, self.logger.clone()).await;
// persist the snapshot and update the symlink
- let snapshot_filename = format!("snapshot__calculated-at:{}__range:{}-days__previous-sync:{}.lngossip", reference_timestamp, day_range, current_last_sync_timestamp);
+ let snapshot_filename = format!("snapshot__calculated-at:{}__range:{}-scope__previous-sync:{}.lngossip", reference_timestamp, current_scope, current_last_sync_timestamp);
let snapshot_path = format!("{}/{}", pending_snapshot_directory, snapshot_filename);
- log_info!(self.logger, "Persisting {}-day snapshot: {} ({} messages, {} announcements, {} updates ({} full, {} incremental))", day_range, snapshot_filename, snapshot.message_count, snapshot.announcement_count, snapshot.update_count, snapshot.update_count_full, snapshot.update_count_incremental);
+ log_info!(self.logger, "Persisting {}-second snapshot: {} ({} messages, {} announcements, {} updates ({} full, {} incremental))", current_scope, snapshot_filename, snapshot.message_count, snapshot.announcement_count, snapshot.update_count, snapshot.update_count_full, snapshot.update_count_incremental);
- snapshot_filenames_by_day_range.insert(day_range.clone(), snapshot_filename);
+ snapshot_filenames_by_scope.insert(current_scope.clone(), snapshot_filename);
// let's create non-dummy-symlinks
// first, determine which snapshot range should be referenced
- let referenced_day_range = if i == 0 {
+ let referenced_scope = if i == 0 {
// special-case 0 to always refer to a full/initial sync
} else {
- // find min(x) in snapshot_sync_day_factors where x >= i
- snapshot_sync_factors.iter().find(|x| {
- snapshot_interval.saturating_mul(**x) >= i * config::SYMLINK_GRANULARITY_INTERVAL as u64
+ // find min(x) in snapshot_scopes where i * granularity <= x (the current scope)
+ snapshot_scopes.iter().find(|current_scope| {
+ i * config::SYMLINK_GRANULARITY_INTERVAL as u64 <= **current_scope
- log_info!(self.logger, "i: {}, referenced day range: {}", i, referenced_day_range);
+ log_info!(self.logger, "i: {}, referenced scope: {}", i, referenced_scope);
- let snapshot_filename = snapshot_filenames_by_day_range.get(&referenced_day_range).unwrap();
+ let snapshot_filename = snapshot_filenames_by_scope.get(&referenced_scope).unwrap();
let relative_snapshot_path = format!("{}/{}", relative_symlink_to_snapshot_path, snapshot_filename);
let canonical_last_sync_timestamp = if i == 0 {
let symlink_path = format!("{}/{}.bin", pending_symlink_directory, canonical_last_sync_timestamp);
- log_info!(self.logger, "Symlinking: {} -> {} ({} -> {}", i, referenced_day_range, symlink_path, relative_snapshot_path);
+ log_info!(self.logger, "Symlinking: {} -> {} ({} -> {}", i, referenced_scope, symlink_path, relative_snapshot_path);
symlink(&relative_snapshot_path, &symlink_path).unwrap();
let update_time = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap().as_secs();
fs::write(&update_time_path, format!("{}", update_time)).unwrap();
- if fs::metadata(&finalized_snapshot_directory).is_ok(){
+ if fs::metadata(&finalized_snapshot_directory).is_ok() {
fs::remove_dir_all(&finalized_snapshot_directory).expect("Failed to remove finalized snapshot directory.");
- if fs::metadata(&finalized_symlink_directory).is_ok(){
+ if fs::metadata(&finalized_symlink_directory).is_ok() {
fs::remove_dir_all(&finalized_symlink_directory).expect("Failed to remove pending symlink directory.");
fs::rename(&pending_snapshot_directory, &finalized_snapshot_directory).expect("Failed to finalize snapshot directory.");
// symlinks will be generated. That should be ok, because any timestamps previously
// returned would already have generated symlinks, but this does have bug potential
let remainder = current_time % snapshot_interval;
- let time_until_next_day = snapshot_interval - remainder;
+ let time_until_next_generation = snapshot_interval - remainder;
- log_info!(self.logger, "Sleeping until next snapshot capture: {}s", time_until_next_day);
+ log_info!(self.logger, "Sleeping until next snapshot capture: {}s", time_until_next_generation);
// add in an extra five seconds to assure the rounding down works correctly
- let sleep = tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(time_until_next_day + 5));
+ let sleep = tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(time_until_next_generation + 5));