- println!("Obtaining channel announcements whose first channel updates had not been seen yet");
+ println!("Annotating channel announcements whose oldest channel update in a given direction occurred after the last sync");
+ /// Steps:
+ /// — Obtain all updates, distinct by (scid, direction), ordered by seen DESC // to find the oldest update in a given direction
+ /// — From those updates, select distinct by (scid), ordered by seen DESC (to obtain the newer one per direction)
+ /// This will allow us to mark the first time updates in both directions were seen
// here is where the channels whose first update in either direction occurred after
// `last_seen_timestamp` are added to the selection
- let unannounced_rows = client.query("SELECT blob_signed, seen FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ON (short_channel_id) short_channel_id, blob_signed, seen FROM channel_updates ORDER BY short_channel_id ASC, seen ASC) AS first_seens WHERE first_seens.seen >= $1", &[&last_sync_timestamp_object]).await.unwrap();
- for current_row in unannounced_rows {
+ let newer_oldest_directional_updates = client.query("
+ SELECT DISTINCT ON (short_channel_id) *
+ FROM (
+ SELECT DISTINCT ON (short_channel_id, direction) blob_signed
+ FROM channel_updates
+ WHERE short_channel_id = any($1)
+ ORDER BY seen ASC, short_channel_id ASC, direction ASC
+ ) AS directional_last_seens
+ ORDER BY short_channel_id ASC, seen DESC
+ ", &[&channel_ids]).await.unwrap();
+ for current_row in newer_oldest_directional_updates {
let blob: Vec<u8> = current_row.get("blob_signed");
let mut readable = Cursor::new(blob);
let unsigned_update = ChannelUpdate::read(&mut readable).unwrap().contents;
let current_seen_timestamp_object: SystemTime = current_row.get("seen");
let current_seen_timestamp: u32 = current_seen_timestamp_object.duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap().as_secs() as u32;
- let current_channel_delta = delta_set.entry(scid).or_insert(ChannelDelta::default());
- (*current_channel_delta).first_update_seen = Some(current_seen_timestamp);
+ if (current_seen_timestamp > last_sync_timestamp) {
+ // the newer of the two oldest seen directional updates came after last sync timestamp
+ let current_channel_delta = delta_set.entry(scid).or_insert(ChannelDelta::default());
+ // first time a channel was seen in both directions
+ (*current_channel_delta).first_bidirectional_updates_seen = Some(current_seen_timestamp);
+ }