htlc_outputs: Vec<(HTLCOutputInCommitment, Option<(Signature, Signature)>, Option<HTLCSource>)>,
enum InputDescriptors {
mod tests {
- use bitcoin::blockdata::script::Script;
- use bitcoin::blockdata::transaction::Transaction;
+ use bitcoin::blockdata::script::{Script, Builder};
+ use bitcoin::blockdata::opcodes;
+ use bitcoin::blockdata::transaction::{Transaction, TxIn, TxOut, SigHashType};
+ use bitcoin::blockdata::transaction::OutPoint as BitcoinOutPoint;
+ use bitcoin::util::bip143;
use bitcoin_hashes::Hash;
use bitcoin_hashes::sha256::Hash as Sha256;
+ use bitcoin_hashes::sha256d::Hash as Sha256dHash;
+ use bitcoin_hashes::hex::FromHex;
use hex;
use ln::channelmanager::{PaymentPreimage, PaymentHash};
- use ln::channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor;
+ use ln::channelmonitor::{ChannelMonitor, InputDescriptors};
+ use ln::chan_utils;
use ln::chan_utils::{HTLCOutputInCommitment, TxCreationKeys};
use util::test_utils::TestLogger;
use secp256k1::key::{SecretKey,PublicKey};
test_preimages_exist!(&preimages[0..5], monitor);
+ #[test]
+ fn test_claim_txn_weight_computation() {
+ // We test Claim txn weight, knowing that we want expected weigth and
+ // not actual case to avoid sigs and time-lock delays hell variances.
+ let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
+ let privkey = SecretKey::from_slice(&hex::decode("0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101").unwrap()[..]).unwrap();
+ let pubkey = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &privkey);
+ let mut sum_actual_sigs: u64 = 0;
+ macro_rules! sign_input {
+ ($sighash_parts: expr, $input: expr, $idx: expr, $amount: expr, $input_type: expr, $sum_actual_sigs: expr) => {
+ let htlc = HTLCOutputInCommitment {
+ offered: if *$input_type == InputDescriptors::RevokedOfferedHTLC || *$input_type == InputDescriptors::OfferedHTLC { true } else { false },
+ amount_msat: 0,
+ cltv_expiry: 2 << 16,
+ payment_hash: PaymentHash([1; 32]),
+ transaction_output_index: Some($idx),
+ };
+ let redeem_script = if *$input_type == InputDescriptors::RevokedOutput { chan_utils::get_revokeable_redeemscript(&pubkey, 256, &pubkey) } else { chan_utils::get_htlc_redeemscript_with_explicit_keys(&htlc, &pubkey, &pubkey, &pubkey) };
+ let sighash = hash_to_message!(&$sighash_parts.sighash_all(&$input, &redeem_script, $amount)[..]);
+ let sig = secp_ctx.sign(&sighash, &privkey);
+ $input.witness.push(sig.serialize_der().to_vec());
+ $input.witness[0].push(SigHashType::All as u8);
+ sum_actual_sigs += $input.witness[0].len() as u64;
+ if *$input_type == InputDescriptors::RevokedOutput {
+ $input.witness.push(vec!(1));
+ } else if *$input_type == InputDescriptors::RevokedOfferedHTLC || *$input_type == InputDescriptors::RevokedReceivedHTLC {
+ $input.witness.push(pubkey.clone().serialize().to_vec());
+ } else if *$input_type == InputDescriptors::ReceivedHTLC {
+ $input.witness.push(vec![0]);
+ } else {
+ $input.witness.push(PaymentPreimage([1; 32]).0.to_vec());
+ }
+ $input.witness.push(redeem_script.into_bytes());
+ println!("witness[0] {}", $input.witness[0].len());
+ println!("witness[1] {}", $input.witness[1].len());
+ println!("witness[2] {}", $input.witness[2].len());
+ }
+ }
+ let script_pubkey = Builder::new().push_opcode(opcodes::all::OP_RETURN).into_script();
+ let txid = Sha256dHash::from_hex("56944c5d3f98413ef45cf54545538103cc9f298e0575820ad3591376e2e0f65d").unwrap();
+ // Justice tx with 1 to_local, 2 revoked offered HTLCs, 1 revoked received HTLCs
+ let mut claim_tx = Transaction { version: 0, lock_time: 0, input: Vec::new(), output: Vec::new() };
+ for i in 0..4 {
+ claim_tx.input.push(TxIn {
+ previous_output: BitcoinOutPoint {
+ txid,
+ vout: i,
+ },
+ script_sig: Script::new(),
+ sequence: 0xfffffffd,
+ witness: Vec::new(),
+ });
+ }
+ claim_tx.output.push(TxOut {
+ script_pubkey: script_pubkey.clone(),
+ value: 0,
+ });
+ let base_weight = claim_tx.get_weight();
+ let sighash_parts = bip143::SighashComponents::new(&claim_tx);
+ let inputs_des = vec![InputDescriptors::RevokedOutput, InputDescriptors::RevokedOfferedHTLC, InputDescriptors::RevokedOfferedHTLC, InputDescriptors::RevokedReceivedHTLC];
+ for (idx, inp) in claim_tx.input.iter_mut().zip(inputs_des.iter()).enumerate() {
+ sign_input!(sighash_parts, inp.0, idx as u32, 0, inp.1, sum_actual_sigs);
+ }
+ assert_eq!(base_weight + ChannelMonitor::get_witnesses_weight(&inputs_des), claim_tx.get_weight() + /* max_length_sig */ (73 * inputs_des.len() as u64 - sum_actual_sigs));
+ // Claim tx with 1 offered HTLCs, 3 received HTLCs
+ claim_tx.input.clear();
+ sum_actual_sigs = 0;
+ for i in 0..4 {
+ claim_tx.input.push(TxIn {
+ previous_output: BitcoinOutPoint {
+ txid,
+ vout: i,
+ },
+ script_sig: Script::new(),
+ sequence: 0xfffffffd,
+ witness: Vec::new(),
+ });
+ }
+ let base_weight = claim_tx.get_weight();
+ let sighash_parts = bip143::SighashComponents::new(&claim_tx);
+ let inputs_des = vec![InputDescriptors::OfferedHTLC, InputDescriptors::ReceivedHTLC, InputDescriptors::ReceivedHTLC, InputDescriptors::ReceivedHTLC];
+ for (idx, inp) in claim_tx.input.iter_mut().zip(inputs_des.iter()).enumerate() {
+ sign_input!(sighash_parts, inp.0, idx as u32, 0, inp.1, sum_actual_sigs);
+ }
+ assert_eq!(base_weight + ChannelMonitor::get_witnesses_weight(&inputs_des), claim_tx.get_weight() + /* max_length_sig */ (73 * inputs_des.len() as u64 - sum_actual_sigs));
+ // Justice tx with 1 revoked HTLC-Success tx output
+ claim_tx.input.clear();
+ sum_actual_sigs = 0;
+ claim_tx.input.push(TxIn {
+ previous_output: BitcoinOutPoint {
+ txid,
+ vout: 0,
+ },
+ script_sig: Script::new(),
+ sequence: 0xfffffffd,
+ witness: Vec::new(),
+ });
+ let base_weight = claim_tx.get_weight();
+ let sighash_parts = bip143::SighashComponents::new(&claim_tx);
+ let inputs_des = vec![InputDescriptors::RevokedOutput];
+ for (idx, inp) in claim_tx.input.iter_mut().zip(inputs_des.iter()).enumerate() {
+ sign_input!(sighash_parts, inp.0, idx as u32, 0, inp.1, sum_actual_sigs);
+ }
+ assert_eq!(base_weight + ChannelMonitor::get_witnesses_weight(&inputs_des), claim_tx.get_weight() + /* max_length_isg */ (73 * inputs_des.len() as u64 - sum_actual_sigs));
+ }
// Further testing is done in the ChannelManager integration tests.